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Dragon Empire: The Imperial Congress and its daily actions.

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"We have just been made aware of a nuclear event in the former NPR area. We are recognizing PRC control over the region given their previous land claims to the zone and sending assistance. We recommend the entire empire go to the highest possible radiation alert levels for your state in case the fallout shifts. Reports are that several large yield nuclear devices went off during testing in the area." Maelstrom was the bearer of bad news this time.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Tasmanian Republic ODP+Free Trade

We vote yes.

Golgotha Free Trade Agreement

We vote yes.

We also vote yes to full war with Pax Pacis. 2 Shock Army Division and 3 ACR is now being sent to invade Pax Pacis. The 1 Battle fleet in station near Khmer is aptly equipped to deal with naval matters relating to Pax Pacis campaign. Priority tasking will be to sink Pax Pacis air craft carriers.

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The Kingdom of Cochin has validated and commissioned its Strategic Defense Initiative, called Bright Star. We tested it with an SLBM launched at Cochin City which was successfully interdicted by Bright Star.

We propose that the Dragon Empire extend a full SDI net over all its territories so that we can as a whole be protected by Bright Star.

We shall have to set up some new radar stations, similar to the HAWK Strategic defense radars which form part of Bright Star in Cochin, station new ABM stations for interdiction. The Bright Star laser facilities are not geographically constrained.

If Legislature finds this in agreement we shall send our Strategic Command teams to discuss positioning and installation of various components. We expect a timeframe of 1 year (1 month RL) for Bright Star to secure the whole of Dragon Empire from the approval order.

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Upon hearing the news of Anthony Davis' death, President Landry slammed the phone into the receiver over and over. "GODDAMNIT!" she screamed. Her aides quietly slipped out of the room as she cursed and screamed. Landry dialed Maelstrom's number,

"It's been awhile since we've talked, and it seems like such a long time ago when we formed our powerful alliance. I know how close you were to Anthony, and I couldn't claim to have even half the connection with him as you. But we were close and the two of us worked together very well. Even though we commonly disagreed on an issue, we always compromised and he always comforted me through our tumultous times.

I say that his death is the last straw. I'm tired of losing close friends to these ruthless dictators. I say we push our border to the sea and annex the territory. This can assure us that we will have one less potentially dangerous neighbor."

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Melvin Republic votes "Aye" to the Golgotha Free Trade Agreement.

Dragon empire and bloc forces are to begin the land invasion of Pax Pacis. Nearly all Melvin Republican armored and mechanized divisions are en route now. 70% of our airforce has been rerouted to missions in the area.

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Maelstrom responded on the phone call, "The Armies of Dragonisia were so pissed off when they crossed the borders that the Pax Pacis army saw what was coming and most surrendered.. the rest fled. The carriers off the coast were sunk by a bomber wave using Saborian Anti-Ship missiles. I appreciate your sympathy... and yeah.. I lost a brother today.. The opposing government has basically capitulated.. we're moving in. His death shall not be in vain. As for annexing it. I've mixed feelings about it, but it is a possibility. We'll talk about it more in congress but I think I want to put issues regarding the accursed peninsula aside for a few days.. and let people rest. I'm so very tired. The wars are ending. I just need a bit of a break. Perhaps we can resume discussion over the fate of the region after the Funeral is over in 3 days."

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Melvin Republic votes "Aye" to the Golgotha Free Trade Agreement.

Dragon empire and bloc forces are to begin the land invasion of Pax Pacis. Nearly all Melvin Republican armored and mechanized divisions are en route now. 70% of our airforce has been rerouted to missions in the area.

"The Golgotha agreement is approved then fully. What say Melvin Republic on the Tasmanian ODP + Free trade issue?"

ooc: I hold nothing against Kevz.. it made for some good drama and Tasmania is/was Maelstrom's homeland so I'm reacting to it as he normally would.. wanting to protect it and provide it trade support.

