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The Phoenix Federation Announcement

King Death II

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Im not, even if I was, what relevance does OOC things have with this?

Love how you cut out the last half of your first quote from me:

You keep reminding me of the ancient civilizations that had no concept mathematically of zero. The only thing that exists outside of WOLF are allies of various alliances that are members. Even I don't know who they are, except that Real FAN is a TPF protectorate, the rest are only known to the other members of the Coalition, and I doubt any Alliance in such an alliance could count more than a dozen members, max.

I can only assume because you didn't want that part read.

Also bringing in a quote from BG from the first minutes after WOLF was announced is pretty low, if you need to beef up your weak arguements with misinformation that's on you. However why don't you relink the thread to where both BG and Tibs admit they mispoke. Why do you think? It's because they thought I had left people off the list in the WOLF foundation list, whose fault is that? It's mine. In the last day of WOLF we had some people decide against it, some people who never responded, and some people who didn't vote on the final charter which btw, IS FINAL.

So you're left with two choices. You can either A) Sack up and admit you were wrong or B) Sack up and call me a liar.

Make a choice and don't hem and haw about it. I don't care which you pick, but just choose one or the other. Anything other than an A or B answer here and I hope realizes that the rest of the TE community realizes you don't have the courage to either admit you were wrong or on the other foot, stand by your words and call me a liar.

My reputation, aside from an intolerance for idiocy, speaks for itself. I enjoy the comaraderie I have with MANY alliances outside of WOLF ( potsie and M Jackson may hate me, but they kinda have good reasons. I don't blame them, but I never lied to them ). So which is it Fox. You stand by your statements and call me a liar, or you lack the testicular fortitude to admit you were wrong.

And don't sit there and go "I don't have the information" either, of course you don't, but you're the one who's claimed to be telepathic all this time. ( Or more exactly to know things you couldn't possibly know )

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A reason to think what? The fact that WOLF is ruining TE? Or that its fine and dandy?

And now , perhaps you should stop trying to argue with me before you result to more insulting wording?

Insulting idiocy is not an insult it's a wake up call, so wake up already. Until WOLF actually DOES curbstomp someone through an aggressive war you have no reason to think it will. You discuss results, not theories. It's logic 101 take a class.

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Putting words in my mouth are we? Well then, I will answer this but it will be the last thing I respond to that will come out of you, because its obviously not any point in even trying.

No, I dont think it makes me brave, nor am I stupid, unfortunaly I cant say the same for you.

Then why were you bragging about your Alliance, you were all up on it's virtues a minute ago, now you're retracting it? Or am I right and you are proud of being a member of an alliance that's "small" and somehow that gives you a moral edge over those who choose not to be? If it's not courage you claim to, what possible virtue is there in being in a small alliance that "fights to the end". Explain to me why your alliance has a moral superiority over mine, I'm listening.

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Love how you cut out the last half of your first quote from me:

I can only assume because you didn't want that part read.

Also bringing in a quote from BG from the first minutes after WOLF was announced is pretty low, if you need to beef up your weak arguements with misinformation that's on you. However why don't you relink the thread to where both BG and Tibs admit they mispoke. Why do you think? It's because they thought I had left people off the list in the WOLF foundation list, whose fault is that? It's mine. In the last day of WOLF we had some people decide against it, some people who never responded, and some people who didn't vote on the final charter which btw, IS FINAL.

So you're left with two choices. You can either A) Sack up and admit you were wrong or B) Sack up and call me a liar.

Make a choice and don't hem and haw about it. I don't care which you pick, but just choose one or the other. Anything other than an A or B answer here and I hope realizes that the rest of the TE community realizes you don't have the courage to either admit you were wrong or on the other foot, stand by your words and call me a liar.

My reputation, aside from an intolerance for idiocy, speaks for itself. I enjoy the comaraderie I have with MANY alliances outside of WOLF ( potsie and M Jackson may hate me, but they kinda have good reasons. I don't blame them, but I never lied to them ). So which is it Fox. You stand by your statements and call me a liar, or you lack the testicular fortitude to admit you were wrong.

