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Ulitimatium to the Krieg Empire

Stefano Palmieri

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The mission of the last remaining battalion of SFOR, the 2 Geneeskundige Bataljon, has been completed and we will be leaving Krieg right away.

The field hospital and Camp Holland have been dismantled and are loaded onto trucks and into the four transport aircraft and everyone is ready to leave for home.

We are hereby asking the Republic of Euzkadi and the Republic of Normandy for a free passage as we will be taking the route Salamanca, Valladolid, Vitoria Gastelz (Euzkadi), Biarritz (Euzkadi) , Bordeaux (RN), Orleans (RN), Paris (RN) and on via Rijssel in the United Netherlands. The two transport aircraft will have to use Normandy's air space.

Edited by DeRaadspensionaris
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The Imperial legion soldiers and tanks have made their way to the capital city of the Empire of Krieg and are now taking up defensive positions to defend the capital city from attack. The leading Colonel of Imperial legion forces in the city has taken one hundred chosen men and entered the main government building to talk with the Krieg government.

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We are also notifying Netherlands that the passenger hauler with 14 Dutch civilians arrived at Kales earlier today. All passengers were unharmed and well treated by Czech officers of Rakata.

We thank you for your kindness and if there is a similar operation that we will have to carry out in return then please do not hesitate to ask us. Currently our civilians are being brought home by bus and train after a medical check-up in Kales.

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Public Statement:

We approve of Molakians understanding of Peace and will remove any such embargoes from them, however we continue to hold them for Libya.

Even before they had a chance to start, Aether Empire intelligence removed the task of searching for Molakian cargo ships.

Edited by Zarfef
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OOC: You guys are really biased on facism.

IC: The YDR although will remain neutral, will once again state that Libya should stay away from European affairs and that Molakia to not invade a nation that, despite it being fascist, has not done anything to antagonize others.

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"Though the urge to sarcastically wonder who would be next in line to almost declare war on the Empire of Krieg is almost overwhelming, Zargathia is once again relieved to hear that no actual war has broken out in Europe."

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The Aether Empire stops it's embargo against Libya and applauds them for seeing the better decision.


The Aether Empire military system is returned to normal and forces are ordered to RTB.

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Due to recent actions by the Libyan government, the NoN is reduced back to DEFCON 4.

However, the two Cabals will stay for now to aid in the defence of Krieg. We will wait until the Emperor (?) says otherwise. The NoN expresses sadness that the newfound UMS/NoN friendship will need to be tested some other time.

Edited by Executive Minister
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