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The Amazing Sanction Race


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I would have made a Round Eight version of the Sanction Race pic by now, but I seem to have lost the .psd version of the pic, so I cannot simply edit the text for Round Eight. I may have to make a pic from scratch.

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October 28th, 5:40am Server Time

1 {332} (???) Ordo Paradoxia: ??? --> 55.00 (???)

2 {170} (???) Roman Empire: ??? --> 27.90 (???)

3 {122} (???) Mostly Harmful Alliance: ??? --> 19.34 (???)

4 {116} (???) The Phoenix Federation: ??? --> 19.32 (???)

5 {74} (???) Lafayette Escadrille: ??? --> 11.54 (???)

6 {65} (???) Jerkin Empire: ??? --> 10.63 (???)

7 {62} (???) Fark: ??? --> 9.56 (???)

8 {69} (???) Orange Destruction Network: ??? --> 9.53 (???)

9 {55} (???) Purple Unity: ??? --> 9.10 (???)

10 {60} (???) Cyberian Tiger Alliance: ??? --> 8.94 (???)

11 {45} (???) Global Democratic Alliance: ??? --> 7.46 (???)

12 {48} (???) Trouble: ??? --> 7.46 (???)

----- The Sanction Line -----

13 {41} (???) We Are Perth Army: ??? --> 6.96 (???)

14 {47} (???) \m/: ??? --> 6.86 (???)

15 {42} (???) AZTEC: ??? --> 6.71 (???)

16 {37} (???) Rodentia Dominatus: ??? --> 6.23 (???)

17 {33} (???) PWN: ??? --> 5.47 (???)

18 {30} (???) Mario Kart: ??? --> 4.77 (???)

19 {27} (???) SOS Brigade: ??? --> 4.39 (???)

20 {28} (???) UJA: ??? --> 4.39 (???)

21 {25} (???) The Phoenix Hatchery: ??? --> 4.23 (???)

22 {27} (???) SWAT: ??? --> 4.22 (???)

23 {25} (???) Common Defense Treaty: ??? --> 3.97 (???)

----- The Add Line ----- ??? --> 3.73 (???)

----- The Drop Line ----- ???--> 3.43 (???)

Today's Passes and Other Events:

Not Applicable

Today's Biggest Gain:

Not Applicable

Today's Biggest Loss:

Not Applicable

Today's Commentary:

Well, what else can I say but wow, Ordo Paradoxia.

You really have taken the dominant position this round, with almost twice as much score as the next highest alliance, Roman Empire.

Some of the alliance names had me chuckling as I went through, especially \m/ and Mario Kart.

Good luck to everyone for Round Eight!

Edited by Arrnea
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October 29th, 5:15am Server Time

1 {346} (+14) Ordo Paradoxia: 55.00 --> 57.30 (+2.30)

2 {171} (+1) Roman Empire: 27.90 --> 27.96 (+0.06)

3 {120} (+4) The Phoenix Federation: 19.32 --> 19.90 (+0.58)

4 {122} (+0) Mostly Harmful Alliance: 19.34 --> 19.22 (-0.12)

5 {75} (+1) Lafayette Escadrille: 11.54 --> 11.74 (+0.20)

6 {64} (-1) Jerkin Empire: 10.63 --> 10.43 (-0.20)

7 {66} (+4) Fark: 9.56 --> 10.11 (+0.55)

8 {70} (+1) Orange Destruction Network: 9.53 --> 9.49 (-0.04)

9 {61} (+1) Cyberian Tiger Alliance: 8.94 --> 8.94 (+0.00)

10 {53} (-2) Purple Unity: 9.10 --> 8.71 (-0.39)

11 {56} (+8) Trouble: 7.46 --> 8.40 (+0.94)

12 {46} (+1) Global Democratic Alliance: 7.46 --> 7.56 (+0.10)

----- The Sanction Line -----

13 {49} (+2) \m/: 6.86 --> 7.07 (+0.21)

14 {41} (+0) We Are Perth Army: 6.96 --> 6.91 (-0.05)

15 {43} (+1) AZTEC: 6.71 --> 6.84 (+0.13)

16 {38} (+1) Rodentia Dominatus: 6.23 --> 6.36 (+0.13)

17 {33} (+0) PWN: 5.47 --> 5.50 (+0.03)

18 {34} (+4) Mario Kart: 4.77 --> 5.48 (+0.71)

19 {28} (+1) SOS Brigade: 4.39 --> 4.51 (+0.12)

20 {28} (+0) UJA: 4.39 --> 4.45 (+0.06)

21 {28} (+1) SWAT: 4.22 --> 4.29 (+0.07)

22 {26} (???) RnR: ??? --> 4.24 (???)

