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Music For the Royal Fireworks

Sarah Tintagyl

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The kiss was... perfect. And perfect was not a word David used very often. He'd kissed his fair share of girls before, of course, but nothing had ever felt this way to him. It was better than he imagined it would be or could be. And what a time and place. Here, at a royal ball, Hannah looking stunning and him in his dress grays. It was... perfect.

And yet underneath this joy was an undercut of worry. Not just for the current situation, for David was sure he'd just jumped to the top of some crazed maniac's hit list who wanted the Queen for himself, but for the situation back home. The full impact of what Dobbs had said hadn't hit him yet, and when he looked down at Hannah's face again, he couldn't help but smile.

"If you thought they were staring before, they are really staring now." He whispered to her. "But I like it." He slid his head to the side and kissed her again, letting the music continue to weave them through the crowd.

Slowly after everything had passed, Hannah knew the night was beginning to die down. After having being pledged to by her Marchar warriors as well as finding a few more familiar faces, she returned to the familiar face that she knew best as he waited over by the bar. Many of the aristocrats had retired for the evening and she knew that she was planning on retiring soon as well. Walking back over to the bar, she laid a hand on David's should and sat down on the empty chair next to him. Without saying a word she looked into his eyes and smiled, her pale skin rouged with blush and make up that faded gently onto her white teeth.

"David, I just want to tell you. I appreciate you coming tonight." She laid a hand on his cheek. "Sometimes I wish the first time I met you I would have punched you across the face, but I guess it doesn't come to that anymore. But I wanted to tell you, I'm probably going to retire soon, so if I don't see you at all the rest of tonight. I wanted to tell you, sweet dreams." She kissed him lightly on the lips again and withdrew with a beaming smile. "I'll see you soon, all right." The Queen said as she got up from the chair and walked back into the ballroom, as she did, having quick glances back to where David was sitting. Smiling, blushing and then kept walking.

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Catherine Reznov didn't want to dance, rather she stayed one corner of the ballroom with her hands tied, watching as other people dance the night away, it wasn't as if she couldn't dance, but that she did not want to. She saw two people discussing something from across the room (Sammyace and Kat) and she also saw the guest of honor and the Queen.

Catherine believed the night went by well, looking up to the sky she saw the clear night sky.

"It feels good to be back in Brisbane." She said to herself.

OOC: I need someone to talk to.... :P

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Catherine Reznov didn't want to dance, rather she stayed one corner of the ballroom with her hands tied, watching as other people dance the night away, it wasn't as if she couldn't dance, but that she did not want to. She saw two people discussing something from across the room (Sammyace and Kat) and she also saw the guest of honor and the Queen.

Catherine believed the night went by well, looking up to the sky she saw the clear night sky.

"It feels good to be back in Brisbane." She said to herself.

OOC: I need someone to talk to.... :P

Daniel Jackson was currently working on his second glass of wine. He scanned the ballroom--a few familiar faces, but the vast majority were ones he didn't know. Though he thought he recognized one woman vaguely--knowing her nation was, if not an ally, then a good friend of the Queendom.

Finishing off the glass, he set it back down on the bar and strode over to her.

"I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting," he said, bowing from the waist and then offering his hand. "I am Daniel Jackson, Duke of Adelaide..." he left the end of the sentence obviously open for a reciprocal introduction.

OOC: Ask and ye shall receive...

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OOC: ....Receive and give thanks....or something to that effect.

Daniel Jackson was currently working on his second glass of wine. He scanned the ballroom--a few familiar faces, but the vast majority were ones he didn't know. Though he thought he recognized one woman vaguely--knowing her nation was, if not an ally, then a good friend of the Queendom.

Finishing off the glass, he set it back down on the bar and strode over to her.

"I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting," he said, bowing from the waist and then offering his hand. "I am Daniel Jackson, Duke of Adelaide..." he left the end of the sentence obviously open for a reciprocal introduction.

IC: Catherine shook the Duke's hand, "I am Catherine Reznov, Prime Minister of Yuktobania. It is a pleasure to meet you." She smiled as she paused to think of what to say, finally she said, "Twelve happy months since Sarah came into the Public view and changed the world, it's hard to believe that it has been so long. Still, Brisbane remains the crown jewel of all Australia, doesn't it, Mr. Jackson?

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OOC: ....Receive and give thanks....or something to that effect.

