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The Gobi Insurgency


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Madurastan National News

A left wing revolutionary group calling themselves "The Liberation Army of Madurastan (TLAM) have seized control of the Ömnögovi province in Southern Madurastan. The province is rich in mineral deposits, including gold and copper which will be useful to the group.

Early estimates show that around 20,000 members may be under arms but the size and strength of their equipment remains unknown.

11:00 hours

As The Liberation Army of Madurastan (TLAM) rolled into the Ömnögovi province's administrative capital Dalanzadgrad, the governor Garry Francis and his staff fled to Ashland on his private jet, taking off just as TLAM forces overran Dalanzadgad Airport.

The Madurastan Army garrison numbering just five hundred had pulled back out of its base near Dalanzadgrad and regrouped on the admistrative border.

The TLAM held all thirteen districts of the Ömnögovi province. The Ömnögovi province's Madurastan Army garrison held positions on the northern border of the Mandal-Ovoo district.


The Gobi Insurgency had begun.

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With The Liberation Army of Madurastan forces now firmly established in Dalanzadgad, the occupation began. Shops and businesses were attacked by TLAM rebels demanding money and goods. Meanwhile arrests of local government members began in ernest. Fourty three local politicans were rounded up and locked in Dalanzadgrad prison as left wing prisoners were released and joined their ranks. Compulsory conscription of all males aged between eighteen and fourty was enforced.

TLAM's leader Cheu Garnas went on local television:


"The people of Ömnögovi province have been liberated by The Liberation Army of Madurastan from capitalist oppression. We will spread our revolution all over Madurastan until the whole country is in our grasp. This is our ultimate destiny and we will make it happen. We will not tire, we will not falter and we will not fail."

The following laws were brought in:

- All Madurastan government material was banned

- All women are to be assigned to agricultural work

- All men not required to serve in the TLAM militia battalions have to work in the gold and copper mines

- Food will be strictly rationed

- Thieves will be punished by death

- All political activists must submit themselves for questioning

- All government personnel must give themselves in immediately or their families will be kidnapped.

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"If the legal government of Madurastan need any help to fight the insurgents, PRC is definitely willing to help. These men are scum of society."

"We would like to ask the PRC what they would bring to help us defeat The Liberation Army of Madurastan."


Mandel-Ovoo District

20 miles south of the northern border of the district

10:00 hours

The attack began with 21st Air Assault Division beginning air drops. Their target was a strategic poistion where a base could be set up. The assault took TLAM forces in the area by surprise forcing them southwards. At the same time, 6th Division began its advance southwards from positions on the district border.

By 14:00 hours the linkup was complete and engineers began to create a runway where aircraft could bring in the equipment needed to construct the base. TLAM counterattacks persisted but were broken up by artillery and Mil Mi-24D (Hind D) Attack Helicopters.

By the following morning, the main base structures was complete. More buildings would be added as the base got larger. The way was ready for the Cochin forces.

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Bang Po, Capitol of Guangxi

Lt. Colonel Sichuan opens the orders in front of him and frowns. He reads them and mutters, "Crazy foreign schemers," as he collects his personal equipment and prepares to depart.


From: Feng Ficai, Head of State, Guangxi


As neighbors in Asia it behooves me to offer you what support we can muster. We are not a rich or prosperous nation, but we do believe in assisting where we can. To assist my nation wishes to send a full Medical Team and Guards to assist the civilian population of your nation. The Medical Team, to be known as the Guangxi Medical Expeditionary Force will consist of several doctors, nurses, and other specialists with their own equipment. We'll also be sending along a full company of our National Police Officers to provide security for the detachment.

The National Police Company will be armed with rifles, pistols, and body armor. They will only open fire unless they are threatened or a civilian is threatened with lethal force by a member of the rebel faction or a criminal element.

Our team is waiting at the Bang Po International Airport for your permission to depart, and we await your answer.

-Feng Ficai

OOC: In case my ban appeal gets tossed feel free to NPC the medical detachment and add it to your own ranks.

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The Third Airborne Division's first units on scene is the Headquarters Battalion which arrived at the base in 3 Metac planes. After unloading the equipments the Brigadier General commanding the Division spoke to the senior Madurastan officer, "Brig. Gen. Swaraj Pratap reporting. We shall set up our communications area here. We have also brought 3 S-RECO UAVs which we are planning to use on a 12 hour shift basis. Our technicians would be bringing an down link to you. We shall show you everything we have. My soldiers are driving down here as we speak."

