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Slavorussia’s timetable has been accelerated, but not by much. The actions of other nations in Europe proved that the CSSR had truly fallen into anarchy. Since the CSSR wasn’t going to respond before midnight, or likely ever again the mission to reintegrate southern Russia began now.. Within an hour after the announcement went out to world governments Slavorussian troops were already on their way into the CSSR.

Citizens of the two most populated cities in the region were likely on the brink rioting. Slavorussian soldiers were immediately dispatched to Rostov-on-Don, and Volgograd. Together the cities had a total of 2 million Slavorussian citizens. With only 10,000 soldiers on hand in each city to keep the peace Slavorussian soldiers were severely outnumbered. Soldiers took solace in the fact that these were their families, friends and country folk they would welcome them home, and the riots would end.

Throughout the region Slavorussian soldiers returned to their old bases. Some still ravaged by the advances of the CSSR’s onslaught during previous wars. Slavorussian command was quickly reestablished and the old Imperial regime was slowly but surely established. Soldiers and local police used everything short of lethal force to quell riots or protests against the CSSR’s former government. Fire fighters put out fires in record time, and paramedics rushed injured to hospitals and clinics.

Several teams of military doctors and psychologists were flown in and established field hospitals for civilians who may be injured or need some kind of psychological treatment. Slavorussian government assumed that the CSSR had been attempting to brainwash the civilians or feed them psychedelic drugs, like those used in Wellington, to bend them to their will. There was no doubt their leader Yuri, would try something so vile and sinister.

Slavorussian troops also moved in to secure the alleged canal that the CSSR had allowed to be build in their ill-gotten lands, most likely just to create headaches for Slavorussian officials when the inevitable reunification occurred. Nevertheless Slavorussia would stand firm in their claims to all their former territory in Russia, and not let itself be bullied from the south.

***Message to Drakoria and FGR***

We believe you are well aware this is Slavorussian territory. We will offer up to 110% monetary compensation for the canal going through our territory and sign an agreement giving you free passage through the canal or we will take on the CSSR’s responsibilities in the agreement over the canal, however the canal is inside Slavorussia, and we cannot allow your armies inside our country.

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So, with technicalities, going within a half mile of the canal is an invasion of Drakoria/FGR.

ooc: I've given what I think are very fair options. Please don't make this difficult. I can move it, buy it, or do whatever the CSSR was supposed to do.

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"Per the terms of the agreement, one half mile to either side is under joint Drakorian and FGR protection. Drakoria stands firm that this land is ours. However, we will await FGR's response before making it official."

OOC: Gotta wait for Californian to reply for us to make it final. I think a war over a few square miles is pointless.

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The Hanseatic Commonwealth commends Slavorussia in reinstalling itself in territory owned ancestrally by the Imperial Regime. We hope to see the entirety of Europe once again stabilized through cooperation and diplomacy as the CEU has shown the world it is capable of such talks in the past. We are certain that no conflict will surface and that negotiations will prevail.

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OOC: I'm against war.

Also, I need to sign an MDP with Slavorussia. <__<

ooc: Let's have a meeting then! Also, I'm going to rp an communist insurgency you and Kevz are welcome to help put it down. Rostov is just the beginning Volgograd/Stalingrad is were the s*** hits the fan.

Communist revolutionaries in Rostov-on-Don, are not caught unawares by the Slavorussian presence. Although they’re outnumbered by loyal Slavorussian citizens, ill-equipped, and mostly untrained civilians but they are unwilling to allow the tsarist pigs to take the city. They begin to incite riots throughout the densely populated areas with great success. They do their job so well that the majority of people don’t have the slightest idea why they’re rioting.

Communist forces grab whatever weapons they can find and attempt to kill as many Slavorussian soldiers as possible. They use vicious guerilla tactics, attacking from the tops of buildings, were they chip off large chunks of cement, and hurl it on to unprotected police, soldiers and even innocent civilians below. Despite the fearsome tactics the communists use, the Slavorussians continue their mission.

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While the RA supports Slavorussia's bid to reclaim the majority of it's land, we also note that we will support our ally, Drakoria, in whatever decision it makes.


The 4th, 6th, and 7th Infantry and the 2st, 3rd, and 10th Armoured divisions are being sent to the RA-Drakorian border. Various Viper, Orca, and Vindicator squadrons have been put on stand-by, encase aerial deployments are needed.

Seeing the recent tensions with Slavorussia over your legal and legitimate claims to the canal, we have dispatched a sizable ground force to out border. They are awaiting your clearance to be sent over to your side so that we can support you if Slavorussia for whatever reason attacks your forces. We also have various fighter and bomber squadrons on stand-by if the need for them arises.


Lavo Shalam

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Encrypted to Rebel Army

Thank you for your support. I will have any updates sent to you and your military command as a top priority. Hopefully, however, this will not resort to arms. We intend to maintain our position for the time being.


Jason Drake

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Molakia reminds the world that, in the case of war, Molakia will activate its MDP with Slavorussia, and defend it to the death. We also wish to tell the world that we will Activate our Optional Agression Pact with Slavorussia, should they need to crush some commie rebels.

Molakia hereby goes to Defcon 2 and Mobilizes its forces near the Molakia-Slavorussian Border.

