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A missing gov. type


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You're joking right?

You can't set your government to anarchy in the Edit My Nation screen, and you wouldn't want to.

However, you CAN force yourself into anarchy by deploying all the soldiers you have.

Note: This results in not only anarchy, but damage to infrastructure, among other losses.

Edited by Arrnea
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Well Anarchy is on the government type list and yet you can't set it to that in the edit my nation, one would expect to be able to set ones government to all that are shown on the list.

I would say that this part doesn't exactly help either.

"The 11 available government types to choose from are as follows"

It says its available and you can choose all of the ones that follow, Anarchy being on the list to.

Not granted it might be "available" through over deploying but you still can't choose it.

Alright I just way over analyzed this thing me thinks :awesome:

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My citizens want "They wish to be ruled by the people themselves and more specifically do not want to be ruled by a royal family" - isnt that technically anarchy

No, your citizens never want anarchy. This sounds more like a federal government. However, a tip is that if they want a federal government, don't pick it. The benefits of monarchy or democracy outweigh the happiness you get from picking what they want.

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