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Regarding the Current State of Affairs...


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<\Classified\Communique\People's Republic of China>

It is within our current aims to annex all, or a fairly large portion, of Golekh, for a secondary staging ground.

We will continue fighting, to ensure 'stability' within the region.

<\Classified\Communique\Empire of Golekh>

We are willing to negotiate peace, if you are willing to cede part of your lands to Furon control. In addition to that, you will be under Furion protection, with peacekeepers in your nation to ensure your continued-lively hood. If you find these terms unacceptable, then rest assured, we will continue with the annexation of all of Golekh.

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<\Classified\Communique\People's Republic of China>

It is within our current aims to annex all, or a fairly large portion, of Golekh, for a secondary staging ground.

We will continue fighting, to ensure 'stability' within the region.

<\Classified\Communique\Empire of Golekh>

We are willing to negotiate peace, if you are willing to cede part of your lands to Furon control. In addition to that, you will be under Furion protection, with peacekeepers in your nation to ensure your continued-lively hood. If you find these terms unacceptable, then rest assured, we will continue with the annexation of all of Golekh.

Response to Communique

How much land?

Edited by freakwars
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  • 2 weeks later...


My apologies for not getting the topic back on track sooner.

<\Classified\Communique\Empire of Golekh>

All peace offers are off the table. You know why.


The airborne troops were ordered to pull back to their pre-destined drop locations, and to hold out until meeting up with the troops that were off-loaded from the cargo ships. The Cargo Ships, upon their return to Kyushu, were loaded up with more soldiers, and began the long arduous back towards south-eastern Golekh.

The 10,000 troops that had been offloaded, with an accompanying 25 Type-90 MBTs, were ordered to slowly advance, and to set up a perimeter, in order to make way for the next load of 10,000 soldiers. Small arms fire exchanged between the two sides resulted in 33 casualties, and about 150 wounded.

The tanks are being ordered to be used for defensive purposes, until a stronger Furion-tank corps presence can be made in the area.

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OOC: Since my geography for south-eastern asia is off, if you could provide me a separated map of the areas, I'd gladly tell you which ones. To use the map as my guiding point though, the furthest-south portion of Golekh is the one my troops are invading.

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OOC: Since my geography for south-eastern asia is off, if you could provide me a separated map of the areas, I'd gladly tell you which ones. To use the map as my guiding point though, the furthest-south portion of Golekh is the one my troops are invading.

OOC: So, that'd be the antarctic portion... ;)

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The Progressive Directorate of China wishes to not be involved in the fighting. However, refugees from the Golekh mainland will be allowed to seek asylum through Golekh's land border to areas of the PDC, although registration will be required upon entering PDC territory. Any attack on PDC territory, naturally, will be seen as an attack on the PDC.

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OOC: I wasn't talking about the Antarctic portion. -_-

OOC: then you need to be more clear...it could very easily read as you invading antarctica.

OOC: .... the furthest-south portion of Golekh is the one my troops are invading.

OOC: See?

I believe you, but you gotta watch appearances like that.

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The 140,000 men defending the Home Island were assembled for one last desperate offensive to remove the aruetiise. 1,245 tanks accompanied the soldiers. They split into two columns. One would attack the enemy flank, using the Golekhi military training emphasis on stealth and guerrilla warfare to avoid detection as long as possible. This column would be initially unsupported by tanks, but would be reinforced once the troops managed to neutralize the majority of the enemy anti-tank defenses. The other column would launch a frontal assault to distract attention away from the flanking sneak attack. This column would have the majority of the tanks supporting it.

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The huge (OOC: That a huge amount of f'kin men, and I won't !@#$%* about it anymore because I want to continue this war...) amount of Golekhian soldiers were seen moving by aerial patrols around the 20,000 (the second load of soldiers had arrived, with the cargo ships going back for a third run) and 50 Type-90 MBTs.

The soldiers were ordered to lay as much of an extensive minefield as possible, and lay barbed wire around their perimeter. Their main priority, aside from setting up defenses, was to clear a patch of land for an airfield, so that the F-1 Shadows could effectively make their bombing runs on the Golekhian forces. Pill-boxes and bunkers are attempting to being set up, within the perimeter, and closer, within the area of the airfield (being set up). Half of the MBTs main cannons are being replaced with flamethrowers of a larger standard than the normal infantry one, and are being dug into the ground within the bunkers, and in key locations, and hidden, to give the Golekhian soldiers a surprise.

The rest of the MBTs are to patrol the airfield, in an attempt to keep it safe for as long as possible, so that it may be set up. The F-1 Shadows coming in from Kyushu are also to be dropping bombs on the outskirts of the perimeter, clearing the jungle and other vegetations, to give the machine gunners and soldiers a clear line of view. 8 100kg bombs for each F-1 Shadow, (7, to a squadron) are being dropped all around the perimeter, and partially in the outsides of it, to hit any incoming Golekhian soldiers.

The only thing the Furion troops can do now is hope that they can finish the airfield in time...

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  • 3 weeks later...
The huge (OOC: That a huge amount of f'kin men, and I won't !@#$%* about it anymore because I want to continue this war...) amount of Golekhian soldiers were seen moving by aerial patrols around the 20,000 (the second load of soldiers had arrived, with the cargo ships going back for a third run) and 50 Type-90 MBTs.

