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Republic of Tasmania

King Kevz

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As of 09:11 Wednesday 29 july 2009 the Republic of Tasmania announces its official decleration of existance to the global community.

Basic Information.

The Republic of Tasmania is located on the island it takes its name from to the south of Promised Land, its parent nation. The Republic of Tasmania government is a constitutional republic where its head of state and other representatives are elected by the people and who must govern according to the nation's constitution. The nation's technology is first rate with many modern appliances found in citizens homes and the military is always keeping itself up to date with the best fighting equipment around. The citizens do pay a higher than average tax rate that a small minority protest against but most recognise that it is for the best as it helps to keep the infrastructure modernised. The Republic of Tasmania is currently researching nuclear technology for power plant usage but have banned the use of research for nuclear weapons of war. The Republic of Tasmania possesses a powerful military force that has yet to ever engage in open warfare and instead spends the majority of its operations against drug smugglers and pirates. The nation has an open border policy however, to stay in the nation immigrants must become citizens of the Republic of Tasmania. The Republic will also give foreign aid where it can but will always look after its own people first.


The government of the Republic of Tasmania is a constitutional republic with Kevin Stone being the current head of state with the majority of the representatives being from the democratic and republic parties as well as a small minority being from the communist, green and independent parties. The government must follow the constitution that has been written down or they will be immediately dismissed from office. To have the constitution changed or updated a 7/8 majority vote must succeed.


The Republic of Tasmania is a modern nation with a sizable infrastructure and poverty is an almost unheard object in the nation apart from in some rural tribal areas. The state of the infrastructure means that almost every family has at least one car and in many cases two whilst a very efficent and wide spread public transportation system provides travel needs to those that require it. A number of highways, roads and railways connect the whole of the nation though conditions of the roads are of a lesser but still suitable standard in the more rural areas of the nation.

Political Rights

Every citizen has the right to join a political party of their choice including those with a criminal record though they will be restricted from certain positions in their chosen party. Every party may choose a candidate to run for the place of head of state. The successful candidate would be decided by a majority vote from the population and in the case of a close tie a second election would be held and the one with the most votes would win. All citizens aged 16 and over may vote in the elections.

All citizens have the right to make peaceful protests against the government or any issue they wish as long as they inform the government of their intentions and obtain permits to hold the protests and they must also state that they will ensure that the protests remain peaceful. If the protests start to break down into violence police officers will attempt to arrest offenders and disperse the protests with the least amount of force the military will never be allowed to stop protesters unless a clear sign of firearms is located within the protesters numbers. For this reason fire fighters, medical workers and police officers and the military are not allowed to take part in any protests though they may provide statements of support.


The Republic of Tasmania is one of the modern nations of the world and its scientists and designers strive to reach that level where the nation can be called a First World nation. Time and funding is well spent on ensuring that the Republic of Tasmania remains a modern nation and as new ideas and inventions are released world wide they make sure that samples are brought back to the Republic so that our own versions can be produced and used. Currently nuclear technology is being researched into providing a efficent engery source hwoever, the research and material are heavily guarded and a promise has been made that it will never be used for use in nuclear weapons of mass destruction.


The Republic of Tasmania possesses a powerful and modern military equipped with some of the latest generation of weapons and equipment. Whilst it has never been involved in any offensive or defensive wars it is a well trained organisation and has experience dealing with drug smugglers and pirates and would be ready to act to defend the nation from attack from another world nation. A heavy defensive network of air defenses rings the nations border ready to intercept any hostile aircraft once identified though it is noly to be used as a defensive measure after diplomacy has failed. Tasmania's waters stretch out roughly fifty miles in each direction however, access is not limited to anyone and military vessels may sail through them as long as the government is notified at least two hours in advance.

Republic of Tasmania Facts and Figures

Capital City: Gracemeria

Total Population: 650,020

National Religion: Buddhism

Military Soldiers: 10,988

Fighter Aircraft: 80 Planes

Naval Vessels: 4 Aircraft Carriers.

National Wonders: Great Temple, Social Security System, Stock Market,

Edited by King Kevz
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OOC: Just so you know, you might want to play a modifier if you're going to have those aircraft carriers... considering the crew for all four would be something like a third of your total population.

OOC: Hmm thats a good point. Thank you for pointing that out to me. Also can I ask what do people think of my DoE seeing as this is the first proper one ive done.

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The Empire also recognizes Tasmania. The Chairman sends his congratulations on.. once again.. achieving state sovereignty under another rule and wishes God Speed to his original homeland.

"If Tasmania wishes, we would like to grant it an ODP and a Free Trade Agreement. If your government is willing to consider such, we will present it to our congress for review and return with a treaty to sign."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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The Empire also recognizes Tasmania. The Chairman sends his congratulations on.. once again.. achieving state sovereignty under another rule and wishes God Speed to his original homeland.

"If Tasmania wishes, we would like to grant it an ODP and a Free Trade Agreement. If your government is willing to consider such, we will present it to our congress for review and return with a treaty to sign."

"Thank you for the offer we would gladly sign a ODP and a Free Trade Agreement once we are able to see the completed article".

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Promised Land hereby acknowledges that this is a legitimate declaration, and recognizes this new nation that has declared its independence.

Then Aiginor recognizes Tasmania.

Edited by Arkantos
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New Zealand will continue to talk to Promised Land about all Tasmanian procedures, as the legitimacy of this nation under New Zealands view is still under debate.

If you wish to discuss this matter, we invite both you and a representative of the Republic of Tasmania to a meeting to work out any reservations you may have.

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If you wish to discuss this matter, we invite both you and a representative of the Republic of Tasmania to a meeting to work out any reservations you may have.

A representative from the Republic will gladly be sent to discuss this matter.

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