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Tech Disappearance?

Tom Litler

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I sent 50 units of technology in a tech deal. Upon sending the offer, 50 had disappeared from my nation. However, when the person accepted my aid, the other 50 (I have like 103) had vanished.

I've bought 100 tech since but can someone look into this? Is it normal?

Edit: spelling

Edited by Tom Litler
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I sent 50 united of technology in a tech deal. Upon sending the offer, 50 had disappeared from my nation. However, when the person accepted my aid, the other 50 (I have like 103) had vanished.

I've bought 100 tech since but can someone look into this? Is it normal?

Tech should only be deducted from your nation when the aid recipient accepts. You are currently involved in several aid transactions. My guess is that 2 different aid recipients both accepted their respective offers this morning, and thus 100 tech was deducted. Check your PMs to confirm...you should see the timestamps on the Aid Accepted messages to verify.

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Tech should only be deducted from your nation when the aid recipient accepts. You are currently involved in several aid transactions. My guess is that 2 different aid recipients both accepted their respective offers this morning, and thus 100 tech was deducted. Check your PMs to confirm...you should see the timestamps on the Aid Accepted messages to verify.

I'm not stupid (don't worry, it's not meant to be as harsh as it sounds), I thought of that already.

I am fairly certain that there's nowhere that the tech could have gone. I had no other active transactions at the time.

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You have two aid offers that were accepted today, both for 50 tech >.<

I'd put 95% odds on that being the cause. Since both were sent and accepted today it means from about 7:50am gametime until now your nation has lost 100 tech, 50 to each aid offer.

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One may have accepted near update, which would mean you wouldn't get the in-game message... they are stopped during update (or were during the crux of the war, dunno if that has been fixed).

The game's automated messages were still generated and sent during the time around update. What was stopped was the ability of players to send messages manually. So anything you did that generates an automated message like attack, accept a pending trade, etc was still generated and sent. You just couldn't send your buddy a message asking him WazzUp.

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You have two aid offers that were accepted today, both for 50 tech >.<

I'd put 95% odds on that being the cause. Since both were sent and accepted today it means from about 7:50am gametime until now your nation has lost 100 tech, 50 to each aid offer.

That was the 100 tech I bought when I made this thread.

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That was the 100 tech I bought when I made this thread.
I sent 50 united of technology in a tech deal. Upon sending the offer, 50 had disappeared from my nation. However, when the person accepted my aid, the other 50 (I have like 103) had vanished.

You had at least 100 tech when you sent those offers, according to what you said. When both were accepted, you lost 100 tech. Then, you rebought 100 tech giving you what you now have.

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You had at least 100 tech when you sent those offers, according to what you said. When both were accepted, you lost 100 tech. Then, you rebought 100 tech giving you what you now have.

Listen: the 50 tech I lost was when I sent an aid offer of $1 and 50 tech to deSouza which preceded the offers you're talking about it.

Look, if I'm a liar or I'm just stupid, could one of the mods just lock this? I really am growing tired of having to argue that I'm not mistaken.

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Listen: the 50 tech I lost was when I sent an aid offer of $1 and 50 tech to deSouza which preceded the offers you're talking about it.

Look, if I'm a liar or I'm just stupid, could one of the mods just lock this? I really am growing tired of having to argue that I'm not mistaken.

It's generally appreciated if when reporting problems, you do a good job actually reporting what happened so that those that help you don't have to guess at what happened.

I sent 50 united of technology in a tech deal.

what does this mean?

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