As the headquarters HQ Btn was setting up the shop. The 46,350 strong regiment with nearly 10,000 combat soldiers is driving over land in a convoy of 40 BMP3s, 35 BRDMs, 800 Axe jeeps, and 1000 Tatra trucks. This convoy is preceded by an aerial armada of 75 Piranha Attack Helicopters, 120 Blackhawk, 30 MH53 and 60 Bell 212 assault helicopters, 3 Metac Support aircrafts and 5 Metac Aerial Artillery Platforms. This fleet of aircrafts are swiftly flying towards the secured base and would soon establish a strong Cochin presence to support Madurastan's operations. The first to reach would be the attack helicopters and next the assault helicopters with engineering personnel to set up the infrastructure. These units would be able to operate independently until the convoy arrived however their ammunition resupplies would all be coming via the trucks.

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"We accept your offer of help. We hope to s."ee your forces soon.


To: Feng Ficai, Head of State, Guangxi


"Permission granted. We hope to see them soon."

OOC: Fair enough.-


"The commander of Madurastan forces Major General Richard Winters was waiting. "Welcome to Camp Juliet. I am glad that we have your assistance. The equipment you bring will be vital to the coming campaign. We have reports that The Liberation Army of Madurastan has quantities of heavy equipment but mostly have just infantry weaponry. The soldiers are lightly trained but very determined. They will probally fight for every inch of ground. I am supposed to recieve some Madurastan Special Operations Command units soon for specialist operations. They will arrive at oh eight hundred hours tomorrow."

South of Camp Juliet

16:00 hours

The Liberation Army of Madurastan began to reinforce the areas south of Camp Juliet. Improvised explosive devices were installed and positions where RPG teams would wait to ambush convoys. Infiltration teams crept forward to positions close to the Madurastan Army forward positions and began to assault them.

The Madurastan Army positions fought back, causing heavy casualties. The first Madurastan casualty of the war occured at 17:34 hours when a TLAM SG-43 Goryunov medium machine gun killed a soldier of the 6th Division.

His comrades called in support. "This is Alpha Two requesting gunship support."

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"Yes, this sort of combat environment could very well use some Special Forces support. We are here 100 % for you, Sir. We would be establishing a logistics line back to the Kingdom, possibly through an unaffected section of the Inter Asian Railway, and for that we need to do some sanitizing operations, to clear out these rebels. We can do that and support your ops as well, Sir. As I understand this strip is very recently secured, is it no...." It was then that Brig. Gen. Pratap heard the sounds of the fire fight to the south of the camp.

"And like that it starts."

Brig. Gen. Pratap immediately keyed in his helmet wireless and said, "HQ Btn, launch one S-RECO immediately, we need TACINT right now. Also get a downlink over here RIGHT NOW. Also what is the status on the 1st Attack Brigade? Hmm. Ok"

It was then that he heard Maj. Gen. Winters' request for helicopter gunships. So he said, "General, let our boys handle it. I dont know where your attack birds are, but my 1st Attack Brigade is just 5 clicks away bearing towards here. They have the ammo and they can take care of this issue right now."

"Tiger Six, this is Den Six. There is an attack going on towards the South of Camp Juliet. Expect heavy resistance. Smoke them out boys. Smoke them out."

"Den Six, this is Tiger Six. Reading you loud and clear . Out."

The Colonel commanding the 1st Attack Brigade of 25 LCH Piranha stealth attack helicopters informed his fellow aviators and the flotilla of 25 helicopters started nap of the earth flying. The twilight was playing havoc with the optical systems, but the enhanced thermal imagery cameras above the rotor dome detected the blooms caused by the firing of machine guns in the tree lines about 3 kms away.

"Tiger team, this is Tiger Lead. Enemy is in the tree line firing towards the camp, friendlies are firing towards the trees. Tiger Delta, loop westwards and support the friendly units, Tiger Bravo, head straight to HQ Bn, for possible support, Tiger Charlie loop eastwards and attack the enemies from their left flank, Tiger Echo shall support me in attacking them directly from South. Watch out, we dont want any friendly fires. Tiger team, you are weapons free."

The Piranhas are currently armed with swivel mounted 12.56 mm gatling cannon at the nose, 2 pods of 8, 16inch free flight rockets. They have thermally suppressed engines, non directionally acoustic blades and for passive purposes a high intensive flash light capable of temporarily incapacitating any person through sensory over load.

