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A call for European nations to act.


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The Borghese regime has shown no inclination to recognize our doubts regarding the manner in which its government treats its citizens.

We recognize your doubts, but we don't agree with them - simple as it is. Italy is a sovereign and independent country, we are not going to change our political system just to make you happy. You can either keep spending fuel and resources on your blockade or leave us alone and let us prosper in peace. Either way, we don't care. As you can see there are still countries who wish to sign new trade agreements.

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Another clear example of your lack of interest in diplomacy, we are fully able to cover the expenses of playing our part in the blockade and should we be needed for a bigger commitment our economy can easily carry the burden. Make no mistake Borghese the Republic of Euzkadi is a nation willing to pay any cost in defence of human rights and democracy.

Edited by Cataduanes
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Another clear example of your lack of interest in diplomacy, we are fully able to cover the expenses of playing our part in the blockade and should we be needed for a bigger commitment our economy can easily carry the burden. Make no mistake Borghese the Republic of Euzkadi is a nation willing to pay any cost in defence of human rights and democracy.

We have stated many times that our foreign policy is strictly isolationist, the reason we are not going to change our system is very simple: we don't want to, nobody requeted your intervention, our people don't like foreigners sticking their nose into our affairs. Italy has been weak and enslaved for enough time, we want to be independent and free. Our independence is our freedom and we will not let this freedom slip away by electing some incompetent president "to represent the majority", we have one man, Borghese - he represents te whole Italian people.

Edited by Junio Borghese
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We have stated many times that our foreign policy is strictly isolationist, the reason we are not going to change our system is very simple: we don't want to, nobody requeted your intervention, our people don't like foreigners sticking their nose into our affairs. Italy has been weak and enslaved for enough time, we want to be independent and free. Our independence is our freedom and we will not let this freedom slip away by electing some incompetent president "to represent the majority", we have one man, Borghese - he represents te whole Italian people.

Every Italian cannot agree, therefore, he cannot represent the whole Italian People.

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We have stated many times that our foreign policy is strictly isolationist, the reason we are not going to change our system is very simple: we don't want to, nobody requeted your intervention, our people don't like foreigners sticking their nose into our affairs. Italy has been weak and enslaved for enough time, we want to be independent and free. Our independence is our freedom and we will not let this freedom slip away by electing some incompetent president "to represent the majority", we have one man, Borghese - he represents te whole Italian people.

If you are so certain about this man, why don't you agree to independent elections then? If he truly is such a loved person he will easily win.

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----Classified Message to Euzkadi----

Molakia can send 30,000 troops into your nation to prepare for an amphibious assualt on the nation. Our fighters are soon to return from Slavorussia, but out C130 Transports and Gunships are avalible immediately.

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To those nations who have been critical i say this, what do you propose be done? given that inaction is not an option on our part? the Borghese regime has shown no inclination to recognize our doubts regarding the manner in which its government treats its citizens, if he has the unequivocal support of the Northern Italian (OOC: Bolded for Bio :P) then why the use of disproportionate force?

To turn our backs on a brutal dictatorship on our very doorstep is simply not an option, to turn a blind eye to such wanton disregard for unarmed civilians is something the people of Euzkadi cannot and will not tolerate.

Another clear example of your lack of interest in diplomacy, we are fully able to cover the expenses of playing our part in the blockade and should we be needed for a bigger commitment our economy can easily carry the burden. Make no mistake Borghese the Republic of Euzkadi is a nation willing to pay any cost in defence of human rights and democracy.
Every Italian cannot agree, therefore, he cannot represent the whole Italian People.
Those are not the words of someone who works for his people, those are the words of a dangerous dictator afraid to lose the power he has.

We find it highly ironic that nations that express their supreme desire for defence of human rights and democracy have been the ones to instigate several wars and invasions of other nation's soverignity in recent history. It seems that tyranny has picked a new visage to hide behind.

Have you all considered the loss of life that will occur when critical aid is denied by your warships?

Have you considered the loss of military personnel that will occur when an invasion, which no doubt will occur, takes place? One only needs to look at history to see where your actions will lead.

This Italian Republic wishes to live an isolationist stance... this should be respected, and all 'concerned' parties, (read: nosy/self righteous/hypocritical) blockading and potential invading nations should stand down.

Edited by Executive Minister
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We find it highly ironic that nations that express their supreme desire for defence of human rights and democracy have been the ones to instigate several wars and invasions of other nation's soverignity in recent history. It seems that tyranny has picked a new visage to hide behind.

Have you all considered the loss of life that will occur when critical aid is denied by your warships?

Have you considered the loss of military personnel that will occur when an invasion, which no doubt will occur, takes place? One only needs to look at history to see where your actions will lead.

This Italian Republic wishes to live an isolationist stance... this should be respected, and all 'concerned' parties, (read: nosy/self righteous/hypocritical) blockading and potential invading nations should stand down.

The problem of your statement is you do not have the facts straight supplies such as food, water and medicine are being let through once they have been confirmed to be only those. We have stated this several times. Regarding your initial statement the only conflicts we were planning to get involved European sovereignty in essence defensive wars.

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The problem of your statement is you do not have the facts straight supplies such as food, water and medicine are being let through once they have been confirmed to be only those. We have stated this several times. Regarding your initial statement the only conflicts we were planning to get involved European sovereignty in essence defensive wars.

