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Imperial Dispatch - Tanabata

Elrich von Richt

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August 26th, 2009 Edition - In the name of Haruhi

Written by Akira Kogami and Tsuruya

[National Tanabata Festival]


Remembering the Past: Symbols Haruhi drew to the stars in Middle School.

Haruhi looked around her, as she stood on the balcony of the Imperial Palace in Haruhigrad. Decorations had been strung all along the streets, and the alleys, the civilians had set out their bamboo trees, and had put their respective wishes on each the trees, written on traditional tanzaku. A large bamboo tree was placed in front of the Imperial Palace. Each government member had taken their turns, and had placed their respective wishes on the tree in front of the Palace. Haruhi had once argued logic with them, and stated that because of the theory of relativity the wishes would take 15-21 years to reach Hikoboshi and Orihime. Of course, none of them really believed it seriously, and wishes were made differing from long term to short term. Mikuru made typical wishes, asking for her cooking and sewing to improve. Yuki wished for simple concepts, reformation and unity. Itsuki thought of the world in particular as a whole, and wished for familial unity and world peace. Kyon thought primarily of selfish wishes, including money and a house with a garden to wash his dog. Haruhi's wishes, as always, were odd. She wished for the world to revolve around her as it's center, and for it to revolve backwards. Kyon remembered the past, and rather enjoyed their times in the Literature Club Room back at North High in Japan. Haruhi remembered everything so fondly as well, and thought of her time at North High as the best time in her life. She hadn't been able to celebrate it in over 2 years, and looked forward to bringing the celebration to her entire Empire. She eagerly awaited the foreigners to arrive, and as a few hours passed, people began gathering outside the palace, and placed their wishes on the large tree. The streets near the Imperial Palace were rather full, as a parade was planned and a fireworks show was planned. The joyous look on her face was remarkable, Haruhi had reached her favorite day of every year, and her happiness level and smile were a grand sight to see.

Imperial Dispatch:

All national leaders, envoys, and foreign citizens. You are hearby invited to visit our Empire for the first annual National Tanabata Festival. Attending this will have you better understand our culture, and will be a joyous experience as it is the most important holiday on our national calender. Visas, and such are unrequired for government officials. All foreign civilians wishing to attend are cleared of travel restrictions for this event, and as such, no passports or visas are required.


Itsuki Koizumi

Mysterious Transfer Student, Imperial MoFA

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Korsunsky and Nagato spent much of the day waiting for the festivities to begin. They spoke of the elections in Diadochoi and also of the culture around the Empire. Nagato especially spent the day from 8:30 to about 4:30 outside with and without Korsunsky, as he was from a region very near here. It was now 5:50, and they were now wondering where they should go and what to do.

Edited by Nagato the Great
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Itsuki came up to both Nagato and Korsunsky with his usual smile. "Gentlemen, Haruhi would like it if you wrote your wishes on these". He handed them tanzaku, and explained to them what they should do with the pieces of paper, and where they would go. He viewed this festivity as fun, and marveled how much Haruhi loved it.

The Ministry of Culture had proclaimed it a national holiday on Haruhi's wishes, after all.

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Vikram Kerala Varma, the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Cochin , arrived in his G5 with his customary King's Guards Chaver soldiers. This was his first visit to this part of the world. Earlier when he was chamberlain to Sarah Tintagyl he had visited Japan and Vladivostok, but not to Sakhalin.

Vikram is curious about the Haruhiist culture. From his uncle he had heard about the 17 year old who had ascended to be the God Empress of her country. As the future potentate of his Kingdom, Vikram was curious about how trappings of power could influence and change the character of a person.

More than that it was simply a chance to relax from his grueling training schedules as he was now working in Royal Cochin Air Force to be fully qualified as an officer in it.

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- "Excuse me, Suzumiya-sama?"

A small woman, standing at about 5 ft 2, would walk into view, clasping her hands together and bowing respectfully at Haruhi, Korsunsky and Nagato recieved a bow each as well -- though a slightly lesser one -- before the black haired newcomer would introduce herself.

- "I am Ayasato Mayoi, the diplomatic envoy from Zargathia. It saddens the Queen that she could not make it in time. I was told you would be expecting me?"

Though her choice of words sounded formal, her voice was cheerful and timid, making it sound like that was simply the way she had learned to talk.

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"Yes, i am Koizumi Itsuki, Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs, follow me out to the courtyard please." As he walked out of the Imperial Palace, with both men behind him as he could see, he whistled to himself and thought of what Haruhi could have planned. Something extraordinate and insane perhaps? Wouldn't suprise him, Kyon probably felt the same way. As the doors opened, Haruhi could be seen apparently, and was looking as ecstatic as ever. However, this was genuine happiness, not just the sudden rushes and then falls she'd been experiencing as of late with the fact that she ran her own nation. As they exited, they saw the decorations, and the work that had gone into the Festival. Oh what a beautiful sight.

Haruhi looked to her side and saw Ayasato Mayoi, the diplomatic envoy from Zargathia. While she was a bit timid from appearance, Haruhi both smirked and was suprised. Haruhi was only slightly taller than her, and probably around the same age, or at least age-group. She understood the bow, and did a formal one in return.

"My name is God-Empress Haruhi Suzumiya, nice to meet you"

Her smile was still focused on the celebration.

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With more foreign officials arriving, Haruhi believed the festivites would become rather lively. A banquet was being prepared in the Imperial Palace, of traditional Japanese cultural foods. Sleeping quarters had been arranged for a set number of guests, but more quarters could always be set up. Koizumi handed the new arrivals tanzaku, to write their own wishes. He also directed Korsunsky and Nagato to hang theirs on the bamboo tree. The festivites were beginning to get better, and the parade was set to release in about an hour.

