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So WOLF has entered this, despite the fact that its a aggressive war? What a surprise.. WOLF will be the end of TE.

We just can't seem to please anyone. This is exactly what everyone said before the wars were started, then once WOLF didn't do anything, everyone complained that WOLF didn't do anything. Now that WOLF is at war, people start complaining that WOLF is at war.

Can we just never win? :huh:

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We just can't seem to please anyone. This is exactly what everyone said before the wars were started, then once WOLF didn't do anything, everyone complained that WOLF didn't do anything. Now that WOLF is at war, people start complaining that WOLF is at war.

Can we just never win? :huh:

So WOLF is in a war, that was launched offensively? While WOLF is a defensive treaty?

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So WOLF is in a war, that was launched offensively? While WOLF is a defensive treaty?

So what do you want from WOLF? We stayed defensive, everyone complains. We go aggressive, you complain. There is no way to win, imo. (Not that it matters anyways, it's the end of the round for Christ sakes.)

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So what do you want from WOLF? We stayed defensive, everyone complains. We go aggressive, you complain. There is no way to win, imo. (Not that it matters anyways, it's the end of the round for Christ sakes.)

I just appear to go around in circles so unless you can bring something new this time around, I see no point. I will also dumb it down for you, so that we can be certain that you understand it and can make a answer beyond the same circling you have been doing.

WOLF = Defensive, Now WOLF = Aggressive, why?

Edited by The fox
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I just appear to go around in circles so unless you can bring something new this time around, I see no point. I will also dumb it down for you, so that we can be certain that you understand it and can make a answer beyond the same circling you have been doing.

WOLF = Defensive, Now WOLF = Aggressive, why?

I'll answer this and some other comments: Why not?

Did people think the alliances of WOLF were never again going to attack anyone?

Apparently this is a war game. Everyone wants to fight in war games.

ES's point is very accurate. When WOLF formed and before it had ever done anything there was mass sniveling and people talking a bunch of crap. Then TPF and RE were taking on MHA, LE and SWAT by themselves, and there was sniveling because WOLF did not jump in and a bunch of people talking a bunch of crap. We took a bit of beating we really didn't have to - and people still talked crap about us. Then Fark jumps in. Then NOIR jumps in. Then a bunch of smaller WOLF alliances, tired of sitting and watching everyone else fight and have fun, jump in.

There's been a bunch of other smaller alliances hitting now too, like United White.

So everybody's fighting everybody just like it is at the end of EVERY round.

TE is perfectly normal - yet people are still sniveling and talking crap.

Ergo, it doesn't MATTER what WOLF does - someone is always going to snivel and talk crap.

So why care about the sniveling since it's going to be there no matter what anyways?

tl;dr: People are always going to snivel and talk crap.

So why give a rodent's hindquarters what people think.

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actually, the only thing that bothers me on this is that it's 2 alliances on one.. and the one is smaller than either of the others... 9and there is no dow for SDF)

where this gets annoying is from the standpount BG had on the fight between LE and TPF.. his point was that WOLF would try to keep it clean between two opponents.. I am cool with that...

In this case, that isn't happening, so it's not what I expected to see...

in any case, we made a good showing before being blindsided and it was going to be a fun war til it got too far out of balance...

we will still fight... we will not surrender... we will pack our armor full of popcorn for nuke surprises :D

I just wish an established and presented method of behavior was being adhered to ...

tl:dr then take time and go back and read it!!! :rolleyes:

Edited by arcticllama
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Your culinary skills have been given a good reference by Strykewolf, arcticllama. That guy knows his beer, so I'll give it another shot. Yet maybe Stryke needs to know his beer TOO well when he eats your cooking, if you know what I'm sayin'.

Yepp, I've been piled on by multiple alliances before when all I wanted was a fair fight.

It sucks. Life just ain't too fair sometimes.


Call it moaning, weeping or whining, sniveling is sniveling is sniveling.

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actually, the only thing that bothers me on this is that it's 2 alliances on one.. and the one is smaller than either of the others... 9and there is no dow for SDF)

where this gets annoying is from the standpount BG had on the fight between LE and TPF.. his point was that WOLF would try to keep it clean between two opponents.. I am cool with that...

