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Operation Der Reise

Markus Wilding

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OOC Notice: I am rerolling, but so many times I have collapsed my government due to internal forces. I want to reroll, and go out with a bang. Here's that bang.



"With our recent Russian rebellion over, we feel that all Russians must be out to kill the innocent German people. In order to prevent this suffering of the German peoples, there is but one bear left that stands in our way.


As I speak, our armies are heading towards their goals. Operation Der Reise has been in effect for a long time, now is the time to begin that final operation. We will not surrender, never fall, always to push forward. We have felt strongly that Slavorussia would attack us, and we feel we must strike before Der Reise does.

Now it is the end of the beginning. The German people will never again have to suffer from the discrimination of the Russians! FOR YACRANIA!!!!"

**Opening sequence**

All units moved previously to the Voronin Wall, including the newly arrived armor, begin their advance. The infantry lead the way, with the armor close behind. At first sight of a Slavorussian patrol, they open fire, showing no remorse for who dies, only knowing that they must destroy the Giant.

At the same time, the 10,000 Wehrmacht soldiers advance towards the Slavorussian shores, expecting a heavy barrage of fire to come their way. The Kreigsmarine ready the men that are to land on the beaches with the Wehrmacht, and ensure that every MG9 is fully loaded, with at least 4 drums of spare ammo.



"...I can't believe you actually did this, Markus. Slavorussia has NO reason to attack us! At least, not before you declared war on them."

Markus simply turns his chair, stands up and says, "Russians like you are unpredictable, Vladimir. One minute you can be saying that you love us, next you want to kill us." Vladimir shook his head and let out a quick breath of exasperation. "You really think you can win this war? Against a giant like Slavorussia? Who probably has tons of allies at it's beck and call, ready to completely obliterate us for our crime?" Markus walks over to a closet and takes out an unloaded Kar98k. "You're not crazy enough to shoot me." Markus says nothing, but simply loads the rifle, one bullet at a time. "Without me you wouldn't even have this land. Who convinced the Russians living here to let you rule over them? Who contacted the Hansa and Buriyata? Who really started the rebellion?" Markus slams the bolt closed and says, "I knew it was you. You sick, slimy Russian piece of scum. Get out of my office. Now." Vladimir starts walking backwards slowly, so that he can drag it out as long as he can. "Well, you got what you wanted. War with Slavorussia. It's your own funeral...comrade." Markus goes off the deep end at this. He pulls the trigger once, the bullet lucky enough to hit Vladimir in his heart. Markus lays the rifle down, then calls for his secretary. "Yes, Miss Bellum? Get the cleaning crew in here."

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Procinctia condemns this unwarranted and completely unjustified surprise attack. Normally Procinctia would immediately defend our allies in accordance with the Procinctia-Slavorussian Alliance, unfortunately Procinctia’s entire armed forces are currently on vacation.

In the meantime five of the ClearWater International MiG-15s currently contracted to Procinctia will be deployed to support Slavorussia’s defense.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

Edited by Generalissimo
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"This is disgusting. If it would not have been overkill, the Rheinmark would have pledged troops to help Slavorussia, simply for fighting for the greater good. Should Slavorussia request assistance, the Rheinmark will answer, although we feel they will be quite capable of dealing with something that is no more than a pest."

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Operation: Oh no you didn’t!

Slavorussian border patrollers are completely taken by surprise by the Yacranian surprise attack. The majority of guards stationed directly on the border are customs officers, not soldiers. They radio to the nearest military base near Vorkuta, in the Komi Republic, but it will take several hours before a substantial amount of troops can be deployed. The guards, armed only with pistols and a few automatic rifles make their stand, but are cut down within minutes by the massively superior numbers the Yacranians have brought with them. Fortunately early warning systems Vaygach Island give the costal defense operators time to prepare for the Kreigsmarine’s to attempt to land troops on the shores.

One thing Slavorussia has in abundance in the area is air power. Vorkuta Sovetsky airbase is the largest airbase currently in operation in the far northeast. Stationed there are mostly long range bombers, and an aging squadron of Su-27 fighters planes with anti-ship capabilities. The bombers with a small escort are dispatched to fly bombing runs on the enemy ground forces, while 10 the Su-27 squadron fly to the shore loaded with Kh-35 anti-ship missiles, similar to the ones used in the costal batteries.