IC: Catherine shook the Duke's hand, "I am Catherine Reznov, Prime Minister of Yuktobania. It is a pleasure to meet you." She smiled as she paused to think of what to say, finally she said, "Twelve happy months since Sarah came into the Public view and changed the world, it's hard to believe that it has been so long. Still, Brisbane remains the crown jewel of all Australia, doesn't it, Mr. Jackson?

OOC: Yeah, something like that.

IC: Daniel nodded. "It is indeed a testament to the admirable will and spirit of the Hanseatic people, that they could rebuild yet again. Though the Queen is certainly working on making Darwin a rival for its place on the continent."

He adopted a thoughtful expression. "It's an interesting change. The people of Promised Land rarely put a lot of stock in grand displays, but a few of us are proving to have quite the taste for it at times." His expression morphed into a grin.

"Would you care to dance?"

OOC: I know you said she didn't want to dance, but he doesn't know that.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Kintober gave an immature snicker at her expense. Taking back the bottle, he said "So your work is also you way of having fun? That must be nice." He sighed. "My day job makes it very hard for me to spend time with my favorite hobbies. It's a bitter catch-22 actually. Part of the reason I'm emperor is to help finance my side-projects, but I lack the time to fully devote myself to them." Kintober sighed and took another swig, unaffected by the hard liquor, before tucking it back into his suit. "Like the hooch? Another of my personal mixtures. I believe it's main ingredients involve rubbing alcohol and formaldehyde."

Edited by DrKintobor
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OOC: Yeah, something like that.

IC: Daniel nodded. "It is indeed a testament to the admirable will and spirit of the Hanseatic people, that they could rebuild yet again. Though the Queen is certainly working on making Darwin a rival for its place on the continent."

He adopted a thoughtful expression. "It's an interesting change. The people of Promised Land rarely put a lot of stock in grand displays, but a few of us are proving to have quite the taste for it at times." His expression morphed into a grin.

"Would you care to dance?"

OOC: I hope you like the music selection I chose

IC: "I'd be delighted to." Catherine said as she took Daniel's hand and led him to the center of the ballroom. The song was a nice orchestral piece titled Waltz of the Moon played by a small orchestral group. Catherine started to waltz with the Duke, telling him, "This song is very beautiful isn't it?"

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Kintober gave an immature snicker at her expense. Taking back the bottle, he said "So your work is also you way of having fun? That must be nice." He sighed. "My day job makes it very hard for me to spend time with my favorite hobbies. It's a bitter catch-22 actually. Part of the reason I'm emperor is to help finance my side-projects, but I lack the time to fully devote myself to them." Kintober sighed and took another swig, unaffected by the hard liquor, before tucking it back into his suit. "Like the hooch? Another of my personal mixtures. I believe it's main ingredients involve rubbing alcohol and formaldehyde."

Kat shook her head.

"Nonono! I actually DO like to travel. I love meeting new people and I love imitating their cultures, customs, languages... you could say I'm one of the most cultured gals you've ever met!"

Looking back at the bar, she spotted Nyani talking with some African lady. Figures, she never does like to fall too far from the tree...

"As for your job, you just need to find ways to make things interesting!" She finished with a wink.

"Your... 'drink' must be an acquired taste... besides, I don't really drink when I'm on the job... my policy." She stuck her tongue out.

OOC: Small talk is small :/

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Kintober nodded in understand. "You're probably right about you being the most culturally sophisticated woman I've met." He said with a shrug. "Most of the women I work with share my interest of human autonomy. Their not too big on culture. So I suppose it's always nice to meet someone who can appreciate the finer things civilization has to offer. Helps one get a second viewpoint on the world." He said airily. "In reference to my job...well, I'm not sure just how much more I could make things 'interesting' without causing a war." He said with a chuckle. He then patted the flask under his clothes. "You know, the only reason I drink this strong stuff is because it's the only thing that works on me. Beer, whiskey, vodka, tequila...none of it affects me in the slightest. It's my fault actually. Want to know a secret?" He leaned forward to her ear and whispered "I experimented on myself, and part of the results included immunity from alcohol." Kintober became quite giddy talking about experiments again.

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David smiled as the Queen left. Once the pomp and pageantry began, he had retired over to the bar. He hadn't been drinking, really. Only a rum and coke and a few fingers of scotch had made their way into his stomach over the course of the evening. But his time alone, away, gave him time to think. And the full realization of what Dobbs had said hit him.

