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A Morning to be Remembered


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Fates and lives were being decided somewhere deep underground, in a dimly lit room full of grim looking men, all staring at the file placed before them. The ten men gathered around the circular mahogany table were not blinking, concentrating instead on the grim realization they faced. The last puffs of smoke from the recently put out cigars wafted up, past the eyes of the men and towards the projector which provided the room with its only light. The projector had just two words on it:



Thursday, August 13, 2009

0500 GST

Adam Kjartansson was just starting his shift as the newest member of Patrol 5D of the Trans-Caucasus Canal Authority. It paid well even if the TCCA police were considered a joke by the others. So what if they never saw any action? Adam had only ever glimpsed at a Slavorussian soldier in the distance past the many fences and barbed wire which separated the canal from Slavorussia, but he wasn’t complaining. Being a hero was not something Adam desired, though the beers he had chugged last night did make him feel slightly courageous.

He walked into the administration building and opened his locker. Taser on the right, handcuffs on left, baton in the hole on his belt, shiny badge pinned to his light blue shirt. Just like every normal day, he muttered about getting a real firearm under his breath before exiting the building to join his partner Frank, who was waiting outside. The two smiled when they saw each other and started walking down the trail on the side of the canal, taking the same patrol route they had been walking for the past few months.

0730 GST

Forseti Ty Eyvindsson adjusted his tie as he looked in the mirror. The blood red, black, and gold tie looked ridiculous to him, but he knew the masses would love to see his tie resemble their nation’s flag. This was not the first public address he was making today, and it most certainly not the last. The nervousness had subsided after the first few months of being in office, and he knew he had a talent for public speaking. He gave a grin smug, knowing that his speaking and acting today would be flawless, like normal. He couldn’t wait to see the Groendlandian Times praise his speech on healthcare, and he couldn’t wait to burn the copy of the New Groenlandian Post which would undoubtedly paint him as the most unqualified man to run the nation. Garbage and a waste of paper, he mumbled under his breath as he finished with his tie. He walked outside the room and the mansion to the waiting car, knowing the papers would have a real story soon enough.

0745 GST

Chad R. Cheas was the most excited he had been in his life, not that his five years of existence had been long enough to see many momentous events. He looked out of the window on the bus headed toward Ufa Public Kindergarten 11 and tried to contain all the excitement he felt. Taking his field trip to the Nordlandic War Memorial with his class would be an experience he would never forget, and he made sure to bring a camera o capture the moment he longed for. Wow, he thought, to see one of the most beautiful monuments in existence commemorating the dead on both sides, honoring the soldiers, the profession he wished to go into when he grew up. To be immortalized…

0945 GST

Adam Kjartansson and Frank were almost done with their five hour shift, both of their stomachs rumbling furiously knowing lunch was so close. The walked along the trail towards the administration building, past the serious of locks which made the canal work so smoothly. Adamn glanced at the canal workers on the lock, desperately working to make sure the super tanker MVW Phoenix could squeeze into the lock system. There were dozens of men on either side and on the boat, all shouting different phrases in different languages. Adam grinned, at least he wasn’t one of those pour souls. As he was turning his head back to the path, he caught an unusual glint on the corner of his eyes. He quickly glanced back, and saw something strange. Did that group of barrels next to the lock have some sort of red light on them? He nudged Frank who looked where Adam pointed. Puzzled, the two men decided to take a closer look, close enough to make sure they were fulfilling their job yet quick enough to get to lunch on time. The two men trotted down through the vegetation separating the trail from the cement wall of the canal and stopped just short of the group of barrels, stationed strategically on the edge of one of the locks that had the MVW Phoenix trapped. After catching their breath, they looked at one of the barrels closely. It had some sort of electronic mechanism attached to it, with lights blinking. What did it say? Was that a five? Wait a four? Just as the lights flashed a one, the two junior patrolmen slowly looked at each other, jaws dropping. Just as Adam lifted a leg to run, a flash of light enveloped the scene…

Forseti Ty Eyvindsson was on a roll. He had the crowd in the palm of his hand, bending to his every whim, cheering at every pause he made. If this speech didn’t fire up the citizens and Senatus enough to approve his healthcare reforms, nothing on the Earth would be capable of doing so. Ty basked in the applause and after looking down at the podium for a second to catch his breath, he looked back up at the teleprompters which had the beginning of his next paragraph to recite. He opened his mouth, ready to mesmerize the crowd, when he noticed something unusual on one of the teleprompters. He could see a small reflection of himself, but what was that red dot on his chest? He squinted, and suddenly the world went black, with only the screams of women in the distance as he fell to the ground, numb and swallowed by the shadows.

Chad and his kindergarten had just finished eating a snack at the memorial. The teachers had learned early on a snack of pretzels and juice could calm the more than 500 kindergarteners at the memorial. Though slightly embarrassed by the children’s behavior and occasionally giving a tourist an apologetic look, the teachers knew kids would be kids and left them to their own devices for the most part. Chad and a group of friends stared at the gigantic front face of the sculpture. “Comon, get in front of the sculpture, I’ll take your picture,” Chad encouragingly prodded his friends. His friends agreed and ran up to the base while Chad walked away from the memorial, far enough so that he would be able to get all the beauty in the picture. A few hundred feet away, Chad shouted “THREE, TWO, ONE….” His chubby finger pressed the button, and as he heard the camera click, the sky and surroundings turned white.

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Groenlandian Breaking News!

