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Crimson Guard Edict #5: Ultimatum to Internet Superheroes

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I'm going to break my sacred ethic regarding logs and leave names on these, but I think perhaps this is unavoidable.

Originally, I was shown records of the conversations that took place in #CN-CG in my absence, which claimed that IS were doing this as some sort of large-scale tech raid. The thing is, tech raids do not include strategies like cruise missiles, bombing strikes, or spying away nukes, all of which were employed on us. When I asked IS government about this, they made it clear that this was not about tech.

Session Start: Thu Aug 20 23:36:49 2009

Session Ident: Sakura

01[23:36] <Francesca> Hello. :)

01[23:36] <Francesca> Do you have a moment?

[23:37] <Sakura> Possibly.

01[23:37] <Francesca[CG]> In your co-ordinated attacks on Crimson Guard, cruise missile attacks and bomber strikes were used, as well as spy attacks on our nukes.

01[23:38] <Francesca[CG]> IS stated that this was a co-ordinated tech raid..... the above strategies are not employed in tech raids.

01[23:38] <Francesca[CG]> Could you please clarify, then, why they were used?

[23:38] <Sakura> You've never seen me tech raid, have you?

01[23:38] <Francesca[CG]> I've not paid much attention to you or your alliance before.

01[23:39] <Francesca[CG]> But cruise missile and bomber strikes do not gain you tech.

01[23:39] <Francesca[CG]> And are not used in raids.

[23:39] <Sakura> Bombers and CMs *do* take out tanks, and cause shrinkage in nations with larger populations.

01[23:39] <Francesca[CG]> Irrelevant.

01[23:40] <Francesca[CG]> They are not used for the purposes of gaining tech, which is the idea behind a tech raid.

[23:40] <Sakura> Do you think I did this for tech?

01[23:41] <Francesca[CG]> So you concede that this was not a tech raid. Thank you, that's all I need.

So essentially, they attacked my alliance, without a Declaration of War, or a suitable Casus Belli, for !@#$s and giggles.

WOW. really? you're not even going to hear out the whole side? Pink does nothing simply for pixel gain. Everything they do is for fun. Any tech raid is for fun. Tech? Its an excuse, a purpose, a CB. Anyone who actually goes simply for tech is too SRSBSNS. Also, your ethics STILL fail.

As for the use of CMs and Bombers, like it was said, it weakens the nation. The purpose doing a tech raid isn't simply to do ground battles, its to win ground attacks. The best way to do so is through weakening. Anyone good at war could tell you that.

I sincerely hope that there is more behind this than "just for lulz."

I'm not a fan of acts of war without valid CB. Before the slew of comments like "war needs no CB" I am simply stating that I'm not a fan of noCB wars.

Good luck in sorting this all out :(

You sir belong not in this game. CB's are for the weak. If you wanted a CB for a tech raid, go ask NPO. They're good at finding them.

I was going to refrain from identifying them, but I suppose there's no harm in it. The Coalition, TDP, CAN and several others have pledged support, and currently I have eight queries from other people who wish to support me too, although I'd prefer not to name them until they have given me 100% commitment.
I don't have any military treaties save that of the Prayer to Rebel Virginia. As for friends? I already named several alliances who support our decision.

As for making the next step, look me in the eye and tell me if there is anything to suggest that I'm not deadly serious. If IS will not pay reps for what they did, Crimson Guard and her friends go to war.

You have no friends, only a common enemy

what about this



If anyone could explain how could this help or even make sense on a raid, i'd be thankful.

who posts "tech raid pm for peace"? really. CLEE CHE TO THE MAX


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So RAD supports an agressive war with no valid CB other than wanting tech?

RAD supports it's Allies. If someone wants to mess with IS. We will be there honoring our Friendship. I don't care if IS is doing something terribly evil, which they aren't. If someone attacks them, I'll be there besides them.

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RAD supports it's Allies. If someone wants to mess with IS. We will be there honoring our Friendship. I don't care if IS is doing something terribly evil, which they aren't. If someone attacks them, I'll be there besides them.

You will probably burn beside them.

