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Ragnablok Announcement


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They are small, as all of us once were...so we are there to help. Please welcome Ascentius to aqua and to Ragnablok!




In the interest of friendship, protection, and guidance the undersigned alliances agree to the following Protectorate-ODAP agreement. May our friendship continue to flourish, and our growth be mutual.

Article I: Sovereignty

It must be understood that all alliances remain sovereign and independent alliances. This Pact shall not infringe on the sovereignty of the signatories and shall serve to only embody the friendship and trust amongst the signatory alliances.

Article II: Peace, Respect, and Friendship

Members of the signatory alliances agree to coexist in a state of peace. Alliance will under no circumstances engage in military actions against each other. Also, no signatory alliance shall engage in acts of espionage against the other alliances, nor shall they knowingly and willfully render aid and/or intelligence to known enemies of the other. All alliances will remain respectful towards each other at all times and any differences will be handled via private discussion. The membership of each signatory alliance commit to remaining civil towards each other at all times, particularly in public channels, but also in private.

III. Protection and Defense:

In the event that any signatory alliance is attacked, all signatory members are encouraged though not required to provide aid via military and financial means except for Ragnarok who assumes responsibility for the well-being of all of the undersigned members. An attack on any of the undersigned protectorates will be considered an attack on Ragnarok. Ragnarok will attempt to resolve such an issue on the behalf of the protectorates through diplomatic means before force is ever used.

IV. Optional Aggression

All signatories will have the option if they so desire to assist any other signatory with an offensive military action in any manner they see fit. No signatory will be required to assist any other signatory with an offensive military action, though it is encouraged to help in any way possible.

V. Aid and Progress:

Ragnarok will aid their protectorates when able to help them grow as alliances. Ragnarok also assumes the responsibility for the success and growth of their protectorates and will offer all the assistance and guidance that it can provide.

VI. War and Treaty Signing:

The undersigned protectorates agree to alert Ragnarok if they have decided to go on the offensive towards another alliance within 48 hours of doing so. The undersigned protectorates will never declare war on another alliance without first discussing it with Ragnarok leadership. The undersigned protectorates will also contact Ragnarok before signing any treaties with other alliances and will discuss such decisions with them.

VII. Merging and Disbandment:

In the sad event that any of the protectorates decides they can no longer function as an alliance, the undersigned agree to contact Ragnarok leadership. If possible disbandment is an option, the undersigned agree to contact Ragnarok within 24 hours to discuss other options. Ragnarok agrees to do everything they can to help their protectorates avoid such a fate.

IX. Termination of Membership:

The undersigned alliances may leave at any time, but in doing so it is understood that it will also void all terms and obligations of this pact. Such a cancellation requires a 48 hour cancellation period after notification before the articles contained within are void. All signatories agree to strict non-aggression during this cancellation period. Ragnarok may expel a member for violation of both the spirit and letter of this pact. Should any protectorate feel they have outgrown the need for protection and assistance from Ragnarok, the parties will discuss a possible upgrade.

Signed for Ragnarok,

Van Hoo III, Emperor of Ragnarok

Tautology, Regent

Wombaticus, Vice-Regent

Jekalle, High Chancellor

Kinzer, Vice Chancellor

Rampage3, Consul

Signed for Ascentius,

Nexvius, Premier of Ascentius

KingIsaac, Chief of Staff

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I think this is the second time that certain parties have bamboozled Rok. They sure know how to pick em.

Good luck to what remains of Ascentius.

Nein. that wouldve been CSN who got egg on our face for trying to protect someone who turned out to be a banned member.

So now i guess its RIA's turn to protect someone whos banned? lol

Also, hoo..its past Christmas..time for a new sig

Edited by wickedj
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Nein. that wouldve been CSN who got egg on our face for trying to protect someone who turned out to be a banned member.

So now i guess its RIA's turn to protect someone whos banned? lol

Also, hoo..its past Christmas..time for a new sig

and before that it was R&R.

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Schatt, you need a hobby bud..one that doesnt involve the Wikia lol

It's all very interesting, you know. Maybe she's a TPF agent trying her damnedest to fulfill her pledge to create a sleeper cell protectorate.

Edited by Schattenmann
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