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World Congress General Meeting


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The Empire reserves the right to make this motion, if you can secure a two-thirds majority in the 48 hours I suppose Promised Land could be moved to Observer Status. . . assuming you can secure the votes.

You don’t have my vote, I won’t even consider it. . . It’s not something I can do.

Promised Land is kind of rebuilding my country right now.

Edited by Generalissimo
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The Empire moves that Promised Land be moved to Observer Status in this block until such time it has turned over those responsible for biological weapons attacks from their state and until it allows for inspections of its research facilities to verify that all biological weapons stock has been destroyed.

The Empire notably votes yes in this regard.

A biological attack is not an attack on one nation, it is an attack on all.

As it is the mission of the World Congress to, "To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace," The Nation of Selenarctos votes yes until such time as Promise Land turns over those responsible and satisfies the world community that it has destroyed its capacity to wage biowarfare.

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We oppose, so far we have only noticed a genuine intent to work towards stability and peace by hunting for those responsible. However the Dragon Empire has been none but beligerent recently at enemies first with the unneeded attack on the center of a nation and now by alienating once their closest ally from the world. As such in name of peace we move to demote the Dragon Empire to observer until they withdraw any and all forces from Khmer and come with a possible timeframe for Promised Land rather than an impossible goal.

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"The Empire has done nothing but given our enemies every opportunity for peace, which they have rejected every time. They continue to wage a hot, hostile war against our state which they declared by killing our diplomats and have not rescinded the state of conflict, but continued to escalate with our reprisals for their actions. We will be keeping the peace by enforcing it for that is our only option. If any state here can get Khmer to see reason or can negotiate a peace that satisfies Justice for the fallen 10 diplomats and their families, we are open to such. The state of Pax Pacis and results in that theatre have proven our intent. Pax Pacis remains free and we continue to work with their new government to re-forge broken bonds."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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I’m also going to have to vote no on the proposed removal of the Dragon Empire.

Procinctia considers the Dragon Empire a regional partner, moreover I believe the Dragon Empire a potentially stabilizing force in today’s world. . .

And they’re clearing the Bering Sea, which kind of surrounds Procinctia absolutely, of derelict naval mines.

Edited by Generalissimo
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"The Empire has done nothing but given our enemies every opportunity for peace, which they have rejected every time. They continue to wage a hot, hostile war against our state which they declared by killing our diplomats and have not rescinded the state of conflict, but continued to escalate with our reprisals for their actions. We will be keeping the peace by enforcing it for that is our only option. If any state here can get Khmer to see reason or can negotiate a peace that satisfies Justice for the fallen 10 diplomats and their families, we are open to such. The state of Pax Pacis and results in that theatre have proven our intent. Pax Pacis remains free and we continue to work with their new government to re-forge broken bonds."

Hmm, so 10 killed diplomats are more than the active Government you killed? I also wonder how one could hope to negotiate when the people allowed to negotiate have been killed in eh, an enemy missile strike.

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"We happen to know the King and several other members of the government managed to escape the strike. They have been responding. Perhaps you would like to check your intel and news sources?"

An incomplete Government is hardly one authorized to speak for it's people. You should have given them more time especially as the death of 10 diplomats hardly justifies a full invasion.

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An incomplete Government is hardly one authorized to speak for it's people. You should have given them more time especially as the death of 10 diplomats hardly justifies a full invasion.

I disagree, if 10 Yawooian diplomats were slaughtered then my country would consider it a declaration of war, and a first strike of aggression.

The Republic of Yawoo votes Aye to the Dragon Empire's request but agrees that once Promise Land has satisfied the world that their biological weapon stockpile is destroyed and that they have handed over the responsible parties then their status may be automatically reinstated to full.

The Republic of Yawoo votes Nay to the proposal that Dragon Empire's status be downgraded.

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"The Empire had every intention of reinstating Promised Land as soon as it met its obligations, which it is already making progress on. Independent observers from our state have been granted access to verify the nullification of their bio weapons stock in their research and intelligence facilities. They have provided lists of facilities where such weapons were previously stored, managed, and kept."

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Major Jack O'Niel of the Republic of Free Somal Land Forces arrives and makes the following request:

"The Republic of Free Somal wishes to join this august body as a full member. What do we have to do in order to realize that goal?"

2. The admission of any such state to membership in the World Congress will be effected by a vote of the Member Body.

And The Nation of Selenarctos votes yes to Somol's Admission.


Article 10

1. Each member of the Member Body shall have one vote.

2. Decisions of the Member Body on important questions shall be made by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting over a 48 hour period. These questions shall include: recommendations with respect to the maintenance of international peace and security, the admission of new Members to the World Congress, the suspension of the rights and privileges of membership, the expulsion of Members.

Edited by iKrolm
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The Holy Imperium of Man, recently opening up from another period of self reflection and betterment of the already streamlined governmental services is disgusted by the concept of downgrading a member over an issue expressly under the sovereign control of Promised Land's government. Unless and Until the weapons are fired, there is no need to pursue aggressive measures against one of the world's most stable governments.

We vote nay to the measure of downgrading Promised Land, and furthermore also vote nay to the Dragon Empire's degradation to an observatory state.

