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Mordor DoE

Nagato the Great

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OOC: no, it wasn't. not at all.

@ Drake: my god. i've said this. they are not mythical. they were created by a genetic mutation.

OOC: President Uberstein can make any statement he wants, he's the President. He gets a limo.


"It seems they have also not returned my calls. Perhaps I should send some airmail." President Uberstein has publicly announced the return of rocket-mail, aka, sending letters via cruise missiles. He warns people to stay out of the way, seeing how landing the rockets sometimes damages things. "Let's hope I have enough stamps" was his only comment.

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The Imperium of Poliz recognises Mordor as a soverign nation, and welcomes its people onto the world stage and into Statehood.


OOC: looks like i'm the only one, huh?

France respectfully request the Imperium to join in an international effort to quarantine the new state, until such time as the hypothesised genetic mutation that apparently caused the creation of orcs is clearly understood.

OOC: no, it wasn't. not at all.

@ Drake: my god. i've said this. they are not mythical. they were created by a genetic mutation.

OOC: You're ignoring the rest of the ruling which said, "no orcs"...

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OOC: no, it wasn't. not at all.

@ Drake: my god. i've said this. they are not mythical. they were created by a genetic mutation.

OOC: That explanation is flimsy at best. Orcs don't exist.

"Asteroid hit the earth..."

Nope. Even if it hit earth and had a disease on it, it wouldn't do that.

"Nuclear attack..."

Nein. We need to at least have some realism here. People in Hiroshima and Nagasaki never turned into orcs. :ph34r:


Nada. Biological weapons kill, they don't mutate.


Nevar. Show me where chemical weapons do this.

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OOC: okay...fine, whatever. an asteroid with an unknown and mutative material crashed into the area, spewing the material and spreading it causing the people to turn into Orcs. does that work? if so, i have a request that NO one ever mention the above described incident, and not to refer to them as 'infected' or 'humans' just orcs.

OOC: What a great IC explanation.. wait, are those OOC tags at the beginning? How the hell did you explain the orc things IC again? And even if you did make that into IC, an asteroid with mutative substances would probably be isolated and quarantined by the international community... Fun lurking the CNRP forums from time to time.

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France respectfully request the Imperium to join in an international effort to quarantine the new state, until such time as the hypothesised genetic mutation that apparently caused the creation of orcs is clearly understood.

OOC: You're ignoring the rest of the ruling which said, "no orcs"...

OOC: but you see their hardly 'orcs'. just mutated. not fantasy or anything.

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OOC: well what the hell?! you all ask i provide an explanation, i did. if i said it was disease, you'd all quarantine me, which would suck. what would you have me do, then?

OOC: Rp, extensively, since its a major population issue, something believable happening, or just do something non-canon with orcs.

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OOC: well what the hell?! you all ask i provide an explanation, i did. if i said it was disease, you'd all quarantine me, which would suck. what would you have me do, then?

OOC: Something like this, even if it wasn't against the rules, would require hugely extensive IC RP, not an OOC two-sentence-post.

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