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New Territories in the Federation?


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Greetings to the international community. I shall now present before you an issue which will soon (or for some Eagleian leaders, are already) be facing leaders of the Federation of Eagleia today and in the weeks (or even months) to follow. However, before I introduce this issue, because some may wonder "where in the world is Eagleia??!?". Good question! Eagleia does not exist on Planet Bob, we are from a Planet far off, in the neighbouring Galaxy, Andromeda (Click here to read Information Booklet on Planet Eagleia)

Planet Eagleia is inhabited by many species, many similar to Earth/Planet Bob. A distinct difference from Planet Bob being that instead of just one dominate species (humans!), Planet Eagleia has several species (including humans, thank goodness!) which have a level of intelligence much like the Human Species on Planet Bob. Therefore society is distinctly different from Planet Bob on Planet Eagleia. Our planet came in contact with Planet Bob a few Earth months back. And don't worry: We come in Peace! :P

Now onto the ISSUE: Those of you who may have read about Eagleia will know we are a planet-nation and a Federation compromised of 4 Provinces (and one Federal District), over the past few weeks there has been an increasing number of people (when I refer to people, again, I refer to all those on Planet Eagleia who are of adequate intelligence level) who are petitioning to be able to explore/settle in new parts of Eagleia (it is forbidden under law to settle in any land area of Eagleia which is not a Province, a Territory or the Federal District. It is forbidden to explore any of those other areas without a hard-to-get permit). The Congress (the federal legislature) has been thinking about this idea for a while. However it is not that easy, if the Parliament of an existing Province objects to make a new Territory, well, it won't happen. So, a small committee has been formed to gather opinions, deciding to first find out what nations on Planet Bob think.

Current Political Map of Eagleia:


Somewhat simplified physical Map of Eagleia:


We shall be posting the latest opinions from Eagleian leaders on the issue and any other things related to this issue soon. Stay tuned!

Edited by Knowzilla
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Additional: If anyone is interested they are welcome to propose names and areas for the Territories/Territory. Make sure it is not too big or too small, as, if successful, they may one day become Provinces, which require they not exceed the size of Northia, nor are too much smaller than Einea.

For the names, please read about Eagleia, and think of names related to Eagleian heritage, culture or history. Or alternative, related to the majority physical features in the area (for what the physical features mean on the Eagleian physical map, please see here.). You do not have to follow this guideline, so please feel free to be creative!

For the areas, following physical boundaries is recommended, but not necessary.

All of these submitions shall be considered very highly by the Committee, as they would come from Heads of State of other nations.

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An ok example of a proposal (Although no name proposal has been sent along with this submission from a Sunnian citizen):


In other news, the Office of the Prime Minister stated that the PM "would not oppose this plan, as along as it's for the better good of the nation".

The Office of Premier of Einea also made a statement on the issue, stating that Sir Rabbitisterdon "does not support or oppose this plan at this point" and that he "shall wait until it develops more to see if it effect Einea in any way".

Edited by Knowzilla
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OOC: Out of interest, is this meant to be part of the CNRP universe, or, is it completely unrelated, that way, we can decide on the best response to this.

OCC: I'm not completely sure what you mean? Since the CNRP universe seems to be the entity in which other RP nations exist, I guess so. However if having your nation on another planet (which, as I told before, is dearly important to mine), is not allowed for some reason in CNRP, then guess not.

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OCC: I'm not completely sure what you mean? Since the CNRP universe seems to be the entity in which other RP nations exist, I guess so. However if having your nation on another planet (which, as I told before, is dearly important to mine), is not allowed for some reason in CNRP, then guess not.

OOC: As you have been informed in the past, there is a kind of MMO RP going on, using Earth as a base, however, I wish to know if your nation is part of that or not, because, from the looks of things, you have claimed no land in the World Map thread, therefore, I believe that you do not have a nation for RPing within the CNRP, as it is called. Therefore, I would like to request that you desist in posting in unrelated RPs, that being the main CNRP RPs, until you create a nation, it's kind of a Lawbook which is enforced by the GMs, and the members on the RP.

Of course, if you do not wish to be part of the CNRP, you can continue this RP, yet please, do not get involved within the Planet Bob/CNRP story-arcs, thank you.

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OCC: :wacko:, not sure what to do, I'll be continuing with this RP though, if it's ok with the forum rules.

OOC: That's fine, yet I recommend you consider joining the main RP, as it would help make things easier for all sides, here is a link to the World Map to stake your claim, and to join in the online sensation known as World of CNRPcraft: World Map Z.

