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Let's not forget what dear old Pacifica got to show in that war. The world got to see one of the greatest diplomatic errors in Planet Bob history, done by an alliance that prides itself over their "unparalleled diplomatic corps".

At least you started out being comprehensible. Thank Franco for small mercies. Yes, mistakes were made. We know that. We acknowledged that. We learned from that. So, congratulations? The difference is, we know where we went wrong and are working to fix it. You and the rest of the RoK cheerleaders keep maintaining that you did just great in the war. I mean yes, you were involved in the war, but being proud of your pitiful performance in it is like being proud of a "I participated" certificate you were awarded for coming last in a fun run.

Hey, mate. I guess it is even more bitter to be that soar over a limp one. It shows that you weren't all that prepared for what you had coming. As the other "pleasure girls" that roam the streets with you knows, don't be cheap on the lube, or else you might end up getting torn a new one.

I really don't think that you slackjaws have the mental capacity needed to remember instructions though. So I am afraid that it will hurt the next time I come over as well

Not quite sure what you were trying to say or where you were going with this. Perhaps releasing some of that impotent rage, eh? I do like your little threat though, I hope you find the backbone and the military ability to back it up.

Or in this case, the celebration of the mangled corpse that knew we got to turn Pacifica into.

You on the other hand seem to have a severe case of blue balls. Take this, it might help:

So you got nuked into the ground by a mangled corpse?

And for someone accusing others of having blue balls, you are awfully keen to launch into sexual tangents. Twice in one post. No wonder you're having trouble typing.

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And to be quite honest, why should we? You consist of a group of emotional, paranoid fanboys. And we already tasted, chewed and spit out that kind of brand in the Karma war.

I'm glad to hear lines like that coming from a fanboy of someone who's major accomplishment can be summed up as "merge-spam". When Hoo takes on the rest of the planet and ends the war with an insincere apology as the only price for defeat, then you can have room to talk smack about those of us who respect Ivan. And that's just one thing, so think of it as me making it easy for you.

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but being proud of your pitiful performance in it is like being proud of a "I participated" certificate you were awarded for coming last in a fun run.

It was a fun run alright

Not quite sure what you were trying to say or where you were going with this. Perhaps releasing some of that impotent rage, eh? I do like your little threat though, I hope you find the backbone and the military ability to back it up.

I wonder how you can go from "not sure what you mean by this" to commenting what I wrote, using snide remarks, in two seconds. As for the backbone and military, "The do something about it" attitude is what brought you into trouble the first time. And it is not really that efficient any more, considering the fact that we already did something about it. ;)

So you got nuked into the ground by a mangled corpse?

Hey, lovemuffin, we didn't surrender, you did ;)

But, if you say that you were winning all the time, you just gave up out of mercy for us, then, whatever.

When Hoo takes on the rest of the planet and ends the war with an insincere apology as the only price for defeat, then you can have room to talk smack about those of us who respect Ivan.

I am sorry, we don't have a habit of losing

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I am sorry, we don't have a habit of losing

I am aware. Survivalists rarely ever do. Let's take a look at the NPO's record. The hold onto the world for over two years, winning countless wars. It takes the entire world united twice to secure their defeat, and they rose again the last time, so I wouldn't put it beyond them to pull off a repeat. Now let's look at RoK, you cling to whomever is in power, and side with the largest side in every war. Is it any wonder you are "undefeated?" No, not at all, but please, do not act like this accomplishment is even remotely your doing.

But still, sure the NPO has been defeated twice. So what? I do not see it as an unsightly mark on all that they have done. Two years of dominance. Well, over two years of global dominance. That is a feat anyone should be proud of. Yet for all of RoK's existence, what have you to show for it? Nothing but riding the tailcoats of your betters, and Hoo's merge spam. Not much to show, eh?

Oh, on a final note, since I realized I put an emphasis on the word "twice," and since I know you will make it a big deal since for you that obviously is quite the accomplishment, let me assure you that it was only to stress how little they lose. They have a 93% record of victory, and their first defeat, which is disputed mind you, your little group had nothing to do with. So really, what are you bragging about? You really have done nothing.

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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It takes the entire world united twice to secure their defeat

I guess the help they got from their friends don't count?

Now let's look at RoK, you cling to whomever is in power

Wait, what? Seriously? Most of our close relationships are either long standing treaties or treaties with alliances that was founded by RoK members. I guess you're running out of facts. A common occurrence when you don't have a clue on what you're talking about.

