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The Asiatic Unity Pact

Elrich von Richt

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Caucasia, the country who continues to whine about not being called European, joins the Asiatic Unity Pact.


"You obviously missed the memo. Our land base has shifted into Asia, thanks to Grøenlandia. Next."

So if we told you we'd send you free STI-free prostitutes, in the hundreds of thousands, to your nation, in return for your land, would you do it?

"Nope, I already have someone special in my life."

-HRH King James Drake

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The opinion of one member, does not reflect the opinion of the entire bloc.

The bloc as a whole has it's principles, and we abide by them. We don't demand people join us, nor do we ask it. We only offer, when the nation in question holds decent ties to the current members, and requests entry. In that case, we offer it, as we always do.

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OOC: Welcome to CNRP politics. The EU got called Nordland 4.0 for having some members that used to be Nords in it. :v:

OOC: No, it got called Nordland 4.0 because ex-Nords used an OOC bias as a bs reason to attack Lynneth

also because they invaded a peaceful country for no reason :wub:

This treaty will be criticized, deal with it like men.

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Dragon Empire offers the following suggestion to Asiatic Unity Pact. The world is occasionally wary and antagonistic towards a successful phenomena. You basically measure any entity's success by the level of hostility it receives. On that regard AUP could be regarded as a success. Believe me, Dragon Empire has received even worse brickbats for inane reasons.

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"Indeed. And considering the way Carthage has risen to power, i'd hardly call their methods exemplary as well. Any criticism they have on us attaining our goals in a peaceful manner would reflect worse on themselves than on the AUP and its members."

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Glad to be apart of it, and I wouldn't take Sargun's criticism as well... criticism cause as it goes on here and Cochin has said it already, the more powerful you are the more criticized you get. It is just like regular CN or CN:TE too.

OOC: I know, i was talking ICly, don't worry :P

And sure Nagato, as long as you apply. Can't be a founding member though since you're technically not Diadochoi anymore.

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Haruhiist civilians have been advised to avoid any broadcast coming out of Carthage. Travel visas to the Kingdom have been permanently suspended, and any civilians visited have been boarded onto private planes and flown out. Any damages, or money they spent on the vacation will be refunded by the government. Insults again a bloc is one thing, but insulting our nation on it's own too isn't acceptable.

OOC: Egos? I don't believe the bloc powerful, i'd say about ALMOST half the strength of the DE, or equivalent to it. As far as most things go, i don't try to inflate egos, nor do i create them. Now for the love of god, stop flaming this thread both OOC and IC.

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All Haruhiist civilians in Carthage have been detained - airports refused to allow the private planes to leave and the private planes were seized by the military.

OOC: Three things. One, flaming is expressing anger in uncouth ways. Two, my IC views are not my OOC views. Three, you cannot tell me what I cannot say in-character.

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The Empire views this as a despicable move by Carthage. Detaining innocent civilians, and seizing private property through use of national military. These actions shall not be returned with violence, hower, all Carthagian civilians within Haruhiist borders shall be placed in a local prison outside Haruhigrad, until our civilians are released.

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All Haruhiist civilians in Carthage have been detained - airports refused to allow the private planes to leave and the private planes were seized by the military.

OOC: Three things. One, flaming is expressing anger in uncouth ways. Two, my IC views are not my OOC views. Three, you cannot tell me what I cannot say in-character.

OOC: He's right and I am really starting to like your RP Sargun keep it up :).

IC: Islands of Ice see this escalation of tensions as worrying for the area and hope that it will be sorted out without incident.

Edited by King Kevz
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OOC: AUP isn't powerful. At all. Stop trying to inflate your own egos with "they're insulting us because we're powerful".

IC: "If it takes one to know one, as the popular saying goes, who would know better than despicable Carthage?"

OOC: They're apparently powerful enough to attract your attention from halfway across the globe... Also, in your youthful enthusiasm you obviously missed the fact that Cochin brought up we were powerful because we were being insulted. Cochin, need i remind you, is not an AUP member, but, as the rest of his post clearly states, a DE representative present at the Congress. Try again :P

IC: "Actually, allow me to counter your saying with one of our own: If you point a finger at another, you're pointing three fingers at yourself. And trust me, the news reports we received on the way your nation was founded weren't exactly flattering in that regard."

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OOC: You agreed with Jerahoam, who agreed with Cochin. Even if you didn't say it, you agreed with it.

IC: "Do you mean the news reports of less than five hundred total military deaths, no war crimes, complete transparency and full access in regards to international aid for our enemies, cooperation with our new neighbors and strong diplomatic outreach to the Iberian Peninsula?"

Edited by Sargun
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