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Operation Boot Polish

Stefano Palmieri

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The Caliph walked up to the stand in what was going to likely be his last speech to the nation. What he was doing was right, well what he thought was right. But it was to late now, All the troops had been commited there was nothing else he could do, but make the speech.

He arrived at the podium, and started:

Ladies and Gentlemen of the World,

The world is tough place. Many countries do not make the cut, while others do. Today we are removing what we believe is a country underserving of its independance. Treating people as second rate citizens is never good. What ever your race/reasoning. This along wih a variety of Reasons, the Caliphate of Libya has declared war on the Italian Republic. We hope the fall quickly and Allah watches over us.

He stepped down to get back inside as quickly as he could. Yes it was a short speech, and poor at that but it got the point out, Libya was at war with Italy.


Libya Goes Defcon 1.

2 Cruise Missiles from the Surat Military Base, Surat were launched at Italy. At southern Military instilations.

35000 troops were moblilized. With 30000 of them split in to, two 15000 men groups. Placed on to boats under cover from the RLAF, they headed to Italy. I Group to land at Cantanzaro, II Group to land in Gallipoli. (Yes there Is a Gallipoli in Italy).

OOC: Numbers will be 1:1 in Game to make things easier to track.

EDIT: Also this is corresponding IG

Edited by Marquis Chris 1
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Statement from the League

The League wishes to voice its support for this operation, we wish Libya all speed in toppling the Italian Regime. The efforts of RFI broadcasts have done much to turn the attitude of the citizens of the League against the Italian Republic. In respect for the wishes of our people, and in response to diplomatic insults directed at us shortly after our establishment by Premier Borghese, the Sicilian League will be opening the borders of the League to Libyan forces. Libyan forces are free to use whatever military installations they feel would be useful and are welcome to use the League as a rear command area or staging point for further operations.

As the Sicilian League is becoming involved in the conflict I also have the following announcements. The military of the league is being placed on full alert and defensive procedures are being followed to ensure our territory is prepared for a potential retaliatory strike by the Italian Republic. A protective air umbrella will be maintained by 24 hour patrols by the Sicilian Air force and the Navy will be positioned in between the islands and the peninsula in an interdiction role. We will not engage the Republic militarily at this time, however if the Republic sends aircraft or missiles towards any of the islands, they will be fired upon and destroyed.

-Jean d'Aosta

Steward of the League

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Statement from the League

The League wishes to voice its support for this operation, we wish Libya all speed in toppling the Italian Regime. The efforts of RFI broadcasts have done much to turn the attitude of the citizens of the League against the Italian Republic. In respect for the wishes of our people, and in response to diplomatic insults directed at us shortly after our establishment by Premier Borghese, the Sicilian League will be opening the borders of the League to Libyan forces. Libyan forces are free to use whatever military installations they feel would be useful and are welcome to use the League as a rear command area or staging point for further operations.

As the Sicilian League is becoming involved in the conflict I also have the following announcements. The military of the league is being placed on full alert and defensive procedures are being followed to ensure our territory is prepared for a potential retaliatory strike by the Italian Republic. A protective air umbrella will be maintained by 24 hour patrols by the Sicilian Air force and the Navy will be positioned in between the islands and the peninsula in an interdiction role. We will not engage the Republic militarily at this time, however if the Republic sends aircraft or missiles towards any of the islands, they will be fired upon and destroyed.

-Jean d'Aosta

Steward of the League

We thank you for such kind support.


Can we send a contingent of 5000 men to Cross from Sicily to Italy?

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OOC: May I assume that this is IG aid Botha?

OOC: yes.

IC:--Classified to SL--

Perfect, We will have them over soon.

--Classified movements--

5000 men were readied to go on the remaining boats of the Merchant navy and head to Sicly. They were to stay there until the initial beach heads had been made.

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From the bridge of a private cruise ship, a young man is laughing. "Oh boy, those damn Europeans."

OOC: So...how do you get around his IG alliance? O_o


*drops his navy*

*declares war on marquis*

*rebuys navy*


Edited by VinceSixx
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OOC: He means that since this war is being fought in game, the RP result should reflect IG only. Aka what Botha mode for war is defined as.


The Tahoe Republic will withdraw its diplomatic staff from Libya and condemn this senseless invasion. We call upon the people of Africa and Europe to remove this agressive regime from the face of the Earth.

Edited by Emperor Mudd
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What Emperor Mudd has said: this has become an in-game war - so it has gone beyond RP.

Also there is no way around his alliance, which is is one of the dangers and pratfalls of attacking a nation playing in Botha Mode.

