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The Unthinkable


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It was probebly honestly because you really haven't fought in many wars. NOIR and this one? Thats why imo.

NOIR and LE are no slouches. TPF played the round well, and while they fought tough opponents they never took a dent. I am honored to be among the alliance capable of putting a drop in TPF's climb. I will be even more honored when we get stomped for it too.

Edited by lonewolfe2015
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It was probebly honestly because you really haven't fought in many wars. NOIR and this one? Thats why imo.

It's not a problem, we all can screw up. I do forgive you. :P Actually, so you avoid next time, Noir, Fark, LE, MHA

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NOIR and LE are no slouches. TPF played the round well, and while they fought tough opponents they never took a dent. I am honored to be among the alliance capable of putting a drop in TPF's climb. I will be even more honored when we get stomped for it too.

I know they aren't. TPF are great people and I'm fortunate to know some. What I ment was that before this war, I believe they only fought NOIR and they attacked NOIR first which gave them the advantage.

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NOIR and LE are no slouches. TPF played the round well, and while they fought tough opponents they never took a dent. I am honored to be among the alliance capable of putting a drop in TPF's climb. I will be even more honored when we get stomped for it too.

Thanks and good luck!!

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Well before I checked the forums, I had already contacted WOLF about the attack since we have MDP. So if I made everyone else before me on this post look like a liar, it's because I did it without them knowing, as I thought my job was. I'm still waiting to hear back on whether that was a mistake or not. I'm sure I'll know soon, we'll have to see, won't we.


Phoenix of Recruitment of Diplomatic Relations ( at least if I didn't screw up to bad )

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Awesome! Now we have a fight! Maybe people can finally relax and be thankful for a "fair fight" finally happening in TE. Well, until RE jumps in anyway...

Best of luck to ya MHA


Edited by JonBoy16
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You won't have to wait long .

Woot Tibs, it's starting to look like a 'bloc' party!!

BTW, when you guys jump, make sure someone gets assigned to attack me. I'm tired of having to pick targets.

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