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Waking from Chaos

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OOC: I refuse to recognize someone making their leader a dragon because "It doesn't affect the geo-political stage".

That means I can make Uberstein immortal.

That means my new prime minister can hover around in a flying rocket hoverchair with robotic arms and fight a mutant hedgehog, THAT doesn't affect the geo-political stage.

It means that if someone tries to assassinate his leader, he can say "I fly away by jumping off the top of the building" or "9mm bullets don't do noticeable damage because i'm a huge lizard freak."

And the fact that he thinks it is completely possible offends me as someone who respects science.

OOC: The 'Immortal' thing seems to apply to a few characters in RP.

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ooc: Uberstein, please, if you feel like you wish to protest more, speak to me directly in PM. This is not your thread.


No, I will not take it to PM, because every time I have taken an argument to PM they either stop replying or repeat their argument over and over. There are multiple people who disagree with you, they all have the right to post their arguments against you in this forum.

You have not proven that this is possible, you have ignored a GM wipe, and now you are trying to remove people who disagree with you from the thread. If you're really bothered by OOC so much, make a new, OOC thread about your impossible genetic ideas and get disproved THERE instead of getting disproved HERE.

I've looked at your evidence, it only proves that it is hypothetically possible on a handful of cells before birth, not on an adult that is suffering from radiation poisoning. I still don't see how adding more DNA to your character removes cancer, but that is a different argument.

Have a day.

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I give up. If you can't not hi-jack my threads.. I'm putting you on ignore for now. You won't be heard anyway. You have a right to speak, I have a right not to hear you and also not to acknowledge you. The moderators have made it clear in the past that hijacking threads is not acceptable behavior. If I did that to your threads it would cause the community to outright deteriorate. One of the GMs has said to "leave it be" also Uberstein and you're not. Welcome back to my ignore list for the time being, I will talk to you again when it is seen that you can be more tolerant and respectful.. and not try to bend everyone to your own personal opinion.

We disagree. Learn to deal with that maturely. Unfortunately, now you won't be able to voice your opinion to me through PMs at all because you have elected to take this route.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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OOC: So i'm INTOLERANT against 11ft tall WINGED LIZARD MEN. You've found my ONE WEAKNESS! I'm racist against mythical creatures! :rolleyes:

Also, ANOTHER GM DISAGREES WITH YOU. Closing your eyes and covering your ears and going "la la la I refuse to prove that this can work to you so go away" is childish. I said it is perfectly all right to go create an OOC thread about the plausibility of this if you're tired of OOC in your thread, but instead you choose to simply ignore someone because they are trying to get you to prove something.

The moderators also made it clear before, when you tried to create the original Dragonesia, that there are only Humans as controlable sentient characters in CNRP. Sorry if you forgot about that, but I remember it.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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The moderators also made it clear before, when you tried to create the original Dragonesia, that there are only Humans as controlable sentient characters in CNRP. Sorry if you forgot about that, but I remember it.

ooc: My last response to you: Technically he is still human, a significantly genetically modified human. A long philosophical discussion could be had on if changing what you are changes who you are and I'm sure the differences in opinion run as wide and deep in that discussion as in any.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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ooc: My last response to you: Technically he is still human, a significantly genetically modified human. A long philosophical discussion could be had on if changing what you are changes who you are and I'm sure the differences in opinion run as wide and deep in that discussion as in any.

OOC: He is not a human, he is an impossible genetic mix of incompatible DNA's.

This isn't philosophical, he isn't geneticly human by the time you're giving him wings, scales, a long snout, and making him 11 ft tall.

Now I have things to do and places to go, so I will resume this in about 1.5 hours.

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OOC: I refuse to recognize someone making their leader a dragon because "It doesn't affect the geo-political stage".

That means I can make Uberstein immortal.

That means my new prime minister can hover around in a flying rocket hoverchair with robotic arms and fight a mutant hedgehog, THAT doesn't affect the geo-political stage.

It means that if someone tries to assassinate his leader, he can say "I fly away by jumping off the top of the building" or "9mm bullets don't do noticeable damage because i'm a huge lizard freak."

And the fact that he thinks it is completely possible offends me as someone who respects science.