In Moscow

Primer Medvedev addresses that nation from his office inside the Kremlin. “Fellow Russians, citizens of the world, earlier today the military of Yacrania launched a deliberate and unprovoked attack on the Empire of Slavorussia from land and sea. Yacranian soldiers attacked our border crossings without provocation, and killed hundreds of border guards, while a Yacranian fleet sits outside our territorial waters.

This attack on our sovereign soil, constitutes a deliberate act of war, one which we return to the Yacranian government. Our forces ever vigilant in their mission to defend this great empire are responding with the full might and unbreakable will of the Russian people. With confidence in our armed forces and the unparalleled determination of our people we will attain absolute victory over the invaders so help us God!”

ooc: My ground troops will be ready to meet yours in the next post. Allies are welcome, but try not to be too overwhelming.

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Operation: Oh no you didn’t!

Slavorussian border patrollers are completely taken by surprise by the Yacranian surprise attack. The majority of guards stationed directly on the border are customs officers, not soldiers. They radio to the nearest military base near Vorkuta, in the Komi Republic, but it will take several hours before a substantial amount of troops can be deployed. The guards, armed only with pistols and a few automatic rifles make their stand, but are cut down within minutes by the massively superior numbers the Yacranians have brought with them. Fortunately early warning systems Vaygach Island give the costal defense operators time to prepare for the Kreigsmarine’s to attempt to land troops on the shores.

One thing Slavorussia has in abundance in the area is air power. Vorkuta Sovetsky airbase is the largest airbase currently in operation in the far northeast. Stationed there are mostly long range bombers, and an aging squadron of Su-27 fighters planes with anti-ship capabilities. The bombers with a small escort are dispatched to fly bombing runs on the enemy ground forces, while 10 the Su-27 squadron fly to the shore loaded with Kh-35 anti-ship missiles, similar to the ones used in the costal batteries.

ooc: My ground troops will be ready to meet yours in the next post. Allies are welcome, but try not to be too overwhelming.

The tanks now overtake the infantry, rolling forward for any sign of a resistance. Anything that could be a possible sniper spot is blasted away, be it a church, apartment building, whatever. All 2 story homes are searched painstakingly, to ensure that no weapons can be used by the Slavorussian public against the Wehrmacht. The two initial invading forces meet up and begin their march to their ultimate goal: Moscow. Secondary forces hold back and prepare for the Slavorussian counterattack, deploying MG34s, MG9s and establishing "kill zones" in the line of not only machinegun fire, but tank fire as well.

On board each Kreigsmarine transport (OOC: Think civillian cargo ships turned into transports) is at least three MG9s, to be deployed on board for defense or to provide covering fire, whichever is needed. The boats continue sailing towards the shore, and MG9s are constantly being deployed for covering fire for the men that will land on-shore. Having no real defense except the machine guns, it's safe to assume tha the sea landing won't go as expected.

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Rakata wishes to convey it's deep and sincere regret that conflict has erupted in Asia, and we strongly urge some form of diplomatic dialogue to ensue. We hope that both Yacranian and Slavorussian diplomats can come to the table and discuss their issues and resolve them without need of further bloodshed. In conjunction with this, we offer our services as a peacekeeping contingent of the most neutral sort. We hope that somehow, peace and cooler heads may yet prevail.

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Rakata wishes to convey it's deep and sincere regret that conflict has erupted in Asia, and we strongly urge some form of diplomatic dialogue to ensue. We hope that both Yacranian and Slavorussian diplomats can come to the table and discuss their issues and resolve them without need of further bloodshed. In conjunction with this, we offer our services as a peacekeeping contingent of the most neutral sort. We hope that somehow, peace and cooler heads may yet prevail.

OOC: ...Asia? :huh:

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And we wonder why Germans and Nordics are so paranoia of the world.

Because the Nords naturally assume everyone thinks like them.

Germans are not paranoid on the whole, however...some of them can be downright reasonable...

