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The Department of Defense authorized the commencement of a secret operation. Codenamed Operation BERMUDA, it was to involve a brigade of the Military-SS and Stasi operatives. Their objective?

To occupy the island of Bermuda, located in the Atlantic Ocean. A task force comprising of landing crafts, a frigate, a destroyer, as well as Zulu helicopters, Marauders, and other assorted aircraft was dispatched in the direction of Bermuda. True, the operation wasn't going to remain classified for much longer, due to the advent of satellites and the possibility of the world watching.

But it would not matter, for Bermuda was going to become a part of New England and was going to safeguard it's maritime interests, particularly it's IUSS network - and the former Ardoria's IMSS. There was no way Xaristan was going to know the depth of both the IUSS and IMSS network.

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Several hours after Operation BERMUDA was authorized by the Department of Defense, Army soldiers and Stasi troopers landed on Bermuda. Moving inland, the troops occupied cities, towns, and villages all over the islands, entering the capital of Hamilton.

Soon,  Bermuda was completely under New England's control, the Ardorian assets left on the island now protected (they were to be transferred to New England soon). With over 5,000 troops now stationed on Bermuda, the islands shall become an overseas territory of New England.

Sir Richard Gozney was appointed Governor of Bermuda; he will report directly to Boston. A Territorial Brigade will be formed to defend and protect Bermuda, and plans to establish a military base on the islands are currently under discussions.

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The federal government has publicly announced that the island of Bermuda is now a territory of New England and that New England now currently has full control and sovereignty over Bermuda.


The documents regarding the structure of the former-Ardorian IMSS network, as well as other documents and the like, has been brought over to New England, where they will be stored in a top-secret government facility somewhere in Boston.

On a related note, progress are currently underway to integrate the IMSS into the IUSS network, and to bring it to New Englander standards.

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After a period of absence, the Unified National Command transmitted an update to the Department of Defense.

Border fortifications:

  • First line: 100% (100% in Pennsylvania)
  • Second line: 100% (100% in Pennsylvania)
  • Third line (Pennsylvania): 100%
  • Mid-Atlantic Line: 23%
  • Virginia Line: 25%

Coastal defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%
  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • New Columbia: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%

Air defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%
  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • New Columbia: 100%
  • West Virginia: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%

Seaborne defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%
  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%

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The Unified National Command duly transmitted its report to the Department of Defense.

Border fortifications:

  • First line: 100% (100% in Pennsylvania)
  • Second line: 100% (100% in Pennsylvania)
  • Third line (Pennsylvania): 100%
  • Mid-Atlantic Line: 34%
  • Virginia Line: 37%

Coastal defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%
  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • New Columbia: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%

Air defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%
  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • New Columbia: 100%
  • West Virginia: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%

Seaborne defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%
  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%

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The IUSS Department has announced that the integration of the former Ardoria's IMSS network into the IUSS has been successful so far. Hundreds, if not thousands, of IMSS feeds and allays in the Atlantic Ocean have been incorporated into the IUSS network and are currently being configured and updated to New Englander standards.

In addition, the IUSS network are currently being expanded to New England's newest output of Bermuda. Hundreds, if not thousands, of IUSS sea-based launchers, work stations, and allays will be placed on the seafloor around Bermuda (discussions are currently underway to expand the IUSS to cover a vast portion of the Atlantic Ocean to include the area from Bermuda to mainland New England to Newfoundland, but excluding Tahoan Nova Scotia).

When this process is complete, the IMSS will become a feature of the IUSS and will provide New England with an indispensable view of the Atlantic Ocean.

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The Northeast Corridor is now complete. According to the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, more popularly known as Netrak, Boston and Washington City was now fully connected and citizens could now travel freely between the two cities. In addition to Washington City, Boston was now connected to Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and New York City.

The Northeast Regional was nearing completion as railways were steadily being completed between Pittsburgh and Washington City; the railways running from the New Columbian capital to Richmond, as well as Hampton, was nearly complete as workers made progress. The same went for the railroad running from Boston to Washington City.

