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The Republic of Biff goes to war!

Markus Wilding

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*Statement right from Biff!*

I am no puppet. Do I look like a puppet to you when I do executive things like this?


*This message was written via paper and pencil, then sent to everybody in the world.*

Lance Pikachurin would send this letter to Biff:

TO: Biff

FROM: Lance Pikachurin

Hmm....so jamming octopi into printers is considered executive? Or do you use their ink for your printers for fun?

We will continue to be cautious about you and your PR agent. Something smells fishy in here (and it isn't the octopus).


Lance Pikachurin

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"The government of Kitex is happy to see that the RoB canceled its invasion."

****Secret IC****

A total of 3 4-man Spec Ops teams have been sent to the RoB to gather intel on Biff and his PR agent."

Edited by kitex
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Due to these peace and stability disrupting actions undertaken by the Republic of Biff the Islands of Ice will be placing their nation under heavy surveillance to ensure that they don't go off and start something just as bad as this or something worse without us knowing about it.

"Might be a bad idea. Bad things seem to happen to nations that meddle where things don't concern them. That southeast Asian country, Pax Pacis, comes to mind."

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"Might be a bad idea. Bad things seem to happen to nations that meddle where things don't concern them. That southeast Asian country, Pax Pacis, comes to mind."

"That Asian country you refer to was attempting to foolishly run as a world police and was run by a too young and immature leader. We however, would not wish to police anyone but considering we are an American nation we feel that it is in our best interests to watch this Republic of Biff in case their actions affect us".

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After three days of silence, Tim Hand delivered this message over Radio Free Mexio, "we thank our fellow North American nations for their support against this mad man. Many of our people were killed in the air strikes, including Executive Oates. We mourn the loss of our founder, but realise that it could have been far more devastating. However, there are an unknown amounts of Biff paratroopers still in our country. These men are still fighting against Federal and State Soldiers, thus we will treat them as criminals of the CFNA. None of them will be returned to their homeland once caught and I can ensure you that they will be dealt with in the most efficent way possible."

OOC: I'm assuming the paradrop already happened. Is the war over alreadY? Damn.

Edited by Oates
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After three days of silence, Tim Hand delivered this message over Radio Free Mexio, "we thank our fellow North American nations for their support against this mad man. Many of our people were killed in the air strikes, including Executive Oates. We mourn the loss of our founder, but realise that it could have been far more devastating. However, there are an unknown amounts of Biff paratroopers still in our country. These men are still fighting against Federal and State Soldiers, thus we will treat them as criminals of the CFNA. None of them will be returned to their homeland once caught and I can ensure you that they will be dealt with in the most efficent way possible."

OoC: I don't think they ever launched the attack due to pressure. But N Reeki should settle this.

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After three days of silence, Tim Hand delivered this message over Radio Free Mexio, "we thank our fellow North American nations for their support against this mad man. Many of our people were killed in the air strikes, including Executive Oates. We mourn the loss of our founder, but realise that it could have been far more devastating. However, there are an unknown amounts of Biff paratroopers still in our country. These men are still fighting against Federal and State Soldiers, thus we will treat them as criminals of the CFNA. None of them will be returned to their homeland once caught and I can ensure you that they will be dealt with in the most efficent way possible."

OOC: I'm assuming the paradrop already happened. Is the war over alreadY? Damn.

OOC: They never landed, they took off but never got outside the RoB borders thanks to Mudd's protectorate over Texas.

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OOC: I couldn't, Mudd's men probably would've gotten me...

OOC: God man, you're no fun.

I read your posts over again, you clearly dropped paratrooper and supplies, aswell as bombed me. Now this all happened, so I'll leave it to you to decide what route you took, and who you decided to piss off by flying an invasion force over their country.

Edited by Oates
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