And don't sit there and go "I don't have the information" either, of course you don't, but you're the one who's claimed to be telepathic all this time. ( Or more exactly to know things you couldn't possibly know )

Ill admit I was wrong about who was in WOLF, Infact I will even go ahead and thank you for clarifying that to me. I didnt know that the statement had changed as I cant keep up with all the threads spawned off from WOLF, so thanks for clarifying that. Doesnt make me wrong on any of my other points, however.

Insulting idiocy is not an insult it's a wake up call, so wake up already. Until WOLF actually DOES curbstomp someone through an aggressive war you have no reason to think it will. You discuss results, not theories. It's logic 101 take a class.

"If we dont learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it" - George Santayana

I have learnt something from history, have you?

Furthermore, I am done discussing with you as you clearly need to result to insults rather sticking to the topic at hand. And it would also seem as if Emperor Stranger has left the thread too.

Edited by The fox
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Ill admit I was wrong about who was in WOLF, Infact I will even go ahead and thank you for clarifying that to me. I didnt know that the statement had changed as I cant keep up with all the threads spawned off from WOLF, so thanks for clarifying that. Doesnt make me wrong on any of my other points, however.

And I'll admit you have courage to admit that, and I'd have posted the same admiration for your courage if you had come out and called me a liar

"If we dont learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it" - George Santayana

I have learnt something from history, have you?

Furthermore, I am done discussing with you as you clearly need to result to insults rather sticking to the topic at hand. And it would also seem as if Emperor Stranger has left the thread too.

What we do about history matters. The often repeated saying that those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them has a lot of truth in it. But what are 'the lessons of history'? The very attempt at definition furnishes ground for new conflicts. History is not a recipe book; past events are never replicated in the present in quite the same way. Historical events are infinitely variable and their interpretations are a constantly shifting process. There are no certainties to be found in the past.

And you are right George Santayana said it in the The Life of Reason ( I'll admit I haven't read Santayana since college ) but can you name which 20th century historian quoted above? And search engines are cheating.

Oh and my degree is in Military History, I'm willing to bet I know a bit more about it than you do. However it's an irrelevancy. I'd like to clear up one point. I'm not insulting you, normally ( "The Chicken" comment was an insult directed at you, and perhaps out of line. I'll officially apologize for that one ) the rest are not insults directed at you, they are aimed at idiocy something I will continue to insult, I feel no shame in insulting, and I hope I'll continue to insult as long as my heart is beating. There is way to much of it running around these days.

Edited by Gabryal
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I have warred in this round too, but since I dont to hit the wrong person and get my whole alliance in a curbstomp, I dont attack people in big alliances.

That's a good practice. I personally believe in alliance sovereingty whether the alliance has declared it or not. If someone is in an alliance, they are off limits. That's just how I do it.

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how did the rats get in this thread.this war is TPF vs LE.i dont know how wolf got in here but it should eat the fox.ammon seems you can see this for what it is,just good war fun.lets go have a beer.

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Who? WOLF is new. The only wars we have been in this round is Fark v TPF and this one v LE. WOLF was thought up AFTER we fought Fark. I dont see why you guys keep trying to connect this war with WOLF. If WOLF steps into this war when nobody else is attacking TPF and that its a fair fight with TPF vs LE, I will personally leave TPF and fight with LE against WOLF. One thing I can not stand is an unfair curbstomp. The current war against LE is NOT a curbstomp, its not our fault that we out played LE's nations. If you look at the alliance charts, there is only RE that is at our same NS but they are our allies so we cant attack them.

So in summary:

1. Stop baaaaaaawwwwwwwwing about how TPF out played LE

2. Its a fair war, WOLF wont step in, its not a curbstomp etc. etc.

3. If WOLF steps in if none of LE's allies attack TPF, then I will leave TPF and fight with LE against WOLF since WOLF entering the war would be bad first off since its a defensive pact and second it would be dishonorable because it would be a curb stomp and thats not what WOLF is about.

4. Oh and WOLF and TPF support free speech so dont tell us that we ill silence people who talk out against WOLF

Dude, you completely ignored my post.

