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Slavorussian Events

Justinian the Mighty

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[u][b]Communists Block Octobrists Gains[/b][/u][img]http://visualrian.com/storage/PreviewWM/1830/86/183086.jpg?1245136592[/img]

There won’t be any big celebration for the Octobrist Party this year following a huge upset by the Communist Part. The Chairman of the Octobrists Party, Anton Zhirinovsky is accusing the Medvedev-Putin duo of rigging the elections to push their opponents out of the Duma.

“The country is already familiar with what Vladimir Vladimirovich is willing to do to his enemies, but he is more bold now that he has is lapdog doing his dirty work.” Zhirinovsky told reporters.

The Octobrists are fuming over the Communists gaining the support of Rostov voters stealing significant seats from the Octorbists. The final results of yesterday’s election show the Kadets leading with 252 seats, the Octobrists coming in second with 114, the Communists with 78 and the remaining 6 seats going to the Our Russia Party.

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[u][b]Troops Occupy Trans-Caucasus Canal[/b][/u]

Slavorussian Army has taken control of the Trans-Caucasus Canal which is, with the exception of south Belorussia and Ukraine, the last of the last vestige of German-Nordic imperialism in Russia.

The canal has been an issue of contention between Slavorussia and several other countries that have occupied Caucasia in the past because it passes directly through the Rostov Oblast and Rostov City.

Several years ago a disagreement between Slavorussia and the Kingdom of Drakoria, over the control of the canal, almost came to violence. In 2010 Drakoria's successor, the Kingdom of Caucasia, used the canal to bombard Slavorussian cities after Slavorussia declared its intent to defend the Holy Roman Empire from "unjustified aggression." Since then it was rumored that the Slavorussian military had prepared elaborate plans to capture completely destroy the canal and much of the infrastructure supporting it in the event of another war.

The canal runs from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea and according to pictures taken by border patrol agents, the canal can support ships as large as a Nevsky-class aircraft carrier (ooc: Slavorussian supercarrier).

Control of the Trans-Caucasus canal will be transferred to the the Ministry of Transportation's River and Canal Transport Authority. Toll stations will be installed near the mouth of the Sea of Azov and near where the canal leaves Slavorussia. Strict tolls charges will be placed on foreign navies from now on.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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  • 1 month later...

Minister of the Imperial Household Count Felix Lvov released a statement that confirms a widely speculated rumor that the Empress is pregnant once again. The Count said in the statement “His and Her Imperial Majesties are pleased to announce that they are expecting to be blessed with twins sometime this summer.”

Count Lvov’s statement didn’t comment on the twins’ genders and he was unavailable for comment.

Members of the press first noticed the Empress had gained weight at the annual Winter Ball held in St. Petersburg, but palace dispatches avoided the issue entirely. However the palace administration chose to respond now to explain why the empress will be cancelling many of her upcoming public appearances from now until the baby is born.

Despite the tragedy of losing their firstborn late last year, the people closest to the Emperor and Empress say they and everyone in the palace are ecstatic.

“Due to the Empress’s condition the Imperial Family will be taking leaving Moscow for their summer retreat early this year, but when they return they‘ll they‘ll have their bundles of joy with them.” Lvov said.

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  • 5 weeks later...

[u][b]8 Injured During Violent Protests[/b][/u]

Violence erupted in a number of cities where protesters had been rallying against against the Zurich Pact and Slavorussia’s relationship in the United Kingdom. Our Russia party, a notoriously conservative party, organized the protests as part of its lead up to the primary elections next month.

“The idea was to get our message out there. The Kremlin has no idea what it‘s doing at this point.” said Ilya Balkanov, Chairman of the Our Russia Party moments before the outbreak of violence.

Authorities are saying that protesters in at least three major cities started throwing projectiles through the streets and defacing private property. In Tula, Our Russia’s stronghold, protesters attempted to set fire to the City Duma and attack City Deputies.

At least 8 people have been hospitalized and in critical condition, while dozens more sustained minor injuries. The Tula district militsiya (ooc: municipal police) says criminal charges will be brought against more than 100 people arrested for violent and destructive acts.

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[u][b]Protests Spread to Moscow, Prime Minister Conceeds.[/b][/u]

Protests have spread to Moscow tonight as Our Russia protesters are joined by the Octobrist, Communists and the Constitutional Democrats, the three dominating parties in Slavorussia‘s. Prime Minister Medvedev has conceded that the Treaty of Union with Ireland, France and Scotland has been a colossal failure and that the Zurich Pact is, for all intents and purposes, dead.