In this case, that isn't happening, so it's not what I expected to see...

in any case, we made a good showing before being blindsided and it was going to be a fun war til it got too far out of balance...

we will still fight... we will not surrender... we will pack our armor full of popcorn for nuke surprises :D

I just wish an established and presented method of behavior was being adhered to ...

tl:dr then take time and go back and read it!!! :rolleyes:

I'll respond to this, as I think it should be made clear. WOLF is not an aggressive alliance, if it was then a vote would have been taken and all those in favor of war against RD would have attacked. Read that again. EVERY nation that voted yes would have attacked RD. Here's how it went down, so you can get a better idea. At the time, TPF and RE were alone fighting LE-MHA-SWAT-FARK and whatever smaller alliances jumped us, Egypt being the only one I can think of. NOIR came in, without being asked, and to our great surprise on FARK, they even admitted in their DoW they weren't going to be able to do anything but go out with a bang ( o7 to NOIR next round come talk to me as the Diplomatic Representitive of TPF, love to meet the new Gov ) so that was the situation.

On the night of the Fark DoW, according to the MDP of the WOLF charter, two things happened. First the alliances of TRG, OB, SOS and BV ( collectively the White Vipers of Haruhi ), GATO, TBH, RoWN and SoA were asked when they might be able to assist in the RE/TPF vs all the above war. They asked for 24 hours. After that 24 hour deadline the combined forces of those alliances ( some 150 nations give or take ) launched 123 attacks in 12 hours, compare that to some alliances much larger, and the come tell me again how uncoordinated our allies of a smaller nation count are, what's more each and every one of those alliances went into the fight knowing that if the others didn't join in, they would be steamrolled ( Area 51 and Neverland Ranch did NOT contribute and as thus, are no longer members of WOLF, bottom line you enjoy the benefits you share the risks ) to say I'm proud of them would be the understatement of the year.

The other discussion was about RD, due to the nature of the dogpile that had happened so far, the untested coordination of WOLF allies due to most of them not having worked together ever and only associated together for two weeks at the most, it was a great concern that RD with it's nuclear arsenal and fighting spirit would be detrimental if they decided to get involved ( which due to historical tensions between RD and TPF in particular seemed likely, and certainly not on our side ) GDA volunteered on their own initiative to attack RD. This is completely inline with our charter in which any member of any alliance is allowed to do as they wish. GDA did it's DoW. Now here's where SDF comes in. SDF had been asked ( not ordered asked ) to remain in reserve to see where we most needed them. As the fourth largest alliance in WOLF this made a good deal of sense, and SDF leadership agreed. When the utterly suprisingly and for us joyous success of the attack made by our collection of smaller allies was apparent the time to utilize SDF was called into question. At the same time GDA asked for assistance from whoever in WOLF could help, RD are tough fighters and we respect them for that. SDF was immediately thought of, and we again asked ( not ordered ) them to assist GDA. Which SDF is now doing.

So there is the ENTIRE story. NONE of it is against our charter. Any WOLF alliance can ask any other to assist them, or another alliance. We cannot go to full born war without a 2/3rds vote against any single alliance or Coalition, and even then those alliances who vote no do not go to war, the right to not go to war is simply the choice of each and every alliance, however it would be assinine in the extreme to assume we don't communicate with each other ( I'd like to know, did LE, MHA, SWAT, or Fark not exchange any communication between them before deciding to attack us? If you didn't that's on you, poor communication between potential allies is certainly not our fault ). It is what it is. RD you can complain as you like, but in a way it's a backhanded compliment. We say you as too dangerous to be a wild card, and asked ( again not ordered ) someone to attack you. GDA obliged our request. No one from WOLF was forced to do anything.

One last thing I'd like to add to all of this. What on earth is wrong with you people who cry on both ends of the stick? First it's WOLF is ruining the game, then it's WOLF is impotent, then due SOLELY on our increased communication vs what we had before ( again I'll repeat not a single member of WOLF was not already an ally, and we've actually LOST some of our allies due to them showing their true colors ) you cry WOLF is ruining the game again? Get a grip already. Increase your internal communication. Don't like multi-alliance alliances? Then tough, they'll always exist and wishing them away is never going to happen. For 10,000 years now human beings have banded together, and for 10,000 years after we're all worm food they still will. You don't want to be in one that's your choice, but don't whine about the fact you're getting rolled by a larger alliance, Coalition, whatever just because you made the choice to not be a part of something bigger that might give you a better chance of survival.