Everyone that could oppose WOLF has been beatdown and is of no strength consequences, that's all I was saying.

Also, someone mentioned TFD attacking? They are TE's Hippies, neutral folks.

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Dude, you completely ignored my post.

Everyone that could oppose WOLF has been beatdown and is of no strength consequences, that's all I was saying.

Also, someone mentioned TFD attacking? They are TE's Hippies, neutral folks.

Orbit Black has been beatdown, yet we are still willing to fight.

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I'm glad you're proud of that. I was referring to the alliances larger than 20th place.

I didn't notice that OB had fallen that far. Still, we are ready to fight. I mean, I wouldn't be able to last on this war chest, but I would still be willing to fight. What's the worst that can happen?

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My god i can't believe what I'm reading in this thread.

So many people are crying that TPF hit LE and that TPF are twice the size of LE.


LE had planned on hitting RE anyway whom are 3 times LE's size, so whats the difference...MORE NUKES?

We tried to war with LE last round and LE called in others to help them out. TPF didn't call in any help when this happened.

And yes, the so called super bloc was around last round RE, TPF, SWAT, TF, OB, A51, RF, WAPA, TRG, and others.

WE asked for no help!! LE had us by an average of over 800 NS per nation, double the planes, and around the same amount

of nukes.....Then FARK and RD DOW'd us on their behalf. So in essence a TPF AA of 106 nation fighting LE with 98 had

been jumped by RD of 23 nations and FRAK of around 90 something nations and TPF asked from no help from our Allies.

TPF has not gone to war against MHA since round 3, and when we hit FARK they were close to us in NS and size.

TPF hit Noir and they were only 20 something members smaller than us but only around 300 or so NS smaller, but

we hit them in defense of us and RE.

Far as our bloc going around rolling AA's, ITS A LIE!!!!!

SEVERAL OF OUR MEMBERS OF WOLF HAVE WAR'D AND LOST THIS ROUND AND WITH NO HELP FROM EACH OTHER....TF, TRG, SDF, NLR, TNL and more. OUR bloc is only for defensive purposes, that is it !!

TPF and RE doesn't control WOLF pack, WE don't want to and we wouldn't if asked to.

WOLF pack doesn't run TE we don't want to and wouldn't if asked!

WOLF is a defensive pact to protect its members and in all actuality it was put in place to help out our smaller members like A51 and OB.

Those are the kinds of AA's that are constantly attacked for raids or war, not TPF or RE.

I and TPF like LE, i have old TPF members in LE. We think they are very honorable fighters and of any AA would give us the best fight.

WE didn't hit them because we were for once bigger, but because they love to war as much as we do and i rarely hear them complain about it.

Heck they took the TF-LE war and turned it around to win, which as i said before had WOLF been this bad bloc some people are trying to make it out to be, TPF would have jumped in.

Now LE has the chance to show TE just how good they are and war with TPF hopefully being the good match we think they will be and

possibly even over turning the war ;)


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Dude, you completely ignored my post.

Everyone that could oppose WOLF has been beatdown and is of no strength consequences, that's all I was saying.

Also, someone mentioned TFD attacking? They are TE's Hippies, neutral folks.

READ my post above more WOLF AA's have been beat down than anyone else...Also TFD are friends of TPF, they are no hippies, they just play the game a different way.

They play to win by building nations to be the top 10 and take the #1 spot, i congratulate them for that and you should to,

not down them or degrade them for it.


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Wow. This is a lot of posts in less than 24 hours!

I'm happy to be fighting, but you guys missed me!

TPF, you still stink at blitzing!

BG, you ARE a whiner too, so please stop with the "I can't believe what I'm reading garbage".

This is a war game. I don't care 1 bit about WOLF. If everyone notices, they waited until halfway through the round to even ANNOUNCE WOLF. That means that they waited until they knew they had it in the bag this round before they pissed off the entire world of Steve. They aren't 'ballsy' enough to piss everyone off from the start. But, hey, isn't that how its been the entire time for several of the alliances in WOLF?

Stop whining, strap it on and do to them like we did TF. And if we lose, oh well. I think there are some fun surprises coming to WOLF in the very near future!!

