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Return of the Reich

Otto Verteidiger

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"This issue is not about the dragons, it is about one STABLE government being threatened by another. We only supported you because the Islands of Ice was an unstable regime."

Public Reply

"Maybe it is so but we would still would support Tahoe in its actions as they are the main stable government in North America".

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***DUNES news network***

"Apparently the Channel 8 News Network is on some kind of drugs if they believe the things they are spouting. What we ant to know is...where can we get some?"

**Private from News Channel 8 to DUNES**

"No one in the network uses drugs, but feel free to stimulate the economy."

Attached was a list of links to websites, including Caucasian Marijuana Industry, Plants R Us, and Peter's Original Trade (POT).

"It's been done before. There is precedent. But we have already stated we are not going to, sho why the need to defend such a slanderous station if they are protected from lawsutit?"

"There's no need, but I was asked to reprimand someone for exercising a right, so I gave my reasoning."

A note was returned.

"We are not obligated to return anything over the original fine you send us."

A copy of the relevant tax laws was sent back along with the note.

A ninja suddenly appeared at the agency, grabbed the 10,000.24, and ran away. A minute later, he was nowhere to be seen.

Edited by Drakedeath
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Public Reply

"Maybe it is so but we would still would support Tahoe in its actions as they are the main stable government in North America".

The Helzan would look at the very least foolish for replying to a message that the public had not heard, as there was no evidence who it had been from except in their own memories.

**Private from News Channel 8 to DUNES**

"No one in the network uses drugs, but feel free to stimulate the economy."

Attached was a list of links to websites, including Caucasian Marijuana Industry, Plants R Us, and Peter's Original Trade (POT).

The message was made public by DUNES.

"Apparently the cannel 8 News cannot distiguish mockery when it is directed at them. In addition to smoking drugs that prevent them from seeing truth from fiction, they attempt to break Promised Land's laws.

A ninja suddenly appeared at the agency, grabbed the 10,000.24, and ran away. A minute later, he was nowhere to be seen.

Except the ninja found that the check he'd grabbed was simply a copy made for filing purposes. The real check had already been cashed.

In addition, for their attempt to advertise illegal substances, Channel 8 was sent another fine, this for 15 thousand pounds.

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In Houston, the TMV Silverstar anchored and a member of the ships crew sent ashore to find a government official to facilitate the docking and unloading of the ships cargo, the 256 Glory FiST's, each in its own cargo container, ready to be loaded and shipped out in secret on semi's.

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The Helzan would look at the very least foolish for replying to a message that the public had not heard, as there was no evidence who it had been from except in their own memories.

In fact they wouldn't as the message had been recorded for evidance in case it was required by Helzan's new allies. However, a team had been given orders to change the information it contained so that it didn't incriminate Promised Land too much".

OOC: Not sure if you sent it by telephone or paper?

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The DE begins to mail propaganda fliers in bulk to Texas' allies and to post them all over their own states... they look kinda like this:


Several boxes containing the flyers would arrive in the Disparuean Ministry of Internal Affairs' HQ. The flyers would then be distributed throughout the country and posted in most public locations.


"Alright, but 800 million sounds a bit more to my liking."

-Alexandr Christian


"How about this. We give you 800 million, and you reverse all the damage you caused, as well as promote Texas. We'll be able to recall the money if you do not comply."

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The DE begins to mail propaganda fliers in bulk to Texas' allies and to post them all over their own states... they look kinda like this:


OOC: Do I get some too? :D

In fact they wouldn't as the message had been recorded for evidance in case it was required by Helzan's new allies. However, a team had been given orders to change the information it contained so that it didn't incriminate Promised Land too much".

OOC: Not sure if you sent it by telephone or paper?

OOC: By anonymous e-mail, routed through several satelites. Attenmpts to trace it would cause the tracing computer to fry. P

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OOC: Do I get some too? :D

OOC: By anonymous e-mail, routed through several satelites. Attenmpts to trace it would cause the tracing computer to fry. P

OOC: *Sigh* Why is it that people always use the its impossible to trace line. Its so annoying how is it impossible to trace and why would it cause the computer to fry. Reply by PM though please. Also remember how it says we only supported you and I satill have Promised Land Ospreys most people could put one and one together for complete distance you need to get rid of those Ospreys.

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The DE begins to mail propaganda fliers in bulk to Texas' allies and to post them all over their own states... they look kinda like this:


ic: Of course!

OOC: Cool!

IC: Quite a number of people were amused with the posters, but it did make them think. Many who before were indifferent now supported their government in its position.

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Another bulk package arrived, this time from the Zargathians. Attached to them was a note congratulating the Texans and their allies for their efforts at fighting for their freedom, going so far as to call them the 'True Americans' and that these flyers in question were to be used against their enemies.


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OOC: Ok, back from the world of business!

