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An Announcement from Black


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I come before you today to announce a joyous occasion. An occasion of end, and one of beginnings. An occasion of deaths, and new life. An occasion of happy recollection of the past, and a hopeful glance toward the horizon and the events the future might bring. An occasion of metaphors upon metaphors, which slowly reveal the true nature of this announcement.

Black holds a very close relationship with its allies, and we are proud to say that we are all friends. Now friends and allies shall come together to form one glorious brotherhood.

As of now, the Knights of Lunaris hereby officially merge into the alliance hitherto known as Black. However, in recognition of the arrival of our noble friends from Lunaris, we happily and symbolically shall now be known to all as The Black Knights.


None shall pass.

All of KoL's and Black's treaties shall carry over to The Black Knights. TBK will be protecting the AA "Knights of Lunaris" indefinitely. If you're attacking them, stop, if you're not, don't start. Or else.

Our IRC channel is #TBK on coldfront, and our forums don't need to be announced here since forum diplomacy is stupid.

o/ Black

o/ KoL

o/ TBK

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o/ TBK

o/ Black

o/ KoL

o/oooooooooo were halfways there, ooooooooooooooo, living on a...................

Also those who are at war with us, you have until update to peace with us :) (That goes for wars against Black and KoL)

Edited by rtellez06
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This alliance is sexy, but the words Black Knights make me think of Teutonic Knights...add more Teuton symbolism and I'll orgy this alliance!

Good Luck with this endeavor, knowing the characters assembled...it will go places, high places.

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