When Hannah had come over, he had put on a mask for her. He had smiled, wished her good night, and let his eyes follow her as she walked away, catching her flirtatious glances. But as soon as she was engaged with the crowd again, he back was to the mass of people and his frowning face buried down in his drink. Major Chelchu had been ordered to round up all the Black Knights, and he ushered them all over to their leader.

"Alright, Knights. I've got some bad news. Well, bad doesn't really begin to cover it. Bad news number one, the Federation is gone. World Party !@#$%^&* tried to stage a coup attempt the military enacted Executive Order One. Recent news that I've been able to pick up indicates all of America is now going to hell and back to grab a piece of what were once our homes. They didn't seem to care much when it was attacked, it seems. One of the only places that offered us sanctuary was Sicily. Which leads me to bad news number two. Vacation's over. We'll be shipping out tomorrow or the day after. So enjoy yourselves the rest of tonight. We'll be back to finish what we started at some point, but home, wherever that is now, needs us. Clear?" The pilots responded in the affirmative.

"Good, now go and enjoy yourselves. I have a feeling that we won't see a party like this for a long time where we're going."

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As the night had advanced Cor had moved toward the bar like a instinctive pull. However he did not stop for a drink. Instead he kept near enough to hear conversations, and see who was involved in those conversations, without being overly noticeable himself. Some call it spying, others information gathering, Cor simply considered it his job to not get shot for doing nothing. Anyone that did notice him would likely just see a military guest writing on some paper by himself. Nothing very significant.

As time wore on though he had started to lose track of time, and, by the time he noticed, the once large crowd had disintegrated into just a few small groups and loose wanderers. He hadn't planned on being here this long, or this exposed. So taking a glance around he slowly started to begin a very unassuming walk toward the dock. Besides, he had run out of smokes.

Edited by Tahsir Re
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"I came here to see my family and friends while I was off-duty," she stated, one hand indicating the Lillian uniform she was wearing. "And see if I would meet anyone interesting. You meet all kinds of people at events like these."

OOC: Like you say...I know but she doesn't ;)

"Oh? You meet anyone interesting so far?" Lucas inquired.

A server passed by with a tray of drinks. He grabbed two and looked to hand one to her.


Ava was finally happy she was able to have a word with Sarah. Although it was short lived, she made her way to the table where she found a drink. She hoped that appointment would happen soon enough, but she had a party to enjoy. She peered out into the crowd looking for her uncle, or any other familiar face. She swayed by herself, looking for someone to dance with.

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OOC: I hope you like the music selection I chose

IC: "I'd be delighted to." Catherine said as she took Daniel's hand and led him to the center of the ballroom. The song was a nice orchestral piece titled Waltz of the Moon played by a small orchestral group. Catherine started to waltz with the Duke, telling him, "This song is very beautiful isn't it?"

OOC: I love it. :)

IC: "Mmhmm," he agreed. "Another thing the Hanseatics had, or still have, I should say, is an excellent taste in music." His grin took a wry tone. "Although I probably stop referring to us as Hanseatics and Promised Landers--we are all Australians now. Still, the habits of a lifetime are hard to break." He chuckled at that last thought, even as he twirled Catherine.

"Oh? You meet anyone interesting so far?" Lucas inquired.

A server passed by with a tray of drinks. He grabbed two and looked to hand one to her.


Ava was finally happy she was able to have a word with Sarah. Although it was short lived, she made her way to the table where she found a drink. She hoped that appointment would happen soon enough, but she had a party to enjoy. She peered out into the crowd looking for her uncle, or any other familiar face. She swayed by herself, looking for someone to dance with.

Melissa shrugged, grinning slyly as she took the offered drink. "I don't know--haven't made up my mind yet." She took a sip of the wine, carefully, knowing she would have to go back on duty before the night was over. "Thanks," she said, indicating the glass.

"So, Mr. Perry. Care to tell me a little about yourself?"


Ava would feel a tap on her shoulder, along with a quiet voice saying, "Excuse me, miss." When she turned to see who it was, she would see a pair of grey eyes that seemed full to the brim with amusement at some joke only they seemed aware of. The eyes belonged to none other than Artemis, and his face matched his eyes, smiling almost misceiviously.

"How is it a pretty girl like you hasn't had an offer to dance yet?" He held out his hand in a clear invitation.

OOC: It was too good to pass up. :)

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Anthony lowered his voice to a whisper. "I told the guards to let you in with a minimum of fuss, just in case you arrived," he confided.

"Your gift," he spoke more loudly now, "should probably go to the hostess of the ball, Sarah Tintagyl."