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And let me add, if your afraid to jump into the frey BECAUSE of WOLF, then shame on you and your alliance. Notice I am not calling for help for LE. We hardly need it against the likes of TPF. I'm just saying that if some big bully makes you walk a different way to school, then you deserve to get beat up! Stand and fight. At least you'll respect yourself and your pixels will respect you too!.

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Whatever. My POINT is this. Look WOLF can make strange bedfellows out of the rest of us. The solution is VERY simple. Anytime WOLF ties to exert its authority by attacking. AND IF YOU REALLY THINK WOLF IS A BAD THING, then we dont NEED a counter block. Just everyone jump on alliance thats attacking until you run out of targets. When RE or someone tries to counter, then the ones that dont have targets jump them. Its easy, don't be scared.

All I am saying is don't let this WOLF thing make you bury your head. Do something about it like BG, TIBs, and the rest have BEGGED us to do. Roll them all! Muahahaha!

I do not say this for fear of LE losing. LE will fight to the bitter end even if the WHOLE danged block jumped us. I'm just saying if you WANT to do something, do something.

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And let me add, if your afraid to jump into the frey BECAUSE of WOLF, then shame on you and your alliance. Notice I am not calling for help for LE. We hardly need it against the likes of TPF. I'm just saying that if some big bully makes you walk a different way to school, then you deserve to get beat up! Stand and fight. At least you'll respect yourself and your pixels will respect you too!.

lol, thats excatly what your doing...LE is calling for help!!

Just like last round when you didn't need help with the likes of TPF, yet asked other to come help ;)

Oh sure i guess its ok to blitz everyone else but when it happens to you then you get bent, oh well....

I'm glad you don't represent LE as your making them look bad, i'm glad tracer and musky and all the good old boys

are who LE really are, the LE we respect!

Also for the whinners of LE complaining about how the bigger TPF attacked LE....I recall LE attacking smaller AA's with a far more

disadvantage like TRG and IDIOT last round.


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BG, I think I've made it clear to you in the past (or maybe its was Tibs), how you feel about me dosen't matter one bit. I am not looking for anyone to assist LE, I personally like the fight. This was directed at the ones that ARE whining in this thread (and about 100 other threads about WOLF). Since you guys have begged (I can go back and find all the posts you guys have made), I am just pointing out something that I feel is obvious. No offence intended. But if you AREN'T looking to increase the fun and looking to expand gameplay, maybe you shouldn't say things that lead US down that road. <S>

And just to be VERY clear. I speak for myself, not LE. I am speaking to a populace as a player, not as a concerned LE member. You should know better. ;)

Edited by Grags
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BG, your posts make me laugh. You constantly fall all over yourself


TPF is double the NS of LE. Thats means TWICE. LE doesnt give a damn about who attacks us, extra 200 nukes or not, but you guys seem to be holding onto this weird idea that the sides are balanced.

We tried to war with LE last round and LE called in others to help them out

Do you think that if you say this enough, it'll suddenly come true? Should I just go back 5 pages and bump the threads?

TPF has not gone to war against MHA since round 3

Your bloc rolled them last round with x2 the size and again this round. My point was establishing a pattern and its quite clear.

When we hit FARK they were close to us in NS and size....some other stuff about Noir being close to your size

More BG revisionist history. This isn't true and you know it. Stop please.

"WOLF pack doesn't run TE we don't want to and wouldn't if asked!"

Fair enough, but lets look beghind door number 2. Here Tiberius's post from another thread:

"as I pointed out earlier in this thread, that RE by itself does not have the power to enforce global control over Steve.... As a combined group however, WOLF does have quite a bit of power, far more then any of the signatory alliances alone."

I think you and him should conference before posting because you guys contradict each other all the time.

The TPF-LE war was called off by our leaders becuase it wasnt a fair fight. You guys were facing nearly X2 THE NS and you didnt have a chance. Read that last sentence again. Thats right.We don't want anything called off, we're happy to fight. But don't think because you come in here with "we love LE" that I won't point out whats happening. Your bloc is attacking alliances x2 smaller than it, and if anyone tries to even the odds, the mythical "defense" part is activated and half of TE comes running in.

edit- Hang on a second, you are now claiming TRG were smaller than us when we hit them?! They were two times as big as us fella, you better run and check. How much revisionist crap are you going to spout?