Protesters gathered outside the Kremlin in protest of Premier Medvedev’s questionable foreign policy choices lately. Protesters demanded that Slavorussia put itself back on the proper course and determine its own destiny.

The Slavorussian Parliament voted unanimously to withdraw from the Treaty of Union of the United Kingdom of Celts, Franks and Rus and to cancel the issue a notice of formal withdrawal to the members of the Zurich Pact.

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"In that case we consider our old MDP reestablish, but if Slavorussia should not find it appropiate to have that pact during the ongoing multinational turmoil, we can suggest them to make the MDP one sided, with the NAP clause is still active, to allow Germanic Union to still safeguard Slavorussia's integrity and stability. Later, when the situation normalizes, the MDP could be brought back to full strength. I trust that Slavorussian Officials will contact us regarding this."

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[quote name='Kaiser Martens' timestamp='1303442556' post='2696189']
"In that case we consider our old MDP reestablish, but if Slavorussia should not find it appropiate to have that pact during the ongoing multinational turmoil, we can suggest them to make the MDP one sided, with the NAP clause is still active, to allow Germanic Union to still safeguard Slavorussia's integrity and stability. Later, when the situation normalizes, the MDP could be brought back to full strength. I trust that Slavorussian Officials will contact us regarding this."

“Since the majority of the turmoil has been diffused, and since the Germanic Union is presently our only ally in the world, I don’t see a reason to change our treaty. If we are called upon to uphold our treaty there will be no conflicting agreements that might prevent us from answering the call."

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  • 2 weeks later...

[u][b]Primaries Draw Closer, Candidates Begin to Sweat[/b][/u]

As the country gets closer to the primary election leaders of major political parties are rallying behind hard hitting hopefuls like Our Russia Party’s Veronika Feodorovna Chistyakov who has gained the support of the Octobrist party. It is anticipated she will race against the Kadet Party favorite, Karl Kirilovich Foster-Ofdensen for the office of Prime Minister. Incumbent Kadet Prime Minister Medvedev is restricted to a limit of two consecutive term limits and cannot run. However his office has not ruled out the possibility that he might seek a third, non-consecutive term in the future.

To date both Lady Deputy Chistyakov and Lord Deputy Foster-Ofdesnesn have had noteworthy careers so far. Both studied at prestigious universities at home and abroad and have earned business, and law degrees. Lord Deputy Foster-Ofdensen enlisted in the Soviet Armed Forces and was attached to the Soviet Embassy in his father’s native Finland. He has since acted as the Slavorussian government’s liaison to the Provisional Government of the Republic of Finland and more recently Slavorussia‘s ambassador. Lady Deputy Chistyakov has been an advocate of liberal democracy and laissez-faire business practices for decades.

However both political hopefuls will have to beat their opponents before they officially become their candidates for the office of Prime Minister.

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[quote]To: The desk of Tsar Justinian, The Desk of Prime Minister Medvedev
Subject: Requesting an audience.

His Magesty King Alfred I of Great Britain and Ireland wishes an audience with His Imperial Highness Tsar Justinian and Prime Minister Medvedev in regards to the re-establishment of relations between our nations.

Prime Minister
Arthur Twaites[/quote]

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[quote][i]Private response[/i]

His Majesty will be arriving in Moscow tomorrow at around noon Moscow time. He is looking forward to speaking with you both.

Prime Minister
Arthur Thwaites[/quote]

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  • 2 weeks later...

[u][b]Air Force Opens With Operation: White Eagle[/b][/u]

The Slavorussian air force stepped up operations against Torun last night in what the military is calling Operation: White Eagle. The attacks came several days after a series of assassinations by unknown assailants that have rocked Torun’s upper strata, causing many to suspect the Foreign Intelligence Service may already be involved in ground combat operations.

The military opened with air strikes targeting Torunian defensive positions which spread to include military bases and government offices throughout Torun. The air strikes ended shortly before dawn but limited bombardment continued until noon.

General Nikolai Menshikov, Chief of the General Staff said the attacks are aimed at forcing the Torunian military to surrender in light of their failure to negotiate a peace treaty. “Our mission is to leave the Torunian military with no choice other than surrender.” the general said.