If we wanted to side with the alliance in power, you would see a TOP / RoK treaty sometime soon. And trust me, that won't happen.

Is it any wonder you are "undefeated?" No, not at all, but please, do not act like this accomplishment is even remotely your doing.[/color]

So, I guess that the merciful NPO is the reason we're still alive then?


They have a 93% record of victory.[/color]

If I only managed to do my job properly 93% of the time, I would be fired. Fun fact, I'm not.

Edited by SpiderJerusalem
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So, I guess that the merciful NPO is the reason we're still alive then?

You seem to assume that even with the NPO's allies, the sides were even remotely close. Also, you did cling to the NPO for over a year despite never really liking them. How's that for a survivalist mentality?

If I only managed to do my job properly 93% of the time, I would be fired. Fun fact, I'm not.

I should have known you'd ignore the point I was trying to convey. Has RoK dominated the world for two years? Is it bold enough to actually make its existence noteworthy? No, not really. It just sits and waits for people to do things, and then tags along. RoK has never been a player of worth on this world, and it never will be. You're merely extra muscle for those who matter, for those who pull your strings.

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I guess the help they got from their friends don't count?

Wait, what? Seriously? Most of our close relationships are either long standing treaties or treaties with alliances that was founded by RoK members. I guess you're running out of facts. A common occurrence when you don't have a clue on what you're talking about.

If we wanted to side with the alliance in power, you would see a TOP / RoK treaty sometime soon. And trust me, that won't happen.

So, I guess that the merciful NPO is the reason we're still alive then?


If I only managed to do my job properly 93% of the time, I would be fired.

If you can do anything to show that RoK is empirically superior to the New Pacific Order, you can win this argument.

Feel free to start at any time, after all, it's not like you can define how good you are by the shortcomings of others, I'm sure there's got to be something you all bring to the table which makes you better. Right?

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You seem to assume that even with the NPO's allies, the sides were even remotely close. Also, you did cling to the NPO for over a year despite never really liking them. How's that for a survivalist mentality?

Oh, I didn't assume the sides were close. I just stated the facts, they weren't alone

What help? NPO was hung out to dry.

I am sure that all their former allies that got nuked into the stone age will disagree

If you can do anything to show that RoK is empirically superior to the New Pacific Order, you can win this argument.

1. Undefeated

2. We are members of a bloc that is superior to what NPO was a member of, not in NS, but because of the fact that we can be certain that everyone in Superfriends will come to our aid.

3. Undefeated

Feel free to start at any time, after all, it's not like you can define how good you are by the shortcomings of others, I'm sure there's got to be something you all bring to the table which makes you better. Right?

Of course I can define how good I am by the shortcomings of others. It's called competition. The best wins only because the others isn't good enough to beat him.


Yes I would have to say so. lolRoK :lol1:

Why? I mean, if you just have to say so, I guess you do have some evidence as to why you had to say it?

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Yes I would have to say so. lolRoK :lol1:

Aye. RoK was fairly isolated in its early days, as well as prior to the War of the Coalition. Had the NPO wanted to, it could have rolled RoK and the Superfriends. Instead RoK was bold enough to become one of NPO's dogs and do its work for it, as evidenced by its involvement in attacking Polar. Really impressive RoK. I'm amazed.

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Aye. RoK was fairly isolated in its early days, as well as prior to the War of the Coalition. Had the NPO wanted to, it could have rolled RoK and the Superfriends. Instead RoK was bold enough to become one of NPO's dogs and do its work for it, as evidenced by its involvement in attacking Polar. Really impressive RoK. I'm amazed.

I thought that NPO was honourable? Do you feel that it is honourable to attack someone without a CB? Because, well, NPO did not have a CB of any kind in those early days.

Or would they do it just for fun? How, unjust....

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1. Undefeated

2. We are members of a bloc that is superior to what NPO was a member of, not in NS, but because of the fact that we can be certain that everyone in Superfriends will come to our aid.

3. Undefeated

You know who else is undefeated? MHA, and Sparta. Really, the feat is not as impressive as you think it is if all you do is side with the larger group. I mean, really, anyone can do that.

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1. Undefeated

2. We are members of a bloc that is superior to what NPO was a member of, not in NS, but because of the fact that we can be certain that everyone in Superfriends will come to our aid.

