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AUP - General Congress

Elrich von Richt

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Before the girl who called herself a minister got to "this will take longer" the screen had gone black, and the representative had quickly left. A note was left on the screen: If the Haruhiist Empire does not release any Chernorussians in their custody we will do the same for your civilians in our nation.

Back in Chernorussia, Big Brother rolled his eyes: what did he expect from a nation run by children? Even worse, bloodthirsty psychopathic children. He shook his head, and made sure the order to arrest all Haruhiists within Chernorrusia was given.

Kagami of course, had gotten around that. There wasn't a single Haruhiist civilian on their soil, as it was.

Oh well, at least this situation would get interesting, since the other government refused to say anything.

Haruhiist soldiers stopped the car the representative was talking, and took him back to the room for detainment.

They weren't going anywhere, until the government of Chernorussia spoke up.

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Before the girl who called herself a minister got to "this will take longer" the screen had gone black, and the representative had quickly left. A note was left on the screen: If the Haruhiist Empire does not release any Chernorussians in their custody we will do the same for your civilians in our nation.

Back in Chernorussia, Big Brother rolled his eyes: what did he expect from a nation run by children? Even worse, bloodthirsty psychopathic children. He shook his head, and made sure the order to arrest all Haruhiists within Chernorrusia was given.

The government of Buryatia demands a meeting with the leader of Chernorussia's government at the Buryatian Military Base in Chernorussia immediately.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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The Citadel who was initially invited to join this pact has decided that it will indeed join. As we are presently undergoing a series of internal reforms of our political structure Monarchical decree will be utilized to seal this agreement. In the interest of prudence the future title and office shall further be utilized.

We do however sign all articles of the treaty with the reservation of article V (free trade) which would undermine the entirety of our present economic policy (neo-merchantilism); as well as article III which we feel is much too vague. We will of course share all intelligence relevant to the AUP as we do with the EU (in so far as doing so wouldn't not violate the confidentiality we hold to another entity); however we will not reveal every trivial detail of our nation's functions. If these reservations are accepted you may consider the following a valid seal.

H.M the King, Ryn Atrevier: RynAtreviersig-1.png

Rex Pacifica


[b]H.M the King, Ryn Atrevier:[/b] [img=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v624/iamthey/RynAtreviersig-1.png]
Rex Pacifica

Edited by iamthey
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OOC: I can't help but :lol:

IC: That's very incriminating evidence you have, are you certain that this is true?

OOC: yeah, when i asked if i should delete that comment, and there was no answer, i assumed that it was perfectly fine XD obviously a mistake. besides, i asked for verification if the story was true, not a definite asnwer.

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Antonio Pilar arrives (rather late) to represent The Nation of Selenarctos.

OOC: This is a meeting of this Asian Union, right? When I left, it was an ODP. If this has changed, could someone direct me to the new draft? Thanks!

OOC: Scratch that, thanks Elrich von Richt, though could I still get a link? got it now

IC: The Nation of Selenarctos would like to apply for Observer Status.

Edited by iKrolm
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***Message to the AUP, delivered by Buryatia’s Observer delegation***

“Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you that Buryatia’s Foreign Minister has been assassinated by soldiers from Chernorussia. As a delegation from the Haruhiist Empire was set to accompany them and the Haruhiist Empire is a member nation of the AUP we thought to bring this matter to your urgent attention.”

The leader of the delegation then hands the AUP Congress a copy of the tape recorded by the camera in Onatopp’s jacket, and the pendant, as well as the medical reports from the High Command detailing the exact moments of her death.

(OOC: Further information here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...0&start=40)

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"Zargathia wishes to offer its condolences to the family of Foreign Minister Onatopp and Buryatia as a whole. In light of the Zhukov Doctrine, would you be willing to grant us permission to assist in this conflict?"

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Again, for giving the orders to attack our soldiers. Of course, her conduct did not even match that of a minster should have.

She's not a minister, mind you. Her conduct was simple, and neccessary. She dosen't like being threatened and backed into a corner.

She also dislikes foreigners, especially people like you who don't know her at all, to boss her around.

Thus, the result happened, and she decided to kill a few of your soldiers.

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Regarding the situation developing regarding Chernorussia, the Buryatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, now being led by Vice Foreign Minister Putin releases the following statement:

"The Buryatian government held two meetings with the governments of Chernorussia and the Haruhiist Empire regarding the allegations of espionage. At the second meeting, as shown by the footage, our Foreign Minister was brutally assassinated. She gave no orders whatsoever to attack Chernorussian soldiers. As a matter of fact she was not even in the same room as the soldiers at the time in question.

Now the situation has reached the point where the Chernorussian military is openly threatening Buryatian military personnel at the Military Base. And has the Vice Empress of the Haruhiist Empire in custody. This is a situation that Buryatia can not and will not tolerate. At all times we have held out the possibility of a negotiated solution to the situation, however that is no longer possible.

Here before the AUP, I state that despite all that has gone on, we will not fire the first shot, but if fired upon we will fire the last. We are committed to supporting the Haruhiist Empire, as well as to ensure that such a situation does not recur. Today we have not only lost a government official and diplomat, we have lost a Buryatian citizen, a wife, a mother, a human being. This loss of life is extremely grave. We must vow to rescue the Vice Empress without delay and ensure that the injustice that has occurred today is not repeated."

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A postman walks into the AUP meeting at his normal time, and distributes 4 packages..

Konata Izumi,

Interim Prime Minister, and Foreign Affairs Advisor to Annihilation

HRH James Drake, King of Caucasia

Georgi Reslov,

Leader of The Iron Brotherhood and acting Triumvirate

H.M the King, Ryn Atrevier

Inside each of the packages was a pendant, the core of which was made of engraved Spessartine and each of the rocks are bordered in gold trim. The engraving is of an Imperial 5 Toed Dragon dancing within a Celtic knot. As the recipients open them, they would get the impression the eyes glow green, and then fade away to the same color as the rest of the stone. At the same time, members on the floor get the impression of an unusual breeze that also fades away.. as they all now have their pendants.

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