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[u][b]Will Putin Run? Definitely Maybe[/b][/u]

Weeks ahead of the election a possible split in the Kadet Party could jeopardize party’s chances at getting its candidate elected as Prime Minister.

Interior Minister, and former Prime Minister Vladimir Putin says he is considering throwing his hat into the race and might seek a third, nonconsecutive term. It was the question that had been on many minds during the last election and now that it has resurfaced, will definitely be worth asking. When asked if he would seek office he told reporters, “I hadn‘t considered it until now, but it is a possibility.”

The possibility that he might run has reawakened an army of Putin supporters and nostalgic voters. Facing the wave of Putin supporters the debate has sparked over whether or not Charles Ofdensen, the Kadet party’s current favorite, should step out of the race.

Ofdensen said he would try to do what is best for the country, but that it is too early to make a definite decision. “In the end I support whoever the country thinks is best for the job. If that person is Vladimir Vladimirovich then I support him entirely.” Ofdensen said.

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[b]To: The Government of the Slavorussian Empire
Fr: The Government of the Serene Republic of Vaule[/b]

The government of the Serene Republic of Vaule hereby requests a meeting with the Slavorussian government to discuss existing agreements between our two nations as well as to discuss an improvement in the diplomatic ties between our two nations.


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[quote][quote][b]To: The Government of the Slavorussian Empire
Fr: The Government of the Serene Republic of Vaule[/b]

The government of the Serene Republic of Vaule hereby requests a meeting with the Slavorussian government to discuss existing agreements between our two nations as well as to discuss an improvement in the diplomatic ties between our two nations.[/quote]

On behalf of His Majesty's Government, Prime Minister Medvedev would be honored to have a meeting. The Prime Minister's office is making the necessary arrangements.[/quote]

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  • 2 weeks later...

[u][b]Ofdensen is out, Putin is in![/b][/u]

During a meeting with members of Moscow’s local press, Interior Minister Vladimir Putin announced his decision to seek the premiership. He said that the reaction from voters helped him make up his mind.

Following the Interior Minister Putin’s announcement Charles Ofdensen withdrew his name and endorsed the Interior Minister along with the Constitutional Democratic Party.

“I fully support Vladimir Vladimirovich and I wish him luck.” Ofdensen said.

The Interior Minister says his election platform will focus on improving the country’s the sluggish economy, its damaged reputation abroad and to reform the Ministry of Defense. Although some of the problems he aims to fix by being elected were caused by his boss, Premier Dmitry Medvedev, Mr. Putin had nothing but positive things to say about the man who succeeded him.

“Dmitry Anatolyevich‘s programs for Slavorussia may not have always been popular at home or abroad, but they were what he thought we needed. His job isn‘t easy and I admire his courage to do what is needed and not just what is popular.” Putin said.

His opponents, Veronika Chistyakov of the Our Russia Party and Igor Belyaev from the Communist backed Agrarian Party, were unavailable for comment.

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[u][b]Putin Sends a Message to Britain[/b][/u]

Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Putin the leading contender for Prime Minister hoped to send a strong message to Britain during a luncheon with a group of his supporters this afternoon.

The Deputy PM lashed out at Britain for attempting to blockade Slavorussia and warned that such action would do irreparable damage to the Anglo-Russian alliance.

"The ink on the treaty wasn't even dry and they are already making us regret our decision." Putin said.

"I know for a fact that my opponents in the Our Russia and the Agrarian Parties are making repealing the treaty part of their platforms and such action is popular with their voting base. Continuing to take this kind of action would be disastrous for our alliance and East-West relations in general."

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[quote][b]A private message was sent to be read before the Slavorussian Parliament from the King of Great Britain[/b]

We do not want war, and this alliance has placed our National Security in a precarious position. To follow Slavorussia into a war against the Kingdom of Cochin, Sri Lanka, Monaco Valencia and Aeon would be madness. Restrictions are in place against your shipping because our satellites indicated a massive shift in alaert status throughout Slavorussia, something that could be interpretted to steps to Invasion.

A doctrine my father laid down when he unified Britain ensures than an attack on any British territory will be seen as an attack on the United Kingdom proper. This means that by default, an attack on the United States of the Islands home territory would be an attack on the UK and we would be forced to respond with our own usage of force.