"Sounds a plan." He looks around, trying to find her, walking up when he does. "Madam?" He holds out the gift, "You seem to know how to, as the kids of today say, throw a party."

OOC: And my social ineptitude shows through my RP. :P

Edited by BaronUberstein
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OOC: I love it. :)

IC: "Mmhmm," he agreed. "Another thing the Hanseatics had, or still have, I should say, is an excellent taste in music." His grin took a wry tone. "Although I probably stop referring to us as Hanseatics and Promised Landers--we are all Australians now. Still, the habits of a lifetime are hard to break." He chuckled at that last thought, even as he twirled Catherine.

"I agree. old habits die hard." Catherine chuckled as she said that, especially since she felt the same way after her assassination attempt, she still never brought much security, always leaving them to guard the private aircraft and such.

Catherine continued to dance with the Duke of Adelaide, for the first time in a long while, she was actually starting to have fun, she felt like she was dancing the night away with an angel.

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"Sounds a plan." He looks around, trying to find her, walking up when he does. "Madam?" He holds out the gift, "You seem to know how to, as the kids of today say, throw a party."

As the venerable baron approached Sarah greeted him with a warm smile of her own, beginning to reminisce of the time she had spent in Helsinki with him, following her leave of office. Immediately she was presented with gift from the elder man. "It is my pleasure Excellency and I'm glad to see you still in good health with all that garbage with Molakia going on and such. Europe..." She sighed. "Never was home to peace, but I appreciate the compliment." Sarah said looking around the the congregation still in the pavilion. "I think if I'm going to be remember for anything, it is the parties I throw, but I'm glad to see you enjoying yourself Erwin." She looked down at the gift. "Tell me, what is it?"

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As the venerable baron approached Sarah greeted him with a warm smile of her own, beginning to reminisce of the time she had spent in Helsinki with him, following her leave of office. Immediately she was presented with gift from the elder man. "It is my pleasure Excellency and I'm glad to see you still in good health with all that garbage with Molakia going on and such. Europe..." She sighed. "Never was home to peace, but I appreciate the compliment." Sarah said looking around the the congregation still in the pavilion. "I think if I'm going to be remember for anything, it is the parties I throw, but I'm glad to see you enjoying yourself Erwin." She looked down at the gift. "Tell me, what is it?"

"Two bottles, a fine Finnish Vodka and a fine Wine from..." He pauses for a moment, "Well, I forget where it was bottled, but it was in the estate's wine cellar's good section so I know it's acceptable." The box was obviously long enough to hold both bottles.

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"I experimented on myself, and part of the results included immunity from alcohol." Kintober became quite giddy talking about experiments again.

"Aww... that's too bad." Kat's thoughts strayed for a moment, her movements became a tad listless, her speech careless... no doubt a side-effect of Kintober's dreadful concoction.

"See, If you hadn't done that to yourself..." she nodded and her gaze went to the floor, "...I-if you hadn't you'd be able to see... that I could drink you under the table. Hahaha!"

Note to self. Eggmanian 'experimenting' procedures seem promising, must build more of a rapport with this top level official.

Regaining her composure, she shook her head and wiped her face with her palm.

"Uggh. Sorry. Now, experiments you say? Isn't that a bit dangerous? Especially doing it to yourself- isn't like giving yourself open heart surgery?"

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"I agree. old habits die hard." Catherine chuckled as she said that, especially since she felt the same way after her assassination attempt, she still never brought much security, always leaving them to guard the private aircraft and such.

Catherine continued to dance with the Duke of Adelaide, for the first time in a long while, she was actually starting to have fun, she felt like she was dancing the night away with an angel.

If he'd had any inkling of her thoughts, he might have raised an eyebrow and chuckled again. To be thought of as an angel would indeed be flattering, considering the things he'd sometimes had to do. But his time as a soldier was behind him, and as he was not aware of her thoughts, the memories didn't even cross his mind. He was simply enjoying himself, something he had rarely had time to do these days, by dancing with a beautiful woman.

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Melissa shrugged, grinning slyly as she took the offered drink. "I don't know--haven't made up my mind yet." She took a sip of the wine, carefully, knowing she would have to go back on duty before the night was over. "Thanks," she said, indicating the glass.

"So, Mr. Perry. Care to tell me a little about yourself?"


Ava would feel a tap on her shoulder, along with a quiet voice saying, "Excuse me, miss." When she turned to see who it was, she would see a pair of grey eyes that seemed full to the brim with amusement at some joke only they seemed aware of. The eyes belonged to none other than Artemis, and his face matched his eyes, smiling almost misceiviously.