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Guangxi Medical Expeditionary Force

Lt. Colonel Sichuan nods his head at the pilot and says, "Radio ahead asking for permission to enter their airspace, I don't want them blowing us out of the sky."

"Yes sir," replies the pilot as he brings up the proper air control frequency and says, "This is Oscar Meyer 2 with the Guangxi Medical Expeditionary Force on an inbound flight to Madurastan, we request to enter your airspace and a bearing towards the landing strip of your designation, copy."

The Lt. Colonel nods as he walks back into the chartered aircraft and looks at the NPF Detachment. They are hard looking fit men who are experienced with keeping the peace and keeping people alive. In other words, perfect for protecting a mob of doctors and other medical staffers. He motions his hand to the Captain Po, son of Jiang Po, and says, "Have your men load their rifles, but keep their chambers empty. I want an visual inspection of every single rifle on this crate done before landing."

"Sir yes, sir," replies Captain Po.

Sichuan turns to Doctor Peng and says, "Have your team ready to depart the plane quickly. We'll unload our equipment once transportation to our site has been organized. Things were put together on the fly, so I don't expect we'll know exactly where we are deploying until we make contact with the Madurastan Authorities."

"We'll do our part," Doctor Peng says calmly.

"Good, I'm sure you will, just remember that the situation on the ground is probably going to be chaotic. Keep your people moving," Sichuan said very sternly as he walked back to the cockpit of the plane.

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The rebels began to take heavy fire which inflicted heavy casualties and forced them to fall back. They began firing RPGs in pairs at the Cochin LCH Piranha stealth attack helicopters. Meanwhile the fire on the Madurastan forces began to slacken off as the rebel soldiers reacted to the new threat.

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The rebels began to take heavy fire which inflicted heavy casualties and forced them to fall back. They began firing RPGs in pairs at the Cochin LCH Piranha stealth attack helicopters. Meanwhile the fire on the Madurastan forces began to slacken off as the rebel soldiers reacted to the new threat.

The Piranhas gracefully pivoted in the air to avoid the haphazardly fired RPGs and then started herding the terrorists back towards the jungle. Tiger Delta in the forefront, with two Piranhas low and front and three remaining a distance away and higher started herding the terrorists. Tiger Charlie meanwhile fired its free flight rockets at the terrorists cutting off their escape to the left where the incendiary munitions made a roaring blazing hell. Tiger Alpha and Tiger Echo were still undetected and soon the Colonel flying the lead aircraft in Tiger Alpha had the retreating terrorists clearly in his thermal sights.

"Tiger Delta, Tiger Charlie, ease up on the 16 inchers, the blaze is playing hell with my thermal sights. Cannons only. NOW."

The Colonel's head swiveled from left to right gazing at each terrorist and the nose mounted machine gun followed the direction of his gaze. The keying of the gun trigger burst forth a stream of alternate tracer bullets that lanced through the terrorist formation like laser. Within 30 seconds the last twitching body had gone still and as one the Brigade lifted off to their landing areas in Camp Juliet.

"Tiger team, this is Tiger Lead. How about we give our lovely general a musical surprise?"

"Hell yeah, Tiger Lead. Let us do it!" chimed in Tiger Charlie Lead.

The 20 attack helicopters flew in formation towards Camp Juliet in the fading twilight, their now exposed fog horns blaring out Wagner's Ride of the Valkyrie in full volume.

Hearing his favorite song blaring from south, Brig. Gen. Pratap keyed in his mike and said, "Always a show off, eh? Tiger Lead?"

"Well that is Marakkar Tigers for you, General!" The Colonel keyed off the mike laughing.

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Madurastan soldiers began securing the area that had been moments earlier swarming with TLAM rebels to gather intelligence and push out the security perimeter.

Meanwhile the "Ride of the Valkyries" song had become an instant hit at Camp Juliet. The song was now being requested on "Juliet Radio", a radio station which had been set up as entertainment for the soldiers in camp.