23 {25} (+0) The Phoenix Hatchery: 4.23 --> 4.16 (-0.07)

24 {25} (+0) Common Defense Treaty: 3.97 --> 4.01 (+0.04)

----- The Add Line ----- 3.73 --> 3.78 (+0.05)

----- The Drop Line ----- 3.43--> 3.48 (+0.05)

Today's Passes and Other Events

The Phoenix Federation passes Mostly Harmful Alliance

Cyberian Tiger Alliance passes Purple Unity

Trouble breaks their tie with Global Democratic Alliance

\m/ passes We Are Perth Army

SOS Brigade breaks their tie with UJA

SWAT passes The Phoenix Hatchery

RnR enters the Race

Today's Awards

Biggest Absolute Gain: Ordo Paradoxia (+2.30) [+4.18%]

Biggest Relative Gain: Mario Kart (+0.71) [+14.88%]

Biggest Absolute Loss: Purple Unity (-0.39) [-4.29%]

Biggest Relative Loss: Purple Unity (-0.39) [-4.29%]

Today's Commentary

Today saw a bit of jostling around in the Sanctioned part of the race, as recruiting (except for Ordo Paradoxia and Trouble) seems to taper off. The Phoenix Federation passed Mostly Harmful Alliance, after the former gained over half a point and the latter lost almost one-fifth of a point. Also, an entirely stationary Cyberian Tiger Alliance passed a falling Purple Unity, who took both of today's Biggest Loss awards.

On that subject, today we see the introduction of the Relative Gain and Relative Loss awards. These awards announce those alliances that gain a large portion of their existing size (or lose a large portion of it). Feedback on these awards is appreciated.

Continuing with the commentary, the rising Trouble broke yesterday's tie with the Global Democratic Alliance, despite their war with both The Phoenix Federation and Jerkin Empire. Below The Sanction Line, \m/ gained a little over a fifth of a point, passing those Scotsmen in We Are Perth Army, SOS Brigade broke their tie with UJA and near the bottom of the Race and SWAT passed The Phoenix Hatchery.

Finally, we welcome RnR to the Race, moving into 22nd position, ahead of The Phoenix Hatchery and Common Defense Treaty.

A good day to you all!

Edit: Forgot to change the date and time. Silly me.

Edited by Arrnea
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October 30th, 5:40am Server Time

1 {354} (+8) Ordo Paradoxia: 57.30 --> 59.29 (+1.99)

2 {180} (+9) Roman Empire: 27.96 --> 29.39 (+1.43)

3 {121} (+1) The Phoenix Federation: 19.90 --> 20.36 (+0.46)

4 {122} (+0) Mostly Harmful Alliance: 19.22 --> 19.36 (+0.14)

5 {76} (+1) Lafayette Escadrille: 11.74 --> 12.09 (+0.35)

6 {65} (+1) Jerkin Empire: 10.43 --> 10.49 (+0.06)

7 {67} (+1) Fark: 10.11 --> 10.34 (+0.23)

8 {74} (+4) Orange Destruction Network: 9.49 --> 10.08 (+0.59)

9 {54} (+1) Purple Unity: 8.71 --> 8.96 (+0.25)

10 {60} (-1) Cyberian Tiger Alliance: 8.94 --> 8.76 (-0.18)

11 {59} (+3) Trouble: 8.40 --> 8.70 (+0.30)

12 {46} (+0) Global Democratic Alliance: 7.56 --> 7.62 (+0.06)

----- The Sanction Line -----

13 {43} (+0) AZTEC: 6.84 --> 6.97 (+0.13)