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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20,000 Slavorussian soldiers arrive in the area accompanied by 300 Slavorussian T-90 and T-80 tanks as well as BTR-90 and BTR-T heavy IFV’s and the 2S19 Msta mobile artillery gun. The majority of the ground troops are equipped with AK-74M assault rifles, but the military feels this is a good chance to test out the new AK-105 model, so 500 elite forces have been equipped with the gun.

The army sets up the first line of defense 205 km from the border. The remaining troops take up positions in Vorkuta as well as the on the northern shores. This is the fallback point for the remainder of the border defense troops, but those making it to the safety of the line are few and far between. In the opening strikes 1,000 of the 1,500 border patrol defense personnel had been killed or gone missing. It’s a devastating blow, but one that the empire expects to return in multiples to the invading forces, as Slavorussian bombers fly high over open fields and near roads unleashing their payload in enemy soldiers.

As enemy ships approach the coast Slavorussia’s costal artillery, and SU-27’s unleash heavy fire on the ships off shore. Two of the fighters planes break away from the group and fly circles around the ships to draw away their attention, while the remaining 8 planes each fire one of their anti-ship missiles from over land directly at the ship’s hulls. If all goes well the majority of the Yacranian soldiers would die at sea, and the survivors would killed or captured once they swam to shore.

ooc: Slavorussia is in Europe, the eastern border mostly runs along the Ural Mountains that separate Europe form Asia.

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"The government of Buryatia is shocked at the developments in the region and will take steps to ensure that the safety of our citizens in Novaya Zemlya is assured."


Buryatian Air Force C-130 aircraft begin airlifting an additional 20,000 troops to Novaya Zemlya. Task Force Epsilon, in position off the coast of Novaya Zemlya adjusts course and heads towards Yacrania, remaining in Buryatian or International waters.

The first of the strategic missiles based in Novaya Zemlya that are already operational, are put on standby.

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20,000 Slavorussian soldiers arrive in the area accompanied by 300 Slavorussian T-90 and T-80 tanks as well as BTR-90 and BTR-T heavy IFV’s and the 2S19 Msta mobile artillery gun. The majority of the ground troops are equipped with AK-74M assault rifles, but the military feels this is a good chance to test out the new AK-105 model, so 500 elite forces have been equipped with the gun.

The army sets up the first line of defense 205 km from the border. The remaining troops take up positions in Vorkuta as well as the on the northern shores. This is the fallback point for the remainder of the border defense troops, but those making it to the safety of the line are few and far between. In the opening strikes 1,000 of the 1,500 border patrol defense personnel had been killed or gone missing. It’s a devastating blow, but one that the empire expects to return in multiples to the invading forces, as Slavorussian bombers fly high over open fields and near roads unleashing their payload in enemy soldiers.

As enemy ships approach the coast Slavorussia’s costal artillery, and SU-27’s unleash heavy fire on the ships off shore. Two of the fighters planes break away from the group and fly circles around the ships to draw away their attention, while the remaining 8 planes each fire one of their anti-ship missiles from over land directly at the ship’s hulls. If all goes well the majority of the Yacranian soldiers would die at sea, and the survivors would killed or captured once they swam to shore.

As decisive as the initial attack, the Wehrmacht has numerous radio operators call for the Luftwaffe to support the advance. 15 ME-109s take off from an airfield just beyond the Voronin Wall, and once the radio operators confirm that support is coming, they continue marching.

Tiger II and Panzer IV tank crews know that they are no match for the modern Slavorussian tanks, yet they blitzkreig charge anyway, hoping to shake their defenses and continue while taking minimal losses. The aircraft draw up behind, ready to dive bomb with the MG9s and their conventional bombs. Numerous casualties are taken by infantry due to Slavorussian bombing runs, but that does nothing to dampen their spirits as they push onward to take their ultimate goal.

Several of the ships go down instantly, with the screams of dying sailors and infantrymen filling their interior. Ships that survive call for remaining MEs to support, now realizing their folly of not calling for air support in the first place.

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The long-range bomber squadrons of the Rheinmark made for the front lines of the Wehrmacht advance. They flew well out of the range of the Wehrmacht AA guns and dropped their payloads, which were of a less than conventional nature.