3. Undefeated

So being a survivalist alliance makes you better?

Well, bravo for that brass set of balls you got going there.

Of course I can define how good I am by the shortcomings of others. It's called competition. The best wins only because the others isn't good enough to beat him.
Yes, but you haven't really done anything to show why you're better than those shortcomings. Has RoK ever been the #1 sanctioned alliance? See what I mean?


I thought that NPO was honourable? Do you feel that it is honourable to attack someone without a CB? Because, well, NPO did not have a CB of any kind in those early days.

Or would they do it just for fun? How, unjust....

Honorable...I LOL'd. When you start using your own misconceptions as arguments, then it's pretty clear you're hopeless.

By the way, why reference something Polaris did when denigrating the NPO?

Edited by Chron
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I thought that NPO was honourable? Do you feel that it is honourable to attack someone without a CB? Because, well, NPO did not have a CB of any kind in those early days.

Or would they do it just for fun? How, unjust....

You know, I find this "honor" thing to be one of the stupidest arguments I've ever heard. There is nothing honorable about getting more power, however, it is what we all seek to do. Quit your nonsense and get off your "holier than thou" attitude. Considering that RoK participated in many of those wars, and even initiated a few of its own, I really do not think you have much room to speak on the subject of "honor." If you really did feel so strong about protecting the weak, why did you ignore GATO in its struggle?

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So by your account, NPO didn't manage to perform a task that was easy?

I guess we have a nominee for the next Darwin awards

You have to be messing with me. You truly cannot be this thick. I say the NPO held onto a global hegemony for over two years. You in return say RoK is undefeated. I say that clinging to the winning side all the time is not that difficult of a task. You say that proves that NPO didn't accomplish anything.

Does anyone else here see what's wrong with this picture?

Talking about honorable.

Illuminati War

And let us not forget the Ragnarok-Bushido War, where RoK threatened to disband Bushido if any member of theirs used nuclear weapons. Real classy.

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You have to be messing with me. You truly cannot be this thick. I say the NPO held onto a global hegemony for over two years. You in return say RoK is undefeated. I say that clinging to the winning side all the time is not that difficult of a task. You say that proves that NPO didn't accomplish anything.

Does anyone else here see what's wrong with this picture?

Abandoning logic in favor of a frothy rant does nothing but prove the OP's point.

Gotta hand it to a man for being able to call it. Good on you, swill.

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You have to be messing with me. You truly cannot be this thick. I say the NPO held onto a global hegemony for over two years. You in return say RoK is undefeated. I say that clinging to the winning side all the time is not that difficult of a task. You say that proves that NPO didn't accomplish anything.

Does anyone else here see what's wrong with this picture?

I see that some people in RoK should think about what they're going to say, then shut their mouths.

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Yes, but you haven't really done anything to show why you're better than those shortcomings. Has RoK ever been the #1 sanctioned alliance? See what I mean?

Oh, so your former set of rules don't apply any more? I thought I only had to mention one thing?

You know, I find this "honor" thing to be one of the stupidest arguments I've ever heard. There is nothing honorable about getting more power, however, it is what we all seek to do. Quit your nonsense and get off your "holier than thou" attitude. Considering that RoK participated in many of those wars, and even initiated a few of its own, I really do not think you have much room to speak on the subject of "honor." If you really did feel so strong about protecting the weak, why did you ignore GATO in its struggle?

Where did I ever state that we were the honourable ones? I merely asked you how on earth NPO could have rolled Superfriends :)

Talking about honorable.

Illuminati War

Yeah, airtight CB...

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Oh, so your former set of rules don't apply any more? I thought I only had to mention one thing?

You didn't. You mentioned a bloc of which you are only part of that doesn't even come close to matching the NPO's former influence, and you used the fact that you lot only pick the winning side of a fight to say you're better.

Neither of those actually make you better than anyone, as it's not exceptional at all. You all are just plain mediocre pretending to be something great, and actually deluding yourselves into believing as much.

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Oh, so your former set of rules don't apply any more? I thought I only had to mention one thing?

And your response to that was to say that others are less capable than RoK, thus RoK is good. You're still relying on the shortcomings of others.

Where did I ever state that we were the honourable ones? I merely asked you how on earth NPO could have rolled Superfriends :)

NPO had more allies and SF was fairly isolated. That's all there really is to it.

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