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UJA Declaration of War on SDF


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I want to make an observation. Almost every single person who has either posted support for UJA or ignored this thread is a !@#$@#$ hypocrite. You !@#$%*, whine, and moan about unfair odds and bandwaggoning, but only so long as it's against you! When someone bandwaggons an already outnumbered SDF, that's all well and good! Because, well, they're a member of WOLF. They deserve their fate. They brought this on themselves. You've got to be !@#$ting me. SDF is now fighting against two alliances who are both individually larger in members and NS then they are, and you don't see a problem with that? You, the same people who !@#$%*ed every time RE or TPF went to war with an alliance that had, say, three-quarters the size they had? Yet you're ok with this? If SDF being a WOLF member is your only justification, then that's pretty pathetic. Has anyone here seen SDF acting like jerks on the OWF? Has anyone seen SDF curbstomp any alliances? Have they done anything to earn your hate, other then trying to protect themselves?

This is truly disgusting. UJA, you've just shown the world that you are a group of cowards who are incapable of fighting an enemy who could fight back. Purple Unity, you are cowards for asking them to get involved in this. Those of you who have hailed UJA as brave soldiers, you are hypocrites who mask your hypocrisy by claiming that we asked for this. It's true we did, but that doesn't mean we can't call you out on your pathetic cowardice.

Congratulations. You've just shown the world how Judgment Reborn will operate.

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They never invited any such thing.

Poor move here.

You have an issue, you contact me by PM.

Otherwise, I suggest you put back the rest of my post where I told them to fight with honor like everyone else is and stop trying to gain sympathy for your cause.

WOLF was hell bent on controlling TE, we're hell bent on stopping you.

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Congratulations. You've just shown the world how Judgment Reborn will operate.

You mean, attack WOLF until they are gone or we've had our fair share of fighting and then disband?

Because that isn't a bad plan, I wish I thought of it first... wait I did...

We're attacking anyone in WOLF individually (ya know, Alliance A DoWs on you, and Alliance B fights back, but we don't hit ABCDEFG) and then once it's all over we part ways.

Holding a grudge against us is actually ruining the spirit of this all.

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You have an issue, you contact me by PM.

You post on the forums, you invite a response. That's two threads now that you've claimed that people are pursuing a personal vendetta against you for replying to comments you've made. All your trying to do is discredit the comments that make you look foolish and hypocritical.

You mean, attack WOLF until they are gone or we've had our fair share of fighting and then disband?

Because that isn't a bad plan, I wish I thought of it first... wait I did...

We're attacking anyone in WOLF individually (ya know, Alliance A DoWs on you, and Alliance B fights back, but we don't hit ABCDEFG) and then once it's all over we part ways.

Holding a grudge against us is actually ruining the spirit of this all.

Good job only replying to one part of my post, and ignoring the rest of it. I called you out on hypocrisy. I'd like to see you address that issue. You threw a fit when RE attacked MHA and we outnumbered you, but suddenly, unfair wars are ok?

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You post on the forums, you invite a response. That's two threads now that you've claimed that people are pursuing a personal vendetta against you for replying to comments you've made. All your trying to do is discredit the comments that make you look foolish and hypocritical.

Good job only replying to one part of my post, and ignoring the rest of it. I called you out on hypocrisy. I'd like to see you address that issue. You threw a fit when RE attacked MHA and we outnumbered you, but suddenly, unfair wars are ok?

You drew up the game plans, I just played ball.

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You post on the forums, you invite a response. That's two threads now that you've claimed that people are pursuing a personal vendetta against you for replying to comments you've made. All your trying to do is discredit the comments that make you look foolish and hypocritical.

Good job only replying to one part of my post, and ignoring the rest of it. I called you out on hypocrisy. I'd like to see you address that issue. You threw a fit when RE attacked MHA and we outnumbered you, but suddenly, unfair wars are ok?


1 I wasn't around when u attack so how can I throw a fit?

2 You and I even talked about it and You said you hit us pretty well and I was quite amused lol

3 Please go back and read ALL my posts dating back the round 2,3,4 and you will find I had already came to such conclusion that nothing was ever fair and you can't please everyone.

I told ya tibs go back and real ALL my quotes. I already have :P I do my homework you know.

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1 I wasn't around when u attack so how can I throw a fit?

2 You and I even talked about it and You said you hit us pretty well and I was quite amused lol

3 Please go back and read ALL my posts dating back the round 2,3,4 and you will find I had already came to such conclusion that nothing was ever fair and you can't please everyone.

I told ya tibs go back and real ALL my quotes. I already have :P I do my homework you know.

Wasn't talking to you Thai, you no longer lead MHA, and you hadn't posted in this thread. You already knew that though, you just needed a way to interject yourself. Nice to know that you don't see a problem with this obvious bandwaggoning. I'd like to know if the rest of Judgment wants to be allied to people who don't have a problem with curbstomps.

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I love you Tibs, nothing is ever simple with you is it?

Actually it's extremely simple. I'll repeat the question though:

Is that an admission to hypocrisy? Or are you now saying that you've changed your earlier opinion, and are in favor of one-sided wars?