War is won through surprise, communication, numbers ( I left out logistics because it doesn't apply to CN ). This is a WAR game. If you lose any two of those three you'd just another defeated nation or alliance, you were from the moment you joined the game, and if you didn't know it from that moment, you were naive, flat out. Now that we have numbers and communication you whine because all that's left to you is surprise. Well news flash kiddos, you are going to lose every time until you can counter one of the two, so start recruiting, start forming alliances, and start improving communication within your alliance and between your allies, or really you have no right to complain. If you can't handle that, at the very least stop voicing your idiocy on whatever venue you decide to voice it on, pm, this forum, your own forum, a public bathroom stall or whatever. It's the same tiring old hat trick, or the same stale bad joke where everyone already knows the punchline and is checking their watch to see when the hell they can politely pay for their drinks and walk away.

If you don't like what I've said, if the truth stings, I got eight little words for you.

Get over it, or get with the program.

The choice is yours.

Edited by Gabryal
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You have WAAAAAY too much time on your hands. Here I am trying to read the boards and you have to go write a flippin novel. Get a job already!

BTW, WOLF still stinks and anyone in it is EVIL! I haven't posted my thoughts for awhile.

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You have WAAAAAY too much time on your hands. Here I am trying to read the boards and you have to go write a flippin novel. Get a job already!

BTW, WOLF still stinks and anyone in it is EVIL! I haven't posted my thoughts for awhile.

and your thoughts are about the only one's I've heard that are both well thought out, well spoken, and anti-wolf. Try to train some of the others.

And yes, I write novels every now and then, keeps me from having to write a bunch of long little ones.

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I think you read a bit much into my intentions... I don't care for one aspect of WOLF in the nature of TE.. That is that WOLF extends beyond rounds. This is adverse to the intent of a tournament edition.

I also am not upset, more, amused:)

I realize that RD looked dangerous and we were under orders to be prepared for war. As you mentioned, the history we have with TPF is not a gleaming beacon of wonder... however.. we have pretty well buried the hatchet on that.. and We are getting along better than ever (if we can both keep our guys from raiding each other occasionally)

I know we were a target:):) 22 nations and ranked 15 of all alliances?

48 nukes

and 5600 average ns???

That says we were overdue for some fighting...

Now that I have learned why SDF is here, I understand their involvement better... (If they would just tell us why next time...)

We Do NOT support WOLF. We Are NOT in any coalition against WOLF. We Are Rodintia Dominatus :) We didn't join Judgement... We aren't part of the large assembly of alliances anywhere you find them... We stand tall and fight for ourselves.


it is interesting to see WOLF working.. and it is good to know we are viewed as a power, albeit a small one, to be reckoned with:)


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I think you read a bit much into my intentions... I don't care for one aspect of WOLF in the nature of TE.. That is that WOLF extends beyond rounds. This is adverse to the intent of a tournament edition.

I also am not upset, more, amused:)

I realize that RD looked dangerous and we were under orders to be prepared for war. As you mentioned, the history we have with TPF is not a gleaming beacon of wonder... however.. we have pretty well buried the hatchet on that.. and We are getting along better than ever (if we can both keep our guys from raiding each other occasionally)

I know we were a target:):) 22 nations and ranked 15 of all alliances?

48 nukes

and 5600 average ns???

That says we were overdue for some fighting...

Now that I have learned why SDF is here, I understand their involvement better... (If they would just tell us why next time...)

We Do NOT support WOLF. We Are NOT in any coalition against WOLF. We Are Rodintia Dominatus :) We didn't join Judgement... We aren't part of the large assembly of alliances anywhere you find them... We stand tall and fight for ourselves.


it is interesting to see WOLF working.. and it is good to know we are viewed as a power, albeit a small one, to be reckoned with:)


I will mention that most, if not all, of my anger when I post things like that are not aimed at the alliance in question, but at the hordes of whiners ( of which I haven't heard one from RD yet ). If you have fun, so be it, that's the point of any game. However I don't want people to claim that because they are in some small alliance, they have some right not to be smashed by an alliance larger than them. They whine and cry all day long about it, yet they do NOTHING to stop it, form no alliances, make no blocs, recruit no members. I'm sick of hearing those people whine. Not RD speak reasonably.