14 {41} (+0) We Are Perth Army: 6.91 --> 6.96 (+0.05)

15 {47} (-2) \m/: 7.07 --> 6.77 (-0.30)

16 {38} (+1) Rodentia Dominatus: 6.23 --> 6.36 (+0.13)

17 {33} (+0) PWN: 5.50 --> 5.47 (-0.03)

18 {35} (+1) Mario Kart: 5.48 --> 5.82 (+0.34)

19 {29} (+1) SOS Brigade: 4.51 --> 4.69 (+0.18)

20 {28} (+0) UJA: 4.45 --> 4.49 (+0.04)

21 {27} (+1) RnR: 4.24 --> 4.34 (+0.10)

22 {27} (-1) SWAT: 4.29 --> 4.17 (-0.12)

23 {25} (+0) The Phoenix Hatchery: 4.16 --> 4.11 (-0.05)

24 {25} (+0) Common Defense Treaty: 4.01 --> 4.01 (+0.00)

----- The Add Line ----- 3.78 --> 3.81 (+0.03)

----- The Drop Line ----- 3.48--> 3.51 (+0.03)

Today's Passes and Other Events

Purple Unity passes Cyberian Tiger Alliance

We Are Perth Army passes \m/

AZTEC passes \m/ and We Are Perth Army

RnR passes SWAT

Today's Awards

Biggest Absolute Gain: Ordo Paradoxia (+1.99) [+3.47%]

Biggest Relative Gain: Orange Destruction Network (+0.59) [+6.22%]

Biggest Absolute Loss: \m/ (-0.30) [-4.24%]

Biggest Relative Loss: \m/ (-0.30) [-4.24%]

Today's Commentary

Well, today was quieter than yesterday, with only four alliances making passes today (one of them a double-pass, congrats AZTEC).

In the Sanctioned part of the Race, Purple Unity and Cyberian Tiger Alliance continued their dance from yesterday, with Purple Unity edging ahead today after being passed yesterday.

At the top of the Race, Ordo Paradoxia continues to power ahead, taking out the Biggest Absolute Gain award for the third time in a row and widening the gap between them and their nearest rival, Roman Empire.

Below The Sanction Line, \m/ tumbled, taking both of today's Loss awards with a loss of three-tenths of a point. In doing so, both We Are Perth Army and AZTEC were able to make passes with only small gains, the latter also passing the former in a tight (only 0.01 between them) race that looks to be interesting.

Lastly, race newbies RnR passed SWAT as the latter shed over a tenth of a point.

Today's shout-out goes to We Are Perth Army for making a double-pass.

The End

Edited by Arrnea
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November 2nd, 4:20am Server Time

1 {367} (+13) Ordo Paradoxia: 59.29 --> 62.96 (+3.67)

2 {186} (+6) Roman Empire: 29.39 --> 31.33 (+1.94)

3 {139} (+18) The Phoenix Federation: 20.36 --> 23.80 (+3.44)

4 {122} (+0) Mostly Harmful Alliance: 19.36 --> 19.27 (-0.09)

5 {78} (+2) Lafayette Escadrille: 12.09 --> 13.65 (+1.56)

6 {74} (+0) Orange Destruction Network: 10.08 --> 11.82 (+1.74)

7 {70} (+3) Fark: 10.34 --> 11.18 (+0.84)

8 {64} (+4) Cyberian Tiger Alliance: 8.76 --> 10.37 (+1.61)

9 {55} (+1) Purple Unity: 8.96 --> 9.35 (+0.39)

10 {48} (+2) Global Democratic Alliance: 7.62 --> 8.07 (+0.45)

11 {58} (-1) Trouble: 8.70 --> 7.95 (-0.75)

12 {42} (+1) We Are Perth Army: 6.96 --> 7.43 (+0.47)

----- The Sanction Line -----

13 {45} (+2) AZTEC: 6.97 --> 7.34 (+0.37)

14 {50} (+3) \m/: 6.77 --> 7.29 (+0.52)

15 {38} (+0) Rodentia Dominatus: 6.36 --> 6.67 (+0.31)

