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A PPF declaration of war

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The PPF does not stand by and wait for the threats of terrorists and the enemies of freedom to be fulfilled; rather, we take proactive and preemptive steps to circumvent the horrors of terrorism before they can fully ferment into a frothy brew of destruction and anti-freedom. It is in no group's best interest to sit idly by and wait for their enemies to land a clearly telegraphed punch on their proverbial jaws simply for the sake of upholding some myopic tradition of gamesmanship or "honor".

With this sentiment in mind, the PPF feels it is necessary to declare a preemptive strike upon our newest, and perhaps as-yet most diabolical nemesis to date:

shahman of Mesopotamia

We understand if you, our great fellow citizens of Bob, recoil with fear or perhaps even anger at the thought of letting loose our dogs or war past the gates of an ally, but understand this:

The NpO currently harbors a terrorist in their midst, and I suspect that any of you in the international community can and will be swayed by the evidence collected by our satellite cameras, which clearly show shaman harboring intent of mass destruction.

I suspect that the NpO themselves, being the lovers of justice that they are, will freely allow the U.S. (united Shark) troops of the PPF to enter the borders of Mesopotamia without resistance; they must understand that the only thing that separates them from being aligned to the VERTICES OF NOGOODNIKS (along with the NPO and Carrot Top) is their willingness to protect and harbor terrorists.

So I say to my friends in the NpO: allow us the justice we deserve.

And the the community of Bob at large: I must assure you that we fully respect the sovereignty of all alliances the Bob over. Our only enemies are the terrorists, and those who would harbor them.

Hail Sharks.

Onward towards freedom.

Edited by Opethian
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We will. In a most symbolic sense. Did I mention we have no military?

Just as Shahman has symbolically conveyed his desire for war (in an OOC forum), you are free to symbolically convey your desire for war as well. And if you keep everything symbolic, then I don't think we'll have a problem here. :P

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Just as Shahman has symbolically conveyed his desire for war (in an OOC forum), you are free to symbolically convey your desire for war as well. And if you keep everything symbolical, then I don't think we'll have a problem here. :P

I assure you it is symbolic only as a matter of necessity. We would love to launch a cruise missile or 12 at the guy, but find ourselves in an unfortunate mountain of bill lock.

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I assure you it is symbolic only as a matter of necessity. We would love to launch a cruise missile or 12 at the guy, but find ourselves in an unfortunate mountain of bill lock.

I can see what I want to see just like you can.

Stop by our forums for a tech deal or two and maybe you'll be out of bill lock before you forget about this whole affair. ^_^

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I can see what I want to see just like you can.

Stop by our forums for a tech deal or two and maybe you'll be out of bill lock before you forget about this whole affair. ^_^

I cannot be bribed away from justice, sir. No amount of money is worth allowing such filth to fester and grow beneath the skin of a stalwart organization such as your own.

I, again, must reiterate that I have no qualms with the NpO unless they intend to protect this terror cell.

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Onward towards freedom.

Weak topic

come back when you can actually attack the said nation

this is nothing but a self righteous attempt to get some public attention

now i know why darthcyfe dislikes the public forums


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Weak topic

come back when you can actually attack the said nation

this is nothing but a self righteous attempt to get some public attention

now i know why darthcyfe dislikes the public forums


You know, if we're not going to be doing this type of useless posturing, I don't think anyone else has much reason to either.

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Weak topic

come back when you can actually attack the said nation

this is nothing but a self righteous attempt to get some public attention

now i know why darthcyfe dislikes the public forums


Darthcyfe's concern is none of mine. Neither is yours, as a matter of fact.

I can only be consoled by the irony in the fact that your disregard for my declaration is clearly outweighed by your personal decision to comment upon it.

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I cannot be bribed away from justice, sir. No amount of money is worth allowing such filth to fester and grow beneath the skin of a stalwart organization such as your own.

I, again, must reiterate that I have no qualms with the NpO unless they intend to protect this terror cell.

Fear not, for the stalwart organization that we are, Shahman has already been placed in a "re-education" camp where he is learning the concept of "goodthink" and to respect alliances of all shapes and sizes. Violent acts during such an impressionable mental state as the one our members are reduced to during the re-education process will only serve to undo any progress we have made. While I clearly cannot deter you from your mission, I must remain close by Shahman at this time if only to make certain that his goodthink cassette is flipped over to side B once an hour.

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EDIT: Nvm. I just noticed the link. Rather a weak excuse to start a conflict.

And I suppose if I stand by and say "I wish to punch every person whose name contains the consecutive letters c-o-a-x-l in the face at some time in the indeterminate future" you'd be likely to just wait around and allow me the first blow?

If your answer is yes, then I suppose you deserve to be sucker punched.

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You know, if we're not going to be doing this type of useless posturing, I don't think anyone else has much reason to either.

you sir know absolutely nothing about me so your accusing me of posturing is like me giving you a lecture on quantum physics

and yes this entire thread has been done .... much better by rv we don't need 5 or more "posers" making copies every time they think they can get away with it

I can only be consoled by the irony in the fact that your disregard for my declaration is clearly outweighed by your personal decision to comment upon it.

your absolutely right i would under most circumstances ignored this pathetic attempted at imitating RV

however it seems that these amateur topics are on the rise and so i put forth my distaste

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And I suppose if I stand by and say "I wish to punch every person whose name contains the consecutive letters c-o-a-x-l in the face at some time in the indeterminate future" you'd be likely to just wait around and allow me the first blow?

If your answer is yes, then I suppose you deserve to be sucker punched.

That's assuming your first blow would not be symbolic.

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