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Fascist Terror attacks and Rebellion in the Empire.

Colerich Krieg

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***Classified to the Emperor***

"If you call on our Optional Defense pact, we will honor it and deploy troops to help quell this rebellion."

**Classified reply**

Currently out biggest concern is outsiders wishing to take advantage of the rebellion. If the situatuon worses we will defiantly call upon it.

OOC: anyone feel free to drop IC or OOC comments just dont overdo the OOC :V

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The Police and Negotiator did all they could. They tryed to reason, to buy time. Nothing seemed to work. Suddenly, a gunshot rang out. One of the Rebels had shot a hostage in the legs.

Rebel reply to Police: "Next time, its his head, *click*."

In a small town outside of New Berlin, Rebels attempted to combat the Imperial Guard Patrolers. However the order was given for Lethal rounds to be used.


Johannes made a call.

"It starts tonight, on the outskirts of the town, we will make our way inwards."

Phone: "Aye sir." *click*

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"The government of Kitex condemns these terrorists and is willing to send Marines to help quell this rebellion."

Response: Secret: "The Aether Empire has more then enough support within our borders.. 100k+ to be exact. We thank you, and we dont want to expand this problem more then it already is."

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The Emperor was watching the news, and the situation in Austria popped up.

"No.. My family.. Nordic?... No.. Johann..."

"He has something to do with this. He must have.. its too much a convince."

The Emperor picked up the phone, and hastily dialed for the the Emperor-Elect of Austria.

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The Emperor was watching the news, and the situation in Austria popped up.

"No.. My family.. Nordic?... No.. Johann..."

"He has something to do with this. He must have.. its too much a convince."

The Emperor picked up the phone, and hastily dialed for the the Emperor-Elect of Austria.

OOC: King by now, actually, no longer Emprah-elect.


The King answered in a harsh tone.

"What is it? I don't have much time."

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We also denounce the rumoured involvement of the Aether Empire's and do not look kindly upon outside intervention within what we see as an internal matter of the Krieg Empire. Therefore any discernible large scale deployment of foreign troops will be seen as a clear act of provocation.


The Aether Empire has no idea what Euzkadi is talking about. Has their leader taken their medication today? IF we WERE involved however, I do believe that our interference within the private matter of Krieg would be up to Krieg themselves and not you. Perhaps you've forgotten where your national border ends.


Zarfef was debriefed on the current situation. Von Zuk spoke through through a gas mask that eternally covered his head, a pair of shiny bullet proof-glass shells staring back in olive green. The information was secretly being patched over to Krieg as well.

Von Zuk: We've only managed to get in about 10,000 soldiers into the region so far and already we are seeing trouble from Libya. It seems we should have allowed the situation to escalate before when we had the UMS on our side, they simply backed off so they could strike again in the next moment, once the heat was gone.

Zarfef: Of course Krieg, we think this may prove to be the best anyways. If we can drag Libya into a war, we can move on them specifically as a group. Take their territory and then use that as a jumping off point for supplying a counter-offensive into your country. It would be best however if we could gain the support of the UMS this time, but I'm not so sure that can happen.

Zarfef: At any rate, the 10,000 soldiers present are going to be using AK-47 style weapons and wear Krieg insignia in the meantime. There have been rumors that they belong to us but we'll simply ignore them. We also have a small spec-ops force present at the moment that can be of use in causing chaos in your neighbors should they prove to be a problem. Or perhaps we'll take a more proactive approach. In any case, I'm afraid that we'll have to wait on adding more reinforcements until we secure a route of transit. Commercial flights will now be entering with other weapons instead, I'd like to set up about 10 Banshee missiles in the region which I assure Krieg have the full range to strike into Scottish territory and deliver wonderful packages. If they bomb Krieg, you will secretly have the power to make sure their cities face destruction as well... some may be shot down if they have missile defense systems, but not all.