Regarding the Southwest Corridor, it was currently being connected to the Northeast Regional and the Northwest Corridor through the cities of Pittsburgh, Charleston, and Richmond. Railways were completed between Columbus, Cleveland, and Toledo, going as far as Wheeling; the one running to Roanoke is currently under construction. Slowly and steadily, New England was being connected – and interconnected – together.


Two senators pushed for a bill in the National Assembly to ban texting while driving. Senators Chuck Schumer of New York and Robert Menendez of New Jersey lobbied for the passage of what they termed the ‘Public Driving Safety Act.’ The proposed bill, if passed, would prohibit any driver from sending text messages or emails while driving and empower the Stasi and police agencies to enforce the Act.

The Act applies to drivers of all types, but focuses on two types of drivers in particular: truck drivers and operators of mass-transit. In accordance to the proposed bill, the Department of Transportation will establish minimum standards for states to comply: states that fail to enact and enforce the act will face the possible consequences of forgoing about 50 percent of their annual federal budget apportionments from the federal government. But, according to Schumer, states could recoup the money by meeting the standards.

The bill will cover not only the states but also the territories. This goes to show that the territories are not exempt from New Englander law. As Schumer puts it, “just because they do not have voice in the National Assembly, doesn’t mean they will not be affected by any laws passed by the federal government.”

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The Northeast Corridor is now complete. According to the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, more popularly known as Netrak, Boston and Washington City was now fully connected and citizens could now travel freely between the two cities. In addition to Washington City, Boston was now connected to Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and New York City.

The Northeast Regional was nearing completion as railways were steadily being completed between Pittsburgh and Washington City; the railways running from the New Columbian capital to Richmond, as well as Hampton, was nearly complete as workers made progress. The same went for the railroad running from Boston to Washington City.

Regarding the Southwest Corridor, it was currently being connected to the Northeast Regional and the Northwest Corridor through the cities of Pittsburgh, Charleston, and Richmond. Railways were completed between Columbus, Cleveland, and Toledo, going as far as Wheeling; the one running to Roanoke is currently under construction. Slowly and steadily, New England was being connected – and interconnected – together.

The National Public Transit Authority of J Andres believes firmly that connecting the J Andres railway system to that of New England will benefit the economies of both nations. Railways already link the major population centers of Endor Cuidad, Providence, Newport, and Narragansett, and comprehensive subway systems through these larger cities are under construction. The NPTA could easily lay some track to make a connection to the Netrak lines in and around Attleboro without too much of a hassle. The NPTA is also willing to lay track west of Narragansett to connect to Netrak lines in Connecticuit, essentially providing Netrak passengers with a faster voyage from Boston to Washington, or New York. Not only would this strengthen the J Andres economy by creating Endor Cuidad as a midway destination, but it would provide easy access to New England for many of our urban residents, most who no longer own an automobile since the growth of urban development to accomodate for J Andres population density growth.

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The National Public Transit Authority of J Andres believes firmly that connecting the J Andres railway system to that of New England will benefit the economies of both nations. Railways already link the major population centers of Endor Cuidad, Providence, Newport, and Narragansett, and comprehensive subway systems through these larger cities are under construction. The NPTA could easily lay some track to make a connection to the Netrak lines in and around Attleboro without too much of a hassle. The NPTA is also willing to lay track west of Narragansett to connect to Netrak lines in Connecticuit, essentially providing Netrak passengers with a faster voyage from Boston to Washington, or New York. Not only would this strengthen the J Andres economy by creating Endor Cuidad as a midway destination, but it would provide easy access to New England for many of our urban residents, most who no longer own an automobile since the growth of urban development to accomodate for J Andres population density growth.

Hm, we agree with this proposition. Our contractors in Netrak would be interested into setting up business with the National Public Transit Authority of J Andres. We can lay new tracks to connect with the J Andres railway system through our borders. In addition to Attleboro, Netrak can build new railways through the city of Franklin so our citizens can easily access each other's borders from every direction.