She greeted each official in a respectable manner. "I am God-Empress Haruhi Suzumiya, welcome." was her response to new people for whom she hadn't met. For those she did know, such as Vikram, she stated this simply. "Welcome, and thank you so much for coming."

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A bit unused to the gesture, Mayoi blinked at the hand a couple of times before it clicked that she was supposed to shake it. The normality came somewhat as a surprise to her, as she had been expecting everything ranging from Japanese Empress to Shinto Goddess in terms of decorum required. Still, she shook the hand Haruhi offered her somewhat meekly before replying.

- "It is indeed a pleasure, Suzumiya-sama. May our cooperation be a good one. Yoroshikuonegaiitashimasu."

Another bow followed as she wasn't quite able to decide which way of greeting would be expected of her at this point, and simply opted to watch and learn. It looked like her initial info was wrong, but fortunately Haruhi seemed to be the forgiving type... Or at least in a good enough mood to.

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Haruhi was rather suprised by the formality that Mayoi had. While she respected formality, she was not one to automatically request and expect it. Those who chose to be informal were not corrected. The God-Empress heard some things about Mayoi before Amy left, and viewed that she would be a rather good person to have around this event, although Haruhi would make sure she learned that this was like a friendly event, and while formal titles were nice to have, it wasn't required. As she looked around, she saw the President of CAU arrive, and saw Nagato and Gorsunsky enjoying themselves.

The parade began to come down the road, decorated in traditional Japanese art. They had all sorts of themes to them, and didn't keep one strict simplicity. However, the river and bamboo were reoccuring themes in some float designs.

Kagami and Tsukasa took a break from their work, and sat down in the Throne Room and watched TV. They were later joined by Yuki and Mikuru, Kyon as well. Itsuki was outside was Haruhi. So much for formality, Kyon thought, Haruhi was always serious, but never about trivial things.

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Lance Pikachurin and Maylene Buizel-Pikachurin, accompanied by the Disparuean Ambassador to the Haruhiist Empire, Maryse Bourgouin, and Japanese members of the Disparu Committee, Scott Sukizo and Johanna Hikaru, had arrived late at the festival. Johanna and Scott were happy to be in familiar surroundings again, while Maryse attempted to give a tour to the Royal Couple.

Everyone watched with interest as a parade went by. Since Disparu was a land of diversity, everyone was quite interested with the Japanese culture.

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Annihilation's newly appointed foreign affairs advisor, Konata Izumi, arrived with some of her friends.


She noticed a tallish man giving out bits of paper, and made her way over to him, bowing politely as she caught his eye.

"Good evening, I am Konata Izumi, or Kona-chan. I am Annihilation's new Foreign Affairs advisor. Madame Unicorn could not make it tonight, as she is feeling rather sick. I hope she can better herself in time for our nightly online gaming session..."

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The Imperator strode into the room clad fully in the finest Armored Combat Suit variant yet produced by the Imperium. Its sheer size elevated his already tall stature to well over everyone else attending the festival. He noted a grouping of people and moved to investigate. Perhaps he would meet this 'God Empress' so often mentioned in the Haruhii communications.

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As Haruhi continued to enjoy the festivites she had hosted, she greeted the new arrivals from Disparu, Imperium of Man, and Annihilation. She usually just bowed subtly afterwards, and smiled. She was alot happier than usual, as she was usually rather pessimistic about humanity in general. As far as of late, she'd been happier than usual but occasionally resurrected her old attitude when she was bored, or feeling unsatisfied with the moment at hand. She noticed the Imperator was rather tall, but didn't really take much astonishment at realizing it was primarily the suit, not the man underneath. She took awe to the foreign attendance however, and viewed it as a good thing, considering Haruhiist culture would be recognized, and they would understand the God-Empress slightly considering her attitude and such, but not completely since she was rather complicated.

In the back room, Nagato formally introduced herself, but did so mild-mannered as usual. Mikuru made a rather informal greeting come out, but was still rather shy. Kagami and Tsukasa just quickly said hi, but appeared to be busy browsing their laptops, although more than likely not really related to their jobs. They all took their jobs seriously, when required, but now was the time to relax. Kagami and Tsukasa noticed when Kona-chan came in, and were rather shocked. Kagami and Tsukasa shouted out and motioned for Konata to come over. "Hey, Konata, It's us! Tsukasa and Kagami! It's been 2 years, hasn't it?"

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Nagato (Mikhail) and Korsunsky stared at them as they talked, wondering where the Earth was going if this nation's entire government was teenagers.

"Is this the latest trend?" Korsunsky said to Nagato quietly. "I should make my daughter Vice-Chairman of the Party."

Nagato shrugged, and then looked at Nagato Yuki, wondering if there was some connection between them. then he shook his head, as it was a common name in this area anyway. instead he and Korsunsky busied themselves by chatting (as much as they could get out of the young ministers, which didn't seem to be much) with their Haruhiist counterparts.

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Konata finished her wish, and after tying it to the bamboo tree, bowed deeply before excusing herself to walk around for a bit. She moved into the back room and after looking around, exhaled deeply, her whole body slumping. It was hard work keeping up appearances, and she wished she could be at home, catching up on her beloved Anime.

It was at that point when she heard two very familiar voices, and looked around to see Kagami and Tsukasa Hiiragi motioning for her to come over.

Konata grinned and moved over to her old friends, high fiving them.

"Yo! What's up? It's really great to see you both! How have you been?" Konata embraced her friends and then stepped back, looking around for some food.

"You guys got any chocolate cornets in this place?"

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