If you allow food, water and medicine to be let through, and the Republic domestically produces its arms, electronics and luxuries, what exactly do you plan to achieve with this foolish blockade that cannot merely be done with a formal declaration of condemnation?

No, we do not believe that statement, your block fully intends to set war upon the fair isle of the Reppublica Italiana....those ships will be staging points for invasion forces, mark our words.

If you truely intend for "European sovereignty" to be upheld, widthdraw your forces, cease this senseless blockade, leave the Italians to their own, sovereign governing body and stop this war mongering!!!!

Your words are ironic at best, and dangerously hypocritical at worse.

Edited by Executive Minister
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Are European nations being criticized by a government that broke the long lasting African peace?

Yes, we make our intentions fully clear when waging war, we do not disguise ourselves behind the shameless banners of democracy, human rights, free love.... what have you. We know what we are and are not ashamed of it...

We are merely criticising the inherent hypocrisy the European leaders maintaining this blockade share with other warmongers elsewhere.

Edited by Executive Minister
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If you allow food, water and medicine to be let through, and the Republic domestically produces its arms, electronics and luxuries, what exactly do you plan to achieve with this foolish blockade that cannot merely be done with a formal declaration of condemnation?

No, we do not believe that statement, your block fully intends to set war upon the fair isle of the Reppublica Italiana....those ships will be staging points for invasion forces, mark our words.

If you truely intend for "European sovereignty" to be upheld, widthdraw your forces, cease this senseless blockade, leave the Italians to their own, sovereign governing body and stop this war mongering!!!!

Your words are ironic at best, and dangerously hypocritical at worse.

We serve the European people which have been under fascist tyranny for too long, seeing as you yourself have violated the African Peace for less than conventional reasons we find yout last statement highly ironic.

Are European nations being criticized by a government that broke the long lasting African peace?

It seems so

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OOC: I just hate to see the underdog back down to 'big brother' states...I was the same when that whole Seventh Reich debacle took place.

BRB guys

IC: We find it also troubling that nations with governments that highly prize 'freedom of speech' choose to hide behind dismissals instead of directly answering our points and inquiries.

Edited by Executive Minister
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Yes, we make our intentions fully clear when waging war, we do not disguise ourselves behind the shameless banners of democracy, human rights, free love.... what have you. We know what we are and are not ashamed of it...

We are merely criticising the inherent hypocrisy the European leaders maintaining this blockade share with other warmongers elsewhere.

I think the only thing we (supporters of the blockade) are trying to gain, freedom for the Northern Italians. Nobody is warmongering, except outside agitators. What Croatia is doing is applying diplomatic pressure with a blockade.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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We would advise a nation who is in Africa to quit attempting to meddle in European affairs. You can stick to Africa, we'll stick to Europe.

No, we have no intention of being hypocrites and meddling in your sovereignity, we are simply pointing out the great injustice 'Democracy' is.

We also wonder if your nation also upholds freedom of speech?

I think the only thing we (supporters of the blockade) are trying to gain, freedom for the Northern Italians. Nobody is warmongering, except outside agitators. What Croatia is doing is applying diplomatic pressure with a blockade.

A blockade that is essentially useless. Besides, freedom from what? From a stable and fully capable government? From a government that does not value your own foolish ideals perhaps?

Your bloc has continued to ignore our inquiries and statements, statements that come from another concerned dictatorship

Edited by Executive Minister
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According to the Government position, public informations available to anyone, The Roman Empire ((Communist America)) does not allow any form of government protests. Its armed police forces work quickly at "dissolving" any and all government protests. The Roman Empire detains individuals who participate in the slanderous comments about the government.

In Italy, comments against the Government are allowed, and the regime does not arrest people who merely disagree with the Government. We only punish those who bear weapons against the state.

Edited by Junio Borghese
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A blockade that is essentially useless. Besides, freedom from what? From a stable and fully capable government? From a government that does not value your own foolish ideals perhaps?

Your bloc has continued to ignore our inquiries and statements, statements that come from another concerned dictatorship

We would be more willing to listen to your argument if you were actually informed on the facts. We're not a part of the CEU organization, but even if we were this isn't a CEU operation. As for the effectiveness of the blockade, the fact is Italy isn't self-sufficient, we suspect they'll begin to feel the effects soon.

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We would be more willing to listen to your argument if you were actually informed on the facts. We're not a part of the CEU organization, but even if we were this isn't a CEU operation. As for the effectiveness of the blockade, the fact is Italy isn't self-sufficient, we suspect they'll begin to feel the effects soon.

OOC: I was addressing all blockading and anti-borgese government officials

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No, we have no intention of being hypocrites and meddling in your sovereignity, we are simply pointing out the great injustice 'Democracy' is.

We also wonder if your nation also upholds freedom of speech?

You will never find Roman authorities punishing a Roman citizen for speaking freely about their opinions and beliefs. In the Roman Empire, our citizens are treated justly.

OOC: Alright, Seriously Rothen? Sigh....

OOC Edit: Repubblica Italiana does not allow any form of government protests. Its armed police forces work quickly at "dissolving" any and all government protests.

Edited by Biohazard
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OOC: Alright, Seriously Rothen? Sigh....

OOC Edit: Repubblica Italiana does not allow any form of government protests. Its armed police forces work quickly at "dissolving" any and all government protests.

OOC: Your quote seems to have been mauled by a wild boar... :huh:

Edited by Executive Minister
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