Edited by Gabryal
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I think you read a bit much into my intentions... I don't care for one aspect of WOLF in the nature of TE.. That is that WOLF extends beyond rounds. This is adverse to the intent of a tournament edition.

I also am not upset, more, amused:)

I realize that RD looked dangerous and we were under orders to be prepared for war. As you mentioned, the history we have with TPF is not a gleaming beacon of wonder... however.. we have pretty well buried the hatchet on that.. and We are getting along better than ever (if we can both keep our guys from raiding each other occasionally)

I know we were a target:):) 22 nations and ranked 15 of all alliances?

48 nukes

and 5600 average ns???

That says we were overdue for some fighting...

Now that I have learned why SDF is here, I understand their involvement better... (If they would just tell us why next time...)

We Do NOT support WOLF. We Are NOT in any coalition against WOLF. We Are Rodintia Dominatus :) We didn't join Judgement... We aren't part of the large assembly of alliances anywhere you find them... We stand tall and fight for ourselves.


it is interesting to see WOLF working.. and it is good to know we are viewed as a power, albeit a small one, to be reckoned with:)


Well spoken point of view. A mighty stand from RD. I support this fun and defiance.....

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o/ arcticllama!

We at TPF certainly respect RD's desire for neutrality in CN:TE politics, and we in general do respect RD. What's not to like? However, it does seem that every session RD and TPF have some sort of little raid-related altercation. Strykewolf semi-threatened war over the last one, this session. You guys were certainly overdue for a scrap too, you'd not had one all session long.

I think of you guys as quality nations, if not quantity :)

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o/ arcticllama!

We at TPF certainly respect RD's desire for neutrality in CN:TE politics, and we in general do respect RD. What's not to like? However, it does seem that every session RD and TPF have some sort of little raid-related altercation. Strykewolf semi-threatened war over the last one, this session. You guys were certainly overdue for a scrap too, you'd not had one all session long.

I think of you guys as quality nations, if not quantity :)


One of these times we should ally with each other just with the intent of knocking the ever-loving crap outta each other ((edit)) during the last week or so. :D

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Wow, this thread was a nice read. Anyway I'm a little confused about CDT are they now apart of the conflict? Despite only I think 4 nations declaring war on our members and their leader getting a nice spank.

To be completely honest the SDF was planning to attack WAPA, we had target lists and 2 weeks prep to attack them. I was smiling when I saw them declare war on Nothern Lights because that would lessen their nuke and CM count but they got too good of beating we pulled back and surely enough this situation arose (And can be assured we will not carry any grudges into next round) we agreed to share some of our weapons with RD, who by right deserve to be called good fighters and despite having really bad odds remained civilized with their PM's.

And while I'm complimenting people I might as well shout out the below:

Tiberius: Great guy and very, very organized !@#$%^& :P

Emperor Stranger: Great leader and someone I would have thought worthy to take over Orbit Black

Gabryal: Organized and Friendly person

WOLF Coalition: The best defensive and offensive alliances the SDF could ask for.

Couple others that either I can't remember their name or can't think of them at this exact moment.


Ex-WOLF members who ran off


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And swat is after him...

he switched AA after starting a fight with swat:)

Guess that means we get moar! Munchies? :D

Happines is a 6v1...and I have 6 :) ((Edit)) Yeah, I came out of anarchy. :) Sorta sucks, don't it....SDF? :)

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Lol, you've been giving us a lot of trouble. That's why I assigned 3 peeps to you, but your still fighting strong.

Well...we'l likely be going down...but, we are going to make a fight of it. :D

All...The....Way....Down.... :D


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Well...we'l likely be going down...but, we are going to make a fight of it. :D

All...The....Way....Down.... :D

There's always one more beer at the bottom of the ice chest, under all that Fresca.

Keep that in mind!

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