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A Maturing woman walks into the room, turning the heads of all that weren't previously looking her way. Her name is Joanna Smith, and as she finds a chair, she clears her throat.

"I am representing Annihilation. We would like to join the World Congress."

Joanna sits down and looks around, smiling seductively at all the men who appear to be younger than her.

(OOC: LolCougar)

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RE: Imperium of America

"Weapons were fired, unfortunately.. and they weren't under the sovereign control of Promised Land or the Promsied Land would be in even more of a worse state than what it currently is. Recently obtained evidence including this attack indicates they are far from stable. If they were stable, and this act were fully authorized, there'd already be a war."


"We can agree to Annihilation joining this treaty if it is to keep the terms of the treaty."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Addressing the Dragonisian Concerns in the matter, we feel that the actions of terrorists are not to be pinned on the attractive scapegoat of Promised Land's Government. Should the weapons taken have been of nuclear status, you would be clamoring for their recall as well. Nuclear or Biological, the Dragon Empire would still be attempting to ramrod a bill of support for the disarming of Promised Land. This ignores the possibility of the Dragon Empire's own stores of weapons becoming subject to theft and subsequent use. If you are going to attempt to remove the Weapons of Mass Destruction in the hands of Promised Land, you would do well to remove your own first.

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The Empire moves that Promised Land be moved to Observer Status in this block until such time it has turned over those responsible for biological weapons attacks from their state and until it allows for inspections of its research facilities to verify that all biological weapons stock has been destroyed.

The Empire notably votes yes in this regard.

A biological attack is not an attack on one nation, it is an attack on all.

The representative looked exasperated. "Must you pursue us in every forum of which we are both a member? We are doing our best to rectify the situation. We even sent all the research we had on the virus to Somal. if our nations had not been on such friendly terms in the past, I would almost thinkyou had a grudge against us."

"Obviously, since we ghave not yet been suspended, we get a vote, and vote no."

We oppose, so far we have only noticed a genuine intent to work towards stability and peace by hunting for those responsible. However the Dragon Empire has been none but beligerent recently at enemies first with the unneeded attack on the center of a nation and now by alienating once their closest ally from the world. As such in name of peace we move to demote the Dragon Empire to observer until they withdraw any and all forces from Khmer and come with a possible timeframe for Promised Land rather than an impossible goal.

"No, while we do not agree with all their actions, and in fact think some of them downright wrong, we do believe they only had the best of intentions. Therefore, No."

Major Jack O'Niel of the Republic of Free Somal Land Forces arrives and makes the following request:

"The Republic of Free Somal wishes to join this august body as a full member. What do we have to do in order to realize that goal?"

"What can you do to prove that you will not be so xenophobic in the future? we can understand your hatred of us, but your actions are proving, at best, to be hostile to anyone not from Africa. Abstain."

RE: Imperium of America

"Weapons were fired, unfortunately.. and they weren't under the sovereign control of Promised Land or the Promsied Land would be in even more of a worse state than what it currently is. Recently obtained evidence including this attack indicates they are far from stable. If they were stable, and this act were fully authorized, there'd already be a war."


"We can agree to Annihilation joining this treaty if it is to keep the terms of the treaty."

"Can't anyone listen or read anymore? No weapons were FIRED. There were no missiles involved. Satellite intel of the time in question should be more than sufficient to prove this. the virus was, unfortunately, released directly into their water and food supply. Only through the fortunate carelessness (yes, FORTUNATE) of one of the operatives was anyone aware that the attack was carried out by operatives working under our name."

"As for the matter of the admission of the nation of Annihilation, we vote yes."

OOC: OK, who's counting all the propositions and votes?

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Major Jack O'Niel of the Republic of Free Somal Land Forces arrives and makes the following request:

"The Republic of Free Somal wishes to join this august body as a full member. What do we have to do in order to realize that goal?"

A Maturing woman walks into the room, turning the heads of all that weren't previously looking her way. Her name is Joanna Smith, and as she finds a chair, she clears her throat.

"I am representing Annihilation. We would like to join the World Congress."

Joanna sits down and looks around, smiling seductively at all the men who appear to be younger than her.

"How did you get in here? ! ? ! How did you get into the building, much less this assembly?

Did either of you not read the sign outside the building? How about the sign on the door of this room?

This World Congress General Meeting was supposed to be restricted exclusively to World Congress Members and Observers, what’s security doing? Given this development safety precautions pertaining to these meetings and this building should be our next topic of discussion.

If anyone was actually paying attention we were originally going to discuss additional membership after the meeting, but it’s kind of late for that now.

Now that you’re both here, however you managed to get in, you might as well stay around. Given the circumstance it would only be fair to open the floor to applications, I demand an inquiry as to how the two of you got in here though.

Procinctia votes yes on the applications of Republic of Free Somal and Annihilation. We even vote yes on Czech Kingdom’s earlier attempted application."

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"Now that’s out of the way. . . I don’t think motions for dismissal should be filed at General Meetings, we should hold special secessions (Out of Character: Threads) to determine matters of membership.

Even though the motions to dismiss both the Dragon Empire and Promised Land have both failed dismissal procedures, it’s bad form to bog down our meetings with attempts to discharge each other from the organization."

Edited by Generalissimo
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