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Announcement from Dark Fist

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This is boring... NSO had the opportunity to back their rogues... I mean members... I mean rogues... Which is it now?? But they have disappointed me once again. Shame, and to think that I would have had fun this holiday....

Perhaps y'all should come up with a better acronym for NSO to better reflect y'alls true colors. This was the time to put up or shut up, and obviously nothing happened.

Edited by Hunterman1043
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This is boring... NSO had the opportunity to back their rogues... I mean members... I mean rogues... Which is it now?? But they have disappointed me once again. Shame, and to think that I would have had fun this holiday....

Perhaps y'all should come up with a better acronym for NSO to better reflect y'alls true colors. This was the time to put up or shut up, and obviously nothing happened.

I like how you tried to cast doubt on whether they are members or rogues when NSO has a clear stance on the issue. That's probably one of the most idiotic attempts at an argument I've seen in this thread yet. Maybe it's difficult for you to understand something as complex as the notion that the guy was once a member and now is a rogue?

Edited by Moridin
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This is boring... NSO had the opportunity to back their rogues... I mean members... I mean rogues... Which is it now?? But they have disappointed me once again. Shame, and to think that I would have had fun this holiday....

Perhaps y'all should come up with a better acronym for NSO to better reflect y'alls true colors. This was the time to put up or shut up, and obviously nothing happened.

Yes, because NSO started this thread, right?

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This is boring... NSO had the opportunity to back their rogues... I mean members... I mean rogues... Which is it now?? But they have disappointed me once again. Shame, and to think that I would have had fun this holiday....

Perhaps y'all should come up with a better acronym for NSO to better reflect y'alls true colors. This was the time to put up or shut up, and obviously nothing happened.

So next time a member of LoSS goes rogue, the alliance should back them or be considered cowards? Good to know ;)

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No, I just think that your attitude isn't really helping to solve this diplomatically.

The only reason it has not been resolved diplomatically is because you refuse to apologise for the unsubstantiated accusation you made against the NSO. My posting here was highlighting how silly your accusation sounds in the faint hope you might rethink things.

When it comes to diplomatic resolution the ball is in your court. Sadly you seem unable or unwilling to do anything to facilitate such a resolution.

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I like how you tried to cast doubt on whether they are members or rogues when NSO has clearly said they are rogues and never retracted it. That's probably one of the most idiotic attempts at an argument I've seen in this thread yet. Maybe it's difficult for you to understand something as complex as the notion that they were once members and now they are rogues?

I think you are not kept up to date. One of those nations is not a rogue, but was tricked by the other to declare war. NSO requested we peace out and we agreed. Long story short, only one of those raiders is a rogue.

The only reason it has not been resolved diplomatically is because you refuse to apologise for the unsubstantiated accusation you made against the NSO. My posting here was highlighting how silly your accusation sounds in the faint hope you might rethink things.

When it comes to diplomatic resolution the ball is in your court. Sadly you seem unable or unwilling to do anything to facilitate such a resolution.

I think we've already argued enough about this, you know our position. Coming to us demanding reparations and giving ultimatums is not an acceptable way to conduct politics in our opinion.

Edited by Starcraftmazter
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I think we've already argued enough about this, you know our position. Coming to us demanding reparations and giving ultimatums is not an acceptable way to conduct politics in our opinion.

No, but making unsubstantiated claims on a public forum clearly is an acceptable way to conduct politics, in your opinion.

Edited by Tygaland
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No, but making unsubstantiated claims on a public forum clearly is an acceptable way to conduct politics, in your opinion.

If you wish to interpret our actions as such, then it is well within your rights. Note however that in our announcement, we were clearly trying to have some fun, and were not threatening anyone. I believe it is better to conduct politics with laugher than threats and demands.

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I remember a time when we had laughs Tyga. ;) Remember the time when NPO rolled BDC? Fun times.

You've changed my old friend.

Actually I haven't. And I'm still laughing. ;)

If you had some sort of legitimate issue to raise then that is fine, but your silly post about members...rogues...members wasn't one of those.