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Megan Fox was called back from Douala and sent to Imperial Congress as the diplomat from the PRC,

She of course was still pregnant and her belly was shown when she stood up to speak.

"Nations of the Empire, I thank you for accepting our membership into the Empire. I am once again proud to be part of the Dragon Empire as I was in the last one as Deputy Chairman, those were good days the cholans and the dragonisians, but nonetheless the PRC is happy to be here and as per our trust with the Empire, we shall be revealing some secrets about the PRC that we expect to stay within these chambers. We shall reveal who our real leaders are in due time. Also, we know we have had some bad ties with Cochin in the past and we are willing to put that behind us and move forward for a united empire. "

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"Our rules are such that when something is inherently showing little to no resistance and has a high probability of being approved with over half the votes needed that unless objections are cast within 24 hours then the vote is affirmed. It is the anti-filibuster clause. it has never failed us. It allows us to continue to function if one or two states are still out of commission."

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The attendants to the legislature handed out wine glasses to all representatives present. The Chairman stood, and spoke...

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I only wish.. that Anthony had lived to see this day.. a day where our influence has expanded to both protect almost all of China.. all of India.. and most of central Asia. He would have been so proud.. of the nations of Asia.. and what we have done in achieving this great unity. We are currently 8 strong.. 9 if you count the vast resources of Nanosolar Technology.. 10, if you count our potential member state of Neo Taiwan who is right now going through the voting processes.

It is a period which has netted the reunion of old friends. I am very pleased to have Megan Fox at my side. I hope that Emperor Nebu of Neo Taiwan will be joining us in these halls shortly also. Let us make a vow, that we will use the great power with which the collective peoples of Asia have blessed us.. with due humility and care. May we stand strong in our democratic unity.. and may we find solutions to alll of Asia's problems. A toast.. to our successes.

Welcome to all the new blood upon these floors. May you serve and represent your people well. A toast.. to our new members also.

The Chairman raised his own glass to toast the crowd an then drank his wine and set it on the podium.

Let us bask in the glory of what we have created..
He pressed a button and behind his chair at the Trium's seating, a giant world map was projected onto a white screen...


With that, does anyone here have any new business the Empire needs to attend to at the momment?
Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"Dragonisia moves we make MNU a corporate member of the Empire with a full vote. They contribute to the defense and well being of India and are a corporation of unprecedentedly large resources which is why we would like to see them admitted as a corporate member. They're also an asset to other members of the Empire who have used their services."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Megan Fox was called back from Douala and sent to Imperial Congress as the diplomat from the PRC,

She of course was still pregnant and her belly was shown when she stood up to speak.

"Nations of the Empire, I thank you for accepting our membership into the Empire. I am once again proud to be part of the Dragon Empire as I was in the last one as Deputy Chairman, those were good days the cholans and the dragonisians, but nonetheless the PRC is happy to be here and as per our trust with the Empire, we shall be revealing some secrets about the PRC that we expect to stay within these chambers. We shall reveal who our real leaders are in due time. Also, we know we have had some bad ties with Cochin in the past and we are willing to put that behind us and move forward for a united empire. "

We welcome PRC to DE. Among !@#$%* occasional antagonism is the norm but we can prove that we can brush off such histories and embark on a friendlier and cooperative future. Welcome!

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"Dragonisia moves we make MNU a corporate member of the Empire with a full vote. They contribute to the defense and well being of India and are a corporation of unprecedentedly large resources which is why we would like to see them admitted as a corporate member. They're also an asset to other members of the Empire who have used their services."

"No objections here. An yes, that means yes."

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"The Government of Tibet has fallen. Given its core nature to our Empire I am going to suggest that Cochin take control of Tibet on a permanent basis. I would have Dragonisia do so, but it'd stretch our forces to much. If not Cochin can enforce it as a protectorate. Right now they are one of the few states with sufficient influence to add territory."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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