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Kaiser Martens

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Taking a regular flight from Dragonisia to one of the nearby European nations Sandra prepared herself for meeting these rulers of Greater Germany. For the last part of the journey she took a simple bus full of tourists into Greater Germany, not getting off until she found the location where Tanzband and Tambarskjelve were waiting to greet thier guests. Walking up to the two men who stood waiting she bowed before each respectfully before speaking. "Greetings sir Tanzband and sir Tambarskjelve, my name is Sandra Klein, the personal assistant to Chairman Vortex of Dragonisia though I have come here on a personal visit and thus do not represent anyone but myself".

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Staatspresident Botha put down his morning newspaper.

'Hmm, the Martens are back in power again....' Then an idea gripped him. He reached for his telephone and called the Ministry of Finance.

"Hofmeyr, is that you? Botha here. Yes, I am fine, all is well. Have you read page A2 of Transvaler Daaglikse Nuus yet? Yes, that Martens. Hey I was thinking its time to roll out another production run of our old Martens 20 Rand banknotes again, make them look all soiledlike the last batch and then leak them out for collectors, tourists, and secret admirers. Also make sure a bunch enter circulation. The old Martencists go wild over them every time we do this."


Transvaal 20 Rand banknote from 2007

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"The Premier could say only one thing- WE hope you fail like the other Greater Germany empires, since your countries are a disturbance for world peace. We shall not be recognizing your silly Greater Germany or whatever. Any Greater Germany citizen found in the People's Republic shall be shot on sight."

OOC: Lol what, this is getting so boring <_<

"I was unaware that China was filled of racists, but thank you for letting the rest of us know."

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All are welcome, and naturally, we recognize all those who recognize us - it is a honor.


Tanzband and Tambarskjelve sat at a large table. They were watching reports on all the festivities on a massive screen hanging from the ceiling at the end of the room. Tanzband comments,

"Well, looks like it all happened smoothly after all."

The second one nods and answers, "Yes. He was right. As usual."

It is then when an officer announces the arrival of Lady Klein. The men rise and nod in polite greeting as she enters, then they move closer to shake her hand. "Welcome. Did you have a nice flight? Ah, a personal visit. We have time both for countries and for individuals, so we are pleased to see you." Says Tanzband, while Dietrich remains quiet.

Outside, everything goes on. Some people have taken the date as a mourning day for the fallen and for the former Kaiserin, some other have decided to drink and get wasted. Rumors say that the older Martens is among the crowd as well, and some claim to see him.

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Reichsmarschall Wareheim simply made use of the state vehicle and drove the all the way, considering the Rheinmark shares a border with Deutschland. The Reichsmarschall would arrive and mingle for a short time before requesting an audience with the leaders of Groß Deutschland. They seemed occupied, but he was patient and continued to make small talk as he waited his turn.

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Queen Amyante arrived a little later than expected, the reason being she requested the driver to drive slower so she could get a better look of the country. Though it would probably be covered at some point during the Silver Revolution festivities, she found that some nations tended to brush problems under the carpet in an attempt to make a better impression on others, and the view she currently had of construction and inhabitants that weren't aware the leader of a nation was watching them would be much more representative as well. The alleys too were important, a mirror of the true face of the city, hidden from view to all that were unaware what to look for.

eventually though, she arrived, and stepped out of the car as the door was being held open for her. Her clothing would be rather simple and utilitarian, though the (copyrighted) Zargathian Royal Emblem would be clear to see where it had been printed on the left breast of her jacket. Taking a deep breath, she followed the guard escorting her to what she assumed would be a representative of Kaiser-Regent Tanzbaum, perhaps even Tambarskjelve, and even though she hadn't seen these men before she still tried to get an image of what to expect.

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The city was a model city. It was a pre-planned city, since Berlin had been destroyed many times, it used a mixture of Prefabricated buildings combined with more classical architecture resembling Nordheim's style, making it all feel like a mix between an ancient pre-christian settlement and the most modern of Roman cities. It was difficult, if not impossible to find anyone or anywhere that looked "Poor". Whether if this was a genuine achievement or if they had been moved elsewhere was something that could not be known simply for watching. Another thing that was remarkable was that these people, although seemingly rich, seemed to prefer relatively simple clothing, vehicles and accessories - Most people were dressed either in a Military uniform, something that resembled a military uniform, or something that resembled old Germanic clothing. The majority of the cars looked more like armored combat cars than civilian vehicles. Most of the people were carrying guns - be it pistols or bigger devices. But in spite of the apparent potential danger, murder rates had always been and still are among the lowest of the planet. They led a relatively simple life, and seemed to dislike consumism. One could identify foreigners, even if from other Nordlandic nations, by their more western-like style. Another remarkable thing was how healthy the majority looked. Well, those who weren't drunk.