The soldiers were ordered to lay as much of an extensive minefield as possible, and lay barbed wire around their perimeter. Their main priority, aside from setting up defenses, was to clear a patch of land for an airfield, so that the F-1 Shadows could effectively make their bombing runs on the Golekhian forces. Pill-boxes and bunkers are attempting to being set up, within the perimeter, and closer, within the area of the airfield (being set up). Half of the MBTs main cannons are being replaced with flamethrowers of a larger standard than the normal infantry one, and are being dug into the ground within the bunkers, and in key locations, and hidden, to give the Golekhian soldiers a surprise.

The rest of the MBTs are to patrol the airfield, in an attempt to keep it safe for as long as possible, so that it may be set up. The F-1 Shadows coming in from Kyushu are also to be dropping bombs on the outskirts of the perimeter, clearing the jungle and other vegetations, to give the machine gunners and soldiers a clear line of view. 8 100kg bombs for each F-1 Shadow, (7, to a squadron) are being dropped all around the perimeter, and partially in the outsides of it, to hit any incoming Golekhian soldiers.

The only thing the Furion troops can do now is hope that they can finish the airfield in time...

OOC: Conscription ftw

IC: The conscripts were ordered to charge straight at the enemy, regardless of the minefields or pillboxes. Any man who tried to run away would be gunned down by friendly forces. After the undertrainedned soldiers had cleared the minefield, the armor support would move in and help neutralize the enemy pillboxes. The other column would attack at about this point, when the battle sounds would be at their loudest and attention would be concentrated towards the front. The assault was launched two hours before midnight. The Golekhi troops were well-rested because the assault troops had slept through the day.

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The minefields exploded violently, killing the conscripts easily enough. The few that had made it through the vast minefields were then shot down by snipers stationed high up, or gunned down by pillbox & bunker MGs. In one notable incident, the conscripts managed to get as far as a hidden MBT - the flamethrower shot out from its cover, the actual metal behemoth barely noticeable underneath its camouflage, killing about half a dozen conscripts.

The weary Furion soldiers shouldered their assault rifles, and opened fire on the Golekhi troops running towards cover-positions. Macine guns spat out bullets, while soldiers armed with RPGs were order only to use them upon seeing enemy MBTs. Back on the southern portion of Golekh, the airfield workers were working tirelessly on getting the airfield finished, so that the F-1 Shadows could be of use.

Estimated casualties sustained during the first hour of battle were somewhere around 98 KIA, with about another 100 (198) WIA. They were to be evacuated to the medical area set up near the airfield, until further notice - they would be taken back to Kyushu upon the cargo ship arriving.

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All the conscripts were killed, which is a quarter of the frontal assault force

The tanks and the trained soldiers moved in along the same lines as the conscripts had, in order to take advantage of the lines cleared by the deaths of the undertrained soldiers. They fired on the snipers and machine gunners who had revealed their positions by firing on the conscripts.

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OOC: That's like 35,000 dead conscripts. Massed infantry attacks aren't that great...

All along the battle front, surrounding the perimeter, the machine gunners and snipers fired into the mass-infantry positions. Casualties continued to mount for the Furon Invasion-Force, as the Golekhi troops slowly advanced, inch by bloody inch. Another 10,000 soldiers arrived, and were quickly orientated before rushing off to the front lines, to man the dwindling positions left.

The insane infantry attacks were taking a heavy toll not only on human life, but on ammunition. Soldiers hauled ammunition to the frontlines, attempting to keep the rate of fire as continuous as possible. Air-raids became increasingly sparse, as workers were being carried by cargo ship to get the airfield underway. It was only 17% completed, and the going was slow.

The one thing that had been cleared though, was a small landing strip for helicopter gunships. They were transported via cargo ship, each one carrying about 8. Upon the arrival of the cargo ships, the 8 gunships aboard took flight after getting put onto solid ground, and headed towards the frontlines to unload their missiles on enemy tanks and to mow down the massed infantry. The most that the Furion soldiers could do, as more reinforcements flooded towards the front, was to take out as many as they could before their entrenched positions took fire from enemy tanks, or was overcome by the sheer numbers of Golekhi infantry.

OOC: Casualties: ~2000 - 678 KIA, 1,322 WIA.

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OOC: casualties: 4,000 infantry and 40 tanks

With the Furonic troops distracted by the massive assault on the front, the elite Helldivers charged against the enemy flank, accompanied by light armored vehicles with mounted heavy machine guns. OOC: about 5,000 soldiers and 200 light vehicles. IC: The frontal assault continued moving forward despite heavy casualties. The trained soldiers were faring better than the conscripts had, as they had large piles of bodies to take cover behind as well as armour support to take out the flamethrowers and machine guns. The weak Golekhi airforce moved in to contest the Furonic control of the skies, with the help of ground based AA weaponry.

OOC: air casualties, 4 planes

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Considering the devastation of those nuclear attacks does Furon actually still have the resources necessary to continue this conflict? Deployments oversees would be better utilized in reconstruction efforts. If Furon can end this bloodshed and return in peace and honor, a shining new Japan can be rebuilt soon rather than later, rebuilt better by Japanese than the charity of foreigners.


From the office of Liska Atka, acting Generalissimo of Procinctia

Edited by Generalissimo
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