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Yawn. You made me laugh to start with bud......now you're putting me to sleep. Put up or shut up.

It's just a game. If you think losing pixels is gonna make me stay awake at night worried about you, you're sorely mistaken. Most of LE has offered you guys peace LONG before you ever started making idol (and childish) threats. If you want to retaliate, then man up and do it. Otherwise, shut-up, help your alliance rebuild and enjoy the rest of the round. Good luck to you and the other 'idiots'.


your ignorance is annoying. LE put a clamp on your members mouths please before they make you look even more foolish

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We are an alliance of equals, a group who understands the value of planning, teamwork ,and coordination. That does not extend to telling members what they can and can not say on a forum.

We play for fun, and we do not cherish our pixels. We welcome all challenges, but would prefer that it were kept civil and friendly both here and in-game.

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Personally I would count similar sized alliances around similar NS, not numbers. You had a much higher average NS then Idiot but still found it necessary to spy away their nukes. Imo, you have acted as cowards.

wait double the NS size isnt similar? I won a few ground battles then got nuked to hell. Oh well, I guess LE didnt really want a fun battle.

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I will repeat it again for the slow:

War can be waged for Tech, For Fun, or for Principle. None of those are "fair", and if you only wish for a fair fight, then attempt to kick your little sister's $@!.

IDIOT threw down a gauntlet, and is now whining because that gauntlet was used to slap them down. Sorry, I fail to see the issue.

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I will repeat it again for the slow:

War can be waged for Tech, For Fun, or for Principle. None of those are "fair", and if you only wish for a fair fight, then attempt to kick your little sister's $@!.

IDIOT threw down a gauntlet, and is now whining because that gauntlet was used to slap them down. Sorry, I fail to see the issue.

no we didn't, and no we're not. pointing out how pathetic your opportunistic tech raid is does not make us whiners, but nice try. for an alliance that doesn't value its pixels, you sure do pick "challenges" where the odds are stacked in your favor. There is no Fun in one round of attacks, so you're not doing it for that. You're not attacking out of principle, so scratch that. That leaves for tech. You attacked us because you knew we were weaker and you took advantage of that fact. Stop trying to make it sound like anything other than an opportunistic tech raid, man up tell it like it is.

If you guys actually prided yourselves on any of the things you claimed to pride yourself on, you'd have attacked an alliance like MHA, Fark, or TRG. Fact is you didn't because you're cowards looking for a cowards loot. I'm not saying you can't do that, but don't expect me to sit around and not call your asses out for being cowards.

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I'll tell you what our purpose is.

If you don't accept my extremely generous way out of this war. LE will be destroyed, When we're done with you nation's you won't know what's happened to them. see the thing is, you messed with the wrong warmongering egoist. Anyone with half a !@#$@#$ brain can tell that I'm the wrong guy to mess with. You took advantage of IDIOT's perceived weakness from its internal restructuring to pick on a weaker alliance that wasn't prepared for war. You are sowing the seeds of dissent, and you WILL reap the whirlwind, that much i promise you.

Let's just see war. I haven't witnessed a good fight since all the world took on MInc. and IDIOT. LE are tough customers. If you really have a chance at destroying them, I want to see you try. It'll sure as hell be fun to watch.

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Last round in the presumptive strike war, LE blitzed Swat. That was a great little fight, very intense for a few days before

we both decided to peace out and move on. LE and Swat were about the same size, great fights, mutual admiration afterwards.

hmm that isn't how i am remembering it. i seem to remember 3 other alliances coordinating with LE to attack SWAT during the TE Initiative. it seems LE's PR is slowly getting better; at least this time, you are blitzing the evenly matched alliance all on your own :-)

******My comments no longer express the views of MHA, as I am no longer in the chain of command. This is simply my opinion as an unaligned ruler observing from a distance :-)******

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EDIT: Drunk jibberish!

CN:TE was made for war. War isnt pretty, and it damn sure isnt fair. Deal with it. If you dont want to be attacked..... STAY THE HELL OUT OF TOURNEY! Why cant you just have a good time? We are :)

Edited by Ferrie
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Elbo, your writing style within this thread is the reason is the reason MI was curbstomped. You came out in round 3 brash and obnoxios sounding like a spoiled 13 year old girl with a broken cell phone trying to tell everyone what to do. I'm not sure why you need to do that, but hey....it takes all kinds.

The leaders of alliances we have worked with in the past few rounds know we are not cowards. They also know we respect competence. Wars are not won by single battles nor a chess match by a few moves.

I hope your parents fix your cell phone soon.

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I think it might have been this thread that put MI or Idiots or whatever they're called

on our "to do" list early round 5:


We've had some great fights with some class acts the past 2 rounds. We've never run into

a situation like this that is all talk and threats, yet when attacked they don't fight, dump all their

troops, and cry victim. No Elbo, it wasn't a tech raid. I guess we called your bluff, that and

we don't like your mouthy style. Hope you cheer up pal....

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Murder Inc. and IDIOT are two separate alliances, no proof is better then false proof because that just makes you look stupid. Also I did hold LE in high respect, I believed that they played TE how it should be played, with even sides fighting even sides and the winner only wins because they are a better player not because they have higher strength. This attack you have treated as some sort of curb stomp or tech raid and in my book that is one of the most pathetic actions an alliance can take in TE.

