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My First Battle!!!

Hash Browns

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haha only 2 days old and your in a war. I'm 86 days old and not 1 death from my army.

There's nothing wrong with starting in war early. Just means that Hash Browns will end up with more war experience for later when war is a lot more than losing 11 soldiers.

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There's nothing wrong with starting in war early. Just means that Hash Browns will end up with more war experience for later when war is a lot more than losing 11 soldiers.

Well, I had more than 1 death before I had to re-roll

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There's nothing wrong with starting in war early. Just means that Hash Browns will end up with more war experience for later when war is a lot more than losing 11 soldiers.

If he was me he'd have a ton of war experience. In the Karma War, I lost a total of 56,500 troops.

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I remember a few years back when i played before talking a break, that my nation was like 10000NS and i was in a war...It was crazy, death in the 2 or 350 ranges.......counting cruise missiles and Tanks...now they have Navy's, even bloodier! I think my Final casualty count was like 800-1000 men dead and like 200 tanks lost, and it was a small war! But congrats man, tell us how it goes.

Edited by United Liberation
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Lol, it's funny to fight battles (I haven't in SE but I've fought plenty in TE) and think a couple thousand dead is enormous. Than some large nation come along and tells you how they lost hundreds of thousands. :P

Edited by Gondor
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