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"We at the Empire believe this is a matter that can easily be solved by diplomacy. We assure the world that whoever fires the first shot in this matter given its proximity to the Asian Continent and our domain will likely invoke the added wrath of the Empire for undue belligerence. We recognize Slavorussia's claim to their old borders before the Greater Nordland Republic seized their territory and will make moves to protect them if Europe acts with excessive force and fails to attempt negotiations."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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After a night of riots and anarchy in Rostov the tired citizens start to disperse. Even though the city‘s jails are now filled to capacity and overflowing the local police continue making arrests. Rostov’s mayor assures the people law and order will be maintained, and those responsible for the riots will face justice.

While police forces were fighting through hell in Rostov, two airborne infantry divisions were dropped in the area. One was dropped on the south side of the Don River in Bataysk, and the other was dropped just outside the town of Azov at the mouth of the Don River. Their objective was to secure the river, and stop communist rebels from escaping south into Drakoria, or into the Sea of Azov.

Unbeknownst to the Slavorussians, while their force is concentrated in Rostov communist rebels in Volgograd are organizing plans to launch a long and costly insurgency movement. These well trained former CSSR army plan to unleash their fury on the Slavorussians stationed in Volgograd. When the time was right they would strike.

***message to Pax Pacis and other Slavorussian supporters/allies***

We’re tied up battling a few communist supporters. We can accommodate a small peacekeeping force in the city, and in other smaller towns north and east of here.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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If you like, we can send over a brigade of the Military-SS to help you to maintain law and order in the new areas. The 11,000-strong Military-SS Special Operations brigade will be sent over to southern Slavorussia, with your authorization.

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"Some of those rioters seem to be moving south for us," a soldier at the radio said.

"Guard the border. We had plenty of trouble with communists when they bombed the port," General Jackson said.

*Classified to Slavorussia*

As we recognize your jurisdiction of the former CSSR north of the canal, any rioters caught by our armed forces will be sent to Slavorussia for your own law system to punish.

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## Top Secret Coms to Slavorussia ##

"The incident has been brought before our congress. We are looking to secure support for your nation's claims and then we will hopefully be able to do more. If any other state fires on you they're not going to like our reaction I suspect." stated a memo from Anthony Davis.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Division 2

Loc: 200 miles into CSSR

Division 2 had divided into four individual companies, one intended for each individual region of Ukraine. With four days passed from the initial invasion by Division 2, they had successfully penetrated over 200 miles into Ukraine. The four companies were tasked with controlling one province at a time, securing it and putting down major resistance, in the process taking out rebellious leaders, and some of the Communist rebels that were fighting them. They maintained their stealth nature throughout the mission, and no one knew but them that they were from the Czech Kingdom.

Company 1, Northern Ukraine

Having already secured Kovel and Luts'k, the soldiers were now rapidly approaching Rivno. Once they secured the city, they were promised a night's rest before moving on to the next provincial region. They had not encountered major resistance to this point, however they expected more to appear once they reached Rivno.

Upon reaching the city, it was as they expected. Partisan resistance in the city was heavier, though nothing that they could not handle. They quickly wiped out Communist resistance in the city, calling in air strikes from RAF groups currently based in Poland. The soldiers moved through and managed to secure the city within a couple of hours, and stopped to rest upon declaring the city secured.

Company 2, Northern-Middle Ukraine

With their most difficult fight behind them, Company 2 moved quickly through Ukraine, securing major cities. L'viv was their most difficult battle, having taken nearly a full day to take. However, resistance was significantly lessened, and they expected this trend to continue until the city of Kiev was reached. They were, like Company 1 in Rivne, promised a night's rest upon reaching the city of Khmel'nyts'kyy. They secured the city relatively quickly and were able to rest, arising in the morning fully revived and ready to press onwards, their next assignment to assist Company 1 in securing Kiev.

Companies 3, 4, Southern Ukraine

Because these two companies were temporarily combined, their task was considerably easier than that of the rest of the invading SPECTRE Division 2. They took their targets out significantly faster than the other companies, having penetrated 200 miles in only three days. On the fourth day, they reached the border of the Moldovan region, where Company 4 would break off and travel south, putting down resistance in that region. However, before they did travel, they were given a night's rest before the fifth day, when more intense fighting would begin.

^All Classified^


We would like to make several statements at this point.

First, regarding the Trans-Caucasus Canal, we feel that control of that particular region should go to either Drakoria or Groenlandia, or a combination of both of them. While we understand the need for Slavorussian reunification and support it, we feel that this particular region is by treaty a part of their joint administration and should remain under their control. The region should be annexed into Drakoria so that they are more easily able to defend it.

Second, regarding the land itself. We feel that control of the region should be divided between Slavorussia and Poland. Poland will take control of Ukraine and Moldova, and Slavorussia will re-annex its former lands other than the land taken by the Canal. This should settle disputes between the nations, and we do not feel that there is any justification for any other solution.

Third, we would like to request the Dragon Empire to remain out of this should this situation escalate to one of military nature. These are affairs between two European nations, and the Dragon Empire has no allies nor territory in Europe, and thus should become a major player in European political matters. This conflict is not close to the Dragon Empire's borders, and they do not have direct interests in this matter. Furthermore, the Dragon Empire should remain as it is. It has expressed distaste for those attempting to colonize territory in Asia, and we will express our distaste for them attempting to gain influence in Europe. We request that they remain out of our affairs and stay neutral or give supplies and support to whatever ally they might have here.

Last, we think that a diplomatic meeting in the territory of a neutral nation, perhaps even in the city of Kiev, would definitely solve this situation.

Thank you and good day.

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