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A Return to Normalcy

Elrich von Richt

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Due in accordance with recent events, and the escalating European turmoil over Spain, and other such recent events. The declaration of war initially stated earlier today by the Chimairan Republic is hereby considered null and void, and a peace has been declared by the government and Troika of Chimaira. We view our earlier actions as partially unjust, and somewhat called for. The purpose of the war declaration was not to lead to the conquest of annihilation of the Krieg Empire, but the return of Freedom to the Spanish peninsula, and a possible resulting peace. As of late, all this war has achieved is gain us potential enemies and made us lose some of our reputation around the world, albeit the Krieg have lost more. As such, the war is over. A total ceasefire is now in effect, although no troops touched Krieg soil in the first place.

Chimaira aller död! Europa aller död!

Elrich von Richt

OOC: Some crappy insults got the better of me, sorry if i've lost anyones respect for this load of horse hockey. It's over now. Pretend this never happened, if possible.

Edited by Elrich von Richt
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The United Netherlands dares to breathe again now that the clouds of war are disappearing from in front of our eyes. The Government sincerely applauds this step but we also promise to give refuge to Krieg's citizens for the foreseeable future until the situation in Europe has fully returned to normal.

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Europe is always a hotbed of instability with a few specific iron pillars of support and normalcy. This temporary sanity is likely to lapse once more into warfare once somebody feels they've been insulted. It's happened before, it just happened, and it will happen again.

OOC: I :wub: pessimism. :D

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OOC: Why do people ALWAYS ruin my plans?????

IC: Aiginor applauds this move toward a peaceful Europe.

OOC: What plans? :ph34r:

Europe is always a hotbed of instability with a few specific iron pillars of support and normalcy. This temporary sanity is likely to lapse once more into warfare once somebody feels they've been insulted. It's happened before, it just happened, and it will happen again.

OOC: I :wub: pessimism. :D

IC: "We second the Holy Imperium's words to an extent, but we are glad to hear that peace has prevailed once again."

OOC: That's why I rerolled in North America... :P

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