Edited by FurQ
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well tibs will let power get to his head and soon enougth some alliance wont agree with him and leave and by then WOLF will likly be in a war with no support. but lets see if he does make that support



For the record: No one else in WOLF step in against LE. Please.


Well there goes our plans to curbstomp LE...oh wait, I shouldn't have said that should I?

Most likely due to the fact that you will get a curbstomp if you dont follow with the big guys and do what they tell you to, Regardless of how much they throw around the word sovereignty.

Sovereignty :P . No but seriously, we do respect the other members of the WOLF bloc. Their rights, as outlined in the charter, will be adhered too.

And let me add, if your afraid to jump into the frey BECAUSE of WOLF, then shame on you and your alliance. Notice I am not calling for help for LE. We hardly need it against the likes of TPF. I'm just saying that if some big bully makes you walk a different way to school, then you deserve to get beat up! Stand and fight. At least you'll respect yourself and your pixels will respect you too!.

I agree. Stand up, grow a pair, and fight us. We'll destroy you, but hey, at least you can go down fighting instead of cowering in some dark corner of TE hoping that we don't destroy you.

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Wow. This is a lot of posts in less than 24 hours!

I'm happy to be fighting, but you guys missed me!

TPF, you still stink at blitzing!

BG, you ARE a whiner too, so please stop with the "I can't believe what I'm reading garbage".

This is a war game. I don't care 1 bit about WOLF. If everyone notices, they waited until halfway through the round to even ANNOUNCE WOLF. That means that they waited until they knew they had it in the bag this round before they pissed off the entire world of Steve. They aren't 'ballsy' enough to piss everyone off from the start. But, hey, isn't that how its been the entire time for several of the alliances in WOLF?

Stop whining, strap it on and do to them like we did TF. And if we lose, oh well. I think there are some fun surprises coming to WOLF in the very near future!!

The last line of this I like. the entire middle paragraph is full of it. All that we did was organize what already existed.. for the zillioneth time. Why do I keep having to repeat that? WOLF always existed it just got codified and better organized. The people involved in doing that just decided that our alliances needed more organization. If you think there is anything at all different about the last round and the next round as far as allies go, you're deluded. The complaints I hear about "super-blocs" and "round to round alliances" for god's sake they have always existed, they always will. What in the hell are people complaining about?

Also Grags I'd have to search but I'm not 100% on your claim you don't care about WOLF, if I don't find anything I won't edit this post, and consider it an apology for doubting your word, if I do, I'll do a quote of this post and post the evidence to the contrary of your statement. Until then I'll take your bold faced words as truth.

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BG, I think I've made it clear to you in the past (or maybe its was Tibs), how you feel about me dosen't matter one bit.

I think it was me, when we mutually agreed to respectfully disagree about how TE should be played.

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BG, I think I've made it clear to you in the past (or maybe its was Tibs), how you feel about me dosen't matter one bit. I am not looking for anyone to assist LE, I personally like the fight. This was directed at the ones that ARE whining in this thread (and about 100 other threads about WOLF). Since you guys have begged (I can go back and find all the posts you guys have made), I am just pointing out something that I feel is obvious. No offence intended. But if you AREN'T looking to increase the fun and looking to expand gameplay, maybe you shouldn't say things that lead US down that road. <S>

And just to be VERY clear. I speak for myself, not LE. I am speaking to a populace as a player, not as a concerned LE member. You should know better. ;)

If it happens it would be interesting. Oh and I doubt you care what you think of me either, but BG is a very good friend. If you feel the need to degrade him in the future aim it at me instead. I'd rather have you go after me than the leader I respect and love as a brother.

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BG, your posts make me laugh. You constantly fall all over yourself

Same situation as asked of Grags, also I'm surprised by both of you Ironside has so much class he impresses me. You two just seem so different it's hard to believe you are in the same alliance as him.

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