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The Empire Invites Allies and Friends to New Berlin.

Colerich Krieg

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OOC: Cont'd from this thread:

Rebellion Thread.

--- IC Ending sorta.. kinda w.e ---

Johannes watched the TV in surprise. Reports that the Empire has been Mercilously killing and annihilating any rebels who opposed them. As he expected, he recived a phone call from his contact in Krieg.

"Sir, what the hell do we do? I thought you said the Emperor was too much of a Pacifist to attempt something so extreme.."

Johann: "Hmm.. Perhaps. However, I sense that perhaps he is more of the ruthless leader then I expected.."

"What do we do?!"

Johann: "Blend in. Retreat. Stop the madness. I think it would work to our favor to let him stay in power for now."

--- Back in Krieg ---

"Reports that Rebels all around the country are surrendering themselves to local Patrols and authorities, many are dropping their arms and retreating to France and attempting to escape punishment.."

The Emperor smirked. He had laughed for an hour straight, it seemed. No longer would he be perceived as a weak Pacifistic leader. No longer would he allow the world to bully them around. The Empire had close allies and friends, and with those, Plans to a path of glory and prosperity for the Empire.. The Centralist Regime of Krieg would reign with an Iron, yet tender fist, to cradle their country and people gently, and smash their enemies and opposer's with force and fear. They would be righteous, but powerful. Fair, but harsh. Neutral, yet nondiscriminatory and enigmatic with their actions. He sent out a Telegram to all Allies and Friends:



"To Friends and Allies of the Empire. A New day is apon us. We wish to invite you to New Berlin, to celebrate our victory over the enemies of our nation and our vision, rebels crushed beneath the Jackboot of Krieg Centralism. A large festival and parade will be held. We look forward to your attendance."

The Emperor then sent out a Telegram to countries that may not be generally an allie or a friend, by a neutral or perhaps sightseeing country. (Any country not on my !@#$ list basically.)

"We are holding a Festival in New Berlin with our close friends. However we welcome your attendance but ask that you please reply with permission to attend first."

The Emperor placed had the Telegrams sent out, he sat in his chair. He looked over the sheet, titled "Exodus". He smirked, but then frowned. He was not sure if such a drastic measure would be welcomed by his Nation or World. But, it would have to be. He put it in his desk, and waited responses.

The Emperor made a call to General Klauss, and left a message;

"Rearmament begins."

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OOC: Sorry, got a bit addicted to CoD2.

IC: Paul arrived wearing a rather casual blue T-shirt and jeans, listening to his iPod as he came in. He took out an ear bud and said, "Hey, how's it been in the frozen rock called the Research base?"

"Ach, Im sure our boys as well as yours are having just a WUNDERBAR time.." He said in a jolly sarcastic time.

He then said quietly: "Im sure you received ze missiles from ze base?" he smirked.

He then turned to great the Kitex leader.

"Willkommen! The Parade and festivities begin soon, but for now, enjoy the view and the food."

The Emperor pointed to the Balcony, where they would be watching the parade from.

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"Yes'n, they're being..."stored" in a silo." He returned to his normal voice and turned his iPod off. "If I may ask, what local delicacies will we be sampling today?"

"Well the majority of Southern Spain has what you may say "Germanized.." Many of our Spanish Ethnics were given the choice to emigrate -- we dont want to force people to live here, so we allowed them to traverse to Scottish North Spain, now called the Kingdom of Portugal, as well as France, and other parts of Europe.. And this is safe to say that this has been happening ever since the Nordreich, Germans would come to Spain, and the Spanish would go to Scottish Spain.." The Emperor stoped his History lesson and then began to say:

"Needless to say, we have a grand buffet of German food from the Homeland; Pork, Beef, Veal, Cabbage, and waht have you.. and lots of bread.."

The Table contained an array of Rolls, Meats, Sausage, Sauerkraut, Steaks, Schnizel, and other very popular dishes.

"We also have an array of Desserts, so dont worry, we know how Amerikaner love dessert!"

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"My Lord, Krieg wishes for your attendance in New Berlin" an aid said to the Executive Minister, interrupting his inspection of a newly instated Elite Cadre unit.

"Hmm... very well. I am curious to see what has become of our friends to the North West."


The Executive Minister and accompanying retinue board an NoN Airlifter, following a course that would avoid Sovereign airspace and use international routes.

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Upon recieving the invitation to New Berlin, the God-Emperor himself embarked on His private jet with a crate of Polizian vodka and a dozen Foreign Affairs Canton staff.

Cobar: "Your friend from Poliz is enroute."

Krieg: "Ecstatic.."

The Emperor rather childishly, took out his Blueberry and texted the God-Emperor: "Parade going to start soon!"