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RAD supports it's Allies. If someone wants to mess with IS. We will be there honoring our Friendship. I don't care if IS is doing something terribly evil, which they aren't. If someone attacks them, I'll be there besides them.

Sweeeeet. Now if I could just convince someone to get something done...

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What the hell do you think the Karma war was?

At least in Karma there were groups of friends working together against said enemy. This is just a bunch of people posturing.

Sweeeeet. Now if I could just convince someone to get something done...

Wait? You mean that MK doesn't love its treaty partners? I love how you sold out your right to declare war on NPO for nukes.

Edited by Rey the Great
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RAD supports it's Allies. If someone wants to mess with IS. We will be there honoring our Friendship. I don't care if IS is doing something terribly evil, which they aren't. If someone attacks them, I'll be there besides them.

Oh really? Then where did RAD go in the KARMA war on Avalon? Seems they peaced out Avalon while the rest of RAD's allies were still at war. So that makes me lol that RAD sticks by and supports it's allies.

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Question: Did Hell Scream declare war on any pink nation.

Answer: No

Is spying on a foreign alliance an act of war even if you don't attack them? Yes.

Is blatantly telling a group of people you are working towards their destruction an act of war? Yes.

Question: Was Hell Scream's critcism directed at IS?

Answer: No, it was directed at Pink.

Are the interests of IS the interests of pink? Yes

Question: Was Hell Scream planning to declare war on 411nations(pink)

Answer: No, Hell Scream was not planning to declare war on anyone.

Did you declare your intention to destroy their home? Yes.

Question: Did IS declare war without a CB, and without posting a DoW like honorable people do?

Answer: Nope.

Did IS need to post a DoW when their goals were clearly a short term punitive assault rather than a full scale war? Perhaps, but this is new ground we're walking across here and a DoW suggests that they are in a state of war rather than conducting military operations. If you take their acts as a state of war, which it is clear you do, I'm sure they will oblige. It also depends on if they saw your alliance in a state of war with them already. I don't think recognitions of war always need to be posted.

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No, I am simply pointing out that you should stop pointing to NSO to jump into any situation you deem fit for them to jump into. If that is belligerent then ask yourself if you should be making such statements.

No, I'm acknowledging a very possible event. It's much more likely for NSO to jump in than it is for NPO, Valhalla, VE, or almost anybody else.

So you are saying NSO goes to war simply because they do not like someone? I think they would have gone to war with IS and RAD well before RAD attacked them if that was the case. Also, NSO just got done with a war. It may have been a small one but I dont see why they need to be in a constant state of war over these issues which would indeed turn them into a world police which I doubt they want to be.

Of course I'm not saying NSO should go to war simply because they do not like someone, but if you can go to war against people you don't like in a cause that is almost unanimously seen as just, it gives you some great PR and lets you do something you might have wanted to be done for a long time.

You just pointed out a lot of reasons why you think IS should be hit, once again I ask, why don't you hit them?

Because I am not government. I can't declare war.

So please stop trying to twist every comment I make into something it is not. It is not a belligerent response to a supposed insult to my alliance or bloc. It is a response to something someone else said, that is all. I am sorry if you are unable to handle my responses without feeling threatened but that is not my problem now is it?

I'm frankly amazed about how defensive and offensive you can be in the same post.

Edit: Look at how much of a tangent you've sent us off on. You've taken a small comment about how I said The Coalition or NSO are the most likely alliances to jump in and you have expanded this argument it ten-fold.

Edited by Aeternos Astramora
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At least in Karma there were groups of friends working together against said enemy. This is just a bunch of people posturing.

So, now I need a piece of paper to tell me I'm friends with that dude over there?

Edit: damn spelling

Edited by James Wilson
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RAD supports it's Allies. If someone wants to mess with IS. We will be there honoring our Friendship. I don't care if IS is doing something terribly evil, which they aren't. If someone attacks them, I'll be there besides them.

By any chance are you a former leader of GGA?