However, this doctrine does not cover the USI's illegally claimed Antarctic territory.

The UK has only declared neutrality for this crisis due to an inordinately large conflict of interest. We cannot maintain our MDP with you in this crisis, defend British home territory and its people and uphold doctrine set in stone. The easy solution is, dont go for USI home territory and just sail around British claimed territorial waters, you wont be hindered so long as you dont enter them.

HRH Harry Windsor[/quote]

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[u][b]Imperial Duma to vote on Resolution #0572[/b][/u]

Parliament is expected to vote on a resolution to cancel the Anglo-Russian treaty that was signed in Moscow several weeks ago, following what the many in Moscow are calling an attempt to blockade Slavorussia from the rest of the world. If passed the resolution will be passed up to the Imperial Council to be ratified.

The resolution was proposed by the Chairman of the Communist Party and quickly gained widespread support across party lines. Deptuy Alexander Bulgakov, a staunch opponent of the Communists was the first Octobrist to support the resolution in what both parties are calling a symbolic moment. However Lord Bulgakov stopped short of calling the Prime Minister a liar and demanding his resignation as many of his communist collegues have done.

Surprisingly Veronika Chistyakov and Igor Belyaev did not support their patron parties decision to cancel the treaty outright because it could send the wrong message to other potential western allies.

"The British are not worthy of our friendship, but I still think there are countries in the west that could be valuable allies which would be glad to have us by their side." Chistyakov said.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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[quote]To the government of Slavorussia,

While we realize a lot has happened in the past of our respective states, mostly to be blamed on the actions of my government I would like to offer an invite. It is in these trying times that we need to come together as inhabitants of the wonderful continent and that we need to talk. To that purpose I welcome any delegation from Slavorussia to my palace for a talk on where Greco-Russian relations could go in the future. I thank you for your consideration and hope for a positive response.

Yours sincerely,
Her Imperial Highness Ariadne Notaras of Heraklius[/quote]

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[b]To: The Slavorussian Foreign Ministry
From: The Desk of Maria Theresia von Hapsburg, Empress of Austria
Subject: Relations
[i]To Whom It May Concern,

Of all the European nations, Austria has not had the pleasure of any real relations with our far neighbor to the east. While alliances have come and gone that Austria has been tied to Russia along with the Greater European Community, we have not had personal and intimate relations with the Tsar's Government. It is something that my nation and myself would like to change. Europe has slowly begun to stabilize and Russia has always been one of the nations central to such stability, if possible I would like to arrange a meeting, whether on Russian or Austrian soil and begin discussions to strengthen our nations and create a strong Austro-Russian Alliance.

If the Tsar and His Government see the same future then hopefully these negotiations can happen in due time. I look forward to your response.


Her Imperial Highness,
Maria Theresia von Hapsburg[/i]

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[b]Private reply to Athens and Austria[/b]
Presently the Slavorussian government is in transition as Prime Minister Medvedev has served two terms and will be leaving office soon. However once his successor assumes the office of the Premiership I will advise him or her to accept your gracious invitation.

Grigory I, Tsar Regent

ooc: Been a little lazy. Give me a day or two to do the election. You can start the threads now though, if you want.

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[u][b]Putin Wins By a Landslide![/b][/u]

The Kremlin will be making final preparations for the new government to take the reigns. With all districts reporting in it has been confirmed that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has won the election with over 71.5% of the vote. Waves of supporters in Moscow have gathered in Red Square to celebrate the new Prime Minister’s victory in the polls.

Opponents Veronika Chistyakov of the Our Russia Party and Igor Belyaev from the Communist backed Agrarian Party conceeded and have offered congradulations to the Prime Minister-designate.

Putin gained public support with his plans to reform the military and increase government support for high tech industry as well as addressing important social issues.

“We want our Russia to be a free, prosperous, rich, strong and above all, a civilized country.” Putin said in his victory speech.

The Prime Minister-designate promised to clearly define his foreign policy goals, an issue the current government has struggled to overcome and to “Prevent the uncivilized scourges of western imperialism and corruption from infesting Slavorussia.”

Tomorrow will be a busy day for the man who will be the next Prime Minister as he will speak to parliament before traveling to the palace to visit with the Tsar, on top of a handful of meetings with the leaders of key political parties.

The next Prime Minister already has several foreign visits planned, including trips to the Germanic Union, UFE, Athens, and Austria

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