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CNRPH(Heroes) Rise of a new threat


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OOC: After some talking with JEDCJT, he said I can RP his military forces...

As long as I don't RP the invasion of his CNRP nation, but I am going to do that when he has the time to post here... :awesome:

Sadly, I have trouble figuring out how to place his fancy military forces in the story, so there won't be much details. If JEDCJT changes his mind and disapproves my RPing of his military forces, then this post will be considered void and null.



To New England, the situation in their neighbor, Great Lakes State, was threatening to them, maybe the world. A giant Bunny Falcon wreaking chaos in GLS's capital city, Detriot being completely destroyed and nuked, and the rapidly expanding bunny, squirrel, and mushroom army was marching toward GLS's capital city while demolishing everything in their path.

Nearly 50,000 New England soldiers marched into Great Lakes State with thousands of tanks, artillery guns, and of course, dozens of fighter and bomber jets, with GLS Department of Defense's permission. As they approach New City, a massive haze of smoke and dust is seen rising from the city while many buildings in the outskirt area are burning out of control.

Where was the GLS military though? Completely demolished or currently retreating.

The Bunny Falcon noticed the New England army approaching, and charged at them while screaming, "FALCON, PUNCH!"

Edited by HHAYD
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The first punch reduced two buildings into a hazardous giant flying rubble that killed over 1,000 of the newly arrived New England soldiers. The air force concentrated their fire power at the giant Bunny Falcon, but nothing was working. As the artillery guns and tanks joined the fight, the Bunny Falcon found it efficient to use, and yell the stomp move.

The air force was lucky though, the monster lacked any moves to knock them out of the sky, but their missiles and bombs were inefficient against the Bunny Falcon that constantly screamed, "FALCON, STOMP!"


Meanwhile, in the outskirt of Mackinaw City, south of New City on the other side of the Strait of Mackinac:

The remains of Great Lakes State military was preparing for their last battle, holding out against the endless swarms of killer bunnies, squirrel, and mushrooms for as long as possible. Only 20,000 soldiers, a few dozen of tanks and armored vehicles, a little over two dozen of artillery guns, and about 50 anti-aircraft missile launchers were left. Their barricades? Buildings and lots of sand bags.

First came the squirrels' air force, which didn't fare very well since they lacked any airplanes to disable the anti-aircraft guns other than the bomber jets (only a handful of them survived). Then came the flying robotic laser bunnies which were easy to shoot down due to being so clumped together but were highly damaging.

After that, the main bunny army arrived, with large amount of drum bunnies, tanks, helicopters, artillery guns, snipers, machine gunners, anti-tank squads, laser gunners, ninja bunnies, and a giant dome...

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Three Artures took off from their hut in Diberia, two armed with the Artures heavy machine guns and one with a carbine rifle. They navigated web pages, Google Earth, news stories, and many web pages to determine the location of the massive bunny monster. They were undetected by radar from the D4 rockets, learning more of the English language on the way.

One they arrived near the scene the three Artures moved in behind the New England army, ignoring any attacks made by the soldiers because they didn't do anything to their armor. Marching forward to the bunny monster, they determined their situation.

The right Artures with the name Pangsh talked first. "No matter how many pictures you see, it still seems bigger than it should be."

"Aye." Responded the middle Artures. "It seems to stomp and kick, yet has no ranged combat. We only need a part of it as well. Think blasting an ear off will get us what we need?"

"Even with a regular D4 jar, we'll never get as much as we need for the mission. But there are more powerful beings to get the Essence from, so just put what you can fit through the cap inside. We've got only so much time for this." The final and most scientific Artures commented.

"Its getting closer. Commence ranged combat, jet boot away as soon as it gets close. Pangsh, go left and prepare to gather part of that ear. Here's the jar." The middle Artures threw the jar to Pangsh, then him and the scientific Artures spinned their weapons, firing moments later.

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Three Artures took off from their hut in Diberia, two armed with the Artures heavy machine guns and one with a carbine rifle. They navigated web pages, Google Earth, news stories, and many web pages to determine the location of the massive bunny monster. They were undetected by radar from the D4 rockets, learning more of the English language on the way.

One they arrived near the scene the three Artures moved in behind the New England army, ignoring any attacks made by the soldiers because they didn't do anything to their armor. Marching forward to the bunny monster, they determined their situation.

The right Artures with the name Pangsh talked first. "No matter how many pictures you see, it still seems bigger than it should be."

"Aye." Responded the middle Artures. "It seems to stomp and kick, yet has no ranged combat. We only need a part of it as well. Think blasting an ear off will get us what we need?"