I’m really curious why you would stand by this act of war without stepping back for a second and saying “hmm, maybe IS didn’t do something so great and shouldn’t be given a free pass.” There was no honor and nothing to gain from this action IS committed. How far are you willing to go to give them your support in this?

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Not according to IS.

Nope, Still Pretty Sure that this is Raid, but hey, Keep clinging to that Moral high Ground.

You will probably burn beside them.

Cool story bro.

Sweeeeet. Now if I could just convince someone to get something done...

Awesome way to refer to a treaty partner.

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Is spying on a foreign alliance an act of war even if you don't attack them? Yes.

Is blatantly telling a group of people you are working towards their destruction an act of war? Yes.

Are the interests of IS the interests of pink? Yes

Did you declare your intention to destroy their home? Yes.

Did IS need to post a DoW when their goals were clearly a short term punitive assault rather than a full scale war? Perhaps, but this is new ground we're walking across here and a DoW suggests that they are in a state of war rather than conducting military operations. If you take their acts as a state of war, which it is clear you do, I'm sure they will oblige. It also depends on if they saw your alliance in a state of war with them already. I don't think recognitions of war always need to be posted.

"Is spying on a foreign alliance an act of war even if you don't attack them? Yes."

I did not spy.

"Is blatantly telling a group of people you are working towards their destruction an act of war? Yes."

Do you know what's a joke? The Mods saw it as a joke, are you able to see things better than The Mods?

Get a CB and come back, please.

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Wait? You mean that MK doesn't love its treaty partners? I love how you sold out your right to declare war on NPO for nukes.

You know as well as I do that RAD is a complete joke, and everyone on this planet knows it.

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Nope, Still Pretty Sure that this is Raid, but hey, Keep clinging to that Moral high Ground.

Cool story bro.

Awesome way to refer to a treaty partner.

So, let me get it right. IS first says it's a tech raid. Then IS says it's for lulz. Then IS says it's for my anti-pink views?

Now you say it's a tech raid? When did you start dictating IS's policy?

Honor, please, show some.

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IS said it's not a raid, already(After initially claiming it is. o/ Honor)

The claims are now the war was started because of me. I have proven the claims obsolete.

Did I spy at IS? Declare war? I spoke my mind freely. I got a war. o/

You're clearly missing the point. Speaking your mind and openly working for the destruction of a group are 2 different things. I can say "I don't like you" but that is different than making a post that threatens to randomly attack a pink alliance and declaring openly a crusade against pink. If it is a joke, you should learn that jokes have consequences when the butt of that joke doesn't like it.

I agree with you, Fran. We have to destroy a pink alliance to make it fun again.
We must start a crusade against pink!

At least RV follows through and accepts the consequences of his sporadic awesomeness.

P.S. A raid and a tech raid are different things IMO. A tech raid is for profit. A raid is to be done when the interests of your alliance require you to do so, which is what they seem to have done here.

Edited by Kroknia
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So, let me get it right. IS first says it's a tech raid. Then IS says it's for lulz. Then IS says it's for my anti-pink views?

Now you say it's a tech raid? When did you start dictating IS's policy?

Honor, please, show some.

Let Me guess, All of these people saying it's for the lulz, or for you being anti-pink. They probably aren't government. If I were you, I would wait till you actually hear from government before you start spouting BS

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So, let me get it right. IS first says it's a tech raid. Then IS says it's for lulz. Then IS says it's for my anti-pink views?

How about asking the person who actually led the raid instead of regular IS membership?

You know as well as I do that RAD is a complete joke, and everyone on this planet knows it.

Actually, I didn't know. But that explains why MK had a PIAT, right?

Edited by Rey the Great
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"Is spying on a foreign alliance an act of war even if you don't attack them? Yes."

I did not spy.

"Is blatantly telling a group of people you are working towards their destruction an act of war? Yes."

Do you know what's a joke? The Mods saw it as a joke, are you able to see things better than The Mods?

Get a CB and come back, please.

The spying example was there so you could understand things that are not actual wars can be seen as acts of wars.

If it was a joke, you should have been struck down by god now for the numerous posts you made in reference to your crusade. The gods have not done so, so I must assume you were serious.

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