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AUP - General Congress

Elrich von Richt

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We do not lie. We have no evidence your MoFA did not give the order.

OOC: Not to be a jerk but, this is a closed thread; please take this conversation elsewhere if you are not a member/observerstate or applying for membership. Thanks.

Edited by iamthey
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OOC: router died at my house so haven't been on in a few days and probably won't be again for another few since I need to go to the library to use internet now. so don't be surprised if i am not saying much of anything :D .

IC: Kivortistan will vote Aye to DE joining it seems like a huge step towards our goal.

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Such shall be voted on by our member states.

We vote Aye.

Also, we welcome the observer from Selecanatros.

OOC: Selenarctos :P

IC: Antonio Pilar, having spent the last 19 hours in three planes and four airports and only briefly stopping at his hotel for a shower, arrives and quietly takes a seat near the rear of the room.

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"The Empire is very honored to see that the voting has almost gone unanimously towards our membership. I would like to briefly introduce myself. I am Tidus Wilhelm, the nephew of the late Chairman. I was granted this position via his will and the senate of our great state affirmed his last wishes in the appointment due to the many contributions I have made to our great meritocracy in representing the Dragonisian City congressional district. I'm very pleased to be sitting here among so many familiar and friendly faces that has worked with my family in the past towards the Unification and strengthening of Asia. My state has strong contacts throughout the world.. and I would encourage the AUP to use our capabilities in diplomacy and friendships to help it meet its goals. That said, thank you again for your affirmation of membership, and I look forward to being here representing our Empire among the elites of Asia."

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Antonio Pilar arrives (rather late) to represent The Nation of Selenarctos.

OOC: This is a meeting of this Asian Union, right? When I left, it was an ODP. If this has changed, could someone direct me to the new draft? Thanks!

OOC: Scratch that, thanks Elrich von Richt, though could I still get a link? got it now

IC: The Nation of Selenarctos would like to apply for Observer Status.

"Promised Land votes Aye."

The Dragon Empire hereby requests membership in the AUP as a full voting member and as a single state with one vote.

"Is it too late to cast a vote? Is the matter already decided?"

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"It is never too late to vote until the time limit has been reached. Even if a matter is all but formally decided, a member might still place their vote, and voice objections if they have any. We feel it is better to not let such matters fester when they can be so easily avoided."

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"Actually, previously only the Dragon Empire existed as an Asian bloc, the AUP is still fairly new. Now that the Dragon Empire has stated its desire to join the AUP, there would still be only one Asian bloc, only larger than it used to be. In the long run, nothing has changed, or at least less than one might believe. Antarctica and Europe all have their own Blocs as well, and it is therefore safe to assume Africa and the Americas have also: On a worldwide scale, a balance will always exist between blocs and nations, for if one grows larger it will drive nations elsewhere to join other blocs as well, thus compensating for the shift in power. The system is perfectly capable of balancing itself given a little time, our ally need not worry."

Edited by Amyante
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