"Even with a regular D4 jar, we'll never get as much as we need for the mission. But there are more powerful beings to get the Essence from, so just put what you can fit through the cap inside. We've got only so much time for this." The final and most scientific Artures commented.

"Its getting closer. Commence ranged combat, jet boot away as soon as it gets close. Pangsh, go left and prepare to gather part of that ear. Here's the jar." The middle Artures threw the jar to Pangsh, then him and the scientific Artures spinned their weapons, firing moments later.

The Artures' weapons mostly bounced off the Falcon Bunny; a few rounds managed to poke holes into the Bunny Falcon but those holes were rapidly sealed up again.

The Bunny Falcon noticed the Artures and charges toward them at a speed of mach 9, flatting several surviving buildings in the path. When it got close enough, it screamed, "FALCON, KICK!" as it kicked toward them while still moving due to the momentum from the running.

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The two Artures on the ground activated the blades in their shields, raising them up and gripping in place for the kick. They sheathed their offensive ranged weapons as they proved ineffective against the beast.


The blow of the kick did not kill the Artures; but it did send them flying back. without time to use the D4 jet boots, they crashed into a nearby building, going through several walls before stopping. The Artures merely got back up, brushed off the debris, and looked at the monster. The main Artures sighed.

"That was a good waste of ammo."

The scientific Artures poked the first's back. "I managed to cut a piece off with my blades, and it should think we're dead. Comm Pangsh to get him to et it, and to only use his blades." Atunov, the first Artures, opened a comm link with Pangsh.

"New priority. Near the base of the massive bunny there is a chunk of it laying on the ground. Use only your blades to get it."

"Roger that, redirecting. I'll be over in a few moments." Pangsh came out from behind a building behind the bunny, moving towards the ground.


On one human planet in the Artures universe, there is a planet that had a great precious metal deep in its crust. The metal is the hardest ever found, and only traces of it are located off world; so humanity mined it. Even though the planet is hazardous and volcanic, as well as killing millions of humans trying to mine it, humanity still wanted it. But when the Artures came into existence, the workers were replaced with the far more sturdy Artures. The losses were reduced to hundreds as a result, and production was far more efficient than ever.

The Artures, however, discovered something that humanity merely overlooked: the blood and deaths from so many people had "infected" some of the metal, and when sharpened could cut through anything, including itself; it was given the name "Death Metal", for being mined in the "Death Mines of the True Spiral". These blades are the very same in every shield the Artures had on Earth, including Vicis' two longer blades.

Edited by JerreyRough
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A massive shadow fell upon Conors army of minions. Agamemnon had arrived. Hundreds of flamer-form neo-cymeks flew down, burning great swathes through the enemy. Hundreds of cannons attached to Agamemnons mechanical flyer opened fire, sterilizing the landscape.

OOC: Erm, you didn't RP them coming in the first place nor did you tell me that you were going to RP here...



The two Artures on the ground activated the blades in their shields, raising them up and gripping in place for the kick. They sheathed their offensive ranged weapons as they proved ineffective against the beast.

The blow of the kick did not kill the Artures; but it did send them flying back. without time to use the D4 jet boots, they crashed into a nearby building, going through several walls before stopping. The Artures merely got back up, brushed off the debris, and looked at the monster. The main Artures sighed.

"That was a good waste of ammo."

The scientific Artures poked the first's back. "I managed to cut a piece off with my blades, and it should think we're dead. Comm Pangsh to get him to et it, and to only use his blades." Atunov, the first Artures, opened a comm link with Pangsh.

"New priority. Near the base of the massive bunny there is a chunk of it laying on the ground. Use only your blades to get it."

"Roger that, redirecting. I'll be over in a few moments." Pangsh came out from behind a building behind the bunny, moving towards the ground.


On one human planet in the Artures universe, there is a planet that had a great precious metal deep in its crust. The metal is the hardest ever found, and only traces of it are located off world; so humanity mined it. Even though the planet is hazardous and volcanic, as well as killing millions of humans trying to mine it, humanity still wanted it. But when the Artures came into existence, the workers were replaced with the far more sturdy Artures. The losses were reduced to hundreds as a result, and production was far more efficient than ever.

The Artures, however, discovered something that humanity merely overlooked: the blood and deaths from so many people had "infected" some of the metal, and when sharpened could cut through anything, including itself; it was given the name "Death Metal", for being mined in the "Death Mines of the True Spiral". These blades are the very same in every shield the Artures had on Earth, including Vicis' two longer blades.

As one of them moved toward the ground, the Mackinaw City was overrun by the bunny army. The GLS military's defense was split in half and all of the bunnies took advantage of hole, forcing the military to retreat back into New City via Mackinaw Bridge.