OOC: ...

It doesn't. Please don't bait.

It doesn't give him impervious skin; bullets can still kill him. If he flies, it will require plenty of energy. He isn't getting super powers that make a guy invincible. It isn't giving him a huge advantage.

He isn't going to make a huge army of "dragons" to conquer the world; its just one dang character!

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OOC: Let me restate. This has been no proof or even any evidence presented that this is at all possible. This is wiped. Do we understand this?

Mael. I want proof about the ability to fully and utterly alter the entire genetic code of a adult human in a short time frame. Else one large property of the bodies immune system will take over. Genetic rejection. If cells do not have the same DNA as the rest, they will be rejected and attacked.

All your links so far have been embryo stage genetic splicing, or the ability to insert some DNA into the brain via a virus. The first fails because of the fact your Chairman is a adult, the second because the body would attack the altered brain cells.

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OOC: Let me restate. This has been no proof or even any evidence presented that this is at all possible. This is wiped. Do we understand this?

Mael. I want proof about the ability to fully and utterly alter the entire genetic code of a adult human in a short time frame. Else one large property of the bodies immune system will take over. Genetic rejection. If cells do not have the same DNA as the rest, they will be rejected and attacked.

All your links so far have been embryo stage genetic splicing, or the ability to insert some DNA into the brain via a virus. The first fails because of the fact your Chairman is a adult, the second because the body would attack the altered brain cells.

OOC: LVN: You can disable the immune system, it's been done in other subjects. You can also alter the immune system.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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OOC: I refuse to recognize someone making their leader a dragon because "It doesn't affect the geo-political stage".

That means I can make Uberstein immortal.

That means my new prime minister can hover around in a flying rocket hoverchair with robotic arms and fight a mutant hedgehog, THAT doesn't affect the geo-political stage.

It means that if someone tries to assassinate his leader, he can say "I fly away by jumping off the top of the building" or "9mm bullets don't do noticeable damage because i'm a huge lizard freak."

And the fact that he thinks it is completely possible offends me as someone who respects science.

OOC: He's not ignoring the laws of science completely. 1, he's said that flying will be more of a waste of energy than anything else. 2, he's not impervious to bullets. 3, at least two different RP'ers have RP'd their leaders as being immmortal--Martens and Sarah.


You have not proven that this is possible, you have ignored a GM wipe, and now you are trying to remove people who disagree with you from the thread. If you're really bothered by OOC so much, make a new, OOC thread about your impossible genetic ideas and get disproved THERE instead of getting disproved HERE.

OOC: A GM wipe that has not been approved by all three of us, therefore it is not necessarily implimented yet.

OOC: .............also made it clear before, when you tried to create the original Dragonesia, that there are only Humans as controlable sentient characters in CNRP. Sorry if you forgot about that, but I remember it.

OOC: You should have been even more vocal, then, when Lynneth was changing him. And for the record...genetic hybrids HAVE been approved, and for quite a while, so long as they aren't mass-produced and provide no geostrategic advantage.

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OOC: Let me restate. This has been no proof or even any evidence presented that this is at all possible. This is wiped. Do we understand this?

Mael. I want proof about the ability to fully and utterly alter the entire genetic code of a adult human in a short time frame. Else one large property of the bodies immune system will take over. Genetic rejection. If cells do not have the same DNA as the rest, they will be rejected and attacked.

All your links so far have been embryo stage genetic splicing, or the ability to insert some DNA into the brain via a virus. The first fails because of the fact your Chairman is a adult, the second because the body would attack the altered brain cells.

This thread is lock pending Moderator review. I'd like to thank LVN for handling this so far.

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I've heard both sides of this story.

And, overwhelmingly and undeniably, this is impossible at this point. Not only is it impossible for someone with future tech with the past tech scale, but with the current one it makes it worse. No amount of arguing or twisting can make this otherwise. A few minor cosmetic changes used to be okay. This goes too far. If you want dragon-human hybrids (let's face it, that's what this is), there are other roleplays. This is "fantasy RP" for a reason - but the area of fantasy RP you're trying to use this in doesn't fit.

This entire thread never happened.

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