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If you wish to interpret our actions as such, then it is well within your rights. Note however that in our announcement, we were clearly trying to have some fun, and were not threatening anyone. I believe it is better to conduct politics with laugher than threats and demands.

Yes, because accusing people of OOC acts is hilarious.

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...or was it BDC that rolled NPO? Which is it now??

Not the time or place to continue that statement. Find me on IRC if you wanna chat about '08 wars. Also, I remember getting dropped by NpO hours before getting steamrolled without an explaination, so my opinion of y'all went down the drain after that.

Anyway, back on topic.

Edited by Hunterman1043
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Yes, because accusing people of OOC acts is hilarious.

Our accusation of a specific individual was quite serious, but clearly we do not take the attack to be an offense which warrants any (military) action, because in general we are against using OOC events as reasons to attack someone.

I genuinely believe the announcement was funny, and many people told me it was as well. I'm sorry we don't see eye to eye on this, but frankly this is expected. I hope that you can get over it.

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If you wish to interpret our actions as such, then it is well within your rights. Note however that in our announcement, we were clearly trying to have some fun, and were not threatening anyone. I believe it is better to conduct politics with laugher than threats and demands.

as can be seen from all the posts, it was not that clear. you made baseless accusations, used the NSO-CSN incident to call out NSO, then stated you wanted NSO destroyed, later in the thread though you stated that you and DF did not have the balls to attempt NSO's destruction.

that is what i got, so maybe if you were trying to have fun, you should attempt to use something humorous instead of the crap you posted. so you may want to rethink posting such announcements on the forums if they are supposed to be funny cuz the only thing getting laughed at in this thread is you and DF. and that is at you, not with you.

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Our accusation of a specific individual was quite serious, but clearly we do not take the attack to be an offense which warrants any (military) action, because in general we are against using OOC events as reasons to attack someone.

I genuinely believe the announcement was funny, and many people told me it was as well. I'm sorry we don't see eye to eye on this, but frankly this is expected. I hope that you can get over it.

And that little bit about you having no proof to support your allegations. You keep leaving that bit out. I think most people laughed at your post rather than with it.

I have something to get over?

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Our accusation of a specific individual was quite serious, but clearly we do not take the attack to be an offense which warrants any (military) action, because in general we are against using OOC events as reasons to attack someone.

I genuinely believe the announcement was funny, and many people told me it was as well. I'm sorry we don't see eye to eye on this, but frankly this is expected. I hope that you can get over it.

You weren't just accusing an individual, you accused the entire alliance, because you realized you had absolutely no evidence to support your outlandish claims, so you broadened the scope of your accusations to include the entire alliance because by gosh, if it wasn't youwish it had better be somebody you can look cool calling out.

Of course we can't *prove* it was NSO[...] we - the Dark Fist, are none too pleased with youwish or whoever else it was from the New Sith Order, who requested on a popular imageboard, and bumped the topic with pornography, asking that porn and gore be spammed on our forums.

I'm laughing already.

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And that little bit about you having no proof to support your allegations. You keep leaving that bit out. I think most people laughed at your post rather than with it.

I have no problem of people making fun of it, I am happy that I bring them laughter. What I don't understand is the necessity to escalate the situation if those people do indeed find it funny.

I am not leaving that out, I stated clearly in the OP that we cannot prove it. Just because we have no conclusive proof, does not mean that we should not post about something which we believe is a certainty. You may think otherwise, and that's okey - but I hardly think our difference of opinion warrants a conflict. It is hard to explain our view on the situation and why we strongly suspect the named individual, but we did our best. I knew there would be skepticism, and honestly, because we are not really doing anything about it - I don't think it matters, as I believe we had enough evidence to at least bring it to the attention of others. I was hoping that people would read the announcement and make up their own minds. I don't hold it against anyone if they disagree.

I have something to get over?

When we were talking earlier, it certainly seemed like it.

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