There would be indeed time for all. As the others continued to chat, a female military officer approaches Warenheim and Amyante. "Oh hello. This has exceeded our expectations - so many honorable guests...the Leaders will be with you in no time."

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Based on what she had seen so far, Amyante was pleasantly surprised at how similar this nation was to her own. Not in terms of architecture and culture of course, as Zargathia was located in China, but the general presence of the military in the city as one with the inhabitants and the focus on good health for its citizens. Though her own nation had a smaller soldier-to-citizen count, and commonly available armored cars were still a couple of notches beyond how she envisioned her own nation, but in general... There were definitely similarities.

A female officer approached her and another leader with a message, and she nodded, replying it wouldn't be a problem. She remembered how much work it was to get a nation started, and even though the Nords had experience with it that still didn't make it easy. Time was something she had scheduled enough of on this trip. In an attempt to pass the time, she decided to strike up some casual conversation with the leader she did not recognize.

- "Good afternoon, i am Amyante Tojimaru of Zargathia."

Her voice was casual, simply someone introducing themselves to another person rather than someone announcing who they were and expecting everyone to know who she was. The friendly smile she sent at Warenheim emphasized that she was just trying to break the ice as they waited for their hosts to arrive.

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A harried-looking James walked briskly through the courtyard of the palace, flanked by two Liberty Guardsmen, who were clearly feeling safe; their rifles remained shouldered. The look in James's eyes was a mix of haste and wonder as he reminisced over the architecture of the city. I should come here for a tour sometime, he thought. Possibly when I'm not arriving to a ball late.He stopped at the palace doors, retrieved a comb from his pocket, and brought his hair under control. James pocketed the comb and entered the palace.

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Frederick Vænsynn, dressed in a simple black suit jacket, white cravat, and black pants, walked through the courtyard, looking at the beautiful city. He recited a quote from the original Martens to himself, and continued drinking his beer and looking at the city. "Why does it seem like the people are walking without purpose?"

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Based on what she had seen so far, Amyante was pleasantly surprised at how similar this nation was to her own. Not in terms of architecture and culture of course, as Zargathia was located in China, but the general presence of the military in the city as one with the inhabitants and the focus on good health for its citizens. Though her own nation had a smaller soldier-to-citizen count, and commonly available armored cars were still a couple of notches beyond how she envisioned her own nation, but in general... There were definitely similarities.

A female officer approached her and another leader with a message, and she nodded, replying it wouldn't be a problem. She remembered how much work it was to get a nation started, and even though the Nords had experience with it that still didn't make it easy. Time was something she had scheduled enough of on this trip. In an attempt to pass the time, she decided to strike up some casual conversation with the leader she did not recognize.

- "Good afternoon, i am Amyante Tojimaru of Zargathia."

Her voice was casual, simply someone introducing themselves to another person rather than someone announcing who they were and expecting everyone to know who she was. The friendly smile she sent at Warenheim emphasized that she was just trying to break the ice as they waited for their hosts to arrive.

"Guten Abend," replied Wareheim simply to affirm his nationality, not that it was of any question by his dress and the the officers behind him, "I am Reichsmarschall Hendrik Wareheim, leader of the Militärrepublik Rheinmark, pleased to meet you."

Wareheim extended his black-gloved hand to Amyante.

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Amyante took the hand and shook it, in the meantime thinking where on the map she had seen the Rheinmark. She had not missed the German greeting (which honestly was a great help), and with that, she started to think. She had met the Austrian leader before, and from that knew that Wareheim wasn't from Austria. She knew of the Freistaat Preußen because it bordered Nordheim... Which left only one place for it to be, really.

- "Pleasure to meet you. Rheinmark... That's west of Austria, is it not?"

She waited for the reply, looking forward to see if Wareheim would be able to tell where her own country was located. With her own British looks and accent it would be much harder to tell that Zargathia was located in the Far East, but who knew, maybe he would have heard of it.