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The Tiger Brigade were soon joined by the Panther and Lion Brigades, the 2nd and 3rd Attack Brigades of Piranha helicopters, arriving much chagrined at missing the pre-emptive combat action. Soon the 4th, 5th and 6th Assault Brigades, aka the Wolf, Fox and Hyena Brigades each with 10 MH53s, 20 Blackhawks and 10 Bell 212s arrived. The 7th and 8th Combat Support Battalions comprised of 40 Blackhawks and the 9th Medevac Battalion comprised of 20 Blackhawks and 30 Bell 212s were next. Next to arrive are the 10th Aerial Support Squadron comprising 5 Metac AAPs and 3 Metac Support aircrafts. As soon as all the aircrafts had arrived, the land convoy drove in to the Camp. Their cross country speed run was thrilling, but these soldiers now wanted some combat action.

The soldiers started out setting up the tents and logistics dumps. The assault soldiers worked alongside the Madurastan soldiers in setting up a strong defensive perimeter around the base.

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The following orders were passed down to the Cochin forces:

Operation Fox

Search and Destroy Mission

Objective: To eliminate a TLAM position that is threatening Camp Juliet from the southwest.

Enemy Forces: Expected to be around a hundred to a hundred and fifty rebel soldiers. Intelligence suggests they are preparing for a renewed attack against Camp Juliet and is a priority target.

No time limit has been imposed.

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Guangxi Medical Expeditionary Force

The men of the GMEF dismount their chartered plane and proceed by truck to the front. They quickly find a nearby field to pitch their tents. Sentry positions are set up around the small tent city that erupts in the center of the pasture. A few irate cows are ran off to make way for foxholes, tents, latrines, and other basic facilities needed to provide a forward medical base.

Roving patrols are sent out to keep tabs on the surrounding countryside to ensure no surprises are met and to check on the health and welfare of the local citizens. For the most part other than being a bit frightened they seem to be in good health. Captain Po reports this to Lt. Colonel Sichuan who makes a note to forward the reports from the roving patrols to the local authorities to keep them advised.

Elsewhere Doctor Peng is busy directing his medical staff as they go about treating the sick, wounded, and injured civilians and soldiers that find their way to the GMEF's Medical Base. As it is located directly on the Main Route of Supply for the local military it isn't to difficult to spot from the road with its large Red Cross flag, hence making it a natural destination for anyone who is need of medical care.

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Guangxi Medical Expeditionary Force

The men of the GMEF dismount their chartered plane and proceed by truck to the front. They quickly find a nearby field to pitch their tents. Sentry positions are set up around the small tent city that erupts in the center of the pasture. A few irate cows are ran off to make way for foxholes, tents, latrines, and other basic facilities needed to provide a forward medical base.

Roving patrols are sent out to keep tabs on the surrounding countryside to ensure no surprises are met and to check on the health and welfare of the local citizens. For the most part other than being a bit frightened they seem to be in good health. Captain Po reports this to Lt. Colonel Sichuan who makes a note to forward the reports from the roving patrols to the local authorities to keep them advised.

Elsewhere Doctor Peng is busy directing his medical staff as they go about treating the sick, wounded, and injured civilians and soldiers that find their way to the GMEF's Medical Base. As it is located directly on the Main Route of Supply for the local military it isn't to difficult to spot from the road with its large Red Cross flag, hence making it a natural destination for anyone who is need of medical care.

Madurastan Army units from Camp Juliet arrived to help support the base. This would protect the workers from TLAM attacks and also supplement the medical supplies. It would also be designated a "Casualty Clearing Station" to ease pressure off Camp Juliet's medical facilities and provide a place where soldiers could be sent if they had non life threatening injuries. A runway was also constructed alongside the main road, with an "outer security perimeter" so the base was not threatened.

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The senior officers of the Third Airborne gathered around for the mission briefing of Operation Fox. Present here for the meeting are Brig. Gen. Swaraj Pratap, the Colonels commanding the Tiger, Panther and Lion Attack Brigades, the Colonels commanding the Wolf, Fox and Hyena Assault Brigades, the Lt. Colonels commanding 7th and 8th Combat Support Battalions, the Lt. Colonel commanding the Medevac Battalion, the Lt. Colonel commanding the Aerial Support Battalion, the Division Logistics Officer (Colonel), Division Intelligence Officer (Colonel) and Division Operations Officer (Colonel) - A total of 15 senior officers who would be assigned various tasks.

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The Madurastan personnel at the briefing was Major General Richard Winters and his staff. Major General Richard Winters began the briefing.

"Gentleman, this is the first major combat operation of the campaign and i have decided to give this to you. Its a search and destroy mission against TLAM forces operating a forward base of operations close to Operation Juliet.