Edited by JEDCJT
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With the victory of Tom Dobbs and the re-establishment of the Federation of Pravus Ingruo, New England's southern border has been opened once again and the 'shoot-to-kill' order rescinded.


In conjunction with relaxing border security procedures at all areas of the border (except these with the Great Lakes State, which remains closed), the Department of Defense concluded that the best way to guard the border in the efficient way possible is to link all border outposts with satellites as to maximize their intelligence and surveillance mechanism.

According to Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates in a private conference to government and military officials, the system will utilize video-conferencing, remote-sensing systems, computerized posts, satellite phones, as well as other devices and means. The system will be integrated and interconnected with the current border fortifications to maximize their efficiency. That way, Gates said, the Department of Defense can keep closer and effective communication with the border outposts and be updated on everything happening at the border.

Next, the entire outermost border fortification line (the Mainland Line and Virginian Line) will be outfitted with hundreds, if not thousands, of surveillance robots (referred to as ‘sentry units’). Named the Surveillance and Security Automated Guard (SSAG-1), the robot is a stationary system that will utilize advanced camera systems and software to monitor movement, and help alert border personnel to formulate an appropriate response. The SSAG-1 will be configured in a way that it will be immune to ‘false alarms’; it will be equipped with a ‘anti-theft’ alarm system to prevent any intruder from “sneaking up behind it.”


The Surveillance and Security Automated Guard (SSAG-1)

Lastly, the SSAG-1 will be fitted with automatic weapons, most probably a light machine-gun. As the SSAG-1 can be fitted with all type of weapons, there is the question of whether the robots can withstand a military invasion. But it is more likely, Gates concluded, that the entire system will serve to “slow the enemy down and perhaps inflict some casaulties” rather than a full-fledged combat system.

Construction will begin immediately, and various government and private defense contractors, as well as workers and specialists, will be involved in this project.

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Hm, we agree with this proposition. Our contractors in Netrak would be interested into setting up business with the National Public Transit Authority of J Andres. We can lay new tracks to connect with the J Andres railway system through our borders. In addition to Attleboro, Netrak can build new railways through the city of Franklin so our citizens can easily access each other's borders from every direction.

The new track layouts have been approved and are slated to begin construction soon. Estimates put the completion of the connection to the Netrak lines in the latter half of this year.

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Regarding the recent outbreak of border clashes between New England and the Great Lakes State—or rather the terrorists in the GLS—the Department of Defense elevated New England to DEFCON 2, the highest level of alert ever issued.


Evacuation of civilians from the border areas, particularly Toledo, Buffalo, and Niagara Falls, are currently underway, with hundreds being boarded into emergency trains and vehicles and transported to safe areas deep within New England. A ‘state of emergency’ was duly declared by the Governors of Ohio and New York, and subsequently by President Kennedy.

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The National Assembly voted to implement a wartime curfew law. Named the National Curfew Act, the act established a curfew in the border areas of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York State neighboring the GLS. Under the act, civilians in the affected regions are required to be off the streets from 10am to 5pm, and from 7pm to 8am; government officials and civilians in possession of certain state documents (such as businesspeople, etc) are exempt from this. Failure to comply with this Act will be grounds for persecution. Civilians can apply for a ‘Special Curfew Exemption Permit’ visa at the nearest National Registry Office.


In one of the nation’s labor camps located in northern New York, Camp Freedom, Stasi agents and police officials began organizing a ‘relocation’ of the camp’s prisoner population to another area in central Vermont. Located near the town of Barre, Camp Democracy will be a temporary ‘holding place’ for criminals, political prisoners, and the like for as long as the war lasts. Hundreds of armored Stasi and military vans began ferrying the prisoners, under heavy guard, through isolated routes from New York to Vermont. With a population of some 800, Camp Democracy is the smallest labor camp in New England, and thus it was a suitable place to store prisoners there, away from the warzone—and denying them the opportunity to escape.