Zarfef: In the meantime, I'm going to work on getting our base of operations moved from it's present location. I'm considering something big over the next few days. Keep your head up, even if we may have a disadvantage, you are not alone. If worst comes to worst, I recommend that you escape to Aether or some other location where you will not easily be found. In the meantime, we'll draw up plans once again against Libya.

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The Emperor scribbled down his response on a piece of paper to be telegrammed secretly back to his friend Zarfef:

"Copy that. Once this situation is handled, I assure you one thing we cannot afford to put of:

Massive Military Armament.

All of a sudden, he heard his phone ring. He knew the King had seen his missed call. He went to pick it up.

"Im sure Im talking to King Alexander.. I wish to inquire... Are you watching this *bleep* ing stuff? (He said after seeming rather proper.) Call it a hunch, but I dont think it is coincidence that all these uprisings are happening in Krieg and Austria, as well as these elections lately all around Europe.."

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"Im sure Im talking to King Alexander.. I wish to inquire... Are you watching this *bleep* ing stuff? (He said after seeming rather proper.) Call it a hunch, but I dont think it is coincidence that all these uprisings are happening in Krieg and Austria, as well as these elections lately all around Europe.."

"This is the natural way of Europe. It's the continent of war, plagued by it and the militaristic Nords. I know not what the uprising in Klagenfurt will lead to, but if more Nords than Austrians die, it's worth it."

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I am ecstatic to hear of this new Nationalist revolution taking place in the Empire of Krieg. Should these liberators and restorers of national pride require safe haven or training grounds within the Führerstaat, that shall be provided for them.

Unfortunate though it was to see Europe descend into decadence beyond that of what once was the New World before the emergence of the Führer, I have a feeling that may change soon should the Krieg Nationalists succeed in taking power from the royalist profiteers that have for so long sucked the nation of its blood only to put extra change in their pockets.

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I am ecstatic to hear of this new Nationalist revolution taking place in the Empire of Krieg. Should these liberators and restorers of national pride require safe haven or training grounds within the Führerstaat, that shall be provided for them.

Unfortunate though it was to see Europe descend into decadence beyond that of what once was the New World before the emergence of the Führer, I have a feeling that may change soon should the Krieg Nationalists succeed in taking power from the royalist profiteers that have for so long sucked the nation of its blood only to put extra change in their pockets.

We are rather...alarmed by this statement. Too often we forget we have a solicalist on our continent. Regardless, we continue to stand by the rightful regime of the Empire of Kreig.

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The Aether Empire has no idea what Euzkadi is talking about. Has their leader taken their medication today? IF we WERE involved however, I do believe that our interference within the private matter of Krieg would be up to Krieg themselves and not you. Perhaps you've forgotten where your national border ends.

"We echo the concerns of our friends in Euzkadi. Whatever views the Aether Empire may have, both Euzkadi and France have legitimate causes to view outside interference with a neighbour's domestic affairs with alarm. France will monitor the situation closely to determine the extent of Aether involvement."

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OOC: Once again I fail to see any public actions that you could have possibly seen or heard of to hint towards his involvement.



Krieg Patrol in the streets.

Patrols contiune, Rebels keep attacking, more and more violence...

Gunshot were heard down at the Dept. Store where the Rebels had taken hostages. The 2nd Hour was almost up, and they decided to rain gunfire at the wall to remind police. They decided to appease the villains with a few Armor vests.

The Krieg Imperial Guards on the roof, continued to keep position. They could not act until they had an opportunity.

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"This is the natural way of Europe. It's the continent of war, plagued by it and the militaristic Nords. I know not what the uprising in Klagenfurt will lead to, but if more Nords than Austrians die, it's worth it."

"I see.. However there may be someone you need to look for.. this man has been known to attempt to fund extremist groups.. (Right OR Left) to get them to cause trouble for his benefit.. and usually attempts to gain power or control..

If you ever get some information on this man from perhaps an Interogation, I suggest we talk immediately."

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"I see.. However there may be someone you need to look for.. this man has been known to attempt to fund extremist groups.. (Right OR Left) to get them to cause trouble for his benefit.. and usually attempts to gain power or control..