Your task is to search for the basecamp and destroy it. Intelligence has found that civlians are in proimity to the camp. It would be desirable for some prisoners to be taken so if possible take some alive, but it is not a concern if none are taken.

Target Co-Ordinates are:


104° 5'13.67"E

They may call for reinforcements from the District Capital Mandel-Ovoo so expect more forces to come running towards you so you may need to take out any TLAM counterattacks.

The Madurastan Army will advance down the main road towards Mandel-Ovoo to capture the city and cut the TLAM retreat. This will also strike a massive blow to TLAM forces in the area and hopefully gain space for a camp to be built near Mandel-Ovoo to be used as a forward operating base with Camp Juliet becoming a large supply base.

Anything else to add Brig. Gen. Pratap?"

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"Okay Gentlemen, this is the imagery of the area as ascertained by S-RECO. The bird afloat is not configured for thermal imagery so we do not have an accurate count on the enemy strength available. Now as you can see the enemy position is in a sort of valley. From the last firefight the enemy might already know about our presence at Camp Juliet. There might be sentries keeping watch north up the valley as that is the most direct route from Camp Juliet to the target. Also remember there are civilians around, so maintain excellent trigger discipline, those titanium armors can handle some abuse men."

"Now our attack would most likely be the precursor to the Madurastan attack on Mandal Ovoo. So we need to maintain tactical surprise. The terrain is dusty savanna, any ground approach would be seen from miles up in the sky. Since it is flat country in the valley, rotor sounds would carry far too. So what we need to do is gain maximum advantage, we strike at night between 2 AM and 3 AM. Now DOO has come up with an attack plan that goes like this."

"Fox Brigade would be the principal assault force in this mission. They would fly from here due South West till they reach the mountain range. From there they would head South keeping to the west of the mountains - nap of the earth flying. 12 km due East of the target the mountains end and there Fox would pivot towards the assault site. This would be at 0230. That is when the diversion would have to be created as there is a chance enemy could get unnecessarily alerted."

" 44°48'42.72"N , 104° 4'9.16"E is a nice flat ground about 3 km north of the target. At 0215 a Metac from the 10th Battalion would paradrop a BMP3 towards that coordinate. This would be again a Fox Brigade job. The purpose of the BMP3 is not to engage the enemy decisively, but to be the bait for the deception. The drop having completed, the Metac would have to make a rapid detour West to further deceive opposition for the next part. "

"Now the enemy having been alerted and looking North, Fox Brigade would strike hard at the enemy camp. Air Supported Ground Assault plan. Drop our guys in and then provide cover fire. A Metac AAP would also be arriving from due West to provide wide area support and to suppress any heavy weapons. The action needs to be fast and since we do need prisoners every assault soldier must be carrying incapacitating charge launchers underslung their assault rifle barrels. Dont worry about reloading the incapacitators after firing. Clear the area thoroughly, place detonation charges and assemble the captives to the Eastern side of the camp. Fox Brigade's MH53 should be waiting there to carry the extra passengers. Another MH53 should loop north and pick up the BMP3 and return to base."

"Any questions?"

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Major General Richard Winters stood up.

"The start of the Madurastan offensive codenamed Operation Hound, will be timed to start as you begin extraction. This will take advantage of TLAM forces attention being not on the main road.

The newly arrived 10th Division will execute a general advance down the main road towards Mandel-Ovoo. As we pass predetermined points, Madurastan Air Force Ilyushin Il-76D Strategic Airlifters and Antonov An-124 Ruslan Strategic Heavy Airlift Transport Aircraft will drop supplies so we don't have to rely on supply columns. We can hope to reach the city in six to eight hours if we advance carefully. The 21st Assault Division will drop shortly after twelve hundred hours to secure the eastern approaches to Mandel-Ovoo and prevent any counterattacks by TLAM forces.

SS-1 Scuds will fire on the southern approaches to Mandel-Ovoo to induce panic among the TLAM soldiers forcing them to clear the immediate area. They will also be employed after the battle to act as a defensive screen until forces can be brought up and deployed in forward positions south of the city.

Does anyone have any questions?"

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Brig. Gen. Pratap looked over at his officer's faces to see whether there were any doubts, but there was only determination to see.

"I guess we are good to go, Gen. Winters. So we start operations tonight at 0000 and start roll out at 0130. Marakkar's Airborne would secure the objectives for you, Sir."

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