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Missiles over Mandalore


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OOC: So a creative idea is an unrealistic RP of a bunch of mythical beings from a trilogy by a dead man and that defies the laws of physics and RP?

OOC: I explained they were the victims of a genetic disease. The fact that he's dead doesn't change it. It didn't defy the laws of Physics or RP.

And when last I looked, everyone bombing each other would kill RP a lot quicker than everyone RPing something other than humans.

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OOC: Keep it up... the both of you.

I have a headache and am really hoping this thread gets closed for OOC, so I won't have to come up with an IC response to this ridiculous 'stomping' tomorrow morning.

Definitely storing this away for future reference.

Edited by Executive Minister
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OOC: I explained they were the victims of a genetic disease. The fact that he's dead doesn't change it. It didn't defy the laws of Physics or RP.

And when last I looked, everyone bombing each other would kill RP a lot quicker than everyone RPing something other than humans.

OOC: You didn't RP out the genetic disease. Also, orcs kill RP so much faster than a few cruise missiles.

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OOC: You didn't RP out the genetic disease. Also, orcs kill RP so much faster than a few cruise missiles.

OOC: I tried to, but people like you gave me no chance. And how do Orcs kill RP faster if they're no different from Humans? If you insist on arguing, take it to the OOC thread.

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A vessel flying no flag was floating just off shore in the Red Sea, watching a bunch of other vessels firing cruise missiles into Africa. "Hey they thought they could leave us out of the party, no way, get the CMs ready men!" said the Captain. They prepared 30 cruise missiles and began launching them at cities in Mandalore. After launching all 30 CMs the crew headed towards Somalia where they sold the ship for 10 dollars and then went off into Somalia never to be seen again.

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OOC: okay, seriously?

IC: The CMs were shot down almost definitely by the UMS, as they said they would shoot down any more missiles.

OOC: He has to RP shooting them down. And you wouldn't get all of them.

IC: A Caucasian oil tanker spilled oil on the coast of Mandalore. Meanwhile, some different ships, containing every felon in Caucasia (about 1500 people), stopped off the coast of Mandalore, gave the felons unmarked rafts, and sent them off into Mandalore.

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The ships were met by officers who immediately began firing on the ships and their felons.

Meanwhile, all the people that the Libyan Reserves sent were captured, those who resisted were shot.

OOC: wow, what a bunch of... honestly, I just starting RPing this damn nation. thanks a ton, all of you. You're perfect RPers, everyone should follow your example. CNRP would get a lot of new players after they saw the kind of people they'll be playing with.

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Let it be known, any non-Nod or UMS ship in Mandalorian waters will be immediately destroyed, no questions asked.

Selenarctos acknowledges this and feels Mandalore is justified given recent circumstances. All ships registered to Selenarctos have been notified.

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OOC: I dunno if it's too late, but... :wub:

IC: Imperator Kevin was reading the local Informates Imperialis newspaper in the lounge. He looked up from his paper and saw on the television screen a news report about missiles fired at Mandalore. He thought to himself "meh" and went back to reading more important news.

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OOC: I dunno if it's too late, but... :wub:

IC: Imperator Kevin was reading the local Informates Imperialis newspaper in the lounge. He looked up from his paper and saw on the television screen a news report about missiles fired at Mandalore. He thought to himself "meh" and went back to reading more important news.

OOC: don't worry. apparently around here there's no such thing as a ton of bull being too late.

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The ships were met by officers who immediately began firing on the ships and their felons.

Meanwhile, all the people that the Libyan Reserves sent were captured, those who resisted were shot.

OOC: wow, what a bunch of... honestly, I just starting RPing this damn nation. thanks a ton, all of you. You're perfect RPers, everyone should follow your example. CNRP would get a lot of new players after they saw the kind of people they'll be playing with.

A dozen of the felons died, but the rest made it to land and scattered into Mandalore to commit various crimes.

Let it be known, any non-Nod or UMS ship in Mandalorian waters will be immediately destroyed, no questions asked.

A random fishing ship from Caucasia just happened to be floating by, bearing a couple and their two year old daughter. The husband was cursing the oil spill.

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A dozen of the felons died, but the rest made it to land and scattered into Mandalore to commit various crimes.

A random fishing ship from Caucasia just happened to be floating by, bearing a couple and their two year old daughter. The husband was cursing the oil spill.

The ship came up on Mandalorian radars and was immediately destroyed.

The felons were immediately captured and executed, since we had officers crawling throughout the coastal region.

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The ship came up on Mandalorian radars and was immediately destroyed.

The felons were immediately captured and executed, since we had officers crawling throughout the coastal region.

OOC: How'd you manage that without a military?

IC: Another one hundred felons were caught. The other roughly 1400 continued to roam Mandalore, robbing convenience stores, mugging people, and the like.

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OOC: How'd you manage that without a military?

IC: Another one hundred felons were caught. The other roughly 1400 continued to roam Mandalore, robbing convenience stores, mugging people, and the like.

OOC: hang on. how do hunreds of people get through thousands of officers without about 1000 of them being shot or captured? please, enlighten me. Being without a military means we use a strong police force.

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OOC: hang on. how do hunreds of people get through thousands of officers without about 1000 of them being shot or captured? please, enlighten me. Being without a military means we use a strong police force.

OOC: They're criminal masterminds. It'd be kind of hard to round up 1500 of them once they reach the countryside...at least the ones that aren't leaving a swathe of anarchy in their path.

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OOC: They're criminal masterminds. It'd be kind of hard to round up 1500 of them once they reach the countryside...at least the ones that aren't leaving a swathe of anarchy in their path.

OOC: That is why they are shot on sight. And it is easy for thousands of guards to shoot a few hundred of criminals.

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OOC: Not necessarily. At your tech level, your weapons aren't going to be one bullet one kill.

OOC: I have 80s technology. And starting from the 20s there were one bullet one kill weapons. Either way, 1400 people DID NOT get through. That's impossible. But hey, you don't exactly do things like they should be done, eh?

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OOC: I have 80s technology. And starting from the 20s there were one bullet one kill weapons. Either way, 1400 people DID NOT get through. That's impossible. But hey, you don't exactly do things like they should be done, eh?

OOC: How about just 1000 then?

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The ships were met by officers who immediately began firing on the ships and their felons.

Meanwhile, all the people that the Libyan Reserves sent were captured, those who resisted were shot.

OOC: wow, what a bunch of... honestly, I just starting RPing this damn nation. thanks a ton, all of you. You're perfect RPers, everyone should follow your example. CNRP would get a lot of new players after they saw the kind of people they'll be playing with.

OOC: Godmod.

IC:The Libyan reserves split into two groups each of 250 people and headed toward their destinations, two villages close to the border. Both towns to be desrtoyed and they were to fight to the death if the need arised.

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OOC: Godmod.

IC:The Libyan reserves split into two groups each of 250 people and headed toward their destinations, two villages close to the border. Both towns to be desrtoyed and they were to fight to the death if the need arised.

OOC: Right. And then you get off telling me where my villages are. Seriously, is this how you people get your kicks? I'm not going to recognize that as a legitimate move. Where did your soldiers come from? They can't just appear on the border. They'd have to move through Nod or UMS.

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