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OOC: I have a 5 minute TV interview transcript to write for English tomorrow, i'll be busy for most of today >.<

OOC: No problem. Also, anyone else before I begin the discussions ICly :v:

IC: "I think we shall wait a few minutes to accommodate any other friends or allies of ours before we begin the discussion I have prepared, as well as the parade."

The crowd of Leaders and officials was moderately large, the Emperor had the gathering on the balcony of the Reichbuilding, facing out towards the Main street for this reason, also to give a generous view to all attendees.


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OOC: anyone else wants to participate just waltz in

IC: "Ah, looks like the Parade is beginning. Let us look on, friends."

The Emperor motioned for the Balcony. As they walked to the edge, loud patriotic music, *to the beat of Preußens Gloria* filled the streets, as the band marched by. At the sight of the Emperor and his Allies, the civilians gave a loud cry, as they all hailed with a Roman salute to the Emperor and the other world leaders; shouting "Heil Kaiser, dir!" , as Nationalism and pride rang out.


The Emperor smiled, and waved to the crowd. He gave a few words before the march began.

"Sons and Daughter of Krieg, We today give a salute not to our selves, to me, and to our nation, but to those who have taken time out of their day to visit and send their support to our country -- a country that on a daily bases struggles against the constant threat of outside aggressors, against those who spite and look down on us, against those who wish to see us dead on the land we have struggled to build -- let this day be a statement to ALL who dare oppose our will to exist and live, that we will not bow down to your tyranny and we WILL not bow down to their oppressive will! We shall act as one, a whole, a betterment for our selves and our nation, our friends, our world, and we will crush any and all who deny us and MANY other nations their right to be as God intended -- nations whose only will is to be, in a state of being, a state of being true to those, ourselves, our people, our wish and dream to be peaceful and friendly -- Let those who wish to conquer us nations who wish to exist in these hostile times -- we refuse your Internationalism, for people are pationonatly bound to their native homes and people, and we will not stand down to the threat of Imperialism!.."

The people cheered wildly.

The Emperor turned to his guests, and said, "This is our greatest weapon -- the will of our people. The will that shall carry us to victory over our enemies -- enemies that wish to see nothing more then our deaths.."

As he finished, Loud, thunderous marching was heard.

The Emperor then turned to his peers and said, "Not to mention, this.."

Legions of black uniformed Imperial Guard marched in unison, and in near perfect timing, gave a Roman Salute to the balcony as they marched by. The Emperor gave a hearty salute back, saying to his guests, "These men and women are the strength in our arms, the holders of our dreams."


Legions of endless troops continued to march by. Soon afterwards, Armor and Vehicles would begin rolling by as well.

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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A blonde woman in the crowd who hadn't raised her hand in the spread of nationalistic fervor only smiled when the army of soldiers rumbled through the streets. "What happens when you have a scared boy in the corner of the room? He defends himself, only to make the world see that maybe there is madness returning to Europe. Heh." She chuckled and walked through the ground. "Fighting aggression with aggression only causes blood, but if that's what these people want then surely that's what they will receive." She said and disappeared into the fervor...

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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A dead, rotting fish has been mailed to the Empire, compliments of Scotland.

After recieving the Fish, It was put into a Display case, due to be hung on the wall in the Muesem of World Cultures in Madrid, to be labeled underneath;

"Scotland's finest cuisine, a fine delicacy that is a must eat if visited."

Edit OOC: Also,

A blonde woman in the crowd who hadn't raised her hand in the spread of nationalistic fervor only smiled when the army of soldiers rumbled through the streets. "What happens when you have a scared boy in the corner of the room? He defends himself, only to make the world see that maybe there is madness returning to Europe. Heh." She chuckled and walked through the ground. "Fighting aggression with aggression only causes blood, but if that's what these people want then surely that's what they will receive." She said and disappeared into the fervor...

:wub: sarah

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"Quite impressive, I must say. The M16A3's suit them well."

"Indeed, a fine weapon it is. It will surely aid us in our mission to preserve our Sovereignty..

So gentlemen, *As the Emperor began to speak, Armor divisions began rolling through the streets*


Ach! How could I forget.. Our esteemed Imperial Armor Divisions.

The Emperor looked on and gave a salute, then walked back inside.

Now, what was I saying.. Oh yes, I have a propostion for our nations, a pact of sorts, that would unify us all under one treaty."

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The Troops kept marching by, the crowds kept cheering. The Emperor turned to his guests and asked,

"Well, what do you think?"

"This a great!" said President Shiznay "I'm having a wonderful time. Your soldiers are quite impressive."

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Two of the older X-13 Banshees followed by two X-37 Gargoyles flew in formation around a private jet painted in black and red that had left the Aether Empire. The pilots requested permission to land from the Aether Empire, which would apparently be sending a representitive (although Zarfef unfortunately could not attend do to other matters).

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