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Just curoius


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Fish / Marble is a very good combo and you should easily be able to find the best trade set of Fast Food / Construction / Beer + Fish + Gems / Uranium. Fish / Wheat is the best combo in the game due to the population bonuses it gives, but I find that having any 2 of the 13 resources needed for the above setup is good enough. Although I couldn't say no to native Uranium :awesome:

Also Rubber / Gold isn't as bad as Furs / Oil or Lead / Silver. At least you can find a stable trade set with Rubber / Gold.

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The real question is what is the best trade set? >_>

Some people don't like marble because it gives you no income boost.

Edited by dealmaster13
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Speaking of 8BR being for suckers, I guess I am a sucker?

My native resources are aluminum and uranium.

Well, I'm trying to get a trade set that will give me all bonus resources except fast food, affluent, and beer. It gives me a minus 35.2% infrastructure cost, hence I can upgrade and increase population.

But what I've also been trying to weigh is what if I get the population boosting resources? Would the "free" population boost out perform paying for cheaper infrastructure? And at the same time out perform the effects of the 8BR trade set?

Increasing my infrastructure gives happiness which means citizens make more if I read correctly?

Arghhh...I keep going back and forth on the resource tool trying to figure out what I should do.

Your thoughts are greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Population boosting resources outperform infra cost reducing resources for two reasons:

1. The more population boosting resources you have, the more they help (1.08*1.08> 1.16) and the more infra reducing resources you get the less each one helps you (.90*.92>.82).

2. As your nation gets larger, and has more infra, your boosting resources give you more citizens.

I have not checked your nation, so I do not know if you are still in the building stage (as far as improvements are concerned) but population boosting resources get you new improvements faster, thus making you even more money.

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Yes population boosters are the best resources since they in reality gives you double the bonus.

Not only do you have more people so you get more tax payers, but more people also enables you to build more improvements so that you get the improvement bonuses too.

More people also alows you to have more soldiers, that means you get to have more tanks as well.

So not only do you get more improvements, but you get ecconomic and military benefits as well.

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