Boxes began to fall by the hundreds, spread across the advancing Germans. When they were about 40 feet above the ground, they snapped into pieces and papers began to flutter all around.

They read with quotes such as, "You do not serve for your country, you serve out of fear," "You serve a !@#$%^& child of a more reasonable Father," "You will all die if you continue," and "Real Germans do not crawl like dogs."

As quickly as they came, the bombers were gone. There were even some radios repeating the messages of the papers that had parachuted down. The Markswehr did not know if it would help, but they felt it was worthy of a try.

OOC: Nothing against N Reeki, just getting in on it.

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As decisive as the initial attack, the Wehrmacht has numerous radio operators call for the Luftwaffe to support the advance. 15 ME-109s take off from an airfield just beyond the Voronin Wall, and once the radio operators confirm that support is coming, they continue marching.

Tiger II and Panzer IV tank crews know that they are no match for the modern Slavorussian tanks, yet they blitzkreig charge anyway, hoping to shake their defenses and continue while taking minimal losses. The aircraft draw up behind, ready to dive bomb with the MG9s and their conventional bombs. Numerous casualties are taken by infantry due to Slavorussian bombing runs, but that does nothing to dampen their spirits as they push onward to take their ultimate goal.

Several of the ships go down instantly, with the screams of dying sailors and infantrymen filling their interior. Ships that survive call for remaining MEs to support, now realizing their folly of not calling for air support in the first place.

The first line marches forward to meet up with the enemy ground forces. Although outnumbered the imperial army is supported by dozens of Msta artillery guns, which lay down heavy suppression fire, while tanks and soldiers sweep around to the enemy’s flank in a pincer movement. They hope to engulf the enemy and force them to surrender but their determined blitz discourages Slavorussian soldiers, causing the line to falter. The hesitation to fallow through with the movement leaves the center weakened and taking the brunt of the casualties. As enemy aircraft approach the ground forces have only one method of defense, the 9K38 Igla portable SAM. At the same time, Slavorussia’s airbases farther inland launch squadrons of more modern MiG-35’s to intercept and engage enemy planes before they can inflict too much damage on Slavorussian ground forces, as well as escorting military transports carrying supplies and soldiers to the front line.

Meanwhile, soldiers amassing on the northern shores of Nenetsia cheer as each enemy ship sinks, only to quiet down when they hear the screams of frightened and dieing soldiers as they slip into the icy unknown. In the sky the Su-27’s regroup for their final attack on enemy ships before they land.

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The first line marches forward to meet up with the enemy ground forces. Although outnumbered the imperial army is supported by dozens of Msta artillery guns, which lay down heavy suppression fire, while tanks and soldiers sweep around to the enemy’s flank in a pincer movement. They hope to engulf the enemy and force them to surrender but their determined blitz discourages Slavorussian soldiers, causing the line to falter. The hesitation to fallow through with the movement leaves the center weakened and taking the brunt of the casualties. As enemy aircraft approach the ground forces have only one method of defense, the 9K38 Igla portable SAM. At the same time, Slavorussia’s airbases farther inland launch squadrons of more modern MiG-35’s to intercept and engage enemy planes before they can inflict too much damage on Slavorussian ground forces, as well as escorting military transports carrying supplies and soldiers to the front line.

Meanwhile, soldiers amassing on the northern shores of Nenetsia cheer as each enemy ship sinks, only to quiet down when they hear the screams of frightened and dieing soldiers as they slip into the icy unknown. In the sky the Su-27’s regroup for their final attack on enemy ships before they land.

Seeing the center line falter, the infantry take immense advantage of this, and push to inflict casualties before the rest of the division turns it's attention to the flanks. Just as it does, several trucks carrying about 5 squads pull up. With the new support, they now feel that they can take over Slavorussia.

In the air, the ME's engage any fighter close by, and call for "Stuka" dive fighters to assist the ground forces. SAM missiles hit several planes as they attempt to engage the newer Migs.

OOC: I'm assuming at least one ship survives the initial assault.


Miraculously, one ship makes it to shore and the troops flow out of the ship, with the Kreigsmarine laying suppresing fire with the MG9s. Heavily outnumbered and with little to no support, they continue to fight regardless as they attempt to make their way onto the Slavorussian mainland.

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