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you will go down in flames

lol,that sounds painfull

don't need your respect JonBoy16,especially if I'd have to lie to get it.

there wasn't good reason for TPF to blitz NOIR, most of the BS Tiberius12 and you(JonBoy16) have been feeding everyone is not true.that's pretty much all I came here to say.. I knew I'd get shot down by petty offtopic and personal attacks..but I came in here anyway,because the truth should be known.if your comfortable lying to your friends. more power to ya

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lol,is right...consider yourself and anyone that joins you ..out of NOIR,our complaint department will be with you shortly ;)

edit..IZ,would you also like to tell everyone that you're still holding a grudge from being rolled early in the round by RE? I suppose your plans to coup would include attacking RE at some point?

coup is fail :rolleyes:

That's funny. My dislike of Tiberius is no big secret. You only have to look at his sig to know that, but that doesn't mean I would drag a whole alliance down with me for my own personal poo flinging contest.

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lol ok VICE PRESIDENT that's the problem. You aren't leading anything. That's how we got where we are and that's how you will go down in flames

I completely wish you luck in your endeavors. The PMs that were forwarded to me and others of our leadership - by several sources that I will do my best not to reveal for their protection - were mostly sent by NOIR's second-in-command. Who would that be again? Might it be the same fellow in here trying vainly to cover his inglorious rear end with red herrings and other drivel?

you see that's what I'm confused about..who want's to be the first looser?

surely you couldn't be satisfied with second...right off the the starting line? where's the compitition in that?

why bother playing a game if there's no chance to win?

edit..TE is a game...I play games to win,now tell me why...anyone would play a game if they knew they wouldn't win?

How to win TE has different meanings for everyone. Considering how off the alliance score ratings are, I don't consider having the best score to be winning TE by way of war. The score rating is heavily biased by number of alliance members - that even counts ghosts. It's not by efficiency of running your alliance (where you fail the most, btw) or by skill in playing the game. Getting the highest alliance score is almost entirely a recruiting victory.

o/ Folger, king of recruiting! Is there a way to jam his PMs somehow I am unaware of? Perhaps a new spy attack I missed? That's the only way to stop RE's incredible recruiting machine. The ironic thing is that RE and Tiberius have been some of the most outspoken critics of the way scores are calculated. As I've stated several times now, unless RE hemorrhages 100 nations and doesn't get any more recruits, there's not much anyone else can do. I doubt even some mass overwhelming attack would do that - more likely, it might even harden their resolve further.

I believe in friends > infra.

Whether that's losing infra in war or gaining it through recruiting.

You're on your own there, doornail.


Since the score thing is so unrealistic - I'm playing for a t-shirt!

I want size XXXXXXX so I can use it as a bedsheet, too.

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I think I'd need a brain tumor or something for Doornail to make sense to me at this point, my head hurts just reading his equal part insane proclimations of revenge and his bouts of self pity, his ability to say "I'm just a member" in one post and say "I'm Vice President" in the next, To claim he has no authority, then say he has the authority to dismiss six other members for refusing to go down in flaming ruin. Not since I read 1984 has Double-speak been so obvious. I'm just glad you aren't in RL politics Doornail, I might have to assassinate you for the good of the nation.

I'd like to again reiterate something I've said countless times. My last three posts were NOT KIDDING!, nor were they tried to be insulting, I even tried to keep the patronizing and condescending tone out of it ( though I admit I might have failed there, I mean how do you tell someone "You have mental problem's please seek help" without sounding patronizing? ). However due to the contents of my in game PM box, it seems that certain individual(s) are having trouble seeing that. My only real hope at this point is that you are being intentionally obtuse, faking insanity the best you can, and raving like a loon on purpose just to get attention and a reaction. I need more coffee, this post is ended.

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I am a member of NOIR and a friend of DN's

I would like to apologize for any headaches caused and would also like to apologize to those complaining over DN's posts

DN, I am sorry but I have to agree, As a friend, I have to say that you have made very little solid evidence

Again I apologize to the members of alliances who got mixed in this mess.

Goodluck in the Round and maybe NOIR can be your ally once more :)

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you see that's what I'm confused about..who want's to be the first looser?

surely you couldn't be satisfied with second...right off the the starting line? where's the compitition in that?

why bother playing a game if there's no chance to win?

edit..TE is a game...I play games to win,now tell me why...anyone would play a game if they knew they wouldn't win?

I know this is something NOIR obviously wouldn't know about seeing how so many people refused your invitation to join a super bloc against RE, TPF, and TF, but to many of us who have been in TE for several rounds, friendships are more important than rankings.

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don't need your respect JonBoy16,especially if I'd have to lie to get it.

there wasn't good reason for TPF to blitz NOIR, most of the BS Tiberius12 and you(JonBoy16) have been feeding everyone is not true.that's pretty much all I came here to say.. I knew I'd get shot down by petty offtopic and personal attacks..but I came in here anyway,because the truth should be known.if your comfortable lying to your friends. more power to ya

Again, DoorNail, The below copy/pasted PM you sent out contradicts every statement you made about TPF having no good reason to attack NOIR. I'm not asking you to lie to get my respect. If you don't want it, that's fine. I'm only asking you to come clean. The proof is right here below.....

I have been talking to alliance leaders about a secret super bloc..so far there are 6 alliances very interested in this idea,five of which have 50+ members,one with 20. this bloc,once estabolished and announced..will take on RE,TPF and TF in a majior conflict.
Edited by JonBoy16
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I'm not gonna lie, one of our members got a similar message.

As did several other TPF allies.

What they fail to realize is TPF has many friends across the board of Alliances.

All of which are loyal and true friends, something i once thought NOIR was.

NOIR is not a bad alliance, it just needs some leadership adjustments.


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NOIR isnt bad. We are just Young and need learning experiances, this being one.

As i have said in other posts, Any advice to help us succeed, please tell me anything :)

and TPF your members are honourable and true, and if what you say is true about DN I can't turn my back against him.

And I would also like to say JonBoy, I think it is enough.

It is behind us now. the war is done. and bickering will get us in a never ending cycle. I just wish for some things to be forgotten while others remain throughout the test of time

Both Jonboy, and DN, You are both friends and I dont like conflict between friends. So letting bygones by bygones can be possible can't it?

Thank you :)

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