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Amyante took the hand and shook it, in the meantime thinking where on the map she had seen the Rheinmark. She had not missed the German greeting (which honestly was a great help), and with that, she started to think. She had met the Austrian leader before, and from that knew that Wareheim wasn't from Austria. She knew of the Freistaat Preußen because it bordered Nordheim... Which left only one place for it to be, really.

- "Pleasure to meet you. Rheinmark... That's west of Austria, is it not?"

She waited for the reply, looking forward to see if Wareheim would be able to tell where her own country was located. With her own British looks and accent it would be much harder to tell that Zargathia was located in the Far East, but who knew, maybe he would have heard of it.

Wareheim smiled, "Yes, yes. It covers southern Germany, Switzerland and Elsass-Lothringen, maybe you call it Alsace-Lorraine? And I have heard of you too, from Zargarthia? Of Manchuria? I did not know there were British there."

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Amyante grinned as Wareheim managed to guess the location of her nation in the first attempt. It felt like she was doing things right if she was known as far as Europe, and she took it as a compliment.

- "Indeed. There was a community of Hanseatic refugees in Taeunas, and they decided to join me to Manchuria... It's a long story. So, what is your opinion on Nordheim so far?"

As she spoke, she gestured to the room around her, though in all honesty she was referring to the entire country so far. It was incredible how much prejudice and aversion people had against the country they were in, yet given that the Reichsmarschall had accepted the Nordic invitation she believed him to not be as biased as some of the other leaders.

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Amyante grinned as Wareheim managed to guess the location of her nation in the first attempt. It felt like she was doing things right if she was known as far as Europe, and she took it as a compliment.

- "Indeed. There was a community of Hanseatic refugees in Taeunas, and they decided to join me to Manchuria... It's a long story. So, what is your opinion on Nordheim so far?"

As she spoke, she gestured to the room around her, though in all honesty she was referring to the entire country so far. It was incredible how much prejudice and aversion people had against the country they were in, yet given that the Reichsmarschall had accepted the Nordic invitation she believed him to not be as biased as some of the other leaders.

"To put it simply...we remember where we came from. For a long, long time the Rheinmark was united with Germany and Nordland as a whole, only recently has it been independent. We recognize Nordlandic as an official language alongside German and our nation is in the midst of a bloodless, cultural revolution. I believe that my own country will be very similar to this one, very soon. As for the country itself, beautiful landscape, beautiful architecture and a beautiful people."

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Amyante nodded in reply to Wareheim, looking at the architecture that was visible through a window before turning back to the Reichsmarschall.

- "I can understand that. From what i've seen, there are definitely similarities with the way i lead my own country as well. The difference being that where mine has cities with a strong military presence, the cities here seem more like... military bases with a civilian presence. In both cases the military seems closely intertwined with everyday life though. What is it like in the Rheinmark?"

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Amyante nodded in reply to Wareheim, looking at the architecture that was visible through a window before turning back to the Reichsmarschall.

- "I can understand that. From what i've seen, there are definitely similarities with the way i lead my own country as well. The difference being that where mine has cities with a strong military presence, the cities here seem more like... military bases with a civilian presence. In both cases the military seems closely intertwined with everyday life though. What is it like in the Rheinmark?"

"The Rheinmark is a beautiful country. The Rhine winds through the forested hills, nourishing old settlements all along the way. We are a military republic, so much like here and in your nation, the military is close to everyday life. Though, admittedly, not as close as it is here," he chuckled.

"But yes, the Rheinmark is a sort of crossroads for the old Nordic way and the modern world. And what might Zargarthia be like?"

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"Zargathia is... i believe new would be the right word. Overall population density is low, infrastructure is booming and it feels a lot like building a country up from scratch with all the assets the modern world has to offer. As a result, we can afford to keep pollution levels to a minimum. We're building ports on one side of the country and solar plants on the other, preparing to build a railroad in the middle and still allow our forests to remain untouched... i think that sums it up nicely."

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"Thank you for seeing me. For reasons to my safety I can't quite reveal exactly who I am to you at this current time but allow me to tell you that I have had not intimate but close relations with this area of Europe and with a new German Empire coming into being I wanted to make sure that I would be able to meet with the leaders of the German people. I also have a few questions but they can be answered by any information clerk. I was wondering if perhaps you hd any questions for me?" replied Sandra with a short smile.

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