If you ever get some information on this man from perhaps an Interogation, I suggest we talk immediately."

"In order to actually find that man, his looks, age, name and other information would be needed. Hints like that don't help at all, especially if the country is at the brink of a full-out civil war. I also doubt severely that your man could possibly supply any rebels with heavy equipment such as actual Main Battle Tanks.

At least one Leopard tank has been confirmed to be in their possession, a modern one, not one of these old things you can get for ten bucks on the black market. These rebels have a Leopard 2, for god's sake. No way in hell your man could do that. And if they have one, they probably have more, somewhere. Hidden, most likely.

Anyways. Get me info on your man. If we catch him, I'll get every last bit of information out of him, from the location of his money, to the secret numbers of his accounts, down to the location of that little mole on his first girlfriend's buttcheek. Every. Last. Bit. Of information."

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"In order to actually find that man, his looks, age, name and other information would be needed. Hints like that don't help at all, especially if the country is at the brink of a full-out civil war. I also doubt severely that your man could possibly supply any rebels with heavy equipment such as actual Main Battle Tanks.

At least one Leopard tank has been confirmed to be in their possession, a modern one, not one of these old things you can get for ten bucks on the black market. These rebels have a Leopard 2, for god's sake. No way in hell your man could do that. And if they have one, they probably have more, somewhere. Hidden, most likely.

Anyways. Get me info on your man. If we catch him, I'll get every last bit of information out of him, from the location of his money, to the secret numbers of his accounts, down to the location of that little mole on his first girlfriend's buttcheek. Every. Last. Bit. Of information."

The Emperor was sweating slightly, and replied:

"I'm sorry, but we do not have any pictures or descriptions I'm sad to say.. Only stories, and eye witness accounts, however we have confirmed his exsistance.."

As much as he wanted Johann to be caught and pay for his crimes, he couldn't bare turn his only Brother over to be strung out like a pig infront of the world, so he lied.

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The Emperor was tired, and stressed. He looked over the document named "Exodus". His mind was flaring with pictures of massive horrors, destruction, conquest. He had to sign it, he had no choice. However it wouldn't come into effect for some time.

He clicked on his TV. He saw the news. Police and Imperial Guardsmen were at a standoff in a small French town on the border. He Frowned.

*Phone* "Tell General Radec.. that.. We have no choice. Signal for the sweep to be done and end this." *Click*

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General Radec Klauss smirked. He gave the order to search and destroy.

All over the Empire, Massive amounts of Armor and Men streamed through the streets. "Shot on sight", "Anyone who seems to be a rebel or anarchist."

So it was. Imperial Guardsmen held no bares. Shooting any and all who stood in their way. The Streets filled with blood.

Tanks, rolling in and out. Blasting away buildings containing rebels, crushing them all beneath.

APC's and Infantry, raining bullets like hellfire. Noone who opposed them would survive.

A statement rang through the Emperor's mind.. "As we rise again.. from the ruins of our cities.."

He looked out of his office. He saw the battles. The Death. He sensed the glory, the power.

But something was wrong.

.. All he could do.. was smile.


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OOC: This was meant to do a few things, One, explain a bit on my Leaders past and present, relations, and what not. It was also meant to tie into the recent Nordic Elections and Rebellions happening around Europe, and its a precursor to my next big event.

OOC/IC Comments welcome. thanks

EDIT: This thread is for the most part done, Ill be contiuning the story in a new thread/event, but i will read and reply to comments etc

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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The Emperor was sweating slightly, and replied:

"I'm sorry, but we do not have any pictures or descriptions I'm sad to say.. Only stories, and eye witness accounts, however we have confirmed his exsistance.."

As much as he wanted Johann to be caught and pay for his crimes, he couldn't bare turn his only Brother over to be strung out like a pig infront of the world, so he lied.

"Then we will be unable to find him, because we're too busy to look for this man. When you get solid information, then we can talk about catching him.


The King ended the conversation, and all the Emperor of Krieg would hear was the familar sound of an ended call.

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