There's nothing complicated about that. You've either changed your opinion, or you haven't and are operating in violation of your proclaimed-moral code. Simple question, with two simple answers. Stop avoiding them with idiotic comments that have nothing to do with the subject at hand.

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Actually it's extremely simple. I'll repeat the question though:

There's nothing complicated about that. You've either changed your opinion, or you haven't and are operating in violation of your proclaimed-moral code. Simple question, with two simple answers. Stop avoiding them with idiotic comments that have nothing to do with the subject at hand.

You're an awesome guy Tibs, you always find ways of making things more complicated than they are.

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I told them to fight with honor

How the hell do you expect US to fight with honor when we're being slaughtered BY NOT ONE but two !@#$@#$ alliances and them proclaiming they are the best. Is that what you call honor!

I never had the intentions of putting a curbstop to ANY alliance in TE. I did have a bit of a revenge plan for WAPA but ran out of time in end of round wars with WOLF but even then after I saw them getting hit pretty hard by Nothern Lights I backed down and did the honorable thing to canceling the attack despite it being the perfect time to attack. So don't you tell me this is supposed to be an honorable war!

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You're an awesome guy Tibs, you always find ways of making things more complicated than they are.

Ok, obviously you don't want to answer the very simple question. That means you're either ashamed of the answer, or afraid of the reaction to it. I'll dumb it down though, since you're obviously incapable of complex thought:

Do you approve of curbstomps?

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How the hell do you expect US to fight with honor when we're being slaughtered BY NOT ONE but two !@#$@#$ alliances and them proclaiming they are the best. Is that what you call honor!

I never had the intentions of putting a curbstop to ANY alliance in TE. I did have a bit of a revenge plan for WAPA but ran out of time in end of round wars with WOLF but even then after I saw them getting hit pretty hard by Nothern Lights I backed down and did the honorable thing to canceling the attack despite it being the perfect time to attack. So don't you tell me this is supposed to be an honorable war!

Well, that's what was asked of us once. Fight with honor, what else do you want me to say? PU and UJA, you are horrible people for attacking someone in a war game, I hate you now. You're not my friends anymore?

Honestly... what? Tell me what to do.

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Ok, obviously you don't want to answer the very simple question. That means you're either ashamed of the answer, or afraid of the reaction to it. I'll dumb it down though, since you're obviously incapable of complex thought:

Do you approve of curbstomps?

Stop making me feel bashful Tibs, you're too kind.

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You're an awesome guy Tibs, you always find ways of making things more complicated than they are.

What's complicated:

We're out gunned and out numbered: We accept the challenge

Another alliance bigger than us joins the fray: We say this isn't fair

An ally tries to prove this and he's making it complicated how?

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Stop making me feel bashful Tibs, you're too kind.

Fine. Let the record show that LoneWolfe is either afraid of a simple question, or so un-intelligent that he cannot comprehend something a four year old could. Personally my bet is on the first one. He's a hypocrite, but he's not an idiot.

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Fine. Let the record show that LoneWolfe is either afraid of a simple question, or so un-intelligent that he cannot comprehend something a four year old could. Personally my bet is on the first one. He's a hypocrite, but he's not an idiot.

You compliment me too much Tibs. If we knew eachother I might think this was more than a friendship if I swung that way.

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Well, that's what was asked of us once. Fight with honor, what else do you want me to say? PU and UJA, you are horrible people for attacking someone in a war game, I hate you now. You're not my friends anymore?

Honestly... what? Tell me what to do.

Personally, I'd like you to acknowledge that if SDF wasn't a part of WOLF, you'd be in an uproar about SDF being hit by two alliances, both larger then them. I'd like you to acknowledge that you personal thirst for revenge is overriding your morality. I'd also like you to actually respond to the content of a post, but obviously that isn't going to happen. It's much easier to make a idiotic comment then an intelligent one, as you well know.

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Personally, I'd like you to acknowledge that if SDF wasn't a part of WOLF, you'd be in an uproar about SDF being hit by two alliances, both larger then them. I'd like you to acknowledge that you personal thirst for revenge is overriding your morality. I'd also like you to actually respond to the content of a post, but obviously that isn't going to happen. It's much easier to make a idiotic comment then an intelligent one, as you well know.

I'm with this 100% plus I would appreciate everyone to stop making comments that haven't been proven wrong with the previous posts beforehand. I know it's a war game but this isn't war if one side is destroyed and other nations join in all in the Spirit that they are learning to fight, what are you going to learn shooting something that can't fight back.

I had respect for most alliances on TE: That has not changed only that I don't have respect for Individuals that support this sort of thing.

I had respect for people opposing WOLF: Until they claim they are noble for greatly unmatched odds.

I had respect for WOLF allies: And I still do for standing by SDF, if your claims that WOLF ruined TE, take a look around you we never stopped wars. We have started them....but now YOUR coalition is putting not only a stop to wars but making similar people like yourselves who play the same game as you hate to even want to login to post something on this forum.