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The City of New York paused today to commemorate the sixteenth (OOC: J Andres’s calendar) anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Throughout the city, hundreds of mourners assembled in the city’s central park to mourn and honor the victims of the worst attack in North American history. They observed two moments of silence in front of the Freedom Tower, built on the site of the World Trade Center.

Church bells rang throughout the New York capital as it fell silent at precisely 8:46am and 9:03am—the times the hijacked aircrafts slammed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center. In addition to New York City, hundreds of mourners are converging upon the crash sites at the former Pentagon building, in Virginia, and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Families held photos of their loved ones as they wiped tears as the names of the victims were read out. Sixteen years before, on September 11, 2001, New Yorkers—J Andres citizens at the time—were going about their daily business when suddenly two airliners struck the World Trade Center. As the stunned nation reeled from the horrible attacks, one more airliner struck the Pentagon (a fourth one attempted to crash into the Commune building in Endor Cuidad, but failed and crashed in Pennsylvania instead). Approximately 3,000 people were killed on that terrible day. Three thousands lives lost because of the cowardly actions of terrorists that hijacked the airliners on the day that was to be known as 9/11.

President John F. Kennedy and his wife, as well as Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, Secretary of State Franklin D. Roosevelt, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, New York Governor David Paterson and Mayor Michael Bloomberg solemnly observed a moment of silence today. Vice President Johnson laid flowers at a reflecting pool, while Bloomberg announced that the city will safeguard the memory of these who died. A wreath is to be laid at the Pentagon Memorial to honor the 184 people who died when the airliner slammed into the building. President Kennedy will meet with family members of the victims.

Sixteen years ago today, one of the most horrifying attacks ever undertaken in history occurred. On that day, September the eleventh, a group of individuals filled with nothing but hatred for the nation of J Andres and the world, committed an act that had catastrophic consequences. We are still feeling the effects today.” President Kennedy stated in a speech in front of the Freedom Tower, to a crowd of thousands, midst the rain. “We will never forget that terrible day, for it is seared upon the memory of History. Today is a day of sorrow and tragedy, but also a day of heroism and unity.” By serving our community, and the nation and the world as a whole, we commemorate our past while preparing for our future, Kennedy said. “The victims of the horrible attacks will never be forgotten. Today, we pay remembrance to them, not only to the three thousand victims who perished in the attacks, but also to the brave firefighters and police officials who valiantly risked their lives to save these trapped in the sites of the attacks. God bless them, always.

OOC: Hope I didn’t offend anybody, or set off sensitive feelings or anything like that. :(

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A small envelope would arrive to President Kennedy early on the morning of the eleventh, upon opening it there was a small letter along with a single white rose attached.


Such loss of life will forever be lamented in the world and it is precisely for these reasons that war must stop completely. That death must stop completely. My only wish is that perhaps, the world's people can learn better than us, their leaders, for we seem cannot fix the problems at hand. Your country and the people that died this day will forever be in my heart and in my prayers.



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OOC: No offense taken.

IC: "It is good to remember the tragedies of the past, to remember heroes who fell to prevent them from being worse, and learn from any mistakes that lead up to them. That does not mean we should focus on them to the exclusion of all else, but they should never be forgotten."

OOC: Sarah, he's not saying they died today--he's referring to the RL event of 9/11 as a past event here.

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Later in the day, after visiting—and comforting—the families of the victims, President Kennedy and the rest of the federal government would return to Boston. Upon entering his office, the President would be informed by his aides that he’d received a letter. It had a single white rose attached.

Opening it, the President scanned over it, smiling a little as he read the letter. Sitting down on his desk, Kennedy got out his pen and began scribbling a response:


I thank you for your condolences. What happened that day sixteen years ago was truly horrible, indeed, and countless of our families are still mourning and honoring their loved ones. To think that a person or persons could do such thing against another person or persons. The world has become a terrible place, sunk to such a level that humanity have lost its morals and values. But we will have to live with it, and move on. Let us not dwell on the past, but move toward a bright future. May God bless you always.