However, dozens of the squirrels' bomber jets flew over New City when the GLS's air defenses were being moved and begun dropping bombs all over the area around the Falcon Bunny.

And another bad news for the Artures? The Bunny Falcon screamed, "FALCON, PUNCH!" as it punches at the building where the rest of the Artures were in because there were New England snipers and machine gunners stationed in there.


A few minutes ago in Mackinaw City:

The bunny army begin focusing most of its firepower at the center section of the defense line

"We need reinforcements, now!" shouted an officer.

The flying laser bunnies opened fire, blowing out most of the machine gunner nests as the suicide bomb bunnies charged forward, reducing the sandbags and rubble into a cloud of dust

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"Hold you position, do not let those damn bunnies cross the bridge! If they do, then the entire nation would be doomed! Bomb planting squad, start rigging explosives in the bridge now!" barked General Wen.

The GLS military was at a slight advantage, they had already torn up parts of the bridge and used rubble and burnt out vehicles as covers. Meanwhile for the bunnies, their ground vehicles would have trouble since there were large amount of civilian vehicles abandoned.

"Fire at will!"

The hails of bullets, napalm, shells, rockets, and missiles impacted the bunny army, blowing their cover into pieces or lighting them on fire. However, the bunnies and squirrels kept on coming, never stopping for a retreat...


In the dome:

"Transport flying bunnies, you know the job, get our tanks and artillery guns across that river while avoiding GLS and New England's anti helicopter fire." Conor mentally ordered.


OOC: Still waiting for JerreyRough, I am tempted to RP his characters but that would be rude.

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OOC: (sigh) I'm on vacation visiting people I will not see for 5+ years due to college. I think you can wait for a bit.

And do NOT RP my Artures, please and thank you. I tend to have every post relating to them to add to them, thus why it takes me a while to make a post.

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OOC: I just hope it doesn't take too long. Or perhaps I can help with the main infestation before I go for the Bunny Falcon. Your choice, HHAYD.

OOC: The Bunny Falcon isn't that hard to kill actually, you just have to keep on pounding it's head. Anyways, you can go after the Bunny Falcon and then the main infestation. By that time, the GLS and New England military would have been decimated or retreated.

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OOC: The Bunny Falcon isn't that hard to kill actually, you just have to keep on pounding it's head. Anyways, you can go after the Bunny Falcon and then the main infestation. By that time, the GLS and New England military would have been decimated or retreated.

OOC: Heh, and I was shooting it with weapons that destroy atoms.

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OOC: You didn't RP anything with them aiming at the head, I was assuming they were shooting at the body.

OOC: You assume correctly; weeell, they did blast part of the ear off and the third Artures is coming around back to grab it. /OOC

The building collapsed around the two Artures inside of the building, rubble and debris stacking ontop of them. Thus the two Artures activated their jets and pushed forward, without any worry of their armor breaking. The Artures pushed depris out of their way, working together to get out.

Meanwhile behind the massive bunny monster, Pangsh flew in towards the ground to pick up the part of the ear that has fallen down. He did not fire his weapons to be sure the monster did not attack him, but they were drawn just in case. In one hand he had the D4 jar to swipe the ear piece.

As soon as the Artures inside the building got out, they would start firing at the bunny with their weapons; but for the moment they were still getting out.

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OOC: You assume correctly; weeell, they did blast part of the ear off and the third Artures is coming around back to grab it. /OOC

The building collapsed around the two Artures inside of the building, rubble and debris stacking ontop of them. Thus the two Artures activated their jets and pushed forward, without any worry of their armor breaking. The Artures pushed depris out of their way, working together to get out.

Meanwhile behind the massive bunny monster, Pangsh flew in towards the ground to pick up the part of the ear that has fallen down. He did not fire his weapons to be sure the monster did not attack him, but they were drawn just in case. In one hand he had the D4 jar to swipe the ear piece.

As soon as the Artures inside the building got out, they would start firing at the bunny with their weapons; but for the moment they were still getting out.

Dozens of heavy artillery shells and missiles somehow managed to hit the Bunny Falcon's head, sending the monster stumbling backward toward Pangsh.

Meanwhile, the bunny army in Mackinaw City continued to try to storm the bridge, but were no match against the heavily fortified GLS military. "Ah screw this, use the subway tunnels..." Conor mentally ordered when he noticed there were no progress being made. The bunnies and squirrels poured into the ruined subway stations and ran toward New City via underground subway systems.

A few minutes later, a group of ninja bunnies popped out of one of the ruined subway stations in New City, right in front of the two Artures that were climbing out of the rubble.

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