I would like to reiterate that this is my opinion and not my alliances.

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Hello Kaiser, are you running TRG this round?

LE, I loved you guys when you were ran by DaddyAGW. You guys seemed ok last round, but I didn't appreciate the lie about all treaties getting cancelled >.> But, you guys are terrible this round. Your members are holding pass grudges and a grudge against another alliance so they're hitting this alliance now.

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your ignorance is annoying. LE put a clamp on your members mouths please before they make you look even more foolish

You, sir, are the one who looks foolish. For failing to back up your mindless words.

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You could always tell him to be more active on the forums. We love when alliance leaders actually talk, hence why we don't like Fark or MHA :P

And Glad to see you posting on the forums again :)

And the converse is also true - the UN brigade and OON's loudmouth talks alot, and they are very popular!

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How? He said 48 hours and it hasn't even been 48 hours. So please learn your facts.

Silly me.... 1 hour 56 minutes til' go time then, huh?

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As a rule, Lafayette Escadrille (as an alliance) will only attack alliances that are bigger than us. For the IDIOTS, we made an exception. I do not expect anyone, or everyone, to agree with this, nor do I really care. We had our reasons and still have them in fact, and will continue to peace out with the IDIOTS per our ROE. As a fellow alliance, they or anyone else is invited to hold us to the same standard that we expect: Fight back and peace out when the battle is lost, and offer a friendly S! for a fight well fought. So far, most of our opponents in the IDIOTS have done just that.

This thread is officially closed for the Lafayette Escadrille.

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As a rule, Lafayette Escadrille (as an alliance) will only attack alliances that are bigger than us. For the IDIOTS, we made an exception. I do not expect anyone, or everyone, to agree with this, nor do I really care. We had our reasons and still have them in fact, and will continue to peace out with the IDIOTS per our ROE. As a fellow alliance, they or anyone else is invited to hold us to the same standard that we expect: Fight back and peace out when the battle is lost, and offer a friendly S! for a fight well fought. So far, most of our opponents in the IDIOTS have done just that.

This thread is officially closed for the Lafayette Escadrille.

Just out of curiosity...what were the specific reasons for attacking IDIOT? I don't mean to sound hostile, as that isn't my intent...but if it's citing "Fun" or something else equally ambiguous. Then it will cause me to seriously question the reasons for this war.

Thank you in advance to answering my question.

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As a rule, Lafayette Escadrille (as an alliance) will only attack alliances that are bigger than us. For the IDIOTS, we made an exception. I do not expect anyone, or everyone, to agree with this, nor do I really care. We had our reasons and still have them in fact, and will continue to peace out with the IDIOTS per our ROE. As a fellow alliance, they or anyone else is invited to hold us to the same standard that we expect: Fight back and peace out when the battle is lost, and offer a friendly S! for a fight well fought. So far, most of our opponents in the IDIOTS have done just that.

This thread is officially closed for the Lafayette Escadrille.

you have your reasons why not be man enough to !@#$@#$ tell us. Oh is it b/c i went and got your poor ittle nations crushed when MI got curbstomped? I'm so sorry that i refuse to sit back and do nothing in TE. The fact is when i'm not posting and stirring the pot NO ONE DOES A GOD DAMNED THING! the lack of activity in these forums is evident enough of that fact, as is the recent spike in activity when i started posting again. don't like it? too !@#$@#$ bad at least i'm not cowards who have to go around attacking smaller alliances and not even telling people why. You don't like us? fine, just say so instead of beating around the bush trying to ride your moral !@#$@#$ high horse to victory. At least when i don't like someone, i !@#$@#$ tell them so.

hopefully you guys will man up eventually b/c there are a few cool guys in LE.

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How? He said 48 hours and it hasn't even been 48 hours. So please learn your facts.

tick, tock; tick, tock. "Deeds, not words" are words to live by. "Words, not deeds" are deeds to die by.

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I think it might have been this thread that put MI or Idiots or whatever they're called

on our "to do" list early round 5:


We've had some great fights with some class acts the past 2 rounds. We've never run into

a situation like this that is all talk and threats, yet when attacked they don't fight, dump all their

troops, and cry victim. No Elbo, it wasn't a tech raid. I guess we called your bluff, that and

we don't like your mouthy style. Hope you cheer up pal....

You and Ammon need to get your stories straight. No one in IDIOT even posted in that thread that you say put us on your "to do list" This happened because of a grudge you guys carried over from round 4 and I think you know that. If you just want to attack someone that is fine but don't use weak attempts at a CB to sway public opinion.

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You and Ammon need to get your stories straight. No one in IDIOT even posted in that thread that you say put us on your "to do list" This happened because of a grudge you guys carried over from round 4 and I think you know that. If you just want to attack someone that is fine but don't use weak attempts at a CB to sway public opinion.

My understanding of TE is that it is for fun and "blowing chit" up? Now, we have to have a "valid" reason to have fun and blow chit up? Looking at LE with 90 plus members attacked IDIOT with 80 plus members doesn't look to me like a curbstomp of the likes I have seen in TE and not from LE in the past.

Is there even a "valid" reason for a war in TE? Seriously think about that for a few minutes. It is usually just a bunch of excuses for the war.

TE is for fun, I suggest if you can't grasp that concept and you want to watch your pixels grow in peace mode then SE is your better choice.

Have fun and blow chit up I say!

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