"How is it a pretty girl like you hasn't had an offer to dance yet?" He held out his hand in a clear invitation.

OOC: It was too good to pass up. :)

"I, myself, am a soldier. Forever Battlefield, New Mambosa, the Northen Empire, Welsh kingdom, West Africa and even Somalia. Right now, I'm looking to do things on my own for a bit. See the world, meet new people, and have some fun while I'm at it."

He took a sip of the drink and looked at the lovely woman in front of him.

"So what are your plans for this evening? Dancing? Leaving to head somewhere else?"


Ava heard the comment and smiled at Artemis.

"For a second, I thought noone was going to ask."

She extended her hand, and looked him eye to eye.

"Ava Jones, and who is the lucky man holding my hand?"

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"I, myself, am a soldier. Forever Battlefield, New Mambosa, the Northen Empire, Welsh kingdom, West Africa and even Somalia. Right now, I'm looking to do things on my own for a bit. See the world, meet new people, and have some fun while I'm at it."

He took a sip of the drink and looked at the lovely woman in front of him.

"So what are your plans for this evening? Dancing? Leaving to head somewhere else?"


Ava heard the comment and smiled at Artemis.

"For a second, I thought noone was going to ask."

She extended her hand, and looked him eye to eye.

"Ava Jones, and who is the lucky man holding my hand?"

Melissa took another sip of her wine before answering. "Well, you've been all over the world, haven't you? Your travels sound like a book waiting to be written." Her grin remained in place as she continued.

"I have guard duty later. But that's not for a couple hours at least. I have time for a few dances, if someone would be inclined to ask me," she hinted.


Artemis took her hand, brushing his lips against the back of it before looking her in the eye once more.

"Artemis Entreri. My friends simply call me Artemis." He glanced around at several of the dancing couples, then turned back to her. "Would you care to dance, m'lady?" he asked, in that same quiet tone he'd been using since first speaking to her.

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"It's only dangerous if you don't know what your doing." Kintober said, raising his finger in the air when he said "Doing." The man sounded kinda like a science professor. Then he paused for a moment of thought. "Yeah, on reflection it was a fairly stupid move, But-" He said, raising his finger again. "It was well worth the risks! Besides, I was hiding in a secret lab because at the time someone had tried to kill me and thought they got away with it! A bulletproof vest can only carry you so far, and I needed a little more protection then that. Thus, science comes into play!"

Kintober flashed Kat a grin. "See, the human body is nothing more then a moving meat machine. It's got moving parts, requires fuel, has an engine, and a computer to run the whole thing." Kintober pointed to his head to emphasis the last point. "It's my belief that you can 'upgrade' man as it were. To bring him to the 2.0. Think about it: A future where we don't need medicine because your immune system is perfect. You can survive radiation! And your lungs filter out the most toxic of gasses! Shouldn't that be the goal we all aim for?" He said, pulling Kat to his side and waving his hand through the air in an arch pattern.

"And just like a machine, you can replace the parts!" He said, still picking up speed. "Instead of requiring a donor, we just make our own! Imagine, no more lines waiting for transplants. You just go to your local hospital, give them some blood and tissue samples, and viola! A new liver in 12 weeks! The possibilities are endless!" Kintober was really getting enthusiastic now. "That's why I experimented on myself, because I took the risks that no one else will. To be a pioneer, you have to take chances, and the chances I'm taking have enormous payoffs." He began to settle down. "I do what I do to better humanity. How many world leaders have you seen that will risk their own lives for that cause?"

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Lucas put his drink down on a passing tray. Took Melissa's hand, bowed and looked up from his position.

"May I have this dance?"


Ava giggled softly as her hand was kissed.

"It would be my pleasure."

She and Artemis made thier way to the middle of the dance floor. She moved closer to him and let him take the lead.

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If he'd had any inkling of her thoughts, he might have raised an eyebrow and chuckled again. To be thought of as an angel would indeed be flattering, considering the things he'd sometimes had to do. But his time as a soldier was behind him, and as he was not aware of her thoughts, the memories didn't even cross his mind. He was simply enjoying himself, something he had rarely had time to do these days, by dancing with a beautiful woman.

Catherine spoke as their dance continued, "What are your plans this evening, are you planning to continue our lovely dance or do you have somewhere to attend to?" She asked this question, wondering since the Duke is an important player in Australian politics.

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