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The Sovereignty of Nations

Voodoo Nova

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"It appears that the elections to decide the owner of the land will be called off. The Commonwealth has decided to take the aggressive option, and, rather than hear the words of the people they shamelessly invaded, declared war on the nation that most actively contested their claim. A shameful show of imperialism..."

---Daniel Williamsen, Reporter for the Aftenposten

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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"It appears that the elections to decide the owner of the land will be called off. The Commonwealth has decided to take the aggressive option, and, rather than hear the words of the people they shamelessly invaded, declared war on the nation that most actively contested their claim. A shameful show of imperialism..."

"We never agreed to elections in the first place. We had said if there were going to be any, that a neutral nation should run them and that we would consider holding them. And the only reason there is war now is due to Serbia's assault upon Commonwealth territory."

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"We never agreed to elections in the first place. We had said if there were going to be any, that a neutral nation should run them and that we would consider holding them. And the only reason there is war now is due to Serbia's assault upon Commonwealth territory."

The territory in question was disputed territory, NOT recognized as Commwealth territory.

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"We never agreed to elections in the first place. We had said if there were going to be any, that a neutral nation should run them and that we would consider holding them. And the only reason there is war now is due to Serbia's assault upon Commonwealth territory."

"So... Lübeck hands a territory that was formerly its own to Serbia and now they are assaulting their own territory? We are unsure how that works."

"It is ludicrous that the Commonwealth is claiming the territory as its own - it has absolutely no justification for doing so, contrasting with the Serbians that do have a legitimate reasoning. Now that they realized the Serbians would not fold they are using the classic yet barbaric "might makes right" concept since they don't have any other ground to stand on - as you can see, diplomacy was not attempted at all. Since apparently most, if not all, European and nearby powers approve of this idea they're doing it. How backwards and uncivilized has the continent gotten."

Edited by V The King
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