We interrupt your regular broadcast to bring you breaking news. GNN has reports that terrorist attacks have rocked cities throughout the nation. Oh my god, we have a confirmed report that someone has just attempted to assassinate the president. I repeat, Forseti Ty has just been shot at and his condition is unknown at this point in time. At this point, we also have confirmation that a bomb has detonated at the Nordlandic War Memorial. Jesus, a bomb has also apparently detonated in the Trans Caucasus canal zone, causing massive amounts of damage from eye witnesses…Jesus Christ… all civilians should immediately get to their designated safe shelter and don the government issued gas masks until otherwise noted. The Federal Republic of Groenlandia is under attack and the government acting under Prime Minister Ísólfur Ármannsson has closed all borders, ports, and airports. We will keep you updated as these events unfold….

The next day…

Groenlandian Breaking News!

For the past day we have been covering what appears to be three terrorist attacks. Here’s a quick recap:

President Ty Eyvindsson was shot in the chest by a .308 caliber bullet and is currently undergoing life saving surgery in the private corridor of the Höfuðborgarsvæðinukrokurfjordur University Hospital.

A bomb detonated at the Nordlandic War Memorial, causing the structure itself to collapse. We have reports that over 367 people have been killed, including over 286 kindergarten children visiting that morning. Over 100 people remain missing and search and rescue teams, assisted by the Border Guard are currently mulling through the rubble to extract survivors.

Finally, a second bomb detonated on one of the Trans Caucasus Canal’s locks, partially disabling it. The MVW Phoenix, an oil tanker, has been partially destroyed and fire fighting teams including helicopters have been working around the clock to ensure its flammable cargo does not turn the site into a fireball. We have an initial casualty report of 12 Trans-Caucasus Canal Authority guards (8 Drakorian, 4 Groenlandian), 3 Liberty Guardsman (Drakorian), 112 canal workers (8 Drakorian, 104 Groenlandian) and 23 of the MVW Phoenix crew have been killed with dozens injured or missing.

The military currently is in DefCon 1, maximum readiness, and has occupied all borders and airports. The motive and people behind the attacks is currently unknown, however if you have any information please contact the Office of Internal Investigation, the Office of External Investigation, or Ministry of Intelligence.

Edited by Californian
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OOC: You may want to change that .50 Cal to a more conventional anti personnel sniper round. A .50 cal to the torso would probably rip your leader in two.

IC: "We are frightened to see such internal strife in a nation so close to us. Do not hesitate to ask for help in catching these terrorists, and may your leader have a speedy recovery."

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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Drakoria is now in DefCon 1 following the attacks on her ally. Rescue workers have been dispatched to the Trans-Caucasus Canal to assist in the efforts. The dead of Drakoria were removed and were sent to their families. Funeral plans are underway.

King Drake made a statement on the matter.

"It is despicable that anyone would commit such acts against humanity. An assault upon the innocent, the children of Grøenlandia, is a most vile act of terrorism. In addition to this, we have also seen the deaths of nineteen Drakorians. I give my solemn respects and prayers to the Liberty Guards, TCCA officers, and workmen, and to their families.

"I will not rest until the scum who brought this upon us are found! I will not rest until they have been brought to justice! I will not rest until good Drakorian blood has been avenged!"

If there is anything we can do for Grøenlandia, they need simply ask.

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The government of Kitex condemns these terrorist attacks and is offering military support and is also offering tents, food, water, generators, and construction crews to help those affected by these attacks.

Anything Kitex can offer can be offered by Drakoria or another of Grøenlandia's neighbors and allies at a much swifter speed. Tents from Antarctica won't arrive until half of the debris has been cleared.

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* Private Message to Drakoria *

Top Gear has immediately dispatched 10 planes containing 500 of our finest troops and equipment in each to your bases. This amount will be sent again tomorrow, once our planes have re-fueled and returned. We have your back in this.

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This act is one of the lowest, most derspicable and contemptible act that could be taken. That they would resort to attacks on civilians is bad enough, but killing children...

We hope that the perpetrators of these attacks are brought to swift justice.

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The Slavorussian government is investigating the possibility that C.S.S.R. insurgents are behind the attacks. Communist insurgents in the south are still being rounded up, and it’s possible that some have escaped detection. While the Slavorussian government officially denounces the attacks, a few members of parliament have come forward with some shocking information. Several members of the Parliament claim a Slavorussian general in the south has gone rogue, and that he is responsible for the attacks. However the Kremlin has denied these allegations.

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Terrorist Attack Update

The government still cannot confirm the the condition of Forseti Ty three days after the incidents. However, an aide who wishes to remain anonymous has informed us that the President underwent lifesaving surgery and is in stable condition. He is expected to recover and it is believed he will make a speech soon.

Search and Rescue teams have finished and the rubble is now being taken away. Almost all missing persons have accounted for, though many in the canal explosion have only been identified through DNA from trace amounts. The final body count is 468 dead (including 312 kindergarteners) at the memorial and 153 dead at the canal. It has been announced tomorrow will be a national remembrance day for all those killed in the despicable acts.

The Ministry of Intelligence has given no comment as to the status of the ongoing investigation. A ministry worker says the government has several promising leads, all currently being looked into. The Ministry of Intelligence would like to remind citizens to report all suspicious persons, activities, or possible bomb sightings to the Ministry hotline 100-0011 immediately. The curfew will remain in effect for another week, all activity in the streets from 12-4 am is prohibited.

Announcement from FRG government: We thank the world for all its support as we cope with this terrible tragedy. I can assure the world we are working as diligently as possible to capture and prosecute the perpetrators.

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