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Announcement from the DOA

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The Democratic Order of Anarchy has gone away with it's large Constitution, and has made a new and improved, smaller Charter!


Democratic Order of Anarchy Charter


The Democratic Order of Anarchy (hereby referred as DOA) establishes this Charter of the alliance. Any current and future members are to adhere and follow it.

Article I: Membership

Any and all persons may enter the DOA as long as they meet the following criteria:

  • Must not be on any PZI or EZI listings
  • Must fill out application correctly
  • Willing to participate to advance the alliance in any way

All members have sole rights to their nation to do what they want within the following boundaries:

  • Must not attack or tech raid any blue team color nation or nation that is allied to another alliance unless told so by a council member.
  • If a banker, must send aid/loans when requested

Article II: Government

The DOA government shall be comprised of one elected head, known as the Commissioner, who shall have a Lieutenant Commissioner to help with the every day duties, and shall take over if the Commissioner becomes inactive for more than five (5) days.

There will also be a four (4) man council, also elected that shall serve under the Commissioner. The positions on this council shall be for the following:

  • Recruitment
  • Economics
  • Military
  • Foreign/Internal Affairs

The council shall assist the Commissioner with the daily duties of the alliance as well as set goals for each Division.

The Commissioner and the council shall be voted on every three (3) months, and each one shall be sworn in, using the following quote:

I, (Ruler Name), do solemnly swear to uphold the Charter of the DOA to the best of my ability. My service shall be to the alliance, and to the Charter alone. I shall not look to exploit any one member or the alliance for personal gain.

If any person in the government is found not to be following his/her swearing in, the members have the right to convict him/her and vote in a new person to take his/her place. The impeachment and conviction of said government official must have a ¾ vote from the entire membership, excluding the governing body.

Article III: Elections

All elections shall take place 8 days before the new term is suppose to begin. There shall be 2 days of nominations, 3 days of debates, and 3 days of elections.

Any member may nominate himself/herself or someone else if said person meets the following criteria:

  • Must have been in Alliance for at least 60 days
  • Must be in good standing with the alliance (By word of current government)

If said person is nominated for Commissioner, must also have the following criteria:

  • Must have been an officer or part of the government currently or in the past.

Each Nominee may only hold one position at a time.have been a Commissioner or on the Council previously.

Article IV: Declaration of War

The Commissioner, with the counsel and advice of the Military councilman, along with 3/4 consensus of the council, shall declare that the DOA is at war with any alliance/nation.

If and when the DOA has nuclear arms, they shall not be used. The use of said armaments are for extreme measures only.

Amendments to Charter

Any and all Amendments to the DOA charter must be unanimously agreed upon by the DOA government.


AsianLeader- Founding Member

Arkzist- Founding Member

Spark8989- Founding Member

Edited by AsianLeader
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