Most of you said you would FIGHT and PROTECT my dear friend Emperor Stranger because he had unmatched odds. Why is the difference in this situation?

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How the hell do you expect US to fight with honor when we're being slaughtered BY NOT ONE but two !@#$@#$ alliances and them proclaiming they are the best. Is that what you call honor!

I never had the intentions of putting a curbstop to ANY alliance in TE. I did have a bit of a revenge plan for WAPA but ran out of time in end of round wars with WOLF but even then after I saw them getting hit pretty hard by Nothern Lights I backed down and did the honorable thing to canceling the attack despite it being the perfect time to attack. So don't you tell me this is supposed to be an honorable war!

I can back this up. He told me several times that SDF had to cancel their plans.

Keep fighting SDF, you will get your white peace soon hopefully. :)

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I'm with this 100% plus I would appreciate everyone to stop making comments that haven't been proven wrong with the previous posts beforehand. I know it's a war game but this isn't war if one side is destroyed and other nations join in all in the Spirit that they are learning to fight, what are you going to learn shooting something that can't fight back.

I had respect for most alliances on TE: That has not changed only that I don't have respect for Individuals that support this sort of thing.

I had respect for people opposing WOLF: Until they claim they are noble for greatly unmatched odds.

I had respect for WOLF allies: And I still do for standing by SDF, if your claims that WOLF ruined TE, take a look around you we never stopped wars. We have started them....but now YOUR coalition is putting not only a stop to wars but making similar people like yourselves who play the same game as you hate to even want to login to post something on this forum.

Most of you said you would FIGHT and PROTECT my dear friend Emperor Stranger because he had unmatched odds. Why is the difference in this situation?

Andrew, I don't condone what happened to you, but I have no say in that. I know exactly how you feel, my last alliance was out gunned, much worse then yours. But you have to realize, no one is going to show you sympathy right now if you have the simplest terms to get peace. WOLF has been disbanded, now ask for peace its that simple. You guys did get destroyed, I've been there, and no one showed us any sympathy. But the reason you guys are getting attacked is much different then Emperor Stranger's reason. Not only that, but your terms are a lot different then ES's.

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UJA is so cowardly and so menacing for doing what was necessary to ensure victory... :rolleyes:

WOLF was a bloc that posed a threat to every alliance on Steve. We've done what was necessary to make sure we're not threatened any more.

People are also forgetting that before Saturday night, SDF was actually larger than UJA. And the UJA joined in one day after everyone else. Not because we wanted to "dog pile" but because we weren't certain who would be attacking who Saturday night and we wanted to see how things played out. When the smoke cleared, JR asked us to hit SDF because they had several larger nations that PU couldn't hit. So we did.

There was nothing cold or malicious about it. It's ironic that the people in a bloc that had everyone outnumbered a half dozen to one and said, "do something about it," is now whining because we did something about it. "B-b-b-b-but the odds aren't fair!" Who the heck goes to war looking to lose? It's not like SDF was getting curb stomped by an alliance twice their size for days and then we jumped in to make things exponentially worse. They had been at war with an alliance of comparable size for a single day and our friends asked us for help, so we did. There've been 3 nights of war for Christ's sake, and people are whining like this? On Bob, GPA faced down 8 to 1 odds for weeks and didn't whine this much.

And why the heck is SDF playing the victim here? You joined a large bloc so that, no matter what, if you started to lose a war, you would have sufficient force to ensure you didn't. That's all we've done here - applied sufficient force. As far as I know, our UJA nations have been reasonable and respectful and don't deserve the whiny name calling that's taken place here.

SDF, I'm sorry you got the short end of the stick. We didn't chose you, you were chosen for us. Such is war. We won't extend the war for an unreasonable amount of time, but let's not pretend like your the victim of some horrible crime here. (OOC: This is a war game). WOLF was outmaneuvered on this one, and SDF, as part of WOLF, is suffering for it. Thems the breaks. Buck up

To quote Gabryal from an IRC convo he and I had on the 27th:

<Gabryal[TPF]>: well there is no anti-WOLF side

<Gabryal[TPF]>: we'd like there to be one

<Gabryal[TPF]>: but so far no one's risen to it

JR stood up and did exactly what Gabryal wanted to see, did they not? And you're upset because we did so efficiently? Bah...

Whining and moaning about your poor odds being unfair after three nights of fighting is pretty ridiculous. You were in a bloc that had everyone else outnumbered. Now you're upset because you're on the other side of that coin and it doesn't feel so hot. Lesson learned I suppose...

I'd have a lot more respect for SDF if their leadership had come to me through the proper channels when we first declared and voiced their concerns, instead of waiting to have their rear-ends handed to them and then whining about the way in which it was handed to them.

Would the UJA have preferred to have done a 1 v 1 battle? I think so. I think PU would have as well. But our goal in this conflict was less about military exercise and short-term fairness, and more about breaking up the WOLF bloc to ensure the freedom and security for everyone else outside of the WOLF bloc. It's not a difficult concept to grasp. Buck up.

Edited by Rooman33
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