The DE begins to mail propaganda fliers in bulk to Texas' allies and to post them all over their own states... they look kinda like this:


The Texan Government received the package and started on every other corner of the street, increasing the number of Texas supporters from 80% to 92%.

In Houston, the TMV Silverstar anchored and a member of the ships crew sent ashore to find a government official to facilitate the docking and unloading of the ships cargo, the 256 Glory FiST's, each in its own cargo container, ready to be loaded and shipped out in secret on semi's.

The Texan government recently heard news of the arrival of the Glory FIST's. They will be put to good use. The government sends its thanks to Taeunas.

---Classified Message to Texas (OOC: AKA King Chris)---

To Whom it may concern:
We in Libya Feel Deeply for your current situation are offering to send heavily subsidized weapons and oil which can be paid for at a later time.

Classified to Libya:

Please do. Thank you for your support.

Fighting for freedom? My nation and my troops sit just across the river and haven't had to fight anything. What a fight, eh?

We're fighting for our people's freedom, not for your people's.

OOC: Well Oates is gone, and you haven't declared war on me or anything yet, so what can I do?

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We're fighting for our people's freedom, not for your people's.

"Technically, it's the other way around. The Reich wanted to declare independence. And we view the 'support figures' from Texas to be falsified. There's a large number of Amerikaners in Texas still, who want to see the Amerikanisches Reich return."

-HRH King James I

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OOC: You could just make like the Koreas and have a DMZ, nu?

OOC: Ugh, all those efforts for nothing?

"Technically, it's the other way around. The Reich wanted to declare independence. And we view the 'support figures' from Texas to be falsified. There's a large number of Amerikaners in Texas still, who want to see the Amerikanisches Reich return."

-HRH King James I

We're fighting for our freedom because the Reich wants to take away freedom by restoring monarchy. And some of the Amerikaners moved to the Reich, so that increased the percentages.

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Classified to Libya:

Please do. Thank you for your support.

--Classifed to Texas--

No problem, the first shipment shall leave shortly.


2 oil tankers were filled and sent on their away, along with 1 Bulk Carriers which was filled with an assortment off guns, RPGs, portable Mortars, RBS - 70s and ammunition, taken out of the Libyan Reserve.

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OOC: Ugh, all those efforts for nothing?

We're fighting for our freedom because the Reich wants to take away freedom by restoring monarchy. And some of the Amerikaners moved to the Reich, so that increased the percentages.

"But not enough so that 92% of Texas supported the government. I'd say somewhere around 50-60% is more accurate. Just a nonpartisan's view."

-HRH King James I

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OOC: Just a note, the Federation's SOSUS system is still active and we have five ships in the area due to our policy of not letting any foreign ships into the Gulf. So please post your movements once you are close, because they will be stopped. RPing them simply into the Gulf will be considered a godmod.

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"But not enough so that 92% of Texas supported the government. I'd say somewhere around 50-60% is more accurate. Just a nonpartisan's view."

-HRH King James I

"Ok, fine. Would it be better if we said 92% didn't want the Reich? Or that only 8% did?"

OOC: Crap, forgot to consider neutrals.

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OOC: Just a note, the Federation's SOSUS system is still active and we have five ships in the area due to our policy of not letting any foreign ships into the Gulf. So please post your movements once you are close, because they will be stopped. RPing them simply into the Gulf will be considered a godmod.

OOC: What? Then that means I didn't get my tanks! And what about New England's navy?

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"Ok, fine. Would it be better if we said 92% didn't want the Reich? Or that only 8% did?"

OOC: Crap, forgot to consider neutrals.

"No. I'm just calling this propaganda. Let's compare this to, for lack of a more similar situation, elections. In most elections, the victor gains only 51-65% of the votes, and their support may fluctuate down to 40% or up to 75%. However, no election has ever reported 92% of the votes going to one man, or even a popular support of 92%. Considering the large amount of Amerikaners, and the possibility that some anti-government Texas reside there, 92% is highly unrealistic."

-HRH King James I

OOC: Yeeaaah, having some neutrals would make it look a bit more convincing. :P

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OOC: Well Oates is gone, and you haven't declared war on me or anything yet, so what can I do?
OOC: You could just make like the Koreas and have a DMZ, nu?

OOC: Or you could hgeavily fortify the border. Or even both. ;)

"No. I'm just calling this propaganda. Let's compare this to, for lack of a more similar situation, elections. In most elections, the victor gains only 51-65% of the votes, and their support may fluctuate down to 40% or up to 75%. However, no election has ever reported 92% of the votes going to one man, or even a popular support of 92%. Considering the large amount of Amerikaners, and the possibility that some anti-government Texas reside there, 92% is highly unrealistic."

-HRH King James I

OOC: Yeeaaah, having some neutrals would make it look a bit more convincing. :P

"However, few such elections have the pressure of military intervention in support of the minority party hanging over their heads. People tend to react negatively when their nation might be invaded."

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