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OOC: That's fine, yet I recommend you consider joining the main RP, as it would help make things easier for all sides, here is a link to the World Map to stake your claim, and to join in the online sensation known as World of CNRPcraft: World Map Z.

OCC: Thanks, but it would seem that much of areas which I would be interested in/have meaning for me, are already taken. Again, I would feel I would be betraying years of developing "Eagleia" as it stands today. I think I'll be keeping to this.

IC: EBC News is expecting statements from the Offices of the Premiers of Sunnia, Goldentine & Northia soon. As well as the thoughts of several Congressmen and Provincial MPs.

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OOC: Franz is probably just trying to troll you, Knowzilla, you can RP whatever you want in Fantasy RP. The 'big' RP here is CNRP, which has the worldmap and is based on Earth, etc, and is considered 'Canon' by most people frequenting this forum.

Your RP would thus be considered 'noncanon' and not part of CNRP, but you can continue it anyways, because nobody can stop you from doing so. All guidelines that Franz talked about are only for CNRP, nothing else.

Edited by Lynneth
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OOC: Franz is probably just trying to troll you, Knowzilla, you can RP whatever you want in Fantasy RP. The 'big' RP here is CNRP, which has the worldmap and is based on Earth, etc, and is considered 'Canon' by most people frequenting this forum.

Your RP would thus be considered 'noncanon' and not part of CNRP, but you can continue it anyways, because nobody can stop you from doing so. All guidelines that Franz talked about are only for CNRP, nothing else.

OCC: Ok. Thanks. :)

IC: In latest news, no Premier of any Province voiced outright opposition against this plan. Nor did any debates opposing the Territories Plan be begun in any Provincial Parliament.

A deadline has been set for all issues to be resolved by 11:00 PM (Eagleton time) 29th August. The final details will be given then. It is expected that at 12 Midnight on 29th/30th August that the Territories will be created, if everything goes as planned.

Information leaks from the Congressional Committee overseeing all this indicates that two Territories are likely to be created, one in a desert or nearby Sunnia, one Island Territory or on one of the two western continents.

A sub-committee will soon forward it's final candidates for the positions of Territorial Commissioners to Congress, which will be in turn forwarded to the Governor General for actual approval.

The Committee is expected to release nearly all details tomorrow. Stay tuned.

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The Committee announced full details to the public today. The following is how the map of Eagleia is expected to look soon:


Two news Territories by the names of "Corona" (the latin root word for Crown; named as such becuase of a valley which has mountains encircling in the shape of a coronet) and Queensland (named for the current Sovereign of Eagleia), shall be created the following day. Furthermore, after the Provinces set up a Committe themselves making reasonable requests for additional territory to their respective provinces, tommorow shall not only be the creation of Eagleia's first Territories, but also the addition of new land to the Provinces of Northia, Sunnia, Einea and Goldentine (Goldentine shall also be handing some land over to the new Territory of Queensland; compare maps for change.)

The House of Representives passed the Act this morning, while the House of Lords passed it as well after going through everything to make sure there are no mistakes or anything unlawful in the plans. The Parliaments of Goldentine, Northia, Sunnia, and Einea also passed the Act. The Act shall collectively be known as "The Territories & Land Change Act (Eliz. 56)", which was passed onto the Governor General for Royal Assent, which was granted after discussion with Supreme Court Justices & the Federal Cabinet.

Details on the government of the Territories shall be released soon.

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The Territories of Queensland and Corona were officially created today. Today also marks the addition of new land to the Provinces of Northia, Goldentine, Sunnia, and Einea (Goldentine also ceded some land to Queensland).

The Governor-General and Deputy Governor General both attend the ceremonies & celebrations in both Queensland and Corona. The Federal Prime Minister, Prefect of Einea and the Prefect of Goldentine attended the ceremony in Queensland. The Federal Leader of the Opposition, the Prefect of Sunnia and the Prefect of Northia attended the ceremony in Corona.

In both ceremonies, the Deputy Governor General arrived as planes flew overhead at the site of where the Territorial Council Buildings are going to be, soon followed by the Governor General who read out the Proclaimation of the creation of the respective Territory. Then the Deputy Governor General administrated the Oath of Office to the new Prefects of Queensland and Corona (at the respective ceremonies in the new capitals of the Territories).

The officials left after attending several celebrations in the territorial capitals. Both Territories have been allocated about 100 million Eglots each to begin development.

*You can read about how the Territories are governed here.

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