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Don't Worry, Be Happy


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Just FYI, I didn't read the whole topic before posting. Sorry, I just couldn't be bothered.

Anyways, the status quo would indeed still be changed if Karma turns out to be as bad as the previous people in power. If Karma turns out as bad as the previous people in power, those whining about Karma being just as bad will not be wielding the power. So they still have cause to complain.

Notice the ifs. I am not saying that I do not like Karma. Nor am I saying that I dislike NPO et al. I have no strong feelings toward either (except Calderone and IRON are cool). I am merely explaining from a neutral standpoint why those whining about it actually have something to whine about it.

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Does there have to be one? Or have we grown so used to a unipolar world that we can't imagine anything else...

As long as human beings play CN there will be conflict. There are already many signs that Karma doesn't get along at all. There will be propaganda and the natural sense of anamosity towards whomever is losing the propaganda war will build. Especially if they are in a dominant NS/Sanction/Bloc position.

For instance, NPO probably never actually wronged a good portion of the people and alliances that rally against them.

Sure they definitely had their bad moments but to hear many people on here NPO, a 1000 nation alliance was crushing the life out of the other 28 or 29k nations on Bob to the point that no one was able to prosper.

In the end certain people just used very effective propaganda against NPO to spread negativity towards them and I guess convince them that the NPO was indeed coming for their children and wouldn't stop until Bob was devoid of anyone not in NPO.

You see it in the GGA cancellation and GGA/Athens threads for example. Anything that looks remotely negative against the NPO is instantly believed and hailed by the masses without them even giving it logical thought or even them reading the thread for any explaination.

Those same masses will eventually be conditioned to hate Alliance X and bloc Y by the enemies of said alliance/bloc as they read near constant negativity towards that alliance or bloc for weeks and months on here.

It may or may not happen immediately after this war, but it will happen sooner or later.

This is one of the reasons I think Frostbite will be a very very good bloc. They have some of the best OWF posters and spin masters in the game in their various alliances. I say that as a total compliment to those guys. Barring internal issues they will carry a lot of influence on the future of Bob if that is their desire.

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It was obvious to me that Pacifica was going to get rolled(well, not actually rolled, but certainly weren't going to be winning) about 3 or 4 months ago, one of the things I disagreed with while I was a Pacifican ironically, was their retardedly low warchest requirements, I had over 100 days bills as my minimum, and when people were like "OH MAN WHY DO WE NEED SO MUCH MONEY IN OUR WARCHESTS, I'D RATHER BUY INFRA" I got annoyed, because I knew how quick you can burn through cash during wartime, and made numerous discussions in #npowned and with NPO FA leaders along the lines of "oh hay you need to actually be nice to your allies", when Grämlins left Q, it was obvious there was going to be something happening at some point in the future, had NPO not started this war when they did? maybe it never would have happened, but we'll never know now. Karma victory was certain the moment NPO declared war, I have spreadsheets of the war sides from about a month before this war actually occurred, and guess what? the numbers still weren't favorable for the hegemony, not to mention they had alliances like Polaris that I knew for a fact were not going to be fighting alongside NPO. Plus I believe I stated I respected Grämlins for leaving long before this war looked likely. they may have looked even to the public, but anyone with a little common sense could have made a cas for the hegemony losing. the current VE was an "NPO crony"(your term, not mine) until a few months ago when this war was supposed to happen. I dont recall saying that anyone was an NPO crony, especially not Polaris or Fark, but they were NPO's allies. and I agree it was their own doing, but they knew if they didn't strike first they'd get rolled anyway later down the road, and have even less allies to go to bat for them.

Fun story: Sunday afternoon, the day before NPO attacked, I was throwing around strategies in the SF channel for how best to utilize resources in a FAN war scenario because we expected to get curbstomped. Doitzel's reaction to the political situation that day was priceless, let me tell you.

Political meltdown aside, most of the spreadsheets I had put us at a slight numerical disadvantage that I figured we could overcome with better preparation. I actually laughed out loud at the one that was circling just prior to the war that turned out to be more accurate than anything I had. Our numerical advantage and the opposing lack of preparation beat out even our optimistic estimates by a landslide.

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I'm not saying that. I'm saying that a good portion of the NS that allowed Karma to wage this war is literally the Hegemony you claim to be evil.

They aren't like them, they aren't equal to them, they are them.

One of the problems with being the NPO's ally is once you're in, well you're in. Take what happened to CIS and VE post Great War III as an example. If you drop a MDP, MDoAP or whatever with the NPO you might as well just go ahead and have your milcom order everyone to DEFCON 1 because you're going to get rolled on some trumped up excuse. I always called this the 'Legion Complex'. Every time the NPO lost a MDP they had a flash back to GWI, broke out into a cold sweat and cried until someone brought them a warm glance of milk. Then they got their arrogant attitude back and rolled whoever broke away from them.

Leaving Q was a little more practical, but only if you left friends behind. There was that clause about not attacking the allies of other Continuum members. So when FOK left their various MDPs with Continuum members protected them. Of course there you really don't leave, you just leave the inner circle, but you're still in the same web.

I feel a large part of the NPO's web had signed treaties because they wanted to survive, not because they wanted to be evil. If you were in a precarious political situtation signing a MDP with the NPO ensured survival. The downside was you had to cough up support for BS stuff like tech raiding the GPA or the like.

Once it because clear you could break away and live there was a sudden rush for the door as the animals tried to escape the farm yard. So a large part of the Hegemony wasn't evil, it was just smart enough to bite its tongue and not get its alliance members roled in some pointless gesture of defiance.

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