16 {37} (+2) Mario Kart: 5.82 --> 6.45 (+0.63)

17 {39} (+12) SWAT: 4.17 --> 6.15 (+1.98)

18 {34} (+1) PWN: 5.47 --> 5.75 (+0.28)

19 {28} (-1) SOS Brigade: 4.69 --> 4.87 (+0.18)

20 {27} (-1) UJA: 4.49 --> 4.56 (+0.07)

21 {26} (+1) Common Defense Treaty: 4.01 --> 4.29 (+0.28)

22 {25} (-2) RnR: 4.34 --> 3.98 (-0.36)

23 {23} (???) Orbit Black: ??? --> 3.91 (???)

----- The Add Line ----- 3.81 --> 3.72 (-0.09)

24 {24} (-41) Jerkin Empire: 10.49 --> 3.61 (-6.88)

----- The Drop Line ----- 3.51 --> 3.42 (-0.09)

25 {15} (-10) The Phoenix Hatchery: 4.11 --> 2.43 (-1.68)

Today's Passes and Other Events

Fark passes Jerkin Empire

Orange Destruction Network passes Fark and Jerkin Empire

Purple Unity passes Jerkin Empire

Cyberian Tiger Alliance passes Purple Unity and Jerkin Empire

Trouble passes Jerkin Empire

Global Democratic Alliance passes Trouble and Jerkin Empire

AZTEC passes Jerkin Empire

We Are Perth Army passes AZTEC and Jerkin Empire gaining Sanctioned status

\m/ passes Jerkin Empire

Rodentia Dominatus passes Jerkin Empire

PWN passes Jerkin Empire

Mario Kart passes PWN and Jerkin Empire

SOS Brigade passes Jerkin Empire

UJA passes Jerkin Empire

RnR passes Jerkin Empire

SWAT passes RnR, UJA, SOS Brigade, PWN and Jerkin Empire

Common Defense Treaty passes The Phoenix Hatchery, RnR and Jerkin Empire

The Add Line passes The Phoenix Hatchery and Jerkin Empire

The Drop Line passes The Phoenix Hatchery

Orbit Black enters the Race

Today's Awards

Biggest Absolute Gain: Ordo Paradoxia (+3.67) [+6.19%]

Biggest Relative Gain: SWAT (+1.98) [+47.48%]

Biggest Absolute Loss: Jerkin Empire (-6.88) [-65.59%]

Biggest Relative Loss: Jerkin Empire (-6.88) [-65.59%]

Today's Commentary

Wow, not a good day today for Jerkin Empire at all. They plummeted from 6th place all the way down to 24th, falling below The Add Line (but not The Drop Line) along the way.

On the other side of the coin, it was a great day for SWAT, who increased their score by almost 50%, passing five alliances on the way.

As usual, Ordo Paradoxia took out today's Biggest Absolute Gain award and both Biggest Loss awards went to Jerkin Empire.

Passes that didn't involve Jerkin Empire were less plentiful than those that did, but some important movers for the day were Orange Destruction Network passing Fark, Cyberian Tiger Alliance passing Purple Unity, Global Democratic Alliance passing Trouble and We Are Perth Army passing AZTEC to take Jerkin Empire's place among the Sanctioned alliances.

Below The Sanction Line, things were tamer, with almost all the passes resulting from the plummeting Jerkin Empire. Other than those, Mario Kart passed PWN, SWAT made an impressive quintuple pass (passing RnR, UJA, SOS Brigade, PWN and Jerkin Empire) and Common Defense Treaty passed The Phoenix Hatchery, who fell below The Drop Line and will be eliminated from the Race tomorrow if they do not rise above The Drop Line again by then.

Finally, we welcome Orbit Black to the Race. Good luck!

The End

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What about New Atlantic Order(NAO)?

also i should tell you now that JE is now NAO we changed our name and that's why we plumeted so much but we will be back in sanction soon enough.

I didn't see NAO anywhere near the Add Line in Display All Alliances, so they didn't get added. When they show up, they'll be added.

Also, as far as the Sanction Race is concerned, a change of AA = a new alliance.

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