With that, Kennedy folded the letter and placed it in an envelope. Calling in an aide, the President gave it to him, explaining, “You know where to put that.” The aide nodded. “Yes, sir.” He took the envelope and walked out of the office. Heaving a heavy sigh, the President leaned back on his chair, fingering the rose.

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OOC: A new fighter, a new boat, a new AA Defense Network, you even got a new stadium.....How come I can't have nice things.... :(

Also we pay tribute to those who died in the 9/11 attacks, we wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors to keep New england safe.

Edited by Razgriz 2K9
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Acting on anonymous tipoffs, Stasi and NYPD agents conducted a series of raids on several houses in the Queens borough of New York City. According to New York Department spokesman, Paul Browne, the raids were among the “special measures undertaken to safeguard the safety of New England, its people, and government.” But law enforcement officials have reported that they had found no weapons of incriminating nature—weapons or bombs—so far, but have stated that they will continue the investigations and that this was a ‘preventative measure’ undertaken to combat the threat of terrorism.

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Construction of the Virginia Line resumed as thousands of construction workers and supervisors steadily filed back to the unfinished fortifications, under heavy guard by the Army and the Stasi. Efforts to integrate the IMSS system into the IUSS system resumed as well. However, the Mainland Line remains ‘suspended’ until further notice. The Unified National Command will file its biweekly report to the Defense Department in a month’s time.

In conjunction with the construction of the VL, thousands of Surveillance and Security Automated Guard (SSAG-1) sentry robots will be integrated into the VL, and later the ML when its construction resumed.


The National Assembly passed a resolution mandating the execution of all inmates by hanging and firing squad at all labor camps as well criminals at selected federal prisons and penitentiaries by January 1, 2018. In addition, a mandatory appeal period of seven months will be instituted where prisoners can file for an extension of their sentences by another ten months if approved. Lastly, there are plans to close down Camp Freedom and relocate its prisoners to another secure location, to be located on either Bermuda or Guantanamo Bay.


After deliberations, the Public Driving Safety Act was passed by the National Assembly and signed into law by President Kennedy. At a stroke of a pen, texting while driving became illegal and the Stasi and regular police were empowered to enforce the law in every way possible. Violations of the law entailed a heavy fine of $400 and a verbal warning for the first offense; any repeat offenses entailed arrest and detainment without the right to trial, possible persecution in a People’s Trial, and/or execution.


In the New Englander-occupied areas of GLS, regular Army soldiers and Stasi troopers instituted law and order. New Englander laws (most) temporarily took effect as law was enforced in the areas behind the New Englander front lines. In occupied cities such as Ann Arbor, Mississauga, and Toronto, curfew and martial law was declared. Once the terrorists in GLS has been eradicated and the legitimate government restored—and strengthened—the New Englanders will withdraw.

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The Unified National Command submitted its report to the Defense Department for the first time in weeks.

Border fortifications:

  • First line: 100% (100% in Pennsylvania)
  • Second line: 100% (100% in Pennsylvania)
  • Third line (Pennsylvania): 100%
  • Mid-Atlantic Line: 34%
  • Virginia Line: 45%

Coastal defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%
  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • New Columbia: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%

Air defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%
  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • New Columbia: 100%
  • West Virginia: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%

Seaborne defenses: 100%

  • New Jersey: 100%
  • Pennsylvania: 100%
  • Maryland: 100%
  • Virginia: 100%
  • Delaware: 100%
  • Ohio: 100%
  • Bermuda: 35%

Much progress has been made into integrating the IMSS into the IUSS. Progress are estimated to be around 35 percent.


Regarding the situation in the GLS, and the proximity of the front lines to New England, the Department of Defense lowered New England to DEFCON 3. However, the port cities along the Great Lakes remain in high state of alert and the National Curfew Act still remains in effect.

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Progress on the Virginia Line was suspended once again, due to the elevation of the nation to DEFCON 2 in response to the situation regarding Texas. However, work on the IUSS and IMSS around Bermuda continued on as usual. Progress is estimated to be around 47 percent.

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