If you wish to sue for peace now, contact me and I'll see what reps will be accepted.

Edited by Botha
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OOC: He means that since this war is being fought in game, the RP result should reflect IG only. Aka what Botha mode for war is defined as.

OOC: I believe the IG outcome would be against the RP outcome, since none of the nations aiding Junio, directly, exist in CNRP. Just the fact that a IG war exists means the RP war is legit regardless of what happens IG.

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OOC: I would be inclined to agree with Tahsir, unless the three nations counter-attacking Marquis Chris were to establish CNRP nations and RP their counter attack then I dont think their effects can be recognized, because frankly there is no way of accounting for them as Borghese is obviously not doing the damage to MC himself it should be negated.

While Botha's IG aid should be recognized, because he is a CNRP entity, I dont think it is possible for us to accept the effects of the 3 counterattackers as we have no way of accounting for them in CNRP.

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OOC: I believe the IG outcome would be against the RP outcome, since none of the nations aiding Junio, directly, exist in CNRP. Just the fact that a IG war exists means the RP war is legit regardless of what happens IG.

No, because Junio does not recognise the effects of RP wars. Junio will no doubt have to RP the damage he has taken, as anyone who plays in Botha Mode does integrate the IG wars into RP. However this war has raised a major contentious issue between those nations that accept RP wars and those that don't (or only acceot IG wars as being legit).

Regardless what happens IG, this war will have interesting ramifications for CNRP.

Edited by Botha
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No, because Junio does not recognise the effects of RP wars. Junio will no doubt have to RP the damage he has taken, as anyone who plays in Botha Mode does integrate the IG wars into RP. However this war has raised a major contentious issue between those nations that accept RP wars and those that don't (or only acceot IG wars as being legit).

Regardless what happens IG, this war will have interesting ramifications for CNRP.

OOC: if junio refuses to follow CNRP about war, then he can be removed from CNRP. It is very clear that any legit CNRP war is instantly successful if the other person does not acknowledge it. Claiming "I don't recognize you" isn't a freebie for that.

Chris declared war IG to FORCE junio to have to face a RP war. Mostly because Junio was parading around lauding how he can't get into a war, ever.

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No, because Junio does not recognise the effects of RP wars. Junio will no doubt have to RP the damage he has taken, as anyone who plays in Botha Mode does integrate the IG wars into RP. However this war has raised a major contentious issue between those nations that accept RP wars and those that don't (or only acceot IG wars as being legit).

Regardless what happens IG, this war will have interesting ramifications for CNRP.

OOC: I agree Botha, whatever the outcome of this event I think the community needs to sit down and have a serious discussion about this whole Botha mode thing. While I agree that wars should be agreed on and worked out before hand (I have experienced the bad end of a not planned out RP war, and it is very aggravating) I am concerned that your Botha mode creation is being used as a sort of pseudo peace mode for RP. Nations go into Botha mode to escape the negative effects of some of their actions.

If Borghese insults my nation IC I should at least have among my options of response the ability to attack him, but if he refuses all wars that do not occur IG, it essentially removes the military response option from my list and it infringes on me as an RP player.

But I feel this is better saved for a better thread. Perhaps after I catch some sleep we can start a separate thread to discuss this.

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OOC: I agree Botha, whatever the outcome of this event I think the community needs to sit down and have a serious discussion about this whole Botha mode thing. While I agree that wars should be agreed on and worked out before hand (I have experienced the bad end of a not planned out RP war, and it is very aggravating) I am concerned that your Botha mode creation is being used as a sort of pseudo peace mode for RP. Nations go into Botha mode to escape the negative effects of some of their actions.

Please realise I did not "create" Botha Mode. I have been RPing this way since December 26, 2006. Back then, anyone who RP'ed used in-game stats. All the rules everyone has come up with have come after the fact because some people whined about "my nation got hurt in Great War 2 and I don't want to RP a nation that went down the toilet" or something like that. They wanted to have gazillion man armies and launch nuclear warheads at will with no ramifications. Those people who accept such rules are those who felt constrained by the game. Those of us in Botha Mode who RP, RP because we are reflecting the game.

It really all really boils down to two philospohical issues:

1) should people be forced to RP something they do not agree to?

2) what is more important: RP or IG?

People who RP in Botha Mode do so because 1) they do not believe anyone should force them to do something arbitrarily outside of the game mechanics of CN, and 2) the IG nation is always more important than the RP nation, because without the the IG nation and mechanics, there would never have been any CNRP to begin with.

Edited by Botha
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