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CNRPH(Heroes) Rise of a new threat


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OOC: Riight. :P

IC: "Observe." Kevin snapped his fingers and a single Neoshadow shuffled forward. It eyed it's master with something approaching reverence, before jumping into the bunny creature and disappearing in a puddle of pure Darkness.

The bunny spasmed wildly, head snapping left and right wildly. Its' eyes turned to a sick yellow and its' skin faded to a dusty Grey color. The Neoshadow has fused with the bunny and given it power.

"Go on. Test it out."

"Destroy that concrete block." said Conor as he summoned another of the bunny as a controlled experiment.

Conor then mentally ordered the second laser robotic flying bunny (not fused with the dark power) to do the same thing. The second bunny completely destroyed the concrete block within four laser blasts.

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OOC: Come on, N Reeki. Make a character properlly like the rest of us, not just jabbing into a story. Even if its a short paragraph in a circumstance like the mentioned pit and going to an area of interest (i.e. Hong Kong and this conversation) using some sort of power to find it.

OOC: I can't find an interesting story. I have no idea what I'm doing...so...I'll leave CNRPH now.

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Kevin began getting a headache from the odd...being...which continued to chat behind his shoulder. A feeling of unease permeated his figure and he elected to get out of the area.

"I must be off. Do I have your agreement to gather blood for me? I will amplify one bunny for every packet of blood."

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During the experimenting...


Emergency message from Department of Disaster Relief to New England:

We are asking for financial, rescue, and repairing help. The entire city of Detriot has been flatten by two monsters, see the global or our local news report if you don't know anything about the situation.

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OOC: I can't find an interesting story. I have no idea what I'm doing...so...I'll leave CNRPH now.

OOC: The glory of CNRPH is that it can be ANYTHING. Hell, I got a spaceship from a distant galaxy crashing into earth. We got easter bunnies. A dragon. A dark being. Dr. Doom. Samas Aran look-alike.

Make up anything. Just don't butt into another RP.

Sorry about OOC. Out now.

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Kevin began getting a headache from the odd...being...which continued to chat behind his shoulder. A feeling of unease permeated his figure and he elected to get out of the area.

"I must be off. Do I have your agreement to gather blood for me? I will amplify one bunny for every packet of blood."

"You have not ordered the first bunny to attack the concrete block yet." replied Conor as he waits for the bunny fused with the dark power to test it's power.

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"I have left him under your control. Besides, this chatterbox," he indicated the STILL talking man, "is giving me a headache."

"Okay, fire that laser." ordered Conor.

The fused bunny fired the laser, and blew up the concrete block with one blast.

"Its a deal, I am assuming that the fused bunny has faster speed, increased reaction speed, and increased armoring?" said Conor.

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"Of course. And limited regeneration abilities. Limited meaning it can regenerate any limb except the head." Kevin held out his hand to shake. A piece of paper was also in his palm. "Please deliver the blood-packets to the location specified here. Sending it loaded on transport bunnies will suffice."

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"Of course. And limited regeneration abilities. Limited meaning it can regenerate any limb except the head." Kevin held out his hand to shake. A piece of paper was also in his palm. "Please deliver the blood-packets to the location specified here. Sending it loaded on transport bunnies will suffice."

OOC: What is the location?

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OOC: You don't read my RP's, do you?

It's the capital city, the largest on the planet. Also known as Panama City. :P

OOC: I lack the time.



"Erm, my transport flying bunnies will get shot down on their way to that city, and I am pretty sure that the mailing system can tell if there are blood inside the packages. Its going to take a while to fight my way down there." said Conor as he looks at the paper.

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"I am Imperator of the country. Trust me, they won't be shot down."

"And how are they going to cross the other American nations between this place and your nation without being tagged as hostiles due to Great Lakes State's warnings?"

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"Think of something. Make them go into orbit if you have to. But, pending that kind of power," Kevin opened a Corridor of Darkness. "Just send them through this."

"Okay." replied the magician as he summons driller bunnies.

"Anyways, I am going to be a bit busy if you haven't noticed. I need a place where I can store all of my supplies, such as the stimulant drugs and steel, somewhere safe, experimenting without fears of getting caught, and a safe spot to hide in, in case if my entire bunny army gets demolished." said Conor as his summoned bunnies furiously started digging a hole into the ground to build an underground bunker.

"Oh, and is that teleport hole movable?" asked Conor as he summoned more bunnies armed with drillers, shovels, and laser guns.

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"No, but just walk through it when you need to move it. I'll appear and make you a new one."

"Alright." replied Conor as a whole unit, twenty armed soldiers suddenly bashed down the door and burst into the room.

"PUT YOUR HA-!" shouted the officer as the entire unit stared at the magician, bunnies, and the creatures.

"What this I don't even." said the officer.

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The Dark Creatures pounced on the soldier's unit, heedless of casualties as they swamped the soldiers. Dozens attacked each of them with razor sharp claws made of pure Darkness. Their bodies were carved up even as the magical properties of the Dark Creatures pulled out their souls. The sparkling apparitions were absorbed by Kevin without a second thought.

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The Dark Creatures pounced on the soldier's unit, heedless of casualties as they swamped the soldiers. Dozens attacked each of them with razor sharp claws made of pure Darkness. Their bodies were carved up even as the magical properties of the Dark Creatures pulled out their souls. The sparkling apparitions were absorbed by Kevin without a second thought.

The surviving soldiers ran for it while shooting and throwing grenades at any creatures that try to chase them. They then all piled into their APCs and drove off while the machine gunners kept watch on any of the creatures trying to follow them.

"We need to get going, they are going to call up for reinforcement soon and its not going to be pretty when you see over a hundred soldiers backed up with helicopters and heavy armored vehicles roll in. And no, I can't build up an bunny army fast enough since I already spent most of my summoning powers on the two giant bunny monsters and an army of bunnies that were wasted by the military and Dr. Doom." said Conor as he enters the newly dug hole into the still under construction bunker.

"Oh, and could you move the portal into this bunker?" asked Conor as he summons more bunnies to speed up the digging process.

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